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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Oreo is gone…

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    • 3crazybuns
      222 posts Send Private Message

         Hello All my fellow bunny lovers…

        I’m sorry I haven’t been on here much lately, and here is the reason why, Oreo passed away sometime in the night  on June 2nd. We took his body to the vet to have them run some tests to see why, it was very sudden. He was eatting, and drinking just fine, pooping and peeing just like normal, I never suspected a thing. We got a call today, that the vet wanted to see us, she didn’t want to give us the news over the phone. So I went in, Oreo had cancer, She suspects it was from the fact that he wasn’t neutered, and he was a lot older than 2. he was more like 6 or 7. I had an appointment for him to be neutered this week, actually today. 

        I can’t even begin to tell you all how guilty I feel for not doing it sooner, for making sure he was completely healthy, for having everything done that should have been done, and maybe we could have found a way to beat it, and it make him healthier and happier. I’m now questioning myself, was I taking care of him properly? Was there signs I should have been looking for that I just didn’t see? I’m in shock, and I’m hurting so bad. 


        “I’m so sorry Oreo, I will always love you… Binky Free Buddy!” 

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Hugs to you. I’m so sad for you that Oreo is gone. And you should not feel guilty one little bit. He was lucky to have you and you were lucky to have him. I doubt very seriously there would have been signs and there would not have been anything at this point that you coudl have done.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry. Please don’t feel bad. There was no way for you to know he had cancer. Remember that buns hide their illnesses and pain very well, they might be acting normally and there’s nothing obvious to lead you to believe otherwise. The important thing to remember is that he had a wonderful life with you. He was loved and cared for and doted on. No bun could ask for any better than what you gave. You will continue to honor him by taking good care of Oliver and Kizzy and any other buns that may share their lives with you.

            Binky Free Oreo!

            Hugs to you!

          • RabbitPam
            11002 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so sorry to hear about Oreo. That’s really a shock for you to learn, but please don’t blame yourself. We know it’s a possibility with females, but it’s so much less common with males that it really isn’t necessarily the real cause. One of the reasons cancer is such a terrible disease in all living beings is that it gets triggered by the strangest things, and starts within, so the body doesn’t recognize there’s anything wrong. You couldn’t possibly have known or prevented it, and his life span may not have been much longer. You gave him many, many happy years of love and care.

              If it’s any consolation, I never had Spockie neutered. What surprised me so much was that I brought it up to at least 3 vets at different ages, from the first one on, and they did not want to do it. They said since he lived alone and I had no plans to get another bun, that he was fine and healthy and if his behavior was OK (he was very sweet) they advised me not to. We make the best decisions we can at the time – hindsight will not help.

            • flippersmom
              213 posts Send Private Message

                Oh my goodness!! I am so, so , sorry!!!! Please, never blame yourself!! As the others have said, bunnies are prey animals by nature and will do everything to hide an illness in an attempt to survive!! This was built into them by their wild ancestors and is something we cannot change!!!! Find peace in knowing that he had an awesome life while he was with you!!! If I’m not mistake, he was a rescue – right? So you gave him the second chance every bunny deserves!!!!

                I hope you find comfort in Oliver and Kizzy, as they will find comfort in you!!! Thoughts, prayers, and hugs to you!!!!!!

              • KatnipCrzy
                2981 posts Send Private Message

                  I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a bunny especially when it is so quick and unexpected (I lost Penny last month to cancer).  You did everything you could to give Oreo a wonderful home and you have NOTHING to feel bad about. 

                  Even if you had Oreo neutered earlier- it is very possible that they would have found no signs of the cancer that was brewing.  They would not have been exploring for anything abnormal and would have wanted to make the anesthesia time as short as possible.

                  You gave Oreo a wonderful life where he was loved and cherished- and because of how much you loved him and what he taught you about how awesome bunnies are- you have Oliver and Kizzy as a reminder of his life.

                  Binky Free Oreo.


                • Miyuki
                  240 posts Send Private Message

                    My condolences to you. Do not feel guilty! I’m sure you did everything you could and if he was acting normally I’m sure he was still very happy .

                    Binky Free Oreo!

                  • jerseygirl
                    22353 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so sorry – this is sudden. Remember what you did do for Oreo. Gave him a loving home, better diet, vet care & lots of adoration! That you had an appt set up for his neuter demonstrates how much you cared for him. From everything you have said in the past, he was a happy, settled bunny. In a way he has slipped away peacefully. Spent lots of time with the other two as they will help you heal. Take care.
                      *Binky Free Oreo*

                    • Daisy1029
                      77 posts Send Private Message

                        I am sorry to hear about Oreo. I believe that if he was acting normally then at least you have peace in knowing that he was not in any pain and was happy. Hugs to you, hubby, Oliver and Kizzy. (((((((((hugs)))))))))

                        *Binky Free Oreo*

                      • Deb'sBuns
                        160 posts Send Private Message

                          I am so sorry there is no way you could have known. You loved him so much and you gave him such a good home.

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh, I am sooo sorry! HUGS!!! Rabbits are like this. Even when we can do the very best, things like this will just sometimes happen. It’s no one’s fault. They are fragile in so many ways, and my vet once said to me – unfortunately, the unknown stuff happens all the time and that is just part of being a bunny slave.

                            You gave Oreo the best care, he was well-loved. What a great life he had. Binky Free Oreo!

                            Peace and healing vibes to you.

                          • 3crazybuns
                            222 posts Send Private Message

                              Thank you all very much for all your support! I’ve been concentrating more on Oliver and Kizzy now, and doing the very best I can for them now. They will both be neutered ASAP!!! We built them a “mini” NIC condo out of the stuff we had gotten so far to build Oreo his “dream” condo, but now he has all the room in the world to run. Thank you all again, I guess having the guilt in a way in part of the grieving process.

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                My heart goes out to you and your other two buns. How sad to lose a friend so suddenly. Your other bunnies will certainly help your heart to heal.

                              • mrmac
                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                  I am so sorry to hear about Oreo You couldnt have known, the suddeness makes it seem so much worse. (((Hugs))) Binky free Oreo!

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                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Oreo is gone…