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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS OREGON – Urgent rescue transport needed!

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    • rabbitsmba
      475 posts Send Private Message

        Once again, a cross-post from Bunnies In Need (Bunspace) – if anyone can help get this bunny from Hillsboro, OR to Creswell, OR (south of Eugene, OR) it would be greatly appreciated!  If you are able to help please email

        We Need a little help in Oregon

        We have a bunny that needs our help, but we need some help getting her here.


        I was going through rabbits on craigslist as I usually do when I stumble across one that quickly grabbed my attention. The story on the rabbit was that a family with one boy got a pet rabbit. They soon found out that she was not a dwarf like they were told. They didn’t want her and the boy abused her. The boy would swing her around by her ears. Who knows what else he did. In result of this abuse she has a broken ear that healed to the side. The woman posting the ad took her but soon found she was way too much for a mother to handle. She is very very aggressive. Her daughter and family dog have been bitten by the rabbit. Her fiance has also been bitten.

        She tried taking her to the shelter but they said they would most likely put her down very quickly. She turned to craigslist instead.

        Now we  are trying to get our hands on this poor girl. We really want to help her and give her another chance at a good life. We can also learn from the experience of working with such a case. We loves studying how rabbits behave and trying to put ourselves in the mind frame of a rabbit in order to help them.


        So now we need some help. We are in Creswell, OR, a little ways south of Eugene, OR. This girl is in Hillsboro,OR. We were wanting someone that could take her a little ways if possible. If we can not find the help we do our best to find a time that we can drive clear up there. It would be best if we could find someone willing to pick her up in Hillsboro and drive her south towards us for however much they want or can do. We would like to shorten the trip for ourselves. And of course if someone wanted to, could bring her down here so they can see the rescue themselves.


        This girl is an unknown age and health because of her lack of being able to be touched. She is irreproachable. She is a 10lb angora that needs a lot of love.


        Thank you and either message us or email us at if you can help,


        Thank you very much and wish her luck, Hopefully we can get her down here soon.

        I need EVERYONES thoughts ASAP!

      • 2lops
        347 posts Send Private Message

          Omigosh, poor thing! Ooh I wish I lived in Oregan so I could atleast foster her. Ooh that’s SO sad ): Heck, I’d wear gloves and let her be aggressive to me all she wants! (can yea blame the rabbit?) I wouldn’t expect a friendly rabbit from a home like that!!! Hopefully she finds a good home. Good patient home. ((((adoption vibes)))) lol.

        • rabbitsmba
          475 posts Send Private Message

            Good news! Transport has been arranged and this poor bunny will be on his way to safety very soon!

          • bunnyluvr
            409 posts Send Private Message

              Oh thank goodness!! I read this post and my heart broke – that poor little thing being swung by her ears!! No wonder she is aggressive! At least now she has a second chance at a good life.

            • jerseygirl
              22352 posts Send Private Message

                Great! That was fast. Did the posting on here and Bunspace aid in this?

              • rabbitsmba
                475 posts Send Private Message

                  In the end, as far as I know, it was a series of Bunspacers out in Oregon who orchestrated the trip.  Here is an update!

                  Here is the message that I just recieved from Red Barn Rescue!:

                  Austin is home safe

                  So, we have given her the name Austin. We feel it suits her. They gave her the name mischief, we were not keeping that one. She arrived here at around 2pm today.


                  We have taken some time to meet her. So far we only see scared, nervous, unsure bunny. We no doubt think the environment she was in was the totally wrong environment for her. Within 3 minutes of meeting up with the “owner” her three year old daughter was hitting her juice container on the car window because her mom wasn’t paying attention to her. It was clear that the household was probably a mess and the kids probably overwhelmed Austin.


                  We would like her to be looked at by the vet once we know if we can handle her. We have not touched her at all yet. We are trying to gain trust from a distance before just going in for the kill. We did see her reaction to a food bowl as they said she got aggressive when you gave it to her. She did move towards it but not with aggression. She only pushed it with her noise before starting to eat. She was quite hungry and it was nice to see her eat. She has been quite calm and just wants to take a nap.


                  We took the top off the cage she came in and put it in our exercise pen for the rabbits. She stayed in the cardboard box that was in her cage for a good while before braving the outside. She still didn’t come out of the cage bottom however. The exercise pen is in a pen with one of our friendly and sweet rabbits, Mommy. Mommy was also a rescue. When we took her in she had three babies still nursing and she was very thin and unhealthy. She was living in her own feces and there was even a dead baby carcass in the cage with her and her babies. She reminds us a lot of Austin and I think she is a nice bunny for Austin to meet for the first time through a fence. We have learned that no human can teach a rabbit what another rabbit will teach a rabbit. We feel she needs to find another bunny to talk to as she probably hasn’t seen another bunny for some time.


                  She is not as big as we were told. She is not as hairy as I was expecting either. Her ear almost looks like she may be a lop but I can not be sure. She obviously does not trust humans.


                  (I was just told she finally jumped out into the pen. Mommy is a bit scary to her. She has obviously no clue what to do with another bunny)



                  I just want to thank everyone for the donations that you made to help with this rescue today! You are wonderful!!!! I am going to give it one more day and then I will total it up and send the donation to the Red Barn Rescue!!! I will let you all know how much it was. NOW…….For The Pictures!!!!!!

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    OH wow! She reminds me of some of member Lion_Lops crew! Thanks rabbitsmba. It really does pay to get these buns in need stories out there. I’m now certain only good things are coming Austin’s way.

                  • 2lops
                    347 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh she is GORGEOUS!! Hopefully she finds a good home soon! Someones sure to fall in love with her.

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                  Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS OREGON – Urgent rescue transport needed!