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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Orange tree branches

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    • Leanna1017
      3 posts Send Private Message

        Does anyone know if orange tree branches can cause a problem for rabbits?  My bun can chew his way through 2 packges of apple wood sticks a week.  I have an Arizona Sweet orange tree that has never been sprayed with anything…I’m wondering if that would be an okay alternative?




      • Gravehearted
        2428 posts Send Private Message

          hi Leanna – welcome to binkybunny!!
          wow two packs of apple wood sticks a week, that’s a lot of chewing 🙂

          orange branches are safe for bunnies, but you may want to rinse them or put them in freezer to kill any bugs.

        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

            hey, now this one is new for me, but my understanding is fruit bearing tree branches must be thoroughly dried out prior to giving to your bunny.   I will need to research this more, and ask a vet or two  Anyone who has links that discusses the safety or toxicity of orange trees, please post.

            So far in my research, orange trees do lean towrds being safe just as gravehearted has said, but I still need to know if they need to fully dry out, and if so can you dry them out in an oven or do you have to wait for a few months.   Still working on it.

          • Gravehearted
            2428 posts Send Private Message

              hi I wasn’t sure either, Binky – but I checked on the toxic lists and there was no mention of orange branches being toxic.   I know with some fruit bearing trees the branches do need to be dried, but no where does it mention orange trees for this.  It may be better to dry them, just to be safe though…

              Also, I’d found an article from specifically recommend orange branches mentioning they’re safe both fresh or dried and the article was writen along with a bunnky knowledgable vet .


            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks for clarifying that. That article says it’s safe to feed fresh. good to know. I’ll still keep my ears and eyes open too, just in case.

              • Leanna1017
                3 posts Send Private Message

                  Awesome – thanks for the info!  Now I can entertain Chopper and get rid of the tree!  🙂

                • kittsbuns
                  196 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks thats a great site about teeth a how to take care of them.

                  • JK
                    2223 posts Send Private Message

                      Yes I agree that’s an excellent article on teeth BUT what is even more interesting is that it says that we should be feeding the buns a variety of hay daily because different textures in the different hay require different chewing mechanisms!! Ahhh I have never heard that before.  I have always heard that it is best to feed only timothy hay.  It seems like timothy hay already has different thicknesses and textures. What do others think about that??????

                    • Scarlet_Rose
                      4293 posts Send Private Message

                        Fruit trees that bear fruit with a pit i.e. cherry, apricot, peach, plum etc. should be dried completely. I hadn’t heard about citrus tree branches and whether or not they are safe. I do have a concern about the acidity of the wood though. My two hate the smell of citrus so personally, I would normally say it’s better to stick with the most popular like apple and willow.

                      • Scarlet_Rose
                        4293 posts Send Private Message

                          KnowItTons that is interesting.  I would say if your bun isn’t having issues with its teeth then it is not a concern. I do see the point and where the different textures offer fiber in various legths & widths but I do not go to the trouble of buying all different hays to give to them every day either and they do not seem to be any worse for the wear (teeth included).

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Orange tree branches