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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Old Owner Wants Bunny Back PLEASE READ

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    • Julee Bun
      4 posts Send Private Message

        Okay, so. I got my bunny, Julee, about 3 months ago. Originally, it was only supposed to be a temporary thing. Cause my friend got evicted and it’s a long story. Anyway, as of recently, my mom and I have been packing up because we’re going to put our house on the market and move out of state. The issue is that I’d have to give back the bunny. And so, I told my friend and gave her a few weeks in advance and told her to search around for a home or see if she could keep her. The plan was that she’d take her back. And I was all for it, till my friend told me they’d have to leave her IN THEIR CAR or “get rid of her”. I was like, are you kidding me?! She’ll die. She then said, “what you don’t think I know about my own bunny?” And, I’d have to admit, I kinda lost it there. When I first got her, Julee was in one of those small pet store cages, her bedding was pine shavings (which are harmful), had no toys etc. In addition to that, they didn’t let her out very often either. Within the months, I’d done research online and slowly learned about rabbits. And right now, I’d say I know my stuff well. Anyway, because I said that, we got in a huge argument. It’s been going on for a week-ish and within that time, I found a suitable home for her. Someone I know who’ll take care of her and I trust. Keep in mind, my friend never objected to the idea of me finding the bunny a home. I had even told her weeks back that people were interested and that we should both look. After finding her a home, I’d gotten a text from my friends sister saying that their friend would come pick her up. But I had already found a home, and the feud was still going on. Also, there were no specifics to what that friend would do with her. And I figured that that friend would give their bunny back to them and AGAIN, I didn’t want her trapped in her cage in a car. That could also be considered animal cruelty, which I would never condone. My friend’s argument is that she never mistreated the bunny and that they dealt with the resources they had. See, thatd be fine except, they had owned the bunny for over 2 years. Within that time, I’m sure they could’ve scraped up some money to invest an x-pen (at least) for their animal. That is, if they cared like they claim they do. The issue is, they aren’t taking the matter seriously and openly see her as a fluffy cute bunny. She needs proper care. What should I do? Also, they never bought the bunny. I think she was abandoned and they found her roaming around. So technically she isn’t theirs in the first place? I felt like I had ownership over her, as I’d been providing for her for over 3 months without help and was the only one looking for a home (until the LAST MINUTE). If I gave her to that trusted individual, would that be so wrong? I don’t know the legal standpoint on it, but I don’t want her going back to them if they’re going to degrade me for doing research and are happy with being blissfully ignorant to what bunnies actually need.

      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!!

          I think learning your legal rights in this will help your way forward with the dilemma. Some members here may know where you stand on that. Because they did have the rabbit for 2 years before *I think* that did make them legal owners even if they didn’t pay for her. BUT – what was the agreement made between you when you first took her on? Did they say they intended to take her back in a specific timeframe? Or was it going to be due to their living circumstances? Do they have secure living arrangements now? Have they paid for her supplies while you looked after her or have you had to do that? 

          Maybe an animal rights organisation would have an idea on ownership rights and yours as the current care-giver. I think you could have some rights in not wanting to relinquish her back to a home where you believe she will be at risk.

          I am hopeful that you have rights here and can make the best decision for Julee. From what you’ve related, they’ve only shown real interest in taking her back after you indicated that it wouldn’t be appropriate for them too. That worries me some. And that they are also using a go-between to come collect her.
          Do keep record of your conversations with them to date. Note it down as accurately as possible in chronological order.

          How much trouble do you think they could cause you if you stand firm and don’t hand her back?

        • Mrs. Stewy
          2 posts Send Private Message

            In my opinion I think your doing the right thing. I would move forward with placing her in a good home where she will be loved and acceritly taken care of.

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              Your friend sounds like an absolute monster. I don’t know/care about the legal stand point but It’s clear Julee will be horribly neglected if she goes back to your friend. I’d give her to the person you found yourself.

            • Ellie from The Netherlands
              2512 posts Send Private Message

                What a complicated situation! Pfff, it’s a horrible thought to put her back into a life of mistreatment

                I agree with JG here: seek legal advice, and/or contact an animal welfare organisation. If someone can’t/won’t take proper care of their animal that is a cruelty case waiitng to happen.

              • OverthinkingBun
                169 posts Send Private Message

                  That is a hard situation. I’m wildly unqualified to give legal advice, but have you considered that even if you are technically not the bunny’s owner and so are in the wrong legally, it seems extremely unlikely that your friend will hire a lawyer and take you to court over this issue? I think you might be facing a situation where the morally right thing to do (give the bunny to the responsible prospective owner) is different from the legally right thing to do… Normally I’m very rule-abiding but I’d hate to think of the poor bun in a car!

                  Your friendship might be over if that’s the choice you make, but it sounds very much like it’s on the rocks anyway.

                • LBJ10
                  17014 posts Send Private Message

                    Was the original agreement verbal or in writing? Here’s the problem… your friend is legally the owner of this rabbit. What your legal rights are in this situation will depend on what the original agreement was. Did she expect to reclaim the rabbit after a given amount of time? Was she to provide money for food and supplies? Did she ever come visit the rabbit?

                    Unfortunately, sometimes what is legally right is not what is morally right. I agree with Jersey, you should probably consult with someone about this.

                  • Bladesmith
                    849 posts Send Private Message

                      You’ve been providing care for over 3 months, and improving the rabbits living condition and welfare. At your own expense, as I’m guessing your “Friend” hasn’t forked over any cash for her pets support and welfare You’re invested in this animal. Moreover, your “friend” hasn’t shown in any way that they’re capable of providing proper shelter and care for this animal. What was supposed to be a temporary situation has become permanent.

                      Unless you have a written contract, verbal just won’t cut it, the animal is YOURS. You provide for it, you supply food, shelter, and improvements out of your own pockets, and you clearly care about the animal. Your “friend” pretty much abandoned the animal to you. Her claims of ownership of this animal are null and void.
                      Tell her you’re sorry, but she abandoned the rabbit, and you can give her a better, safer, healthier home and have done so, and then stop talking to her.

                    • Vienna Blue in France
                      5317 posts Send Private Message

                        Yup. Hear hear Bladesmith

                      • Dface
                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                          I think in terms of the law you would actually be considered the owner of the animal, as your friend surrendered the animal into your care. She is also unable to provide care for the rabbit.
                          Animals are actually still considered property in most law, your friend gave you the animal, and agreed that you could find it alternate living arrangements.

                          Also, its “just a rabbit”. (While noone here shares that thought, it is a very common thought in the outside world) so basically even if what you were doing was in a grey area, there is no way you will get in trouble over it, but you will certainly lose the friend.
                          Do you have vet records for her at all ? they are normally the strongest binding thing you can have. Only owners pay for vet fees.

                          Friend gave you a rabbit, you cant keep it, friend cant take it back, you, the primary care giver, found a home for it.

                          Personally I know people who have had this happen with dogs, (they asked someone to mind the dog while they moved away for a year and when they got home they were denied ownership over the dog and had to accept their neighbour owned it now)

                          Plus she has no documents to say she owns the rabbit in the first case

                          I say just continue with the plan to rehome her, and you are moving out of state anyway?

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                      Forum THE LOUNGE Old Owner Wants Bunny Back PLEASE READ