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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › November Pictures
It’s November, the 2nd best month of the year!
This is a new pictures topic! I don’t have any new pictures yet, so whoever posts a picture next will be the first in November!
Pic of the buns? Here’s one! YAY NOVEMBER!
Great start with adorably tiny ears!
Thanks! Iv’e got another pic of my new bunnies Happy November!
Finally! Got a decent picture of Dawn, our stealth bunny. She is not amused. She’s not a cuddler, only chins and boops when she wants, but she’s trying. Still, she’s very squee.
Awwwww what a cutie! She’s so small… but don’t let that fool you! I love dwarf buns
That is also the perfect description of Reese! Dawn is super adorable.
I’ll have a pint of Dawn, please
Binks are on me! LOL I crack me up.
Dawn is so cuteeee T^T that little face is too much!
Talking about stealth/ninja buns…
Awwww so cute! I think all buns have a sneaky side.. Like finding the treats.. or… chewing the remote…or deciding that he doesn’t like his little box anymore and needs a change. Or being so cute that you HAVE to give him/her what they want lol.
Posted By Bunnybuzz on 11/03/2017 9:39 AM
Awwww so cute! I think all buns have a sneaky side.. Like finding the treats.. or… chewing the remote…or deciding that he doesn’t like his little box anymore and needs a change. Or being so cute that you HAVE to give him/her what they want lol.
LOL so true! This one last night sneaked up on the couch and I felt his whiskers on my back just in time to move before he poked a hole in my pajamas… This is his “WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME” face.
Can we get some loving for pirated ear buns?
Always! Pirates (aarrgh) and buns are amazing! (((LOOOVE)))
@Bunnybuzz: love them, they’re gorgeous
@Bladesmith: awww, I definitely have a soft spot for dwarfs. Just look at her little face and her tiny ears and her overall cuteness… Totally blinded by all the cute we forgive them all their sass
@Muchelle: nose boops on that beautiful white spot Yes, rabbits are super sneaky ninjas. I’m currently re-arranging all my books and hobby stuff, and it’s surprising how many books seem to be missing tiny bite-size pieces. Breintje knows nothing of course…
Guys, sorry for the picspam! K was feeling generous so I could make a lot of pics We were watching tv and he decided to pose for a selfie
Haha! Great photo!
Don’t ever apologise for picspam . It’s nice to have you and Kuro back around the place.
Your bunnies are all so cute! Here’s mine: I finally got one where Polly Oliver was holding still. For some reason she is fascinated with the process of me taking pictures of her, and often stops what she is doing and ruins the picture
@Ellie from the Netherlands, may I ask what kind of rabbit yours is? Mine is a mix, but she looks a little like yours.
@Muchelle: aww, matching haircolours. Lovely bunfie ^_^
@OB: She’s gorgeous, and there’s definitely a bit of dwarf in her I’m thinking.
Our Breintje is a Netherland Dwarf, but he has no pedigree. His round head and short ears are very typical for the ND breed, as is his rambunctious personality. Actually we think he’s a so-called false dwarf, because his body is slightly larger than breed standards and he’s slightly heavier.
ND breeders often breed a full ND buck to a false ND doe to prevent problems during birth and birth defects. Half of their offspring will be full dwarf and half will be false dwarf. False dwarf bucks aren’t much use to a breeder, so they’re often sold as pets.
This is one of my favourite pics of Breintje, showing off the typical ND round body and head shape:
Oooh, what a round little cutie! That’s interesting info about Netherland Dwarf rabbits – it’s nice to hear about breeders being more concerned with the health of the animals than about purity of bloodlines. What’s the name of his pattern? From the little picture I thought he was sort of harlequin marked, but the darker trim below makes him look very fancy
Polly Oliver turned out a lot smaller than I originally expected, so dwarf mix sounds right. She’s very hyper for maybe an hour or two per day.
@Bladesmith, do your large and small buns get along? That would be so cute…
This colour is called cinnamon, it is an official colour for ND’s. In fact, breeding ND’s in all kinds of pretty colours has led to their name in Dutch. In NL Netherland Dwarfs aren’t called anything with the name Netherland in it, they’re called “colour dwarfs”.
Her body seems pretty long
This is the closest picture I have of her dwarf loaf:
it is from the front so I can’t really tell how long her body is.
I don’t know what Reese is (Looks like a dwarf to me, but I’m an idiot about this stuff), but I know he’s so squee!
@Reese: It can be difficult to determine if a rabbit is full or false dwarf without expert knowledge, but there are some hints to be seen from the ND breed standards (from:
1. Body
– Short, compact, cobby, full chested and wide shouldered. Devoid of raciness. Front legs short and straight.
2. Ears
– Erect, of good substance, well furred, slightly rounded at tips. Desired length 5cm (2in).
3. Head
– Round, broad skull.
4. Eyes
– Round, bold, bright and of good colour.
5. Colour
– Accept any colour so long as it conforms to the normal pattern of accepted colours of other breeds.
6. Coat
– Soft, short, dense, rollback.
7. Weight
Disqualification – over 1.134kg (2½lb) Adult.
Under 5 month dwarfs – over 2lbs (0.907kg).
I’m by no means a rabbit show master, but there are some differences even laymen can see. False dwarfs will often be heavier than the 1,134 kg breed standard (I’m looking at you, fluffbutt) with a slightly longer body. They may have the same cute looks as full dwarfs but not the “perfect roundness” found in pedigree showbuns.
Sometimes the shape of the face and the ears are different as well. Perfect ND ears are described as such:
High up on the head, placed tightly together. Ideal length 2 inches, disqualified if they’re over 2.5 inches.
A perfect ND face is very round, with huge eyes which immediately catch your attention.
I’d say: measure her up and see what the scales/tape measure says There’s a good chance that most pet ND’s are false dwarfs though, because breeders often sell rabbits which aren’t full dwarfs. If you want a full dwarf for showing or breeding, you’d probably have to get one directly from a breeder with pedigree and all.
Hmm is there anything up here for me today? Oh yes.. a gallon of hawIan punch. My favorite liquid that I can’t have lol guess I’ll just play with the container.
@Puffbaby Your rabbit is just the cutest!
Awe thank you so much I can’t wait to see how big he actually gets. Lol
Hahahah=D What breed is he?
Flemish giant
Flemieeee yayayayayayyyyy. Hope you are keeping a record of length and weight, like each WEEK for flemies.
Gorgeeeeous. Xx
Haha, sometimes Flemmies will grow to be larger than the family dog. They’re such a fun breed, excellent with kids too most of the time.
Sterling says “Helllloooooooo, all you gorgeous November bunnies”
Can I get some vibes for a local shelter bunny that Everly and I sponsored? I sold some of my previous Bunny Halloween Costumes and used the $ to sponsor her in memory of Olivia. They said she’s unwell at the moment but not sure what is wrong. We met her and she’s so cute!! Her name is Chunky. Too bad I can’t bring her home…..
She bears a certain resemblance to Bam ?
He is amazing with my kids! I have a 2 yo and 3 yo and they love him to death. They love feeding him everyday and we all hand feed him his greens every morning and night. It’s their favorite thing to do. That and call his name and laugh hysterically when he comes. Lol and love when he plays with their toys with him. Like knocks over their blocks and steals their wooden train tracks.
Sterlings ears slay me! They are so gorgeous.
I shamelessly stole ThorBunny’s leaf idea earlier this week! I think they were mostly confused if Im honest!
Omg Sterling is adorbs! The way he is looking down at the camera like “food? food?” lol.
Awww Iv’e always wanted a flemmie! Send pics when hes full grown! He’s like the BFG lol
Posted By Muchelle on 11/04/2017 6:34 AM
Posted By Bunnybuzz on 11/03/2017 9:39 AM
Awwww so cute! I think all buns have a sneaky side.. Like finding the treats.. or… chewing the remote…or deciding that he doesn’t like his little box anymore and needs a change. Or being so cute that you HAVE to give him/her what they want lol.LOL so true! This one last night sneaked up on the couch and I felt his whiskers on my back just in time to move before he poked a hole in my pajamas… This is his “WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME” face.
Can we get some loving for pirated ear buns?
Awwwww he’s so cute! I love his little ears HAhahahah Yep buns sure are sneaking… BUT SO CUTE! Any time I get a pic of my buns, they do that face lol. Or the “FOOD?!” Face. If it’s not food they give me their bum lol
Haha, Dface….the looks on those faces…”Dis bees not food!!!”
BunnyBuzz- Thanks. He is full grown, however. He’s an adopted stray so not sure about the breed but obviously half flemmie since he’s so big. I suspect Cali too because he gets some dark hairs on his nose and ears when it gets colder sometimes. He’s about 11 lbs or so. Haven’t weighed him in a while but he’s a big boy!
@LittlePuffyTail, Awww so cute! Iv’e wanted a flemmie for so long but just don’t have the space So glad you helped out a stray! I always have a huge smile on my face when I hear that someone adopted a bun
Dface I love the leaves!
It rained here all weekend so I was not able to collect my own . Ah well, next week. Instead I gave Thor a holiday wreath early It was a huge hit (shout out to BB willow wreaths!)
Also sending vibes for (((Chunky))) Hope you feel better soon darling girl!
Hay, hey, mum, I’ve climbed Mount Hayverest!
Now he will be knighted, Gina. Sir Pippi. We will now need to adress him with this title at all times.
So many cuties! Confused leaf players, hay mountaineers, holiday munchers…
Awwww there is to many cute little buns! I want each and every one of them!
Sir, Pippi your royal crown…
Now I’m going to have to try the leaf pool too!
Winifred working hard for her naner! and Pepito uninthused over her outfit
My buns go crazy for the BB Willow Wreaths too.
Love how he is using the chocolate tin as a stool!
OMG the little bow!!!! Squee!!!!
Snug as a bug in a rug!
Hahaha, king of the hill! ^_^ Awesome pics of a bun in hay heaven.
Banana frenzy is so much fun to watch, some buns will do the craziest things for it.
Awww, it seems Sterling had the same idea as Breintje. Acquire blankie, stay warm and snug.
The cold is setting in here, we’re getting frost at nighttime again. The floor of my house always gets very cold, so Breintje prefers to stay on the rug. Or climb up next to one of us for cuddles. Yesterday I got out of the shower and found Bas sitting in my spot on the couch with Breintje next to him. He draped a blanket over Breintje and that little bunny was loving it! Clicking and purring all evening.
Awwww…..snuggle bun. Same here, just starting to get cold now. I just had to take out our winter hats for the first time this morning. I don’t ‘mind, I love this weather. Bundling up to go outside and then coming inside and getting all warm and cozy. A warm bunny to hug makes it even better.
Aww… Snugglebugs!
We’ve got something new to entertain him: a box fort! Like many ND’s he loves to climb stuff. We only made one small hole in the lower box, so he can make the rest according to his own opinion
Sharing my blanket on the couch is a real hit too, this was him last night. Snoozing away and heating up like a small stove, you could nearly bake an egg on his back by the end of the evening. They’re such heat lovers and it’s great to see him this comfy
Awwwww! Snugles! What cuties! He looks so comfy and cozy and sleepy
Awwww…….super cute, Ellie!!!!
boston has been on holiday boarding with our vet friends while i took my family on a holiday for a week
finally all home as of 10 mins ago and boston is happily relaxing
OMG AWWWWWWWWW! Boston my little baby! Is she/he a Holland lop? Iv’e had three Hollands and they are just to gorgeous!
Yep he is he’s a sablepoint Holland lop
Surprised you are not getting the bunny butt! How could you leave that face for a week???
My new toque arrived in the mail today. Just in time for the snow ….
It’s great ^_^ Really cool hat and the colour looks good on you!
Nope no bunny butt , he’s surprisingly happy to see us and not punishing us at all!
Infact the day before we went away he started biting and really defending his territory all of a sudden – now he’s home that hasn’t shown itself again yet!
Hopefully he thought we left cause he was biting and saw it as a time to change Bahaha
@Boston’s Mama, wow, that’s some extreme time-out He’s crazy-cute, though.
I want to smooch both sleepy Breintje and loungy Boston on their round wittle heads
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 11/10/2017 2:16 PM
Surprised you are not getting the bunny butt! How could you leave that face for a week???
My new toque arrived in the mail today. Just in time for the snow ….
Posted By Boston’s Mama on 11/09/2017 11:01 PM
Yep he is he’s a sablepoint Holland lop
awwwww awww awwww! I wish I could just take him out of the picture and cuddle him! How old is he? Also adopted or…? I got mine from a breeder before I knew enough about rabbits lol now I always prefer adoption❤
He’s kind of both… he was from a pet shop which I was totally against supporting but he was unwell . I told the staff and was “assured” he would be seen by a vet. Returned next day to check if he had and he hadn’t. Next day the same. Then I was told he won’t be seen by a vet just a animal care coordinator ( pretty much a pet purchaser employed by their store to get them pets) and he won’t be seen for another week. I rung my vet and told them the situation and he agreed to discount the cost of vet care if I take him – I took him then and there with intention to get him help then find him a good home. He needed 6 weeks of meds and is so far not been sick again but he is nearly blind. He’s staying here
grape eating
LOL. Saw the photo on Bunnybuzz’s post and thought “OMG doesn’t she look the spitting image of LPT !!!!!!”
All this cuteness! It’s too much for my heart. And what a cute hat!
Olaf has been super snuggly lately now that the weather is cooler. He was feeling very independent over the hot, humid summer (I don’t blame him) so it’s nice to have a little cuddle time again.
And the begging continues.
OMG how could you NOT give Olaf everything he wants with that face??
Posted By Vienna Blue in France on 11/13/2017 6:49 AM
LOL. Saw the photo on Bunnybuzz’s post and thought “OMG doesn’t she look the spitting image of LPT !!!!!!”
boston lapping up attention from mr 12 today
Panda and Fernando being lazy buns this weekend. The first picture is from Sunday morning, the second from Saturday. Fernando is utterly blissed-out in the top photo. It’s interesting though because usually (as in picture #2), he prefers to lounge in the sunlight; Panda always retires to her Coronita hidey-box.
BUNS ARE JUST THE CUTEST? Who’s getting excited for bun-bun X-mas presents??
Boston has 6 wrapper hiding with the kids presents I’m super excited!
Yayyyyy! I think my buns will just get excited for the wrappers and boxes… lol
Shhh mum, Jenny n me is playin’ hide n seek!
Hahaha, I can’t see you, so you can’t see me. Love the logic behind that
Chester had his first taste of the outside world today. Our balcony was finally completed, so he has a safe place to explore and hang out with us! He was so excited, he’s usually pretty chill but he ran around so much and had to sniff everything!
Today is Bam’s 6th Gotcha Day. We were at my mother’s. He quickly found the spot that’s most similar to a way to small and uncomfortable cage. Silly bunneh!
What a great pic of Chester enjoying the outdoors Hope you’ll have lots of fun together!
@bam: hahaha, that looks like a prime hiding spot. Bunnies will always go for hiding spots, whether they’re practical or not… Breintje always dives underneath my dad’s wheelchair if he’s over for a visit. That means my dad isn’t able to move around without running him over, but Breintje is as happy as a pig in the mud
So many floppy eared buns my heart is going to explode! Too cute!!
Baby was staring at me very seriously, I don’t think he realized he had something on his face
All so cute! I’m a bit jealous of your bun-balcony setup I would love to take my bun outside if I had a way to do it safely, but I’m a city dweller.
@bam, your bunny is framed like a picture
Polly Oliver has taken to sitting on my desk chair for long periods of time, like a queen demanding tribute.
BubblesJo – I bet Chester had so much fun!
Bam – Happy Gothca Day little doppelganger!
Ponyobunny – Lol. “Is there something on my face? No, she’d tell me if there was something on my face.”
OverthinkingBun – With a cute little flower crown!
Hoppy Gotcha Day to you, Bam!!!! One of my fave little black puffballs!!!!
Ponyo— Haha! Mega Cute Disapproval.
Polly is so dainty and gorgeous.
Cinderella….she had it coming.
He gets my vote for Sexiest Bun 2017.
Wanted to share these cute little ornaments I made for a craft fair. They come out of the blankie and have little pom pom tails.
Everly is watching me type and she wanted to pick some smiley faces to post so here you go:
Poor Cinderella =D
Those ornaments are too adorable, LBT.
Aw, happy gotcha day Bam!
Bam says thank you =)
Happy Gotcha Day Bam!
And oh my, Cinderella’s having a rough day
We’re bun-sitting right now, here’s some pics of the little cutie She’s been a doll, but Thor was a real brat for a day or so after she came home, we’ve got the ankle scars to prove it . Things are much calmer now though.
Happy 6th Gotcha Day, Bam! You don’t look a day over three!
Cinderella can’t catch a break.
I bought these balls for Bubbles the other day. I was planning to make a ball pit for him as soon as he’s healed up. Unfortunately, Oscar has decided the balls belong to him now.
Ball envy ensued.
There’s to many buns for me to handle!!!!!! Their all just the cutest little fuzz balls I ever did see! This is what my face look liked when I was scrolling through all the pics trying to hold back the tears because I couldn’t handle all the cutness
Cinderella looks like she’s having a rough day! =D
Since we moved, the bunnies now have a huge room (almost) all to themselves! They seem to be loving it
So I got my pc back but the forum won’t let me load anything but the “my topics” page (ironic ahaha). I already wrote about this in the help section hopefully it’s something temporary. In the meanwhile, have a black bun that warms up under a pink blanket XD
Happy Gotcha Day, Bam! You’re a legend!
I merely came here to confirm how much cuteness abounds in this thread.
All the cuteness.
Rainy Day today. Clover disapproves.
boston being his photogenic cute self today
All his really dark sable points he had developed – washed out in his molt !!
Everly looked at this page of bunnies with me and is “Ooooohing” and “Awwwwwing”. She’s my daughter through and through!!!
Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 11/24/2017 7:36 AM
Everly looked at this page of bunnies with me and is “Ooooohing” and “Awwwwwing”. She’s my daughter through and through!!!
my love of bunnies has definitely rubbed off on my children. I went to my 5 year old son zacharys parents evening at school last week and all his independent stories in english are about bunnies. This one i had to take a picture of because i laughed so hard. For anyone wondering, some of it is based on a true story
Heres a translation if anyone is struggling to make out his words “i had a pet it was a bunny, we played bite the shoe. It was fun. we went in then dad said who bited the shoe? sorry it was my bunny. we played in my room. we played cars”
He is so happy that im posting it here because he loves looking at pictures and posts on here with me before he goes to bed with me at night.
Augh the cute! It’s too much for me! I love that bunny story, partners in crime!
Thor’s been uncharacteristically photogenic and friendly this morning for a grumpy black bun, here’s some of the cuteness
That’s adorable, Eddy!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
Thor looks spectacular!!!!
Just a couple of dudes hanging out on a Saturday night.
Posted By Boston’s Mama on 11/23/2017 9:05 PM
boston being his photogenic cute self today
Posted By ThorBunny on 11/25/2017 11:46 AM
Augh the cute! It’s too much for me! I love that bunny story, partners in crime!
Thor’s been uncharacteristically photogenic and friendly this morning for a grumpy black bun, here’s some of the cuteness
I can’t get over his cute little face! Holland lop right?
I don’t have any new pics yet but we are going to pic up my two Angora’s this Sunday! We also just ordered this cute Chicken coop for them:
Also I just got a big box of grooming supplies in the mail and is any one else getting a happy bunny X-mas box for their X-mas present? I decided since it will be their first year with us I’ll spoil them a bit… ?❤. Here is the link
Super excited to meet them.
Panda and Fernando on Thanksgiving vacation!
BunnyBuzz – I think Thor is a mini-lop, she’s a bit bigger than the hollands, about 5.5lbs. And cuter than a button
I also signed up to get that Christmas box last week!! Impulse decision but I’m very happy about it. I decided to get the one with a little bunny santa hat included, hello cute holiday pictures. Hope your current and new buns love it
joea64- Nice to see they enjoyed a good Thanksgiving meal as well, I can’t get over how small and round your buns are!
Thor looks adorable! So hard to get cute pictures of black buns, Mellie usually looks like an eyeless blob ?
Thorbunny- He’s way cuter then a button! I love lops! With the little floppy ears and so cute and small =D
I got one with a Santa Hat too!!! Only a few extra dollars for a thousand pics lol
Looks like their enjoying their Thanksgiving break!
Every bunny loves lettuce
Aw Pepe! He is too cute!!
Thanks so much, Boston is absolutely adorable too!
Omg sitting it that little bag with his cute little face “what did I do mum? I was just looking for a treat or SOMETHING! I mean if if you leave me in a car all alone I gonna get hungry!” “Don’t blame me the bag tastes good!” IT’S TO MUCH TO HANDLE
Panda & Fernando- So cute! When they are together, they make a little heart!
Way too cute, VeroAlmo! Those faces!!!!!
If anyone is Naughty, this guy is gonna come to your house Christmas Eve and wreck up the place.
Woo ! Sterling is tolerant to dress-ups after all! Bring on the costumes!
@Thor, that last photo is Chrissy Card worthy. She just needs a forest of mini pine trees surrounding her!
Posted By VeroAlmo on 11/28/2017 9:30 PM
Every bunny loves lettuce
“Excuse me, is this the line to the Lettuce Inn?”
So cute how they are mimicking each other there. And the one of Pepe popping up out of the bag is completely adorable. I want a Pepe-like bunny to pop up out of a stocking on Christmas morning. I’ve been good, I promise.
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › November Pictures