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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE November Chat

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    • ParsleyBun
      123 posts Send Private Message

        Woohoo! I’m early!!!! Well, here’s the November chat, chat away!

      • Wick & Fable
        5812 posts Send Private Message

          Thanks for starting us off this month @ParsleyBun ! The chilly weather is definitely sticking around now in my area (northeast USA). My partner and I recently carved pumpkins for Halloween and they are beautifully displayed on our balcony– I hope they stick around for a while, haha.

          I look forward to drinking hot apple cider, hot chocolate, and other hot beverages while snuggling inside, away from the autumn winds!

          In rabbit-related news, I recently re-arranged Wick and Fable’s enclosures so I have more leg room in the living room, haha. It’s so nice to re-arrange things…

          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

          • ParsleyBun
            123 posts Send Private Message

              I love rearranging too! Did you dress up, and can you guess what I was?

              Haha, I had quite the Trunk or treat at my church, and at one point I ended up flat on my pack on pavement with someone holding a cigarette lighter in my face! (They didn’t light it, thankfully!) Plus, running up to people and telling them “Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear!”

          • Susanne
            422 posts Send Private Message

              My November is starting off with more issues from Max and Ruby!

              Max tore his nail off today. Or maybe I accidentally did it putting him a carrier, not sure. Luckily it’s minor. I went ahead and had them get me antibiotics because I think they both have minor runny noses at this point. It’s hard to tell if they need anything, but they seem to be licking into the air like something is running down to their mouth from nose..

              I really don’t know how I’m going to get meds down their throats 2x per day for the next 2 weeks. :/ Also while trying to bond them and swapping their areas. These buns seriously take up all my time lol

              • Bam
                16957 posts Send Private Message

                  @susanne, are they pointing their noses up when they’re licking the air? Like tilting their head back a bit and licking? Just asking coz it might be a symptom of a deeper airway infection that affects their breathing. Rabbits should only ever breathe through their noses. It’s just something to keep an eye on, but since youve got them antibiotics that would be first line of treatment anyway 😊

                  Nobody over the age of 10 dresses up for Halloween here. Its strictly for little kids. It’s not very noticeable here unless you have small kids, especially not these last two covid Halloweens.

              • Wick & Fable
                5812 posts Send Private Message

                  I did not dress up, but I did wear a rabbit shirt to attend a virtual Bunnicula Ball event my local rescue was hosting. I had my carved pumpkins in the background. This is my partner’s (left; scary face) and mine (right; two rabbits and unintentionally also an elephant?):

                  What did you dress up as?

                  The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                  • ParsleyBun
                    123 posts Send Private Message

                      I dressed up as my rabbit! haha. 😎

                  • DanaNM
                    9050 posts Send Private Message

                      Awww cute pumpkins Wick! We carved pumpkins too, and the squirrels have been eating mine! LOL

                      I dressed up as “Bonehilda” (a really random character from the Sims, she’s a skeleton maid), and my husband dressed as Elizabeth Holmes. ha!

                      Ahhh Suzanne hopefully they give you tasty meds that the buns will take willingly! Sometimes they can compound the antibiotics to taste really yummy and my buns have practically yanked the syringe out of my hand.

                      . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message

                        Elizabeth Holmes! Lol. I love it.

                        Those pumpkin look great, Wick! Nice work. I can see the elephant 😉

                        We had the carving type pumpkins for sale here again. I’ve always wondered how a carved watermelon would look as they’re  cheaper & im season here. The green could look ghoulish enough.

                        Sending some healing (((vibes))) to Max & Ruby!

                        im liking the “Merry Crisis and Happy New Fear” phrase lol.

                      • Azerane
                        4689 posts Send Private Message

                          Such lovely pumpkins. I really miss carving them from my time in the US. They’re just so expensive here I can’t justify the cost. Since we’re in a different house this year I wasn’t sure if we’d get trick or treaters. We used to get 30-40 kids at our last place so I bought 3 packs of chocolates as a precaution. We didn’t have a single kid, which is fine because it meant we got to eat the chocolate, lol.

                          We had a miserable day today. Our property manager for our rental tried to claim we’re in breach of lease for having the rabbits inside. Even though it was specially mentioned many times and she assured us inside pets were fine sbs she loved our pets at the inspection. I think what happened is she sent photos to the owner and for whatever reason they didn’t know the rabbits were inside and they clearly don’t like it. So the agent is trying to make that our fault. I’m sure we’ll sort it out, because there’s no way I would have ever signed a lease if I thought the pets would have to be outside. I’m just so stressed, I’ve felt physically ill half the day because of it. It’s just unnecessary stress because of what seems like her not doing her job properly. Even if we end up working it out, I can guarantee there’s no way they’ll renew the lease at the end of 12 months after this.

                          • ParsleyBun
                            123 posts Send Private Message

                              Ahhhh! That sounds awful! I am so bad about being physically ill because I get so worried! (I was sick to my stomach and throwing up once just leaving the buns on a 3 night camping trip 1 hour away!)

                            • DanaNM
                              9050 posts Send Private Message

                                Ahhh @Azerane that is so stressful! We are currently dealing with a really similar situation, where our rabbits are allowed on the lease explicitly, but the landlord came in for a repair and then saw some chewed areas of a baseboard (totally cosmetic that we were planning to fix before moving out) and freaked out. So now she wants us to keep them penned all the time and claims she didn’t know they would be allowed out etc. That plus a million other crazy things she’s upset about and has accused us of. She even said we have to keep our bin of hay outside because it could “spontaneously combust”….?! Our lease was supposed to be up end of Feb but we are trying to get out sooner. The worst part is she lives next door because we’re in a duplex, and she lives in the other unit, so she’s just always there.

                                . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                            • Azerane
                              4689 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks guys, it really has been so stressful. I just can’t believe how quickly the agent turned on us, it was so disappointing.

                              • Bam
                                16957 posts Send Private Message

                                  Azerane, I’m so sorry. How unfair, too.

                                • ParsleyBun
                                  123 posts Send Private Message

                                    We give up our peace with our landlords for our buns… and we also give up:

                                    The cleanliness of our homes

                                    About $520 a year per bonded pair on veggies

                                    Hundreds of dollars in spay/neuter bills so our buns can have the best life possible

                                    It’s worth it! 😂

                                    The crazy things us bunny parent s do… the list goes on and on, we blow money on bunny 4th of July gifts, spend $120 or more yearly on rabbit litter we just end up throwing away after it’s been peed on, tell people we have OBD (Obsessive Bunny Disorder, thanks Best4Bunny for that term!), I even have ‘Bunny Family Christmas Cards’ that I give out to family (and my picture isn’t even on there, just the buns!)

                                  • ParsleyBun
                                    123 posts Send Private Message

                                      We give up our peace with our landlords for our buns… and we also give up:

                                      The cleanliness of our homes

                                      About $520 a year per bonded pair on veggies

                                      Hundreds of dollars in spay/neuter bills so our buns can have the best life possible

                                      It’s worth it! 😂

                                      The crazy things us bunny parent s do… the list goes on and on, we blow money on bunny 4th of July gifts, spend $120 or more yearly on rabbit litter we just end up throwing away after it’s been peed on, tell people we have OBD (Obsessive Bunny Disorder, thanks Best4Bunny for that term!), I even have ‘Bunny Family Christmas Cards’ that I give out to family (and my picture isn’t even on there, just the buns!)

                                    • ParsleyBun
                                      123 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oops! Posted that twice! Sorry!

                                      • DanaNM
                                        9050 posts Send Private Message

                                          Obsessive Bunny Disorder! LOL

                                          Do you guys know about Toxoplasma gondii, AKA the “Crazy cat lady parasite”? Maybe someday they will discover we’re all infected with the bunny equivalent! X-D

                                          I’ve always wanted to do Christmas photos with all the pets! Never gotten around to it though!

                                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                          • ParsleyBun
                                            123 posts Send Private Message

                                              RHDV2 crazies! We’ve all got it!!!!

                                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                                              OBD, I love the term! I think that the diagnosis can be officially confirmed after the first “weeping over a poop” moment.

                                              That glorious moment when you know that your ill bunny will be alright, because you just saw the most wonderful poop in the world!

                                              You get the terrible urge to whip out your phone and send it to all your other bunny-loving friends at 3 in the morning. That’s when you know that you’re officially a crazy rabbit person ^_^


                                              I always have a cartoon image in my head, a bit like the “regarding the secret life of rabbits” comic. In the background there’s a human taking a picture of a litter box, and in the foreground there are two bunnies gossiping with each other:

                                              “She goes through your poop?”


                                              “….and takes pictures??!”


                                              *shaking their heads* “Your human has issues, Flopsy….”

                                            • Bam
                                              16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                Ellie, that is so true! Few things in life equal the intense joy of seeing poop after your bun has been poorly! I confess in such moments I actually have taken pics of poop and sent to other (bunny) people =D


                                              • DanaNM
                                                9050 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I think the most wonderful feeling is when you wake up to the sound of your sick bunny munching hay (especially wonderful if you’ve been sleeping on the floor next to said bun). <3

                                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                  2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Ah, yes Dana…

                                                    So, who else has ever turned up at the vet with hay in their hair, and didn’t notice that they were still wearing their slippers? 😳

                                                    I feel safe in sharing this here, because we’re all equally obsessed 😉

                                                  • DanaNM
                                                    9050 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I definitely almost left the house in slippers yesterday. My favorite is when you get a tiny piece of hay stuck somewhere in your bra and it just keeps poking you but you can’t find it!

                                                      . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                                      • ParsleyBun
                                                        123 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Yesss…. so relatable haha 😂

                                                      • Bam
                                                        16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Or that time when I was putting on my gym shoes at the gym and realized that somebunny had “bunproved” the shoestrings =D


                                                        • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                          2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                            @Bam Hehehe, naughty naughty…

                                                            Reminds me of Breintje and his hairdressing attempts. He often licked my face, and if a strand of hair was laying over my face he snipped it off in no time flat… I always had one-lock-bangs for the last year 🙄 But it’s so cute that he wanted to fix my fur! ^_^

                                                            Owen started to spray urine yesterday, but only on the sofa in my spot. I’m afraid that I’m a very attractive rabbit: Breintje did that too 😳

                                                            Sadly for Owen it only results in being picked up, set down in his litter box, and closing the hutch door. He’s not big enough to neuter yet, so we’ll have to put up with it and correct him for it every time 🙁

                                                          • Bam
                                                            16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                              @Ellie, you must be a totally irresistible rabbit  🤣

                                                              Male neutering can be done as soon as the testicles drop. Sounds like it won’t be very long before that happens!

                                                            • ParsleyBun
                                                              123 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Yes… I have a couple certain family members who love to harass me about not wearing gloves while cleaning the rabbit pen…

                                                              • Susanne
                                                                422 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I can relate to a lot of these obsessive bunny syndrome symptoms! My entire phone is filled with pictures and videos, check on them all the time, always wondering what they are thinking and worried if they are happy… etc etc..

                                                                  I’m sorry to hear about those having issues with the landlords. That would be so stressful for me. It really sucks people don’t understand and have to be so mean.

                                                                • Azerane
                                                                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Forgot to update, the issue with our landlord and the buns has been resolved. The impression I get is that the property manager stuffed up, the landlord was annoyed to discover the buns living inside, so the property manager tried to make it our fault. A meeting between the landlord and owner of the agency had everything resolved fortunately. No more stress in that regard thank goodness.

                                                                    Apollo is still very slowly losing weight. It really is just coming off at snail’s pace but at least it’s coming off.

                                                                    • Bam
                                                                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        @Azerane, I’m so glad to hear it’s been resolved!

                                                                        Bun weight is supposed to come off at snail’s pace. Just listened to a vet webbinar last weekend where the importance of slow weight loss was specifically pointed out.

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                                                                  Forum THE LOUNGE November Chat