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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING New rabbit. Starting to feel discouraged they will ever get along…

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    • MissBunns
      62 posts Send Private Message

        I’m so sorry this is so long, but I’m desperate and I didn’t want to leave anything out that may help. I realize now, that I should have gone with and HRS rabbit ( I LOVE JACK, don’t get me wrong!!) but they bond them for you, and Buns could have picked. But, I was too selfish to give her up for as long as it took to bond them. Plus, I’ve read soooo much on bonding, I figured it’d be cake. Nothing ever goes the way it’s supposed to though :/

        I’ve had Bunny  for about three or four years now. She’s my little love and I would do anything to please her. I figured that while I was at school or work during the day, her having a husbun would make it better, less lonely, etc. So for the last year I’ve been looking, and looking, and looking. I finally found a rex advertised on craigslist, already neutered. I knew he’d be perfect because of the way she said his personality was. I agreed to take him, since I’ve always wanted a rex, and she could no longer afford to feed him.
        When I first met Jack, he was sitting in a box in the front yard. Not even trying to hop out. I knew then just how docile he really was. I could also tell that he was no rex. He was a Flemish Giant. His nails, she told me, hadn’t been clipped in over four years (they were disgusting) and that he used to be a house rabbit before she had him.
        I fell in love with his gentle personality and we took him home. I KNEW Bunny was going to love him, and she did. I put his cage by hers and she spent the whole night trying to impress him. Running by, striking sexy poses, running away. Over and over and over, all night. He however, didn’t seem to care. Bunny didn’t like this…
        I then moved him into a pen across my bedroom because Bunny clearly was fed up and started attacking him through the bars. That worked well for a few days. I finally decided to introduce them in my brothers room, since it was neutral. It didn’t matter, they attacked. I freaked out, I didn’t know who was more dangerous, the 12lbs of gentle Jack or the 4lbs or feisty Bunny.
        I tried again the next day, in the bathroom. They attacked. I tried again, in the bathroom. They attacked, I split them up, pushed them together and pet them both. They seemed fine… Then I stopped petting, and they attacked. After several bathroom sessions, I tried the patio. It was great! They ignored each other totally (which was better than attacking, in my opinion) and after about 45 minutes, I brought them in. We did this several times, each time they just ignored each other.
        I then took them out in the stroller several times, and they snuggled. I felt hopeful. Then, all of a sudden they went back to their old ways. Finally, I split the cage up into two sections, Buns on top and Jack on the bottom, and it hasn’t helped. They’re attacking whenever they come together and I’m worried we’re going backwards…
        The woman (she’s nice, just has too may animals with too little money and knowledge) said she would take Jack back, but there’s no way I could do that. I’m not only too attatched, but who knows what would happen if he went back. But I can’t do this separate thing, it’s a pain in the butt and everyone is suffering because of it. Help!
        ANY advice would be totally helpful.

      • Karla
        1624 posts Send Private Message

          Who is the instigator? Or are they equally bad at attacking the other?

          If I were you, I would go back to the patio sessions. It sounds like this is where you had the most succes. Perhaps there, after a few sessions where everything seems fine between them, you could place them next to each other and pet them and see if one grooms the other. I’m very fond of the banana trick, so I’d suggest you try this out as well.

          Also, I would make sure they don’t see each other outside bonding sessions. For 2 weeks, I had mine in two different rooms, and now they have been moved into the same room, but when one is out, the other is caged on top of a drawer. They only see each other at night, when they are caged side by side, so they cannot attack each other through the bars.

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            I put his cage by hers and she spent the whole night trying to impress him. Running by, striking sexy poses, running away. Over and over and over, all night. He however, didn’t seem to care. Bunny didn’t like this…

            Lol ^

            For what it’s worth, I think these two can bond. Can you identify any triggers for the time when things went south? Who was the initiator and their stance?

            By the way, I think you can still utilise the HRS bonding services even if you didn’t adopt from them. Something to keep in mind. Having them in a totally foreign environment might be a good thing.

          • MissBunns
            62 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks for replying so fast!
              Well in the beginning it was Bunny who would attack, and then she stopped and wanted to be friends, and then Jack started attacking. They just switch back in forth, I kept thinking that eventually they’d be on the same page…

              Okay, I’ll try the patio again, is ignoring good? Will they ever seek each other out? Am I better to let them “fight it out” (the thought terrifies me) or wait and then intervene depending on how serious it is?

              Hmm different rooms completely? I’ll see if I can try. Since the condo has been Bunny’s for so long and she knows that it’s hers, should I clean it really well and switch it up so it seems new? Or will it eventually be fine?

              I tried the banana trick :/ I thought I was being a genius. It didn’t work and now both of their heads are sticky and crusty…and that was like two weeks ago.

              AHH Jerseygirl, you give me hope I was sooo worried. I’ll keep putting time in if it’s not hopeless. yippie, you made my day.

              Like I said, they go back and forth on who attacks. But usually they just are sitting there, and one nips and grunts and then it breaks out into a full out fight. I can’t think of anything that caused us to go backwards…but I’ll keep racking my brain on it for sure.

              I just may use HRS if this doesn’t start getting better… I’m glad that’s there as an option.

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                Some rabbits bond better in a big space, and it is possible that the patio seems more neutral than indoors to them. I would have only sessions in that space that works (the patio in your case) and then gradually decrease the space on the patio available to them by sectioning it off. You must supervise to prevent bad fights, short attacks and take-offs are acceptable though. Ignoring is very good.

              • Andi
                1048 posts Send Private Message

                  What a bummer, so stressful.
                  When i bonded Ani & Bo I started with switching each others blankets in the cage a couple times a day for a while. Next I switched cages, she in his, him in hers, and did that twice a day. Whenever we had outside the cage playtime they went out together but seperated by an Xpen, wether it was inside our outside. I then moved their cages next to one another.
                  Eventually i removed the divider during playtime and when no scuffles started I started bonding time inside a brand new cage the both of them were going to share.
                  With bonding my other bunnies i’ve sort of stuck with the same things. I pretty much do the same thing when i bond gerbils and Degus as well.
                  Good luck, and hopefully they will give in and share their love

                • jerseygirl
                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                    I just may use HRS if this doesn’t start getting better… I’m glad that’s there as an option.

                    Don’t quote me on the HRS thing.   I’m not that familiar but I do recall members mentioning bonding services. Even other rabbit rescues may offer this service also.

                  • MissBunns
                    62 posts Send Private Message

                      Haha I won’t Jerseygirl But I may quote you on the whole “I think these two can bond.” tehe

                      Andi, I LOVE the idea of separating the room when playing..I just have to find out what to seprate them with. I discovered last night that Bunny can easily fit out of the larger NIC pieces. One sec she was there, I turn around and she’s gone O.O

                      I’m so upset with Jack! > They were getting along super well on the patio, he even cleaned her ears so then I decided I would just try to put him on her level of the cage….and everything was fine!
                      Bunny was actually accepting of him into HER condo, I was sooo proud of her.
                      But then as the night went on Jack kept attacking her. It didn’t look like anything that would hurt her, but it stressed me out and I felt awful because she either had to stay in the box that he can’t get into, or slink around on guard. So finally, I took out.
                      Should I have left him? Why was Jack acting like Bunny was on his turf and going after her?
                      I’m feeling super hopeful but I’m super bummed with Jack right now :/

                    • jerseygirl
                      22353 posts Send Private Message

                        Haha I won’t Jerseygirl But I may quote you on the whole “I think these two can bond.” tehe

                        OK, it’s a deal. lol

                        Bunny’s response to Jack in her space was good considering.  It might be a bit too early for this move yet but it’s a good sign for later really. I’ve linked and article below. If you haven’t read it, do so as it’s really good. It was mentioned a bit before I ventured into bonding my two and I found it really useful


                        The longer Bunny and Jack can spent together in neutral space sessions, the better. You’ll know then when to move onto having them together in a living pen or zone to “cement their bond”.

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By BunnysMom on 10/16/2010 09:30 AM

                          Bunny was actually accepting of him into HER condo, I was sooo proud of her.
                          But then as the night went on Jack kept attacking her. It didn’t look like anything that would hurt her, but it stressed me out and I felt awful because she either had to stay in the box that he can’t get into, or slink around on guard. So finally, I took out.
                          Should I have left him? Why was Jack acting like Bunny was on his turf and going after her?


                          You are fortunate to have one rabbit there who is relaxed enough to allow a new rabbit in her space!!!

                          –It is not unusal for there to be some friction when you first move two newly bonded rabbits in. I think it took me at least two attempts every time. When rabbits realize they are going to be in a particular space for to live there now, they come up with all sorts of ways to act out different claims they want to make: this can mean chasing off the other rabbit, mounting excessively, marking and nipping. As long as these behaviors do not firighten the other rabbit to an extend where they impede life routines such as eating, and sleeping etc., I just leave the rabbits together. I watch for improvement in the first 24 hours such as lessening of the chases and it indicates whether or not to separate.

                        • aims
                          50 posts Send Private Message

                             your rabbits sound like mine were (see my thread ‘bonding othello and calypso). they kept attacking/chasing/fighting and i was worried they would never get along. then i had to leave both of them at the shelter one of them came from while i was interstate and the lady who runs the place managed to bond them, now they are best buddies and lick each other and play together. the lady told me the problem was one liked to chase the other one, so all she did was teach the latter not to run away when being chased (i’m assuming she actually held her in place)… as soon as the running away was prevented, there was nothing to chase, and because there was nothing to chase, there were no fights to be had. 

                            prior to this i also let them see each other without having direct access to each other, and i think their curiosity had really built up to the point where they WANTED to be together. i used to have them in seperate quarters where they could see/sniff each other, and sit with one on my lap and one on my boyfriend’s lap… i also switched their living spaces so they were always able to smell each other’s scent… after all this i think they were just genuinely curious in actually meeting… so once the lady from the shelter had taught them not to run and chase, everything was fine.


                            don’t stress out, i’m sure your guys will be fine… i was really sad as well, but everything worked out in the end!

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                        Forum BONDING New rabbit. Starting to feel discouraged they will ever get along…