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Forum THE LOUNGE New Kind of Thump

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    • GeorgieTheBunny
      212 posts Send Private Message

        Hazel did something I’ve never seen before.

        She was doing a tall bunny, listening intently on the noises outside and was on high alert after a day of construction work in our neighbourhood.

        She had been thumping on and off so we were on the floor with her trying to be a supportive warren when suddenly, while in tall bunny, she thumped.

        She was on her hind legs and did a thump. A standing thump. Maintained a bi-ped stance the whole time. Didn’t even touch down with her two front paws.

        All kinds of new things happening

        How many binky bunnies standing thump?

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          That’s pretty cool!

          Yesterday, I saw a video of a bunny thumping in slow motion. It was doing that “standing tall” but all feet on the floor. If that makes sense.

        • Q8bunny
          6345 posts Send Private Message

            Coooool! I’ve never seen the achoo do that before.

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              I haven’t seen that one before either, very cool

              I actually also saw a slow motion bunny thump video recently. It was on facebook, someone had filmed their bunny and it was interesting because it thumped with both hind feet but one lifted slightly sooner than the other. Was very cool to watch.

              With the periscope thump, do they still use both hind feet, or just one?

            • GeorgieTheBunny
              212 posts Send Private Message

                It was both hind feet at the same time!

                It could be described as a jump like a human but was, audibly and in purpassfulness, a thump.

                I’m so glad my Mr was there, just to have someone else see that!

                I’m going to have to check out slow-mo thumps; think that would be interestig to see.

                @jg Standing tall while on all four makes perfect sense!

              • Blue Moon
                436 posts Send Private Message

                  both of my rabbits have actually done that but I never gave it much thought

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Here is the slo-mo video I’d seen, GTB.

                  • Vienna Blue in France
                    5317 posts Send Private Message

                      Brilliant !!! Its funny, the back right leg does a mini thump and raises before the left one takes off too and i get the impression its the right one which THUMPS and brings them both back down…..

                    • GeorgieTheBunny
                      212 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks for sharing @jg

                        I searched some slow-mo thumps after you mentioned it and have to say that this bunny has a lot less shock wave wiggle post thump. Like this bunny is super athletic and has less fat to jiggle.

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                    Forum THE LOUNGE New Kind of Thump