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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A New house completly?

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    • xXPanicXx
      286 posts Send Private Message

        i have a little tiny cage, not big at all for my bunny. i was wondering where to get the connectors like this

         like what they made the walls outta. also, does it come with a floor? and how much would somthing like that cost? also where do i buy it? thanks

      • Lisa_43
        1499 posts Send Private Message

          This is a link to some places that sell Neat Idea Cubes.

          One of the stores says Kmart but I think in America they call it Walmart.

          I am not sure what you mean by connectors, (see pic below) they come with the NIC packs.




        • osprey
          2065 posts Send Private Message

            You can also use "zip ties" as connectors.  These are used to group together bunches of cables and can be found at home improvement and hardware stores.


          • Mindy
            31 posts Send Private Message

              I got my cubes at Target, zip ties, wooden rods, and some cheap carpet at Lowe’s. I use binder clips to hold the door shut which I got at the dollar store.

            • Mindy
              31 posts Send Private Message

                Oh, forgot to add the price. You get 20 cubes for $15, the wooden rods were like $3 a piece, I bought 3, the zip ties are super cheap, like 500 for under $5, and the carpet was like $0.60 per square foot.

              • babybunsmum
                3896 posts Send Private Message

                  check out the >bunny info>>cool habitats page on this website… if you scroll down there are links to some cool sites that will give you lots of ideas for different layouts.  i also found a video on youtube that demonstrates how to put an NIC condo together which was pretty informative even if you don’t follow their design.  i made my condo floors out of NIC panels & covered them with pieces of signboard (got the idea from one of the links on the cool habitats page).


                • babybunsmum
                  3896 posts Send Private Message

                    forgot to mention… because my NIC condo sits right on the floor (i didn’t build a plywood base) i got some plastic for underneath it..  you can get this stuff where ever they sell material.  it comes in rolls & you buy as big a piece as you need.  the sheet i bought in the pic below cost about $3 from walmart.


                  • Gizmo_Fluffybutt
                    30 posts Send Private Message

                      I bought a custom cut coroplast floor from ebay that fits my cage perfectly and has high sides to keep messes contained, but of course that is a bit of a luxury item, not at all required for a functional cage. For a while I had plastic “for sale” signs taped together and covered with a blanket as a floor while I got the extra money for the base to fit the cage.

                      I think I spent a total of about $50 to build my cage (3 high, 3 wide, 2 deep w/ 3 extra levels). It took two sets of cubes ($30), two short and two long dowels ($10), fabric to wrap over cardboard and put on the shelves ($6), and a bag of zip ties (really cheap!). Oh, and the $8 blanket to put over the plastic bottom while I saved for a base

                      If you decide to build a cage and want some detailed photos of how to put everything together I can send you some.

                    • Mindy
                      31 posts Send Private Message

                        I use coroplast in the bottom of my unit too, you can get a 4ft by 8ft sheet for $10 and it’s super easy to cut with a razor blade. If you look up cube and coroplast cages on the internet, it will show you how to cut the coroplast so that you can fold the sides up and tape them to make a tray. Don’t know where you live, but I got the sheet of coroplast from GE Polymers, but I’m sure there are a lot of other places you can go to. It is usually the places that sell bulk plastic to sign makers and such, but they will let you buy just one sheet.

                      • osprey
                        2065 posts Send Private Message

                          Wow, $10 is a great price for 4×8 sheets of coroplast.  The best price I could find around here was $20, and places like TAP plastics want almost $30.


                        • Mindy
                          31 posts Send Private Message

                            Really? I just bought mine in August and it was $10, I live in Richmond, VA, I had no idea it was so much more expensive in other cities!

                          • Ash
                            165 posts Send Private Message

                              We weren’t planning on making a Condo until we bonded the buns but our newest addition Riley (3month Dutch buck) was an escape artist and it looked tacky having 2 broken down cardboard boxes bungy corded on the top of his area.  I am planning on putting step by step, cost and picts about our Condo on my website but I’m so busy I’ll giv eyou a jist of ours (quick version for money limited)

                              *We got 3 boxes of Organize It cubes from Target on sale for $12 but normally $15 ( we made a 4 story, if you count the ground floor, or 3 panel tall)
                              * almost 300 large zipties
                              *cardboard boxes cut to fit floor size
                              *12 binder clips (we didn’t need to use that many but they only came in packs of 3 or 12 or 50 at Walmart and we knew we’d need more than 3 for sure so we just put all the clips on the condo)
                              *construction grade linoleum for ground floor(hubby works in construction and got left overs)
                              *1 10foot pvc pipe cut to support levels
                              *6 pvc pipe end covers ( not a neccesity but it make it look cleaner, smoother to touch and best if you have kids it doesn’t stratch or can stab as easy)

                              *towels to cover the rest of the levels

                              The total amount came out to $50ish!

                              One very great thing I’m glad I was told about was the cross zip tie, I don’t rememer which binkybunny member it is but the website is  . THANK YOU! We can tell the difference in the normal style and the cross, it’s so steardier!  Here’s a pict of my hubby doing the cross zip tie..

                              Once we are able we wil be making so modified changes, adding plexiglass instead of cardboard, switching carpet for towels and adding coroplast for the first floor (because it does get messy outside of the condo with hay, poop and food and (when you think you got all of it, you move the condo a bit and there’s more)

                            • xXPanicXx
                              286 posts Send Private Message

                                ha yeah the connectors AND the cage its sefl. thanks so much guys. i am for sure gonna get one for my bunny. lol i cant use twist ties, cuz my bunny will just eat it. haha yeah im canadian, so k mart?

                                walmart probably has some 2 though

                                thanks guys

                              • Gravehearted
                                2428 posts Send Private Message

                                  LopsNLopsOfLove – that’s great, thanks for sharing the pics and description

                                • xXPanicXx
                                  286 posts Send Private Message

                                    kay. my dad is taking me tomorrow for the cube things, but i looked in canadian tire *not the cheepest i know but its in town, and its called a 4-cube wire shelf, for $20. im wondering, how many of the peices are actualy included  in this kit, if anyone knows. cuz i need 27 to make the cage i want. so i need to know how many pakages i need, and how much it will cost.


                                    4-cube Wire Shelf


                                    Product #68-0700-4



                                    Perfect for dorms, bedrooms, den

                                    • Easy assembly – ability to custom configure cubes to your storage needs
                                    • Epoxy-coated steel
                                    • Dimensions:15½ x 14¾" (39 x 37 cm)

                                  • Gizmo_Fluffybutt
                                    30 posts Send Private Message

                                      If it makes four cubes it should be 16 panels plus connectors, although the one pictured is only 13 panels. It should say on the package. Assuming it is 16 panels you’ll need 3 sets to make the cage you want. What about ordering from the internet?

                                      Here’s some priced from $10 to $14 for 16 panels. You’d have to check the shipping and see if that would come out cheaper for you.


                                    • xXPanicXx
                                      286 posts Send Private Message

                                        thanks XD … yeah the thing said 4 cubed, but only shows 3 cubes. i cant order anything from the pc. srry, but my dad is taking me tomorrow, so ill just get $20 ones. thankyou though,

                                      • babybunsmum
                                        3896 posts Send Private Message

                                          i saw that on canadian tire’s website but neither of the 2 stores near me had them

                                          i did find them at walmart, tho they were high up on a top shelf & i barely spotted them.  they were rubbermaid brand & were shrink wrapped in plastic, so the whole package was 14"x14"x6"… not that big & easy to miss.  they weren’t with the furniture, but were in the aisle that had closet organizers.

                                          also… def try out the zip ties – they’re different from twist ties.  my bun is a chewer too but leaves them alone.  i found that the plastic fasteners that come with the kit were not very sturdy even when i used pliers on them.  you can get a 70 pack of zip ties at the dollarama.

                                        • Beka27
                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                            i’m so excited for you and your bun!  she’s going to be really happy with all that extra room!  did you decide what size you’re going to make the condo?

                                          • xXPanicXx
                                            286 posts Send Private Message

                                              yeah i did. it is going to be exactly like the one in the cool habbitats, with the blue wall, and the plant in the cage, i dont know if thst one has only one square on the side, but mine is gonna be 2. srry i couldnt get a pic, aand i dont know the dimentions or anything lol srry

                                            • xXPanicXx
                                              286 posts Send Private Message

                                                haha actually just like this one mines gonna have a japanese look to it tho to match my room XD so excited thanks guys so much :3

                                              • Scarlet_Rose
                                                4293 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Too cool! You’ve got to take pictures and show us the awesome Asian-inspired bunny condo!

                                                • babybunsmum
                                                  3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                    oooh i’m excited for you!  yes… def post pics of your creation

                                                  • xXPanicXx
                                                    286 posts Send Private Message

                                                      ahh, day one, gone by, day 2 still to come of making my bunny home. almost done, just need to add carpet, and all her stuff. the frames up.. haha >.>. (it didnt turn out the way i said it would, cuz i didnt have enough space) :3

                                                      DSCN0491.jpg picture by o0Panic0o(WOW its way smaller in this pic than in real life LOL)

                                                    • Gizmo_Fluffybutt
                                                      30 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I think your bunny is really going to enjoy her new house! Now she’ll have a lot more room for romping than before. So glad your parents agreed to let you build a new cage! Looks like you got a lot done too. Just some coverings for the floors and some furnishings and you’ll have a great new bunny space

                                                      • xXPanicXx
                                                        286 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Yay thanks for the jump, i would have never even thought of redoing the cage without coming on this site my bun is gonna have a way happier life now that shes on a diet, and she has a new house

                                                          *cries* lol jk

                                                        • Lisa_43
                                                          1499 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Excellent job of the condo, it’s looking really good and you bunny is going to love it.

                                                          • babybunsmum
                                                            3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                              awesome!!!  can’t wait to see pics of your bun happily stretched out in the new house

                                                            • Beka27
                                                              16016 posts Send Private Message


                                                                awesome job Panic!!!  wow, your bun is gonna be doing bunny backflips in no time.  that should also help with her diet a bit and getting exercise… she’ll get a workout jumping from floor to floor.  i can’t wait to see the finished product with her in it!  does your sister have something similar for her rabbit, or will this inspire her to build one?

                                                              • xXPanicXx
                                                                286 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Ahahaha yeah they are identical to eachother. she still has lots to do though. :3 (srry for all the pics) Lol

                                                                  DSCN0522.jpg picture by o0Panic0oDSCN0491.jpg picture by o0Panic0o

                                                                • Ash
                                                                  165 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Nice job!! youll have to add picts once the bun bun gets comphy!

                                                                  • Scarlet_Rose
                                                                    4293 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Cool new condos!!!

                                                                    • xXPanicXx
                                                                      286 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        thnx. im done. just waiting for my sis. i will def post pics thnx again :3

                                                                      • xXPanicXx
                                                                        286 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Its complete! finaly XD. it still needs lots of decoration in the bathroom area, and the food area. i had to change the flooring a bit too, but its done. hey i was wondering how to get my bunny to learn to jump to each floor. she hasnt bothered trying, and i tried to make her follow a treat, but she just wont. her food is also on the second floor and she knows that, but she wont try. anywhoo here are this pics XD :3

                                                                          DSCN0523.jpg picture by o0Panic0o….some of her house

                                                                          DSCN0524.jpg picture by o0Panic0obottom floor (really empty)

                                                                          DSCN0525.jpg picture by o0Panic0oFood floor (also really empty)

                                                                          DSCN0526.jpg picture by o0Panic0o Her sleeping floor. :3

                                                                        • Lisa_43
                                                                          1499 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Wow! you have done a great job of the condo.

                                                                            Give her time to explore she will eventually use all the floors. My bunnies started only using two floors but now they love running up and down all four floors.

                                                                          • xXPanicXx
                                                                            286 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              thanx XD she already discovered the second floor. yay thanks so much everyone for everything :’3

                                                                            • Beka27
                                                                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                it looks great.  she’ll start jumping around very soon once she gets used to it.  i wouldn’t worry about putting too much stuff on every level.  it’s good that there’s some open room to walk.

                                                                              • Gravehearted
                                                                                2428 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  hurrah! great house, I’m sure she’s going to really love it!

                                                                                • xXPanicXx
                                                                                  286 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    thnx =D

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                                                                                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A New house completly?