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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE New Books You’re Reading?

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    • pinknfwuffy
      660 posts Send Private Message

        Thought I would start a thread for any fun books we’ve been getting into lately! I’ll admit I went on a reading hiatus for a while. Just too much going on and it never felt relaxing. But I’ve gotten back into the habit and missed it dearly. I would love to hear what you’ve been reading and hope sharing will be a good way to find new books.

        The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood)

        The Snow Child (Eowyn Ivey)

        I’ve been really into magical realism and alternative realities, as suggested by these two novels. I really loved Margaret Atwood’s writing and Eowyn Ivey has a way of making everything she writes feel like you can reach out an touch it. I will warn you though – there are a few remarks about about hunting wild rabbits in The Snow Child. It is a book about the early Alaskan frontier after all, so it has merit, but keep it in mind in case that kind of thing bothers you.

        What have you been reading lately?

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Hubs and I absolutely love the Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan. It’s a great coming of age series that’s supposed to mirror medieval England. It’s pretty suspenseful at times, has good humor, and if you love a good adventure this will be for you. The author is in the process of writing a prequel series about one of the characters, and I can’t wait to read it.

          I know these ones were probably over talked about back in 2014-2015, but I absolutely love The Girl on the Train and Gone Girl. Super suspenseful stuff with great plot twists.

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Well I’m TRYING to read Watership Down right now….

            But I mostly am reading “Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System” and “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association”…. real page turners XD

          • kurottabun
            908 posts Send Private Message

              Reading as a hobby stopped for me after I started working (sigh). I still have one big pile of unread books, but life has been busy and I really just wanna sleep when I have extra time LOL.

              @pinknfwuffy Ooooh I actually bought The Snow Child about 6 years ago but never read it! I’m a sucker for book covers and this book had a really pretty/magical cover – it’s a nice purplish blue with white print (not sure if you have the same one).

              I used to love the mystery/suspense/thriller genre when I was in school/university, but linear storylines are a little too tedious to follow with my current lifestyle (I tend to read them halfway and take such a long break that I forget the story after), so I’ve transitioned to “easier” reads. Been liking pretty much all the books by Mitch Albom – specifically Tuesdays with Morrie and For One More Day

            • pinknfwuffy
              660 posts Send Private Message

                A&B: That sounds like a great series, I’ll definitely check it out!

                BunNoob: I keep meaning to read Watership Down – thank you for the reminder! Good luck with your studies. :]

                Kurrota: Yes! The cover art is so beautiful, that got me too. :]

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  I love these threads as I’m a huge book nerd. Pretty much exclusively historical fiction.

                  Right now, I’ve got about another 100 pages of “DragonFly in Amber” the second book in the Outlander series. Super obsessed with anything Outlander. I read the first book, then got hooked on the show and now trying to get as many as I can read before Season 4 starts. They are lengthy reads, about 1000 pages each. I love big books.

                • MoxieMeadows
                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                    I loveeee these threads.

                    BunNoob- Watership down is a great book. I read it about 5 years ago. I really want to read it again soon.

                    Currently reading “The Illiad Of Homer” to Finnegan. I plan on going to the library in a few days to pick out some more reads. It had been forever since I had been in a library, but I went in to the library a couple of days ago with a child I was babysitting, so he could pick out some kids books and play with the toys. I got so excited and happy when I went in (being surrounded by all of the books), even though I couldn’t pick anything out for myself since I was watching the kid. But it definitely gave me the kick in the butt to start going again! haha

                  • LittlePuffyTail
                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                      I love libraries too, Moxie. I bring my daughter there often. But same, can’t really look at the adult books. But lots of bunny kid books.

                    • pinknfwuffy
                      660 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m a librarian so Moxie and LPT are making me very happy!

                        I love buying my own books to cherish and keep forever but it’s nice to be able to browse the library shelves and pick something without the commitment or expense. Adore hunting for a good book!

                      • Sirius&Luna
                        2320 posts Send Private Message

                          Ooooh, I love books! I’ve been trying to read a book a week this year, but am slightly behind.

                          Pinknfwuffy – I just read the Power by Naomi Alderman – it has sort of similar feminist, dystopian themes to the Handmaid’s Tale, so you might enjoy that. I couldn’t put it down!

                          A&B – the Rangers Apprentice sounds right up my street too! I’ll be sure to look that up. 

                          I’ve just been rereading my favourite series of all time, the Robin Hobb Farseer series – the first book in the (very long) series is called the Assasin’s Apprentice (so your title reminded me), and is about a king’s bastard coming of age in a mostly-medieval-and-some-magic world. You might enjoy that! When I say it’s a very long series, it is, but it’s also split up into manageable sets of trilogies! Hobb is a wonderful writer, I’m completely obsessed with this series.

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            I’ve heard of the Assasin’s Apprentice! It looks really good. I love a good long series, so that should be fun to get into! Rangers is 13 books long and the prequel series I think is going to be another 3-5 books. They have 2 out currently.

                          • Coney Kuneho
                            21 posts Send Private Message

                              The Rooster Bar by John Grisham (for serious reading)

                              Bitter Is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office
                              by Jen Lancaster (for laughs)

                            • Rain
                              547 posts Send Private Message

                                Coney Kuneho those all sound very interesting and hilarious! Especially the last one.

                              • Sara
                                29 posts Send Private Message

                                  Just finished Why Kill the Innocent by C.S. Harris which is book 13 in the Sebastian St. Cyr series. It is a wonderful murder mystery series set in Regency England.

                                  I’m starting The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog which is #7 in the Amelia Peabody Emerson series by Elizabeth Peters which are set in Egypt.

                                • Azerane
                                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By LittlePuffyTail on 4/05/2018 7:01 PM

                                    I love these threads as I’m a huge book nerd. Pretty much exclusively historical fiction.

                                    Right now, I’ve got about another 100 pages of “DragonFly in Amber” the second book in the Outlander series. Super obsessed with anything Outlander. I read the first book, then got hooked on the show and now trying to get as many as I can read before Season 4 starts. They are lengthy reads, about 1000 pages each. I love big books.

                                    I’ve been thinking I may have to try the Outlander series, I recently stumbled across the show on Netflix and have found it interesting, I’m not big on historical fiction but that being said I haven’t tried much of it.

                                    Currently I’m re-reading Watership Down. I read it about once a year and Easter seemed like a good time to pick it up again. I never tire of reading it, I get so easily lost in the world. I can’t wait for the Netflix miniseries to come out later this year.

                                    I do need to get back to the library though, so happy to take some book recommendations too.

                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                      Outlander is AMAZING!!!!!

                                      I haven’t read Watership Down. I’m scared it will be too sad.

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE New Books You’re Reading?