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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING neutered male/spayed female

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    • ryl515
      9 posts Send Private Message

        My sister and I just moved into an apartment together a couple weeks ago, because she will be a graduate student at the school I am attending for my bachelors degree.  She has a 4 year old male mini rex that was neutered years ago, and  I have a netherland dwarf female who was spayed in June.  We ended up with the two bedroom deluxe apartment, which featured the extra half bath and a “bonus” room.  We decided that the bonus room would be nicknamed “The Burrow” and would house the bunnies.

        Each rabbit has their own cage (obviously, we just now moved in together and have had them a while) so we aren’t trying to make them share a cage or anything.  The room is pretty small and the cages are on each side of the room facing each other, kinda 3-4 feet apart I guess?  We figured it might be better that they were both brought to the room to live there at the same time, so neither bunny had established a territorial thing.  We had hoped with Cabbage being neutered and Little Diva being spayed that they would be easier to make friends (ya know, without all of the aggression… hopefully).  When we would let them both out, we would be there in the room with them so each bunny can see that we are there.  Kinda like a “oh thats been my owner forever, if they’re ok with this, it must be ok” thing.  We have had them both out close to each other maybe 4 times and the same thing will happen everytime.  Bunny 1 will approach Bunny 2 (I’m not using names, because it isn’t always the same one instigating it) and start sniffing their butt.  Then Bunny 2 will be like “hey if you wanna sniff my butt then it is only right that I sniff yours” and then they go in this moving circle of butt sniffing.  After a second or two of this mutual butt sniffing ring, Little Diva will jump, then cabbage grunts and lunges at her.  By this time we have both intervened to prevent a fight.

        It makes me so sad that only one bunny can be out of their cage at one time.  We want them to be friends and love each other.  Any ideas?

      • jerseygirl
        22353 posts Send Private Message

          Are you wanting them to get along just for play or to bond them? If you’re wanting to bond them then they’d have to stay together for life then. I guess you can get them to a level where they interact well but you would continue to separate them afterward. In that case, continued sessions with socialising will get them there. I’m a bit concerned about the impact it might have on either of them if/ or when you and your sister sharing an apartment.

        • ryl515
          9 posts Send Private Message

            We just want them to be friends so that they can be comfortable with each other when they are both out and about. They don’t need to snuggle up together (although that would be cute and welcomed) we just want them to not hate each other.

          • Monkeybun
            10479 posts Send Private Message

              If they become “friends” then they will be bonded, and bunnies pretty much bond for life. It would be best to leave them together if that happens. Which would then mean either you or your sister would have a pair, the other would have no bunny. So think hard on it.. do either of you want to give up your bunny if they become bonded, and you move out?

            • ryl515
              9 posts Send Private Message

                We have each bunny proofed our rooms with the hiding of wires and blocking the bottom of beds and what not and things seem to be fine with her bunny running around in her room and mine in my room.  I think we both pretty much decided to not put in any more effort to make them friends.  With one of us having to give up our bunny after we move out, I guess it is best to just keep it like this.

              • jerseygirl
                22353 posts Send Private Message

                  I think that’s wise. I have the feeling that is best with just 2 rabbits, keep them separated unless you plan to permanently bond them. Otherwise they might grieve if you had to separate them. However, I am interested if anyone has been successful in bunny play without bonds forming. I do know some members here have done so with larger groups of rabbits that are already in pairs or trios. Or accustomed to sharing space with other rabbits. I dare say the dynamics are different when it is just two singles though.

                  Alternatively, you could bond Cabbage and Little Diva and in the future if you live apart, you and your sister could share-care. Say, one of you have them for a few months, then the other have them. That might be hard though. Or you could adopt 2 new rabbits for Cabbage and Little Diva.

                • Alexis
                  6 posts Send Private Message

                    So the pet store(where i purchases both bunnies) Melba i bought first had her for about a month then got Cotton. The Pet store told me both Melba(girl) and Cotton were girls. I later had them re-sexed this week where again they said both girls. However, while playing with the Cotton, I realized she had a boner which made me realize the pet store was wrong and now i have unaltered male and female bunnies. i know they don’t do well in surgery and how expensive it would be to alter both. i am confused and heartbroken because keeping them both i feel is very stressful for them. Help!

                  • MissKris&Koji
                    279 posts Send Private Message

                      Check photos of the genitals of rabbits – both males and females have “tube” – so “he” may indeed be a she.

                      I’m not sure what exactly you experienced but it’s notoriously hard to sex them correctly because of the general similarity in appearance of male and female bunny parts.

                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        I would have a vet sex them. As long as you have an experienced vet they will do fine with spaying and neutering. Even if they are both male or both female you need to have them altered.

                        Do you have an experienced rabbit vet where you live?

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          I would have a vet sex them. As long as you have an experienced vet they will do fine with spaying and neutering.

                          Ditto, ditto, ditto! Also Alexis, keep an open mind as there are someprograms to get pets neutered  that makes it more affordable.

                          I’m not sure if you’re aware of how to make a new topic on the forums. Please don’t hesitate to do this as your questions/concerns added in other threads (such as this one) may get overlooked and not addressed. By creating a new thread it is more likely to be seen.  When you’re logged on, at the top of each Forum (i.e. Diet, or Behaviour etc) there is a “Add New Topic” button. Click this and away you go! 

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                      Forum BONDING neutered male/spayed female