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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need your opinion on absess surgeries

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    • Gina
      79 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone.  I need experienced opinions about doing surgeries for absesses.  As you may remember, my rabbit Chewy had a jaw absess when we first got her so we got it scraped.  It came back within a month or so, so we did surgery where they removed part of her jaw.  We have been giving her 2 types of antibiotics daily.


        As I have researched absesses, I am aware that they come back.  The vet was surprised at how well she did after the surgery, but now about 4-5 months have gone by and I know its back.


        Chewy is our favorite bunny.  i feel so bad for chewy.  i want her to be around, but i dont want her to have to go through that major surgery again.


        The problem is, my fiancé is devastated and insisting that we should do the surgery again.  He is basically ignoring any idea of putting her to sleep.


        i scheduled a vet visit for january 8th to see what we are going to do.  this whole thing is tearing me up because jay isn’t budging.  i told him that its a lot for her to go through and we would just be prolonging the inevitable. 


        What are your thoughts?  Anyone had any success with multiple absess surgeries?  I would do it again if we had hopes that it MAY be successful. 


        Thanks again everyone.

        Gina and Chewy


      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          i’m so sorry again that you’re having to go thru this. this is a very tough situation. you do need to weigh Chewy’s happiness and quality of life with the probable success of the surgery, and if this is something you can afford to do, and are willing to continue with the meds and vet visits, etc.

          i don’t have personal experience with abscesses. i know BinkyBunny does (i believe she responded to you before when you initially posted about Chewy’s situation…?) i’ll email the other leaders so they can come and offer their opinions as well.

          i will keep you guys in my thoughts.


        • BinkyBunny
          8776 posts Send Private Message

            Rucy has had three jaw abscess surgeries. She now has a funky jaw line on one side. She has been abscess free, I think now, for more than two years.

            The first surgery was before I got her and they let me know it could return. She had an incisor and a molar removed I think. Then it did come back, but it was a good while, then she had more teeth removed and part of her jaw as well. it came back within months and my rabbit savvy vet did surgery together with a animal dental specialist. They found a part of root that was still left in tact that kept causing problems, so they removed that.

            It’s been at least two years now if I am remembering correctly. Because of the missing teeth, it caused a bit of an unevenness in her molar wear and she has to be checked for molar spurs every four months. So far though the last couple of times she hasn’t had any spurs.

            So for Rucy, the multiple surgeries were successful…so far. Obviously there is no guarantee that it won’t return, but I try to keep her life as stress free as possible so her own immune system can help fight off any incoming.

            Each person must figure out what is best for their bunny, but i can tell you that in our situation, I don’t regret it. Even if it came back soon after surgery, I know I wouldn’t have regretted trying to keep her around. (unless the surgery was misery to recover from) So far she bounced back normally from each.

          • Gina
            79 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks Binky Bunny.  I was waiting for your response because I know you have been through this. 

              My question is, did you do the beads or the regular removal surgery?  the beads are sooooooooooooooo much money… like $1000.

              Jay has already started with “If you put her to sleep, you are responsible for killing her” etc.  FREAKING GUILT!!!  i am angry because i am just trying to do whats best for her and do the best i can for her after-care.  i mean, he helps out when he is AROUND…. but usually he doesn’t get home until like 9 pm.  if i have class in the evenings, who will check on her?  it’s a matter of taking responsibility. 

              this is a very emotional topic for us.

              so can you please let me know if you got the beads or not?

              Thanks again for your support… it means a lot to me during this hard time.


            • Kokaneeandkahlua
              12067 posts Send Private Message

                I’d agree with Jay-surgery isn’t that bad, they are asleep and out of pain; Even if it’s a long shot I’d go for it; Do not let your bf/dh make you feel guilty but don’t let money stop you-if you can arrange payments =most vets will alllow this and abscess surgery isn’t that big of a risk as far as I understand. {{VIBES}} Keep us posted!

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  i know this is emotional. it’s especially hard on you since, like you say, you’re the primary caretaker. let us know what you guys decide to do…

                • Moonlight_Wolf
                  1155 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh I am so sorry for the situation you are in, It must be stressful because of your bunny’s discomfort and the money the surgeries cost!
                    Does anyone know if abscesses are common in rabbits? How can you prevent them?

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      I’m sorry to hear about the difficult situation you are in. I definitely sympathize with both you and your fiance’s opinions. I have not dealt with this situation personally before so I am not really able to help you make this determination, but based on Binkybunny’s experience, it sounds like your bunny may definitely have a possibility of recovering well from the surgery, but I also understand the risks that are associated with the surgery. I think that either decision you make will be the right one because you clearly have your bunny’s best interests in mind. I’m sorry that you have to deal with making this decision, let us know what you decide to do so we can support you either way.

                    • Gina
                      79 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes, absesses are very common.  that is often the cause of bunny problems, along with GI stasis (the stomach not moving along).  most rabbits get them in the infections in their teeth, i think.  but some can get them anywhere.  (usually they will have a cut that will get infected and then turn into an absess).

                        my little Chewy was neglected before I got her, so she didn’t have a proper diet.  she had the absess when i first got her but her owners never noticed.  proper diet helps keep the teeth ok.

                        then again, my bunny Elvira just had to had a tooth pulled that was growing into her cheek and infected, so i guess it could really happen to any bunny.

                        i hope that  info helps!


                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          $1,000 just for the beads???!! WOW! I know Rucy had beads in when we first got her and she was abscess free for two years. One of her beads ended up working its way out one time while she was being checked out when her next abscess came about. Then the next surgery we put them in and I remember the WHOLE surgery including the beads being less than $1000, (around $800), then the next surgery which was just remove the root was a few hundred dollars. She has surgery soon after was due to a piece of a root (roots continue to grow) which was causing problems, and that is something that a bead could not help with, but after we got rid of the root, she’s been fine since. (with the beads)

                        • Gina
                          79 posts Send Private Message

                            I think they said it would be around $900, but we need to do a consultation first, yada yada, which adds up. 

                            we cant afford the beads.  i thought that was what you had… i think the beads produce a better chance for her, but we can only afford to do the regular surgery.

                            still don’t know what is going to happen— but going to the vet Jan. 8



                          • KatnipCrzy
                            2981 posts Send Private Message


                                I don’t have any experience at all with using the beads.  But I am hoping for the best for you and your bunny at your next appt!

                              EDIT:  I am sure that someone has mentioned this before but have you looked into Care Credit?- if the clinic doing the surgery accepts Care Credit and what their financing plans with Care Credit might be?  Sometimes if it is over a certain amount there can be an interest free period to give you a chance to pay it off.

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                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Need your opinion on absess surgeries