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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BEHAVIOR Need Help Litter training Mr Grumpy

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    • Jonathan
      38 posts Send Private Message

        Ok i am trying to litter train the worlds most grumpy rabbit. He know where the tray is but wont go unless herded. He will always stop the step before the tray to go then just in it. I had tired keeping him in the tray till he goes then let him play but he will just go when he feels like it. When i spray him with water to move him he just sits there and even with i gentle touch from my shoe he wont move, Please help me!

      • Kokaneeandkahlua
        12067 posts Send Private Message

          Hello and welcome to binkybunny.

          What kind of litter and litter box are you using? Is your bunny neutered yet? How old is he? We can probably help you more when we know these things

        • Jonathan
          38 posts Send Private Message

            Hi and thanks for the welcome,


            Diesel is 2 years old now, i got him from a breader than treated him badly and he was not perfect for her!


            He has been done, and he has a litter box with high sides like there is on the website and i am just using newspaper as he gones well in his cage with this.


            I think he just likes the fact i will clean up after him, As he was treated badly when he was a baby i do worry if i push him he will go back to been even more grumpy. He has come a long way and he will come over to talk to me these days

          • MarkBun
            2842 posts Send Private Message

              Try putting hay into the far side of the litter box. Buns like to munch & go.

            • Jonathan
              38 posts Send Private Message

                Yes i have tried putting hay in he just does not want to on in his tray in my lounge, he is happy enough to go in his cage over night but when he comes out its open season.  did not put his tray out this morning he after having a good look around he went and sat in the place where the tray is normally,


                Think he is messing with my head

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  How long ago was he neutered? Does he seem to have a problem at all getting into his litterbox? You said it had high sides? is this a corner box or one with a lip of sorts? IF he is an uneasy bun, the high sides may actually make him feel trapped. If it has a removable lip, then test it out and take it off, or test out a lower sided box.

                  Add a healthy treat to his box so he finds in enjoyable. He might be associating the litterbox with something negative, especially if he was treated badly due to litterbox habits in the past.

                  Also, when you say he is grumpy – does he lunge or bite you.

                • Jonathan
                  38 posts Send Private Message

                    No he does to go for me unless he is in his cage and i have stroked him too many times at bed time, i did try a small sided tray but he would only go in it if he was made too by herding him, i leave his food by the tray to he can eat it and put treats in it.

                    I have fleece rugs down for he when he comes out as i have a wooden flooring do you think if i cut one up and put this in the tray he would go?

                    He just does not want to go in the tray

                  • BinkyBunny
                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                      AH, he’s territorial with his cage it sounds like. Also, I may be a bit confused. You said he goes well in his cage with the newspaper? So if he goes well with the newspaper, are you trying to get him to use another litterbox? OR ?? Where is the newspaper exactly?

                      Also, how long have you had him? How long has his training process been? And do you feel you have been diligent with watching him? How long has it been since his neuter?

                    • Jonathan
                      38 posts Send Private Message

                        He has been neuter for well over a year now. it was done just as i got him. I swapped his litterbox over put his old on in the lounge and put a new one in his cage i place them the same way around put the paper in the same way and put a box of food in the same place infront of him. I watch him like a hawk and when i caught him he will not move till he has done his business, I have been training him for a while now on and off he was not leaving his cage at one stage so i stop till he want confidend to leave it again

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          So are you saying he uses the one in his cage just fine, but he won’t use the one out in lounge. Is that right?

                          It sounds like he will just begin to pee right near his litterbox in the lounge? If this is the case, then the MOMENT you see him BEGIN to lean back, and START to LIFT his tail, you need to put him in the litterbox, put a treat in there and back away.

                          If he refuses to move, you can’t wait for him to finish his business, you just have to put him in the box.OR better yet, put his first half of his body in the box, so he has to jump in the rest of the way. Give him a treat while he is in the box, so he does not look at it like punishment.

                          I know it’s hard to catch every single time, but if you do this for a few weeks and catch him the majority of the time, you should start to see results.

                          Also, just to double check – he has always been difficult with his box yes? If it’s something that just started up then you may need to make sure he doesn’t have a bladder infection.

                          EDITED TO ADD:  I’m going to head off the forum now.  I”ll check back with this tomorrow.  Keep us updated.

                        • Jonathan
                          38 posts Send Private Message

                            Ok i will try that the only problem i can see is he hates and i really do need hates being picked up, i am trying to do this more often so he knows its not a bad thing but throws a mental fit then does not talk to me.

                          • BinkyBunny
                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                              Well, keep us updated. Also if, when you put him in the box, and you can tell he feels nervous about you being right there, then throw a treat in there, and back away – may make him feel more comfortable in there.

                            • Jonathan
                              38 posts Send Private Message

                                HI got a update on Diesel, He is not weeing in his cage before he comes out to play, he is also running around an doing blinkys and lying fully streched out with his head on the floor. He will only wee now if i stroke him if he does not want me too think he is still a bit scaried so i dont push him., but later on in the evening he is happy for a tickle. Then only problem now it over the last two nights i have pellets everywhere he just cant stop he goes in his cage and on the blankets. I cant tell when he is doing this as sometimes he is cleaning himself at the same time.

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                            Forum BEHAVIOR Need Help Litter training Mr Grumpy