Well many of you know I rescued an almost 15th month old holland lop doe. She is underweight and sunbleached which causes the assumption that she was an outdoor and neglected rabbit. So here is the good and not so good info Sorry for the length but I like to be thorough.
Well she does not show an aggressive bone in her body at this point. I am thinking this is because A) she is not aggressive at all B) She is too weak to display aggression. After observation for the last 48 hours, I would say (A).
She seems to be very interested in Mr. Ollie, who mounted her face briefly and lightly sprayed her. (which was within literally less than 10 seconds of a quick intro date) Of course, I picked him right up and put him back in his cage. I can honestly say she didn’t even react to it. She didn’t seem scared. I assume she is just submissive. I don’t really know. They will not be having anymore uncaged dates again until she is adjusted and he is 3 to 4 weeks passed neuter. But even through the cage he licked her ear. She was uncaged and standing right against his cage with her body. (not her face) She seems to want to be close to him even after the face hump.
Ultimately I will not know about them for 100% until after he is neutered and she is spayed.. and the hormones are all gone. She won’t be gettng spayed until I can see she can tolerate the stress and has put weight on. I have nothing but good feelings about the two of them though. I put their cages together on the floor with about 2 inches between them though.
So here is my number one concern with BONDING.
Me. She nuzzles into me when I pick her up. She will even look around a bit after a few minutes of me holding her while keeping her snug and still. She relaxes enough to get curious. I know she is not well socialized with human affections .. ect. I have no experience. I know not to force her. She gets very shy when I put my hand in the cage for something. She immediately tucks her chin into her chest and puts her head down. I don’t let anyone else in the house near her, and my rabbits are kept in the large kitchen which is gated from the kids at all times. My house is generally mellow. I speak to her in the same soft tones I speak to Ollie in. She is beginning to groom herself, eat, and drink in front of me now. I just wonder with her being a mature rabbit who is not socialized, will she always be nervous of my hand in the cage? Will she always tuck her head into her chest?
Another issue. Rabbits need to get excercise… so I want to let her feel she can do so here. Ollie is my binky zoomer dude. I know she is not Ollie and I don’t expect her to be. I just have only had rabbit experience with him. I know she may be weak. I do see her scamper around the cage when she doesnt know I am watching. I think she is too scared on the kitchen floor. I know I need to have patience. I do. I just am reaching out because she needs to feel secure. I know part of that is time. I just need to know if someone can tell me some techniques to teach her she can trust me, or that I am not a threat to her, or that I have the ability to nurture her in some way. It really hurts me to see her feeling insecure. Her little soulful eyes frightened is almost unbarable! 
I may make a second post about this but.. if anyone can give me tips on how to fatten her up that would be so appreciaciated! She has put weight on in the three weeks, and seems ok. I just know she needs a little more weight on her. Poor baby.