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You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • Daisy Rey
      45 posts Send Private Message

        A while back, I posted about my Violet who we adopted from another family who could no longer take care of her. She was a long-haired lop (about 5 years old – the previous owners weren’t sure) and was an absolute love. At the time I posted, she was dribbling urine. The vet sent her urine out for a more comprehensive culture (than what they could do at their office) and it came back as positive for a UTI. We treated her with an antibiotic for a month and she was much better. But, after she was off of the antibiotics for about a week and a half, her symptoms recurred. I called the vet and we started a new antibiotic. She was scheduled to be spayed on 8/24. My husband, youngest son, and I went on a short vacation while my middle son stayed home with the three bunnies and our dog. When we returned, she was very lethargic and my son said she ate some breakfast, but pretty much lied around all day. I immediately took her to the animal emergency hospital (it was Sunday night) and they admitted her. They started her on IV fluids and put her in an incubator. They also weighed her and she lost about 1/3 of her body weight in a very brief period of time. They were able to keep her alive overnight and I picked her up and took her to our regular vet. The vet said the ER vet didn’t give her enough fluids (they put her on maintenance, but she was severely dehydrated and needed much more than what she was given)…anyway, our vet gave her more fluids and was able to draw blood. My younger son and I went back home…a little while later, the vet called and said Violet was in renal failure. Her kidneys completely shut down. 

        I didn’t have her long, but we were best buds. She followed me around, kept me company, and had the most amazing disposition. Anyway, hopefully, she’s binkying all over with our Lily – and at least she’s not in pain. But, ugh – so sad…she was an incredible little friend. 

      • Bunny House
        1241 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll see her soon again.

          (((( Binky free Violet))))

        • tobyluv
          3310 posts Send Private Message

            I’m very sorry about the loss of your sweet Violet.

          • Daisy Rey
            45 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you so much. 

              Posted By Bunny House on 8/07/2018 8:31 PM

              I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll see her soon again.

              (((( Binky free Violet))))

            • Daisy Rey
              45 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you – she was my sweet girl <3. 

                Posted By tobyluv on 8/07/2018 9:21 PM

                I’m very sorry about the loss of your sweet Violet.

              • Phil
                239 posts Send Private Message

                  Very sad you did all you could do for her, very sorry for your loss, rip little Violet x

                • Gordo and Janice
                  703 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks for taking her in when the others could no longer take care of her. Obviously if she was following you around, keeping you company, with such an amazing disposition, she was a happy little girl. The end is always so heartbreaking. My heart goes out to you.

                    Binky free precious {{{{{Violet}}}}}

                  • Daisy Rey
                    45 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you – I hope we did – the vet said we did…I keep replaying it in my head wondering if traveling back and forth was too much for her, wondering if the other bunnies (who are bonded) caused her too much stress…But, I have to trust the vet and I have to believe if she felt Violet’s health were compromised by the travel and the other bunnies, she would have let me know. 

                      Posted By Phil on 8/08/2018 7:00 AM

                      Very sad you did all you could do for her, very sorry for your loss, rip little Violet x

                    • Daisy Rey
                      45 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks for your reassuring words. She was so happy and such a love – and yes, the end is heartbreaking. I miss her and hope she’s happily hopping around. Thanks again! 

                        Posted By Gordo and Janice on 8/08/2018 8:45 AM

                        Thanks for taking her in when the others could no longer take care of her. Obviously if she was following you around, keeping you company, with such an amazing disposition, she was a happy little girl. The end is always so heartbreaking. My heart goes out to you.

                        Binky free precious {{{{{Violet}}}}}

                      • Bam
                        16978 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m very sorry for your loss. I too want to say thank you for taking her in and providing her with love and care. She was a lucky bunny, the renal failure would’ve happened anyway, at least now she got some real quality time with a loving family towards the end of her earthly life.

                          Binkt free ****Violet****

                        • Daisy Rey
                          45 posts Send Private Message

                            Thank you…taking her in and loving her was easy – she was incredibly sweet. I’m grateful for my time with her and for her time with us. Thanks for the reassurance about the renal failure – I wish I knew what caused it, but I don’t think we’ll ever know. 

                            Posted By bam on 8/09/2018 3:30 AM

                            I’m very sorry for your loss. I too want to say thank you for taking her in and providing her with love and care. She was a lucky bunny, the renal failure would’ve happened anyway, at least now she got some real quality time with a loving family towards the end of her earthly life.

                            Binkt free ****Violet****

                          • MountainBuns
                            513 posts Send Private Message

                              Im so sorry for your loss, you tried your best to keep her and give her a good life, may she rest in peace

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so very sorry for your loss. She was lucky to have you, even just for a short while.

                                (((Binky Free Violet))))

                              • Daisy Rey
                                45 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thank you very much. I am missing her terribly…I go back to work next week (teaching), so hopefully being busier will distract me. 

                                • Daisy Rey
                                  45 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thank you so much; I’m sorry I thought I replied to this earlier. We had an amazing three months – not long enough, but I’m grateful for our time together. 

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      They do get into your heart so quickly. Thank you for caring for her so well in those 3 months. She sounded like an absolute sweetheart. : )
                                      ***Binky free, Violet!***

                                    • Daisy Rey
                                      45 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thank you so much – they really do get into your heart quickly! She was a sweetheart – I’m glad I had her, even for such a short period of time. 

                                        Posted By jerseygirl on 8/12/2018 11:06 PM

                                        They do get into your heart so quickly. Thank you for caring for her so well in those 3 months. She sounded like an absolute sweetheart. : )
                                        ***Binky free, Violet!***

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                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Violet