My goat Molly passed away Tuesday. She was 14 and a half years old. I’ve had her since she was a few months old. I miss her so much.
Sorry this is so long… I just feel like I need to tell the whole story.
She’d been sick since about January. She lost a lot of weight during the winter, she would barely touch her hay and grain from February through April. I thought that maybe she just didn’t like the hay since it was from the last summers cuttings. I had to hand feed her during that time, picking whatever leaves and grasses I could find that were still alive during the winter. I probably spent on average 4 to 5 hours a day picking food for her. Eventually she started arching her back in pain and was barely drinking water, so I had the vet come out in March. The vet did blood work and tested her for urinary tract infections. All fine except for high protein levels and signs of inflammation in her blood. The vet suspected either liver abscesses or uterine cancer. We put her on anti inflammatories and antibiotics. She did seem to do better after the antibiotics, so we did another round of them just to make sure we got whatever was in there. She gave us a big scare during this time. We trimmed her hooves and gave her the antibiotic shot at the same time, and she freaked out. Got so scared. She was shaking for 2 days straight, wouldn’t eat or drink for 3 days. I thought this was it. But she got through it.
When we finished up the antibiotics, the weather was finally warming and plants were growing. I started taking her out in the field to let her eat leaves. She really came around. Stopped arching her back, would get a full belly every day, and actually started to put weight on. She even started eating her hay and grain again. I was so happy that she was finally better. I took her out every day for as long as she wanted up until the end, she loved being out.
Then at the end of July, we had a heat wave for a week and a half of temps in the 90s and 100s. This was really hard on her. She lost her appetite, would barely eat and started losing weight. She started having bloody vaginal discharge, had difficulty urinating, and started arching her back again. She refused to take her pain meds, and after a few days of this I had to force feed them to her. They didn’t seem to help her anymore though. I had the vet come out again. She put her on antibiotics again and stronger pain meds. The antibiotics didn’t seem to help, but the pain meds worked wonders. She started eating again, but not much. She kept losing weight and was low on energy. Then she stopped pooping. She would still eat, but got so constipated and bloated. The vet said to try enemas. They didn’t help. She was getting very lethargic, just wanted to lay down all the time. Started eating less. We took her to another vet to get x-rays and an ultrasound done. They couldn’t really see anything because her intestines were so dialated. They were able to tell she had ileus and fluid in her abdomen though. They took blood and would get back to me the next day. At the vet, Molly didn’t fight anything that was done to her. Normally she’s spunky and fights anything she doesn’t like, but the vet said they put her on her back for one of the x-rays, and she just laid there. She wasn’t doing well.
Once we got her home, she was exhausted. Just laid down for a few hours. She had trouble getting up, like her legs couldn’t support her. One she finally was able to stand up, she didn’t have any more trouble moving or getting up, so I hoped that maybe her leg had fallen asleep. Then she started having an interest in food once we tried to get her back in her pen. So I stayed out with her for a while longer to let her eat. It was getting too late, so I tried to bring her in again and she was so full of energy. Was really fighting me, so I knew she was feeling better. I gave her hay and she was really interested in it, wouldn’t eat any, but she kept pulling bites off.
Normally I take the train into work, but the next day I really felt like I should drive in. I had to stop by the grocery store on the way home, so I left work early so I would still get home at my normal time. The vet called with the blood test results after I got home: severe infection, extremely high liver enzymes, high proteins, low calcium, plus others I can’t remember right now. I go out to Molly right after and she’s so weak. Can’t stand up and can’t hold her head very high. A half hour later I make the decision to have the vet come help her pass. While my husband left a message with the vet, she started having trouble breathing and started to cry out. It seemed like forever, but probably 5 minutes later she was gone. My beautiful Molly was gone. I held her as she passed.
My husband had checked on her about an hour before I went out there. He said she had been laying along the far left fence, a place she often laid. When I went out there she was laying by the gate, about 20 feet away, where she would always be waiting for me to come out. I think she was waiting for me to come out so she could pass.
She was my best friend. I love you Molly.