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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My sweet bun Barry passed away unexpectedly..

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    • Kate
      13 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all, I’m new to this forum. I’ve been overwhelmed with grief and shock of the passing of my 6 year old rabbit, Barry, and thought it would be comforting to talk to fellow bunny parents. My family, fiance, and friends has been so supportive and sweet, but the connection they had wasn’t like the connection I had with him. He was quite protective of me, and was exclusive in snuggles with me. He passed away Friday evening (November 17th) and I have been crying since. 

        Barry’s hutch space was quite big, next to my desk (he’d sit by my feet often) and I am devastated it’s empty now. This morning has been terrible, I can’t do anything the same. He would sit on the sofa with me, sometimes nuzzling up to my legs while I drank my coffee in the morning. Not having that in my morning is soul crushing. We took down his stuff the other night, and our pug, Mo, was so confused. He stared at the ground where Barry’s things used to be and sniffed around for quite a bit. The day before he had poked his head in the hutch and was scanning for his bunny friend as well. It was heartbreaking to not be able to explain to him. 

        Barry seemed like he was in great health. Thursday morning was like any other. Barry played and explored, and settled down next to me for snuggles and pets. He and Mo (our pug) were friends and Mo followed him around, always fascinated by Barry. They’d hang out in Mo’s bed together sometimes and Barry would rub his chin on all of Mo’s belongings. 

        I got ready for school, put him back in his hutch, and left around 12 for class. To get him to go back into his house all I have to do is shake the treat jar and he’ll hop back in and search frantically for the treat (even though it was right in front of him!! I’d point! Right there!! But he’d sniff all around for it..too funny).  When we got home that night, I knew something was off. He wasn’t eating, didn’t get up to say hi, and had no interest in his evening salad which he would always go crazy for! I got him new treats and toys from our errands and he didn’t have interest. I checked his teeth/ears/poops and all looked normal. I got him out of his hutch to sit with us in the living room, and I just knew something was wrong and to take him to our rabbit specialist vet. I put him back in his hutch with all types of treats and food for him to pick from, cleared his litter box and left the water bowl next to him a little past midnight.

         I got back up at 4 to check on him, and nothing was touched, he hadn’t moved. And now he looked bloated. I panicked and massaged his tummy, and tried to get him to move. He was having a hard time. I laid with him and right at 8 we took him to the vet. They called me at 10 and told me it looked like GI stasis, and they were going to an x ray to make sure nothing was blocking him up. They called again at 2 and said he was reacting well to the medicine, the bloating went down and his tummy was softer. They told me I had the option to pick him up at the end of the day or the vet could take him home to monitor at his own house for the night. I opted for the vet to watch over him to be safe so he could have immediate care if needed. They said they’d call again at 5:30. I was still very worried, but felt relief as well!

         But at 4:30 they called me and everything went downhill here. They said he wasn’t reacting to the medicine anymore, and that if it were GI stasis he would be improving. They asked to do another xray and ultrasound, and were worried it was something called “torged gutloop”  which would require emergency surgery for any hope of survival, but the surgery isn’t even recommended because of low success rate. I said yes to the ultrasound/xray – and they said they’d call me back after so we could decide what to do next. I was just crying and crying. The hope of him getting better was completely gone. I started thinking he was going to have to be put to sleep. I didn’t want him in pain if there was no hope of recovering. The next phone call was the doctor, not the technician who’d been helping all day..I knew. The doctor was very kind, and upset himself, and told me Barry had passed away just 5 minutes ago. I had to give the phone to my fiance to finish the conversation I was breaking down. 

        Saturday morning we went to the vet to see his body. I had to – I felt like I didn’t get a proper good bye. His little body was in a box wrapped up in a towel. He was still bloated looking. His ears and feet were stiff and cold from being in the fridge. I pet his little body for quite some time before I gave him one last kiss and told him I loved him. 

        The doctor was liberal with medicine so he wasn’t in pain, but I feel awful. I left him alone for 4 hours the night he got sick, and I wish I had stayed with him the whole night. What was Barry thinking/feeling? I wasn’t there. I knew he was ill, but I thought for sure I’d see him again. That I’d be nursing him back to health for a couple weeks and then himself again. He’s been on the same diet for his whole life, I don’t understand how he got sick. The vet said to be sure he would have to do an autopsy. We didn’t do that, it’s so expensive and I wanted to get a private cremation for him. 

        The cremation process has also upset me – they do pick up/drop off at the vet on Wednesdays. So I’ll have him back on November 29th. I have been so upset all weekend thinking of his little body all alone in that box. 

        The doctor and staff were so kind and I feel lucky for that. The doctor specialized in bunnies, they don’t take cats or dogs so he was in the best of hands with no barking/meowing in the background to stress over while he was there. But, I feel so guilty I wasn’t present for him during his last moments. I wish I could have done more for him. I don’t understand how he got sick out of the blue, he was totally fine.   He was my best friend. He got me through so much, and was continuously there to love me. I had wrapped him up in my cardigan the morning before the vet and I can’t let go of it, I sleep with it and cry in it…I feel like a crazy person, and feel like I can’t recover from losing him. 

        Sofa snuggles with Barry…

      • LittlePuffyTail
        18092 posts Send Private Message

          I’m in tears reading this. I’m so very very sorry you lost your beautiful little friend. Every time I hear of someone having to say goodbye to a beloved bunny, it really pulls at my heart because I have had to say goodbyes too. It’s never easy. You described it well: “soul crushing”. It’s especially difficult when it’s a sudden illness. Unfortunately, bunnies tend to hide illnesses well so we do hear this a lot in the bunny world.

          I think there is always a sense of guilt when we lose a bunny. I’ve experienced guilt for some reason or another with every bunny I’ve lost. But part of me knows, that I loved them more than anything and did all I could to make sure they were well.

          I mean this with all my heart when I say, Barry was so very lucky to have you. Your deep grieving is a tribute to how very loved he was.

          I’ve found doing something in the memory of a passed bun can help with healing. I’ve made little journals with pictures and beautiful memories I never want to forget. Cute things they used to do. Moments we enjoyed together. Donating to a rabbit shelter in their memory is nice too. And, someday, I know you don’t want to think about that now, you will be ready to let another bunny into your heart. That is the greatest thing you can do in his memory: give a home to another bunny who really needs you.

          ((((Binky Free Beautiful Barry))))

        • Kate
          13 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you so so much for this sweet response. Gahhh I’m crying again. Crying, but your post made me smile. <3 I'm getting photos printed of him tonight actually and want to make a book.  I have a lovely ceramic jar with bunnies on it to place his ashes in for the time being. They are picking him up for that tomorrow..I'm hoping having him back with me will help me too – I've been distraught thinking of him there.

              “Binky free” is a cute phrase I haven’t heard until I stumbled on this forum. Sending love to you and your buns <3  Thank you for the lovely post <3 It's nice to not feel alone in bunny grieving 

          • Lavanya
            2 posts Send Private Message

              Hi Kate

              I am so sorry for your loss. It’s heart breaking to loose your baby. Me and my husband lost love of our life, our 6 year old female rabbit on November 15. Still trying to recover from that. Our situation was similar to yours.
              It’s very very hard. I was crying for days.
              At such times, think about god. It helps. Our bunnies soul cannot die. Only body dies. Their soul is permanent. They must have changed body and would have been born somewhere.
              Try to calm down. It’s God’s will. God will take care of your bunny. God takes care of you too. So just pray and pray. We found peace in praying.
              I obviously miss her so much because I am used to her presence in my life, that will take time but atleast don’t blame yourself for not seeing your bunny in his last moments.
              God was with him.
              Feel free to ask me when you feel like crying or have any questions.

              I really believe your bunny must have taken a new life most beautiful baby life somewhere and must be enjoying kisses and hugs from his new family.

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                I’m very sorry about the loss of your sweet Barry. He had a wonderful home with you and was surrounded by love. Not all rabbits get to have a home such as that. Please don’t feel guilty about not being with him. You did everything right to try to get him well by letting the vet and staff take care of him. It sounds like they are very caring people. Thank you for sharing photos of Barry. The photo book you are making will be a lovely tribute to him.

              • Kate
                13 posts Send Private Message

                  ((EDIT // I thought my response posted would be directly under the responder, so I redid it thinking I hit the wrong response button! But I realize how it is formatted gah..apologies ))

                • Kate
                  13 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you for your comforting response…I hope to see him again one day. I’m so sorry for your loss, the unexpected part makes it even harder  Your bunny looks beautiful <3 

                  • Kate
                    13 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you so much <3 I'm trying to do better remembering all the happy memories, and not focusing on not being there when he passed, and be thankful he was on medicine as well which I wouldn't have been able to give. The photo book should be therapeutic.  Take care <3 <3

                    • DanaNM
                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry for your loss

                        I lost my Bunston in a very similar way, completely out of the blue, with ann extremely rapid decline over 18 hours. The vet suspects it was a loop of his gut that got twisted, and very little that can be done in those cases. I dealt with extreme guilt over the situation, and everyone here was so comforting. You did the best you could for him, and it’s clear that he lived a full and happy life.

                        ((Binky Free Barry))

                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                      • Kate
                        13 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you so much for your condolences. Your bunnies look precious <3 

                          I’m sorry to hear you lost yours the same way It’s terrible. I felt so helpless for him that day. I’m battling guilt as well – we don’t understand what caused it. Nothing was different the past 6 years about his diet, and new foods I introduced slowly and over time periods that I was home all day to make sure he reacted okay!  May I ask if it first seemed like GI stasis as well for Bunston? The vet told me the same about the gut loop issue, surgery would be the only chance for him to live, but it wasn’t even a high success rate. They are just such delicate creatures   

                          <3 <3 Binky free Bunston and Barry <3 <3

                        • DanaNM
                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                            Hi Kate, thank you, Bunston is the little brown guy in my avatar. Bertha is the big girl, she actually looks a lot like Barry.

                            Yes, the initial symptoms with Bunston made it seem like stasis or a blockage. Nothing had changed in his diet or environment, but he was molting heavily due to a heat wave. In the morning he ate breakfast, but had slightly less appetite. He had brushes with near stasis in the past, where his poops had gotten smaller and he had less interest in pellets, but he would always recover within hours with some extra veggies, no pellets, and lots of exercise. This time, he was eating hay well, and his poops looked normal, so I wasn’t too alarmed. By that evening he wouldn’t eat anything, his ears felt cold to the touch, and he was barely responsive. I knew something was horribly wrong the second I got home, because Bertha was grooming his back aggressively, something he never did and he never tolerated. It was a Sunday and our emergency vet doesn’t see rabbits, so we tried to get him through the night by keeping him warm and massaging his belly. Near sunrise we thought he would pull through, as he became more alert, responsive, warm, and even ate a few bites of fennel, and pooped a bit. The poop looked surprisingly normal, which made me think that it wasn’t just stasis after all. But then a few hours later he passed. He was never seen by a vet, but when I told our vet everything that had happened her guess was that a loop of his intestine had become twisted. She said there wouldn’t have been anything that could have been done (I’m assuming she wouldn’t have recommended a risky surgery like that). I was consumed by guilt, as we had gone to a concert that evening, and by the time we got home, he was barely responsive. But really, I don’t know what else could have been done without a good emergency vet, as the supportive care we provided would have gotten him through the morning if it was something treatable.

                            Rabbits really are so delicate, and I think we always expect them to live to the oldest age possible (I always assumed Bunston would make it to 12 or 15, he was 9). Even with the best care, there is really no way to tell how long they will be with us. I’ve since then fostered a rabbit with serious GI issues (on and off stasis, gas, cecal dysbiosis), and it makes me realize that what happened with Bunston really must have been very serious as the similarities were only superficial. Stasis is really a symptom of another problem. So it is probably true that both Barry and Bunston were in stasis, but likely set off by a more serious root problem that was beyond our control.

                            Again, so sorry for your loss. I finally (like just this week) got around to making a photo book of Bunston (about 1.5 years after he passed), and I’m so happy I did. I’m sure you will cherish yours of Barry.

                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                          • Kate
                            13 posts Send Private Message

                              Awe, they are both so adorable! She does look like Barry

                               Dana, thank you so much for sharing your story about Bunston with me. I’m glad I found this forum, it’s comforting to share with other bunny parents. 

                              Your story is so sad You guys did everything right, and you were so in tune with him in his past GI bouts. All your bunnies are lucky to have you!! The twisted gut loop according to my vet, like yours, said it has no chance without surgery and even that is not recommended. I wouldn’t have wanted to put him through more pain simply because I wanted him to stay with me, but he didn’t make it for me to make the decision. Everything about the illness is heartbreaking…I wish there was knowledge of what triggers it. I was so sure Barry would live much longer as well, I feel like I provided everything and took precautions on a lot of things to ensure it. You’re right, no guarantee no matter what  

                               You are a wonderful person to foster! I’m not ready for another bunny by any means, but it makes me happy to hear of people like you that give them safe and caring homes. Thank you again for your responses. Rest in peace Bunston and Barry <3 

                            • Pepper
                              7 posts Send Private Message

                                Kate- I am so so sorry about your bunny. I am here tonight on this forum as my bunny died unexpectedly tonight – I am completely stricken with grief and I am trying to find answers. I was treating my 2 year old rabbit, Pickles, for GI stasis after diagnosis earlier this week. She seemed to be doing better, mostly, until last night. She’d do better and backslide all week. Last night, she took a turn in the night and I got her to an emergency rabbit vet today. She did not make it and died when there. I feel like I did everything but then I keep thinking “what if .. what if…” DanaNM your story also sounds like a lot like mine. There was no emergency vet care (I’d be administering IVs and medications at home with my vet tech/animal rescuer sister). I just hurt so badly and I am so sorry these bunnies had this happen to them.

                              • Kate
                                13 posts Send Private Message

                                  Kate, I’m so sorry for your loss of little Pickles! It sounds like you did all you could and we are both lucky we have vets that are familiar with bunnies (if only 24 hr emergency care was more common for buns though, like you, I didn’t have that option). It’s also wonderful your sister was available – you really did all you could for Pickles. She was truly very very lucky to have you as her bunny mom! <3

                                   It’s just so sad that bunnies are so fragile  

                                  I understand the hurt you are feeling EXACTLY. It’s been 8 days since I lost Barry now, I’m still massively upset and I still think of the “what if’s” as well, but I’m getting better day by day at remembering the happy memories. I still cry. It’s very difficult to work through the loss –  I’m so sorry you are going through this too.    

                                  The best advice I got from family and on this forum was to do some sort of tribute. It helps you take your mind off the end, and remember the positives of when you were with your bunny. I’m making a photo book of Barry, and I placed a really pretty little schefflera tree where his hutch used to be, placed a clay bunny under the tree, and wrapped the pot in firefly lights. Having something beautiful like that for him where he was has made the pain of walking in the room and an empty area a little less painful. You really should do some sort of little project for Pickles soon – it will help.   Please message me if you’d like to talk more, I’m right there with you  

                                  Binky free sweet Pickles and Barry <3<3

                                • Pepper
                                  7 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thank you so much, Kate. This was helpful for me. I love the idea of a tribute. I have a ton of photos and funny videos of her binkying around and being her wild self.  I have so many veggies/hay/toys that it’s painful to either open up the fridge or go into her room where her pen was, but since my sis has bunnies I’ll give her some and donate the rest to help other bunnies. I think I’ll work on something to remember her by. It’s amazing how an animal so small can have such a profound impact on us. Again, thank you! 

                                  • DanaNM
                                    9056 posts Send Private Message

                                      Kate, I am so sorry about Pickles. It sounds like you did everything you could to help her, especially with such good care at home. 

                                      The other Kate had some lovely suggestions for a tribute. In your own time, that may give you some comfort. 

                                      (((Binky free Pickles)))

                                      . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                    • Pepper
                                      7 posts Send Private Message

                                        Thank you, DanaNM. I donated her items today to some other bunnies. I should get her ashes in a couple of days. Ugghhh. It was sooo hard cleaning up her toys . :'( 

                                      • DanaNM
                                        9056 posts Send Private Message

                                          Awww that’s so hard. Do you think you’ll ever adopt another bunny? When you’re ready?

                                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                        • Pepper
                                          7 posts Send Private Message

                                            At first I didn’t think so…. I’ve had bunnies for 15 years but this was sooo hard because she was young and it was so sudden. However, I also know that if I can open my home to another bunny then I’ve saved another life… so  I think it’s just a matter of time. I went back to work for the first time today and it was hard to come back home without her greeting me. Uuughhh. 

                                          • DanaNM
                                            9056 posts Send Private Message

                                              Yeah, that’s hard. I think in time you might want to adopt again. It took me about 6 months to a year after Bunston to really feel ready for another.

                                              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                            • Kate
                                              13 posts Send Private Message

                                                Pepper I’m so sorry

                                                I still walk in wanting to see Barry and my heart just drops. It’s not the same.

                                                It was nice of you to donate some things for some other buns. I’m like you, and don’t feel ready to adopt/don’t think I will soon…but at the same time it really pulls on my heart strings thinking of all the bunnies that need love and a good home. First we have to heal 

                                                I get Barry’s ashes on Wednesday – I’m sure it will be nice to have the ashes back, however sad that is to say.

                                                 Take care.. <3

                                              • September
                                                110 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Hello Kate. I am so sorry for your loss of Barry. He was beautiful. I lost Timothy suddenly under similar circumstances, but I wasn’t at home when he passed and to think I missed something that day and could have done something will haunt me forever.

                                                  You are right that things aren’t the same. We have a new ‘normal’ now and its horrible. I read something recently, a few words which I think sums how we are all feeling. “He’s with me always because I won’t let him go”.

                                                  Take care

                                                • Kate
                                                  13 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Thank you Lynda, I’m so sorry for the loss of your bunny as well Those words are so true…

                                                    I got Barry’s ashes back today. It’s sad, but it does comfort me having that back. 

                                                    I hope you’re doing well Lynda, your bunny was just so adorable! I love when they fall asleep like that on their side. Binky free sweet Timothy <3

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                                                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My sweet bun Barry passed away unexpectedly..