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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My special little guy passed away on Tuesday night

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    • bugsy
      20 posts Send Private Message


        Just a little note and to say goodbye to Bugsy who sadly passed away on Tuesday night.

        This was a big shock to me and my boyfriend, Bugsy was 3 years old and always had trouble with his teeth, but with the help of our vet we managed to pull him through.

        This time though he wasn’t so lucky about two weeks ago he had a really bad abcess the vet sorted him out and we were given antibotics which has had before and bio-lapis which he hasn’t had before, he always had fibreplex.  Anyway he was getting on great eating, drinking and being very playful.

        I left for work on Tuesday morning and gave him some lettuce leafs as he was running round my legs and he was doing the same when my boyfriend left for work early afternoon.  When I got home around 6:30pm there was  diarrhea everywhere was he was very lethargic, so i rang the vets straight away and went to the emergency vets.

        He said that he was very dehydrated and would need to be kept in on a drip and given antibotics.  when I got home I realised I had left his medicene there so rang the vets who said he had found them and would make sure they were kept with him, but said that it was really had to get a drip into him as his veins had collapsed but hoped they could in his back leg. 

        Then we had a call from the vets at 10pm to say that sadly bugsy had passed away they did everything they could be he was too weak.

        As you can imagine we were very shocked as he was fine in the morning as I said he was drinking eating and going to the toliet and everything was fine and I do not understand that in 6 hours he could be so dehydrated and that caused his death.

        I know that I should grieve for him, which obviously i am but i do not understand why he was taken away. 

        If anyone has any thoughts or comfort I would really appreciate it.

        thanks xxxxxxxx

        We will miss you bugsy, hope you are with your sister Charlie at Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss.

          Sometimes these little guys go so fast and there is nothing we can do. I’ve had these unexpected deaths with my rabbits many times and it’s always harder when you don’t know or when it’s unexpected. But I realize it was nothing I did, it was just there time as unfair as that may be.

          268 posts Send Private Message

            Yes i had a baby bunny who got very sudden diorrhea and died in my arms within the hour whilst i was trying to syringe feed her. So horribly sad, could have just been everything catching up with him. My vet said to me once when i took my cat in for a tooth abcess and operation when i was worried about him making it through the op. He said to be honest it isnt really the operation that normally kills them or the anaesthetic these days but just the stress and after efects of the illness, it is normally a little bit after the hard bit that they suddenly go down hill. Which unfortunately is what happened for my cat too. It does seem more harsh as you feel relieved that they got through and seem to be recovering and then suddenly take a turn for the worse. If it was straight away you feel that there is a reason but it seems to make no sense when they show signs of recovery. Hope you are ok, in some ways it is nice to think that he was so happy right before as he would have suffered very little and enjoyed as much time as he had. xx

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              It seems when there is a intestinal issue, they can go down hill very rapidly. It must be an awful shock. Dental issues are such a challenge and they can often lead to other issues such as stress then intestinal difficulties. If he had dental issues long term, he must have been a little trooper to recover after each treatment. Of course, I cannot say this was what happen in his case. I can only offer you my condolences.

              It is so difficult with these delicate creatures how they can be fine and then gravely ill in such a short time span. I hope eventually you can get more answers and find some closure. Though these last few days may be difficult, try remember the whole 3 years of bunny antics you shared with Bugsy.
              **Binky Free Bugsy**

            • 3crazybuns
              222 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so sorry for your loss!!!

                **Binky Free Bugsy!!!**

              • babybunsmum
                3896 posts Send Private Message

                  i’m so very sorry that you lost bugsy so quikly. that’s just terrible. it sure sounds like you gave him a happy and loving home for his short life. ((((((big hugs))))))

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    OH, I am so sorry! It is so true how quickly they can go downhill. They are so fragile in so many ways. One minute they are fine and the next they are fighting for their life. It is the unfortunate part of being a bunny slave. You can do everything for them, give them the best care possible and sometimes these things happen.

                    Hugs to you!! Binky Free Bugsy!

                  • Miyuki
                    240 posts Send Private Message

                      My condolences on your loss of Bugsy. It must’ve been awful getting that call from the vet so late at night.

                    • Cassi&Charlie
                      1260 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry to hear this. They become so special to us and it’s hard to believe that something can happen so suddenly to take the away. As BinkyBunny said, you can give them the best care, the most love but sometimes these things happen and there is nothing anyone can do. Hugs!
                        (Binky free Bugsy with your sister Charlie!)

                      • bugsy
                        20 posts Send Private Message

                          thank you for your lovely messages, you are right you do become a bunny slave and I can’t believe how quiet the house is without them both, even though they weren’t noisy you always new where they were! I came down stairs this morning and was talking away to bugsy so I wouldn’t scare him and then suddenly remembered he wasn’t there, it was upsetting but it is still early days. thank you once again for the hugs and I am sure they are both together hopping around with all the other bunnies who have crossed over rainbow bridge, they will both be in my heart forever xxxxxxxx

                        • bunnytowne
                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh no  I am sorry.   What a shock. So fast.   You did your best.      You got him to the vet.  Unfortunately he left for RRB anyways.

                          • ScooterandAnnette
                            1090 posts Send Private Message

                              So sorry to hear this, it’s always so difficult when we lose one of them – they really do become part of the family.

                              Binky free Bugsy.

                              – Annette

                            • RabbitPam
                              11002 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh, I’m so sorry about Bugsy. He sounds like a real sweety who loved you very much. Diarrhea can cause fast dehydration, so it’s not something you could have helped. You got him treatment as soon as you knew, and he fought like a brave little guy. It was just his time. But I agree that you gave them both a wonderful life and are a great bunny slave.

                                It will be hard for a week or two, but it will feel better in time. You can talk to him now – he will hear you over the bridge. He’s watching over you until you’re OK.

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  My sincere condolences on the loss of your special friend.

                                  {{{{{{ Binky Free Bugsy }}}}}}}

                                • BinkyBunny
                                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By bugsy on 05/15/2009 05:29 AM
                                      I came down stairs this morning and was talking away to bugsy so I wouldn’t scare him and then suddenly remembered he wasn’t there, it was upsetting…


                                    Oh,(gulp), I know how you feel – just a  moment of forgetting they are gone and then remembering – ulch…it’s an awful feeling.   I’m so sorry. HUGS! 

                                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m so sorry to hear about bugsy… it’s cruel how they can go so fast. Be happy he’s pain free now.

                                      Binky free, Bugsy!

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry! He was very well-loved… Hugs to you.

                                        Binky Free Bugsy!

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                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My special little guy passed away on Tuesday night