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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • Candice
      13 posts Send Private Message

        After losing Spencer on Friday I made the decision to let Shamus go on Sunday. I was really hoping to be able to keep treating him for EC and his hind leg paralysis but on Saturday and Sunday he went down hill fast. He wasn’t sitting up or moving at all and not eating.

        After spending the day in the sun together on Sunday the vet came and we let him go peacefully. It’s been horrible to lose both so close together. But I feel with Shamus I made the right decision it wasn’t fair to keep him going. He did his best to fight for the last six months. My heart hurts without him and it hurts for his mate he left behind Peach. I’m not sure how she’s taking it. She seems okay still eating and drinking I think she’s a bit confused. I have given her a fake bunny friend who so far she seems okay with. She has groomed it a bit.
        I’m sad for her that she doesn’t have anyone anymore. She’s only five so could have a long time left alone. I would love to give her another friend but I don’t know if I can endure the stress and worries bunnies can bring after having two with such continuous health problems. But at the same time I can’t imagine a life without bunnies.

      • Sofia
        348 posts Send Private Message

          This is heartbreaking news, it’s so devastating that you lost them so close together. At least shamus and Spencer are together now. Look out for Peach, she’s going to need your love and attention now.
          Binky free sweet Shamus

        • Bam
          16978 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry you had to make this choice so very soon after Spencer. I hope Peach will be ok.

            Binky free ****Shamus****, I hope you and Spencer are together on the other side of the Bridge now.

          • Gordo and Janice
            703 posts Send Private Message

              Speechless here. Sad, devastating, heartbreaking, all the adjectives can’t do your situation justice. So sorry you are experiencing this. It is an unfair conundrum for sure. So hard and painful to endure the health issues, decline, and death but yet can’t live without the companionship and the other intangible joys they bring. Thinking of you and Peach.

              Binky free {{{Shamus}}} I too hope you and Spencer are reunited and blissful as I type.

            • Candice
              13 posts Send Private Message

                I’m just so heartbroken. I don’t know what to even do. Or how to heal. I just want them both back.

              • Gordo and Janice
                703 posts Send Private Message

                  It is absolutely terrible. No doubt about it. Broken heart, broken life, broken existence. It’s been over 6 months for me. The longer it gets the less I can remember the details of exactly how long it was before I started to feel like I was getting over it. It takes time. Time is truly the only thing in common with anyone getting better (so it seems). I remember it seemed like I was broken forever. Horribly broken, never going to be the same, never able to function normally again. But it will come. It’s still pretty recent and fresh for you. The yearning is normal and admittedly sometimes overwhelming. So emotionally painful because you do just want them back so much. That simple. Just be back. It should be simple. But time only goes in one direction for all of us.

                  I know there is an emptiness and a quietness that can’t really be described. The only little anecdotes I can give are to keep yourself busy. Do spend quality time with Peach. She probably could use some distraction through love and time spent as well. Every time you think of them try, as hard as it is, to be grateful and thankful and appreciative for getting to share life with them. Most people don’t understand or get the gift of having little bunnies. You did. Be thankful that you experienced something so unique and special. Try to beat down the waves of sorrow and being lost with the most awesome happy fun cute laughing memories of them when they were here. There is no beating around the bush about any of this. It is rough. One of the ultimate psychological tortures. But keep moving forward day by day. Your days of feeling better are coming. They just aren’t quite within reach yet. But they are coming and they will arrive. You will one day realize you aren’t as bad as you were. And the process gradually continues as you move through this.

                  I tend to talk (or type as the case may be) too much. But as time goes on I can think of Icey (our little girl) and mostly smile now and giggle to myself, sometimes laugh out loud. Not hardly any crying. We all heal differently and at different rates.

                  As you yearn for their return they yearn for you to be happy. We all want those that we love and leave behind to be truly happy. I am sure they want the same for you. You gave them a wonderful life. They were loved and they knew it. They love you back. They want you to be happy and enjoy your time here as they did. Know and remember you will get better in time.

                  Thinking of all of you.

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so very sorry for the loss of both your buns.   Nothing hurts like saying goodbye to such sweet friends. 

                    (((((Binky Free)))))

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                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Shamus