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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My rabbit is gone

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    • Rabbit100
      18 posts Send Private Message

        I made a post titled, “Rabbit with leg problems” in the HOUSE RABBIT Q & A category. If you could please read that thread before this message to understand better.

        My family is making fun of me. They are laughing and making jokes about me and Mopsy. That includes my mother. I said I don’t want anyone in my room because that is where I am keeping Mopsy’s things where she used to live and when our house guests were looking at my room my mother walked by and said, “Put on the light so they can see better.” I stay in my room a lot to be alone and grieve and because I am depressed I am tired and crying all the time. They are making fun of me for that by saying that I’m lazy for “sleeping all the time”. My parents only pretended to care about Mopsy and as soon as the opportunity presents itself they are the first to laugh at all the jokes about me and Mopsy and make snide comments. How can I live with people like this? I want to go to the Rainbow Bridge now.

      • Gina.Jenny
        2244 posts Send Private Message

          It is very hard to lose a much loved pet, and you rightly need time and space to grieve in your own way. I’m assuming from your post, that you are quite young (please don’t give your age if under 18), and still living with your parents. It is very sad that your parents aren’t respecting your grief. Grief is tiring, and you are certainly not lazy, you are grieving. And additionally, you are having to deal with their lack of support, which is also clearly very painful for you.

          If you are still at school, is there a school councillor you could go and see, to talk through how you are feeling?

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            I agree fully with what Gina.Jenny has written. You must be allowed to grieve.

            I think it’s really important that you sit down with your parents (when the guests are not there) and tell them about how hurt you are. 

            Do you think maybe they acted this way because they didn’t want to offend their guests, even if these guests made inappropriate jokes? I’m not trying to make an excuse for your parents, I’m just trying to understand at why they were this way when they’ve been supportive at other times.

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              I just want to say that I agree with GinaJenny and Jersey. You have the right to grieve as much as you feel you need to. It’s very sad that people make jokes about a dead rabbit. Maybe they are afraid for you because they see how badly you are hurting?
              You are so welcome to come here and talk to us about Mopsy if you can’t get the support and understanding you need from the people around you. Nobody here will ever make light of the loss of a bunny.
              Sending you so many hugs.

            • Rabbit100
              18 posts Send Private Message

                They are “supportive” when it is convenient for them. I’ve always been treated like the “runt of the litter” for no reason. Mopsy is the only one who has treated me as the opposite. My mother is the type who complains when I get an A in my courses if its not 100% or more. They told me my Dean’s list award in college isn’t worth much to them. They also makes jokes about the time when my college roommates were harassing and tormenting me. The list goes on. I have to go to graduate school full time and can’t work, so for financial reasons I live at home because its not very far from my college(about 15 mins). I would have moved out if they hadn’t taken all of the salary I made while I was working in college. I think I just need help to make it through my course and do as well as I was planning. Mopsy’s death was sudden and unexpected and all I can do at the moment is read boards like this one online where others have lost animals they were close to.

              • Bam
                16977 posts Send Private Message

                  You are so very welcome here, you are a bunny-lover among bunny-lovers here.

                   I’m sorry you don’t feel your parents give you the kind of support you need. Sometimes parents of very talented people come to take excellence as some sort of a given and keep expecting more and more. That often changes with time though, because with time most people do get wiser. I’m so glad you had Mopsy who clearly loved you for you. And you are the person Mopsy knew you to be, animals are never wrong about these things, esp not prey animals who aren’t naturally trusting. You earned her love and that says a lot about you.
                  I sincerely hope you’ll find the strength to make it through your course and to pass it with flying colors. Then maybe one day when you have your own place you can welcome another rabbit who needs a great bunny-mummy into your life. There are many bunnies that need the kind of love you clearly are capable of giving.

                • LittlePuffyTail
                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so very sorry about the loss of Mopsy. And I’m sorry your parents are not being supportive in your time of grief.

                    We are here for you. Most of us know exactly how you are feeling. Most of us have lost a very beloved bunny. There is nothing harder than saying goodbye to a wonderful friend. (((Hugs))))

                    (((Binky Free Mopsy)))))

                  • Rabbit100
                    18 posts Send Private Message

                      From the first time I held Mopsy she never struggled once and I knew she was just right for me. When I got her home and put her on my bed she flopped over onto her side to relax, showed no signs of distress and was not frightened at all. I think she was thinking she has the good life now. This was the first day I got her and she was only 6 months old. One time I sat down and I put Mopsy in the next seat beside me. I waved at Mopsy, she looked at me and hopped from the seat over into my lap. I thought maybe she was playing as rabbits do. So I put her back in the next seat and waved. Again she hopped so fast into my lap. I think Mopsy really liked me a lot and depended on me for a lot of things. Whenever I was upset or distressed she somehow knew and she would start licking me until she thought I was better – and I was because of her. Can you believe it? She was concerned! She could never be “just a rabbit”. There’s no such thing as “just a rabbit”. I love all rabbits now and they are my favorite animal because of my experience with Mopsy. 

                      The day she was ill she was so limp and had no energy to move. I put her on my bed to show my mother her condition and how she couldn’t walk properly. With what little energy she had she used it to crawl to and lean against me. Again, I couldn’t believe it so I moved her a little away from me, and sure enough she used her last drops of energy to crawl to me and lean on me. She wanted hugs and she wanted to be near me as she was passing. It was from then that I was with her the entire time until she passed. I sat with and cuddled her on my bed because that is what she wanted and I also never wanted anything except to be near Mopsy. I think she would have suffered greatly, mentally speaking, if she was with anyone else besides me or if she was alone when she was passing. My room was her favorite place to be and I made sure to spoil her and give her everything possible. I know she was so comfortable before she got ill because of the endless amounts of times she flopped over to relax on her side and the never ending happy chattering of her teeth. It seems as if the only thing that was missing was a longer life without health problems. Mopsy was a Netherland Dwarf and the cutest baby there ever was.

                    • Azerane
                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                        I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could say that would make it better.

                      • Love4Bunny
                        878 posts Send Private Message

                          Rabbit100, I’m so sorry Mopsy passed away so unexpectedly, and that it is really hard for you to get through the day, and the grief. It probably feels very lonely in person. But you are not alone here.

                          I think writing here is a good, healthy way to grieve. If you enjoy music, writing, the arts, drawing, creating… any of that, I think it is one way to process all the hurt you feel.

                          Having those times when you cry is also very important, even when other people tell us that we should be okay, and we’re not. Even though you feel the weight of your parents expectations, you are more than a grade, and how you feel matters.

                        • Vienna Blue in France
                          5317 posts Send Private Message

                            Animals have way of entering our hearts like no other human can. Especially if we have been made to think that we are ‘not worth much’.
                            I am lucky – I have a family who have supported me in what I’ve wanted to do even if they were not in agreement…. (many things !! LOL)

                            It sounds as if you need to make distance from your family and this cannot be done at the moment understandably. (15 mins from place of study or work is enviable !)

                            So all I can say is work as hard as you can in a ‘I’ll show you’ attitude, and be happy in yourself. (Don’t let their comments get you down, nor those of your roomates).
                            If you pass your exams, you will have the choice of what job you wish for and can get financially independant that will make you feel so much more confident.

                            There are lots of us oddballs out there (I say that in a very affectionate way … lol) , and other people find amusement in making fun, not realising how hurting words can be. It’s bullying and that is NOT acceptable. Especially not from family.

                            Come here on BinkyBunny as much as you can, as much as you wish – we have members from all over, so any time night or day there is usually someone logged on to support you. Speaking to strangers (us) is like have psychiatrist session – it does it good to get it all out :!!! LOL.

                            Please don’t go to the rainbow bridge of your own accord – we are here !!!

                            You GO for it bun lover – we’re with you all the way !!

                          • Jessica
                            163 posts Send Private Message

                              Rabbit100, we are all here to support you and to mourn with you. Binky free lil mopsy, you were truly loved. I’m sure we all felt the same pain you’re going through of losing what can only be described as your best friend. Please never think of hurting yourself, come talk to us. Show them and show mopsy, that you are strong. Remember those good times with her and how much she loved you. Just remember you have us to talk to, to vent to.

                            • Rabbit100
                              18 posts Send Private Message

                                Here are some photos of Mopsy. Isn’t she so cute

                              • jerseygirl
                                22352 posts Send Private Message

                                  So sweet! I love the ones of her on the dining table.

                                • Rabbit100
                                  18 posts Send Private Message

                                    She used to try and eat out of everyone’s plates  Once she saw you had food you had to give her something, no exceptions.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                      Lol. So cute. I don’t think I could have resisted giving her something.

                                      Thanks for posting the photos. They’re precious.

                                    • Bam
                                      16977 posts Send Private Message

                                        What a beautiful girl, Rabbit100! Agree with Jersey, I could never have resisted giving her sth. What a lovely dark peach color she was. Thank you for sharing her pictures with us. I love the one on the table, under the flowers, where she looks like “Oh wait, I can explain…”

                                      • cinnybun2015
                                        570 posts Send Private Message

                                          I am so sorry for your loss, Rabbit100. The photos are beautiful. She’s a beautiful girl. I love how she just hopped onto the table!

                                        • Jessica
                                          163 posts Send Private Message

                                            Such a beautiful baby, I wouldn’t of told her no either such an adorable little munchkin.

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                                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My rabbit is gone