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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My heart has shattered… RIP Ava

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    • NewBunnyOwner123
      1930 posts Send Private Message

         It has happened. I got the phone call this afternoon. Ava’s heart stopped beating today. She was a lab and I grew up with her. She had a long and happy life of 17 years. Despite her age, we are all caught completely off guard. She was still able to hear clearly, and her eyes were clear as day with no evidence of sight loss. She still acted like a puppy up until her last breath. She went down to the creek just yesterday to go swimming. She had no illnesses coming with her age. She still had a full and healthy coat, and clear eyes. They fed her this morning at 8 am and she was the happy, bouncy dog we all came to love. Then at 12 they went to go get her for a walk down to the creek and she was curled up, sleeping. They called her name and she didn’t lift her head. Their heart sank, knowing she was no longer with us. We think she might of had a heart attack, or just passed peacefully in her sleep. I’m not sure what happened but I really hope she went peacefully and in no pain. 

        I was 5 when we first got her as a puppy, I am now 22. I grew up with her… I love her and I will always miss my hiking companion. RIP Ava. 



        Anytime you go, “Smile, Ava! Where’s that smile!” She would be wagging her whole butt and lifting her upper lip smilling away! Gosh, I will miss this dog so much! She was terrified of thunderstorms and would let you know a day in advance when one was coming. She enjoyed hiking and swimming. She ran sideways. LIke her butt was right along side her front legs when running…she even close lined me once with that big badonkadonk! RIP Ava! There are too many memories to share.

      • jerseygirl
        22352 posts Send Private Message

          Oh I am sorry! My condolences to you and your family. She sounded amazing.
          Such a shock her passing being sudden but she didn’t have to suffer too much in old age by the sounds.

          Your post had me tear up but also laugh at her antics. It’s so special to spend such a big part of your life with a companion like Ava.
          I know this must be so hard you being away from your family also. Sending (((Hugs)))

          Sleep peacefully Ava.

        • AnnaW
          569 posts Send Private Message

            I am so sorry to hear that, losing a pet is one of the hardest things we have to go through. Sending you love and hugs xxx

          • NewBunnyOwner123
            1930 posts Send Private Message

               Thanks you guys. This was a tough loss. Mainly because of how healthy she seemed to be. I wasn’t ready nor was I preparing myself for her passing due to her healthy attitude and appearance… She lost her buddy 7 years ago from throat cancer. I know Major greeted her on the other side of the rainbow bridge. They are finally together again. We got these two at the same time. Major was only 10 when he had to be put down and Ava took it really hard. She was looking for him for quite some time after we took him to the vet to put him down. He couldn’t eat anymore and we knew it was time…


              This pic was taken about a week ago. She had just gotten back from helping Grandpa feed the goats.

            • NewBunnyOwner123
              1930 posts Send Private Message

                They are burying her under a big pecan tree by the creek. RIP my precious baby

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, I am so sorry! That is rough! She has been around most of your life and has been a wonderful family member and best friend. That is the hardest part about having animal companions – I wished they lived much longer! Sounds like she lived a wonderful long life surrounded by love. The best one could ask for.

                  Hugs to you.

                • MoveDiagonally
                  2361 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m so sorry for you loss. It sounds like she brought you all so much joy.

                    RIP Ava.

                  • NewBunnyOwner123
                    1930 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you…that turkey is starting to make me laugh in this picture. I have shed many tears today in my mourning but I am done now. Now, I shall think of all the good she has brought our family the last 17 years it puts a smile on my face thinking back…

                    • PurpleBunni
                      32 posts Send Private Message

                        Aw… My heart is breaking for you. Big ((hugs)). May Ava run sideways and free over the rainbow bridge!

                      • Bam
                        16977 posts Send Private Message

                          So sorry for your loss. She seems to have had a good life. The picture with the turkey is great. How great to have a lab that gets to be 17 years!

                        • hannaroo
                          317 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m sorry for your loss, it sounds like she had a very happy and fulfilled life with you.
                            RIP Ava

                          • jerseygirl
                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh wow! Major was an absolutely beautiful dog! Smiley too lol
                              I had to laugh at Ava’s expression in that photo. She sort of looks mortified to be photographed with a turkey.

                            • RabbitPam
                              11002 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so sorry about Ava. She is a very beautiful dog, and I can only think that she went so peacefully, enjoying her life fully right up to the last moment. She was with you all your life, and it’s more like losing a sibling than a pet. Hugs to you and your family. Talk about her here as much as you wish, if you find it comforting.

                              • NewBunnyOwner123
                                1930 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thank you guys for the condolences. The last time I saw her was in October 2012, when I flew back to TX because my grandmother had a stroke and I needed to say my goodbyes.

                                  This next trip back home is going to be tough. It’ll be the first time I go home and not be greeted by my dog, and not see my grandmother sitting on the patio waiting for a hug too. That’s the bad thing about living so far away. You don’t really have to face the reality of missing someone or something until you go to where the heart of it all. It’s going to be a huge slap in the face.

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                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My heart has shattered… RIP Ava