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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My dear sweet Chuck

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    • Kokaneeandkahlua
      12067 posts Send Private Message

        This afternoon, my vet helped Chuck cross the rainbow bridge. He went peacefully and quietly with dignity in my arms with Noot at his side. I’ll write a tribute when I can.


        Binky Free Chuck. You were so strong and loyal and sweet-You left footprints on my heart. I will look after Noot for you.

      • TARM
        1253 posts Send Private Message

          Oh no! I just saw your status on Facebook and rushed over here…I’m so sorry for your loss.

          Binky Free, Chuck. (((hugs for K&K)))

        • Monkeybun
          10479 posts Send Private Message

            I am so so sorry! I too just read your status… binky free Chuck!! Keep an eye on your Mama and Noot from t e other side of the bridge!

            *hugs and snuggles*

          • (dig)x(me)x(now)
            2517 posts Send Private Message

              I just saw it too… I absolutely adored Chuck. I hope Noot deals with it ok =\

              We’re here for you!

              I bet he can see and it’s gorgeous across the rainbow bridge <3

            • kralspace
              2663 posts Send Private Message

                oh no, I am so very, very sorry about Chuck, I thought he was the coolest rabbit ever. He was such a fighter and a kind soul. My prayers and thoughts are with you all, Binky Free Chuck

                (((soft bunny hugs to you and Noot))))) Kathy

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Lesley, I’m so sad to hear. I’m sorry for your loss but glad in a way that Chuck is now free of his troubles.
                  To Chuck, you were a special bun that was in our hearts from the moment we met you. It was heart warming when you came to a loving home and found a soul mate. May you take in the beauty now with all your senses.
                  (((Hugs to K&K and family, especially Noot)))

                  I lit a candle, all welcome to light one also :

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    I am so sorry. I know this has had to have been such a hard time for you. I know Chuck was loved very much and you made his life as comfortable as possible, and tried many things. Hugs to you, and now Chuck can Binky Free!

                    I also lit a candle at the link Jersey posted — Thank you Jerseygirl.

                  • Barbie
                    1581 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about Chuck. I was so hoping he was doing better! ((((Hugs to you and your crew!))) Jeannie and Leroy and Nick send their condolences too and lots of kisses!

                    • KatnipCrzy
                      2981 posts Send Private Message

                        I am so sorry for your loss- you have such a big heart to search out a special needs bunny!  And even though he was not in your life nearly long enough (they never are)- you gave him a wonderful caring home and adopted a companion to make his life easier.

                        Hugs to you and Noot!!

                      • MimzMum
                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                          I just got back from the Relay for Life and saw this. I am so sorry! I’m devastated and just awash in tears right now and barely got a candle lit for him. It’s so weird because I was just thinking about him last night that I was going to post and see how he was…. ;_;
                          Please give Noot an extra snuggle from me and my crew. (((((((((((((((((((((Noot)))))))))))))))))) Huge hugs for you too! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((K&K)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                          Please don’t hesitate to email me if you need to, K&K. One extra shoulder to lean on if you need to…..

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh so sorry. I will light a candle for Chuck. Give Noot a hug from me – he must be lonely.

                          • Beka27
                            16016 posts Send Private Message

                              Somewhere out there, Kokanee is giving him the low-down.

                              Hugs Lesley. I am so sorry to hear this but he is healthy and happy and whole right now, hearing all the pretty sounds and seeing all there is to see. Give Noot and the other rascals extra ear rubs for me…

                              (((Binky free Chuck!)))

                            • babybunsmum
                              3896 posts Send Private Message

                                oh no!!!! i’m so so sorry leslie. chuck was such a lucky bun to have had you caring for him and loving him and finding him his noot. great big warm hugs for you and a nose kiss & head rub for noot. (((((((((binky free chuck)))))))))

                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                  My heart breaks for you. I was so sad to see your post on Facebook. You took such good care of Chuck, way above and beyond what most people would have done. I’m sure he knows that. Please give Noot a hug for me.

                                  “Binky Free Chuck, Hope your having a great time up there in your little bunny wings”

                                • RabbitPam
                                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                                    I just got online and read BB’s email that Chuck has gone over the bridge. I am crying pretty badly right now, but want to say how much I adored him.
                                    I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I can’t offer much comfort, but Sammy is watching me with concern and I think she sends her love too.
                                    RabbitPam and Samantha

                                  • Lintini
                                    3329 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. He was such a darling and inspiring bun. I know he is so happy right now binking all over – over the bridge. Please give Noot a big snuggle and kiss on the nose from me and the furry gang here. We will all be thinking of you. *big bear hug to you and your family as well*

                                      {{{Binky Free Chuck}}}

                                    • FluffyBunny
                                      1263 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so sorry to hear Chuck has passed on. Rest in peace, little Chuck – you lived the best life you ever could have, and you will never be forgotten.

                                      • lashkay
                                        1548 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m so sorry for your loss of a sweet dear bunny. You and Noot are in my thoughts.

                                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                                            Thank you all. I still cannot write yet-but want to let you know that Noot is doing ok and he has been eating. I think he is sorely wanting to make friends with Kahlua and Rupert. It means so much to know that others are missing Chuck, and that they cared about him. Thank you for taking the time to write about him, it means the world to me.

                                          • PrincessCharming
                                            30 posts Send Private Message

                                              So sorry for your loss! 🙁 I understand your pain.

                                            • MarkBun
                                              2842 posts Send Private Message

                                                Chuck was lucky to have had you. I can’t imagine many people who would even think about having a blind rabbit. And we all could see the change in his behavior once you brought Noot into his life. He lived with 10 times more enrichment in his life while in your care than he would have with most others. This is definitely a case of quality vs quantity. And for that, I’m sure he’ll be eternally grateful.

                                                Here’s hoping that Noot finds friends in K&R.

                                              • Deleted User
                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I agree, I hope for Noot to bond with Kahlua and Rupert! It will be a comfort to see him in rabbit company.
                                                  Rest in peace, Chuck.

                                                • bunnyluvr
                                                  409 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I have tears rolling down my checks as I type this. I will so miss reading your touching posts of the beautiful Chuck. His sight is restored, his head up-righted and he is binkying and doing bunny 500’s as he waits for your and Noot’s arrival just over the bridge. Hugs to you and nose rubs for sweet Noot. Binky Free Chuck!

                                                  • HatterBunny
                                                    269 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I’m so sorry for you and Noot….a loss is not easy to overcome, but I hope the pain grows less and less everyday, because your love will only grow and grow….

                                                    • Elrohwen
                                                      7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Aww, K&K, I’m so sorry. You were such a great bunny mom to Chuck and he was so lucky to have you!

                                                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Thank you all. Your kind words mean so much to me-I can’t thank you enough.

                                                          I’ve been putting off writting Chuck’s memorial because it seems so final, but I have to tell it.

                                                          Chuck came to me just about two years ago. After Kokanee left me, I was searching for a special bunny. I looked at many rabbits, but when I saw Chuck’s picture and read his story I knew he was who I was looking for. Most people thought I was kooky to go to Vancouver to adopt a rabbit but it felt right and soon I was approved for adoption and headed to Vancouver with Kahlua and Rupert in tow-to meet Chuck.


                                                          Chuck came to the rabbit rescue after a history of neglect, that sickness had not been treated and had left him blind. We soon discovered after he came home that he was deaf too. Chuck was amazing though and moved around like a normal bunny. He was cuddly and sweet. And such a big eater. He loved nothing more then shredding and chewing towels and paper.

                                                          Rupert and Kahlua bonded with him, but it wasn’t right. Although there were never any fights, Chuck wouldn’t leave his little area he claimed so the only time he was with them was when they were in that area-the roamed the rest of the apartment otherwise. I got Chuck a stuffed lion, and he took to that more so then Kahlua and Rupert. He groomed his lion and slept on him, and it appeared he even tried to feed his lion-often taking his veggies to the lion when he ate.

                                                          When Noot came into my life I had no intention of bringing him home. Like the other rabbits in the shelter, I’d have loved to take them home but couldn’t. But Noot had just lost his family and his companion bunny and stopped eating. I knew he wouldn’t live much longer on his hunger strike. He seemed like a ‘get along with anybunny’ bunny and Chuck was that type too. So I made a decision and brought him home. I was scared of upsetting Chuck, should this strange bunny hurt him. I shouldn’t have worried. They hardly sniffed each other, they just cuddled right up and that was that.


                                                          Chuck got sick last November. Looking back at the pictures of that first night when I realized, I don’t even know how I knew it was head tilt. His head was tilted so slightly and he wasn’t rolling or stumbling. But I knew. I phoned my vet at home and she got Chuck in to see her immediately. We began treatment, and she consulted with a specialist in Saskatoon every step of the way. Chuck and Noot lived in a dog bed and then a crib in my living room for that time, to facilitate less disturbance while giving medicaiton-and to help me change bedding-which needed to be done four times a day. Chuck couldn’t or wouldn’t use a litter box anymore, so I used puppy pads under towels and had incontinence pillows specially made.

                                                          This spring Chuck got better and almost completely recoved, but for a small tilt. I had just thrown the crib away and remodelled the bunny room so Chuck and Noot could have their space back-finally lots of room to stretch out. Then within a few weeks his tilt came back. I was devastated and took him right back to the vet. We did the same treatment as last time, and then did more treatment. And then tried more treatment. Through it all Chuck ate heartily and happily-in fact he didn’t lose any weight at all-which suprised the vet. Groomed Noot and was groomed. I found them snuggling all the time.Chuck even engaged in play, chewing and tossing the corners of his towels. He loved his treats he got after meds, always waited for them-he knew the routine.

                                                          And nothing was working.

                                                          With no treatment options left for him, I pulled him off his medications and started just letting him have some happy time with no bugging from mom. And I phoned my vet and told her I was ready to say goodbye. No, not ready, but it was time.

                                                          These are the last pictures I took on Friday



                                                          Chuck-I love you. And Noot loves you so much. I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I couldn’t fix you. You were the sweetest little man and I adore you. I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you at the bridge. Because, then, you will see me too.

                                                          BInky free my sweet Chuck.

                                                        • Barbie
                                                          1581 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Aww K&K how sweet. Thanks for sharing that story with us, I know it’s hard Chuck was such a fighter, and I love that Noot was there with him the whole way, helping him and even keeping Chuck from rolling over. Chuck is a special little man, and I think everyone on the forum, me included, will miss him.

                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                              That’s such a sweet story of him. I’m glad to have “known” chuck, he was such a sweetie. Hugs to all of your little furry family. <3

                                                            • Cassi&Charlie
                                                              1260 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I’m so sorry for your loss Lesley! He was such a spunky bunny and definitely my favourite. My heart goes out to Noot as well, who was such a supportive bunny for Chuck.
                                                                Gosh, I’m so sorry, and very sad. *Binky free Chuck* I know him and Kokanee are having a great time reminiscing about how fantastic you were Lesley and how much they’re looking forward to seeing you again across the rainbow bridge.

                                                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  That was very touching to read. I’m all teared up. That first pic with Noot is so beautiful. He was such a sweet, special little bunny.

                                                                  I can’t even imagine how hard the whole thing must have been for you. It’s hard for me to even look at the pictures of his head so tilted. He was so very lucky to have you.

                                                                • Lara
                                                                  311 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    I’ve been away from BB for a while, but I was lurking in the lounge and saw the thread about Noot. I immediately rushed over here to see if it meant what I thought it meant…

                                                                    I am so sorry that you lost such a special little man from your life. It breaks my heart that Chuck is gone. However, I know that he’s in a better place with no pain. Like so many other people, Chuck had a special place in my heart from the moment I saw him and read about his beautiful spirit. I hope that Noot finds friends in Kahlua and Rupert… he deserves to get some bunny comfort after being such a champion for Chuck.

                                                                    Calypso, Echo and I are all sending our love and best wishes to you and your crew!

                                                                  • Sage Cat
                                                                    1883 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Chuck is a very special soul!
                                                                      He will live on through all of us that have “known” and loved him!
                                                                      I’m so sad to hear that he has gone over the bridge, but glad to know he is free of all the things that aled him

                                                                      Kay, Winston and I send our love to you and the amazing Noot!

                                                                    • MimzMum
                                                                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I hope you can take comfort in knowing that Chuck is now in the arms of The Great Physician, and that there is nothing for you to feel bad about in his care, you were the most fantastic bunny mom for him. He was so blessed to have you come into his life.

                                                                        I’m all undone again, I can’t tell you how much I will miss this special bun also. God bless Noot, I do hope he can bond with Kahlua and Rupert and that he can feel Chuck watching over all of you from Paradise.
                                                                        I’ll be thinking of all of you! God Bless!

                                                                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Thank you all so much-it means so much to me *hugs*

                                                                        • Lintini
                                                                          3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Beautiful photos, I’m having a hard time finding the keys on my keyboard because an ocean is built up in my eyes. I am so glad you were able to have Chuck in your life and Noot is a wonderful little guy for being so loving to him. I too will really miss this special bun, I remember when I first came here and joined BB, and read about him from you – I thought to myself what a special rabbit Chuck must be and how deserving he is to be in a loving home like yours. *big hugs* again to you from me and the gang.

                                                                          • HatterBunny
                                                                            269 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              What a special bunny Chuck really is! I think that not only was he lucky to have you in his life, to love and care for him, but you were so lucky to have him in your life!  I hope the pain of your loss slowly dies away as your heart is replaced with the fond memories and times you had with him…

                                                                              Hatter and I are so sorry for your loss.

                                                                            • Deleted User
                                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                That was terribly sad, but so incredibly beautiful to read at the same time. It was beautiful because you provided him with a wonderful life, something he more than likely would not have been able to experience had you not rescued him. God bless you (and little Noot!) for showing him love and happiness when no one else would.

                                                                              • wendyzski
                                                                                1312 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I’ve been away for a long time and was sooo sorry to read this.  I will always miss the stories of brave little Chuck and his faithful companion Noot.  I hope that Noot becomes good friends with your other bunnies – he deserves it.

                                                                                • Denise12
                                                                                  281 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    so sorry, i’m in tears….

                                                                                  • Karla
                                                                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      I haven’t seen this thread either, and I’m so sorry for your loss, K&K. I wish I had seen it, so I could have lit a candle for him as well.

                                                                                      What a teary thread. Bless his little heart – Binky Free, Chuck! I know you are in a happy place now.

                                                                                    • bigsis7
                                                                                      732 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        I’m so sorry for your loss K&K :[. Chuck was such a sweetheart and you did so much for him. I know he’s with Kokanee at the rainbow bridge

                                                                                      • SophieBun
                                                                                        520 posts Send Private Message
                                                                                          Lesley, I’m so sorry for seeing this so late I started crying while reading it, I loved Chuck so much from reading all the posts and watching his videos with Noot. It makes me so sad, I can imagine how hard it must be for you…you’re such an awesome person for taking care of him and giving him a beautiful friend like Noot. Sophie and I send snuggles to you and Noot. Lots and lots of hugs!
                                                                                          Binky free Chuck!

                                                                                        • lou x
                                                                                          20 posts Send Private Message
                                                                                            what an amzing & special little bunny. i am truly sorry 4 ur loss. i’m sat here in floods of tears 4 u. its so unfair that this can happen 2 all animals but even more so 2 one’s who av suffered so much already.
                                                                                            sleep well sweet chuck, xxxxxx

                                                                                          • hooty22
                                                                                            606 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Ugh K&K, I’ve been gone for far too long. I’m so so sorry. He was a very, very special guy and he was very lucky to have you and Noot in his life.

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                                                                                          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My dear sweet Chuck