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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny died and I’m devastated

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    • Tofu the bunny
      5 posts Send Private Message

        My beautiful little 6 month old bunny died a few days ago and I can’t stop blaming myself. After recommendation from a vet I booked her in to get spayed- she appeared perfectly healthy during her recent check up and vaccinations. She went in to get spayed however the vet phoned to tell me that she had reacted badly to the anaesthesia and arrested shortly after being administered it. They managed to revive her however she was dead for several minutes so had suffered badly from lack of oxygen leaving her unresponsive. The vets gave her some time to see if she would recover however she did not make any progress- it was decided the kindest thing to do would be to put her down.

        My partner and I are absolutely heartbroken as she was so young and just the sweetest little bunny ever- she was so happy and friendly. I can’t stop blaming myself for physically carrying her into the vets to get this procedure that I thought was going to extend her lifespan but actually ended up taking her life. I was just wondering if anyone has ever had any similar experience? I know it’s not common but it was so tragic and we both feel so heartbroken and robbed of a lifetime with her.

      • Wick & Fable
        5815 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss. When this happens, which is uncommon, very often it is due to a congenital, underlying issue in the rabbit that no one could have known/detected. It is not your fault. You did the best any rabbit owner could ask for, which was take her to a vet that is comfortable with spaying her and having her checked for health. With it being such an immediate, adverse reaction, I really do think it was something genetic, like potentially a heart defect, that again, would not be detectable in the routine check vets do prior to these operations.

          In all likelihood, if you didn’t try and spay her, it could have been something to make her quality of life in the long run harder, if not the consequences of not being spayed. Again, you did what any great rabbit owner would do… it was just unlucky, and I’m sorry for your loss. It’s clear you cared for her a lot.

          Binky free and happily across the rainbow bridge.

          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

          • Tofu the bunny
            5 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you very much for your kind words- they have brought me a great deal of support.

            • Bunny mummy
              4 posts Send Private Message

                I’m very sorry for the loss of your bunny. My Elm has just died after having surgery, but this was because she had a large uterine tumour. I didn’t have her spayed because I was worried about the op. You were absolutely trying to do the right thing by having your bunny spayed. You mustn’t feel guilty for doing what was recommended to you by the vet. Hope you are starting to heal x

            • Lindsey
              43 posts Send Private Message

                Hi there, Wick has written a lovely post for you above this one, and I agree with everything she has said. You and your partner made the best decision for your rabbit, spaying is one of the most responsible things you can do as an owner and shows how much you cared for her. I am so sorry that your rabbit passed away. I am sending peace and good thoughts your way.

                As already stated, it is one of those weird and uncommon situations – and it happens so very rarely. The reason I wanted to comment on this post as well is that 4 years ago, in 2017 – I lost a rabbit that I had newly adopted during a spay surgery. In fact, the situation with her (my sweet Rosie) is almost identical to what happened to your bun. Like you, I felt heartbroken and feared that I had caused it to happen somehow. Now looking back, I know that was not at all the case. Like you, I was doing what I felt was best for her, and the best advice I can give you is to just hold on to that thought.

                You could never have predicted this, and the vet I’m sure did everything they felt they could. We don’t know why these things happen, and for some reason maybe that makes it even more painful and sad. I just want to say that I feel for you and I am thinking of you and your partner during this sad and unprecedented time. I hope that you will find peace and be able to rest on the note that you did what was best for her, and it just happened to have a very different result than most. From reading your post I can tell how much she meant to you, and I am sure that she felt all sorts of love during the time that you cared for her. I hope that these words can lift your spirits a bit today, I think it’s important to know that you’re not alone in this situation. Take care of yourself! (((Your bun is binkying free)))

                • Tofu the bunny
                  5 posts Send Private Message

                    Thank you very much for your words of support, they have proved very helpful in to my healing process. She will be greatly missed and I am so sorry you had to go through something similiar.

                • rose_bautista
                  8 posts Send Private Message

                    I completely understand you feeling that it is your fault, but do know that it is not.  You did what you could to give your bunny a good life.  Do you have any other pets?  Any more bunnies?  I, too, felt guilty when my bunny Lola passed away, last month.  As a pet parent, you are always left wondering what did we do wrong?  What if we would have done things differently?  Is it our fault?  But, that is just your love speaking, trying to find a reason for your loss.  I am sure your bunny is now playing with my Lola at the Rainbow Bridge.

                    • Tofu the bunny
                      5 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you for your support. We do not have any more pets however do plan to adopt more bunnies in the future.

                      • rose_bautista
                        8 posts Send Private Message

                          Good for you!  I still have three bunnies, as well.  I actually got them because I knew Lola was up there in age and didn’t want Bugs, her boyfriend, to be too lonely when she was physically gone.

                      • Ellie from The Netherlands
                        2512 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m so sorry for your loss 😥 It’s horrible to lose a companion, especially when it’s a rare situation such as this. Spaying a rabbit is the best thing you can do: the chance of them getting cancer is about 80%.

                          You tried to spare her that horrible fate, because you’re a responsible person who loves animals. Sadly she probably had a hidden condition, as others said. Vets won’t operate on a rabbit when it’s too risky, so nobody could have seen this coming.

                          Binky free sweet bunny!

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                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My bunny died and I’m devastated