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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE My bunny and kitty don’t know how to communicate and it’s cute.

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    • Nesano
      35 posts Send Private Message

        Disclaimer: I know you’re not supposed to leave a cat unattended with a bunny, so don’t worry. I’ve been careful about this.

        My cat, Ozzy’s a bit old, declawed, and fixed, so he’s pretty flaccid. At first, he was pretty shy about Bella. I’d have to pick him up and hold him while Bella came up and sniffed him. Most of their encounters would involve the cat taking a wide angle around the bunny while wandering towards another window sill for super-important cat stuff while Bella would just kind of watch from her precious rug. They started out pretty good, though. Here’s a couple of pictures from their first interactions.

        Ozzy occasionally bats at her, but he never gets teeth out. Then again, this is a kitty that never gets teeth out for any reason unless he’s roughhousing with a human (Or, y’know, eating.) She knows how to stand up for herself, though: here’s a gif of a bunny climbing the food chain. Bella also does this thing that freaks Ozzy out where she’ll dig her nose between his back legs. I don’t know if it’s supposed to mean “hello” or if it’s a hormonal thing due to not being fixed (yet) but Ozzy seems to think it’s a little too personal.

        They’ve gotten better, though. Here’s a gif from about 6 months ago where Ozzy’s laying there relaxing and Bella walks right up to him. He got paranoid and wandered off, but still. Here’s another example of them being cute and here’s the picture that my profile picture is cropped from.

        Just recently I tried putting Ozzy in Bella’s pen to see how they’d react. It was adorable because Ozzy would sort of wander around the pen, looking for a way out while Bella would try to sniff him, then put her nose in the “pet me” position. I’ve also started grabbing my kitty’s paw and petting Bella’s head with it. I doubt I’ll be able to teach a cat to pet a bunny (or anything at all because cats don’t care about what humans want), but Bella probably likes it. Ozzy acts like he doesn’t like it, but I mess around with him all the time and he always looks up at me like “What? That’s it? Mess with me some more!” I wish these fuzzy little creatures could communicate better because it’s clear they wanna be friends.

      • Sofia
        348 posts Send Private Message

          This was too adorable, I had to turn the screen off and compose myself for a few seconds, I was freaking out. My bun also likes my neighbours cat as well, they communicate through the wire? normally the cat gets scared off because boo tries to sniff at him through the door

        • jerseygirl
          22345 posts Send Private Message

            So cute! I love their matching looks too.

          • bbbunzo
            92 posts Send Private Message

              Aaaaaaah too cute! I love it!

            • Azerane
              4689 posts Send Private Message

                They are so terribly cute

                My girl is pretty cautious around the bunnies now, which I like. She is so lively and playful that we had to be really on top of telling her no and removing her from the bunny pen whenever she tried to play with them (she can jump in and out whenever she pleases). So now she’s actually really controlled and restrained which is great. Our bun Luna is pretty standoffish and will chase her away sometimes, but Apollo likes to go up and sniff her. It was funny watching her as a kitten when we were teaching her not to wrestle with them. Because she’d be holding it in so and then suddenly leap forward towards Apollo but stop short and do this funny little dance like she was playing without touching them but she just couldn’t hold in the excited energy, lol.

              • Bladesmith
                849 posts Send Private Message

                  They’ll get closer over time. Initially, my cats looked at the rabbits like, “WTH are THOSE things?” Within a couple of months, though, Pyewacket, our “killer” kitty (She’s a hunter/stalker, while Sabala/Dotty is pretty much a pillow with feet.) had pretty much adopted both rabbits, and would cuddle with them and even groom them.

                  Which kinda freaks out our stealth ninja bun Dawn. She’s like, “You can see me?!? Agggh!” She tolerates a couple of licks and runs off to furiously adjust her invisibility suit. The two even play chase with each other. And it’s hysterical to see an 8 pound black cat being chased at full speed by a 2 and a half pound rabbit.

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              Forum THE LOUNGE My bunny and kitty don’t know how to communicate and it’s cute.