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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Beloved Jasper died last night

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    • HeatherM
      11 posts Send Private Message

        Hello. I’m new to this forum but am so heartbroken and didn’t know where to turn. I feel like I lost my best friend last night. My amazing Holland Lopped Ear bunny died from GI Stasis at an emergency vet shortly after midnight. He would have been six this summer. I have been crying since we (my son and I) took him to the vet and got the news he probably wouldn’t make it. The prognosis was bad but we asked them to do all they could to save him. I let myself get a little hopeful when around 11:00 when I called to check on him they said his temperature was back to normal and his belly was soft again. Then came the devastating news. In addition to grief I feel tremendous quilt that if I had gotten him to a vet sooner maybe he would have survived. He was obviously not feeling well yesterday morning (he wouldn’t eat the foods I offered him, which he normally would gobble up) and he was very listless. We experienced something similar awhile back with him but shortly after he was fine so I brushed it off to him “just not feeling well”. When his condition didn’t improve, and after research on the internet, we became concerned it could be GI Stasis and rushed him to the vet. Now I feel like I failed him. I’m so distraught….

      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t think you failed him. You clearly loved him and gave him a great life. It’s still so very sad, though.

          Binky free, Jasper

          We are here if you want to talk more about him or maybe post a few pictures. Many of us know how very hard it is when you’ve lost a bunny friend.

        • HeatherM
          11 posts Send Private Message

            Sorry… I deleted because it was a repeat post.

          • HeatherM
            11 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you sincerely for your kind words, it’s very comforting. It means so much to find a place where others understand the bond one can have with a bunny… He was a family member. I’ve been crying on and off all day and walking around in a daze. I’m still in shock that he’s no longer here with us

              I’d love to post pictures of him but not sure how to do it.

            • Animanga_addict
              55 posts Send Private Message

                Hi and welcome to the forum. I too lost a bun to statist. I know you feel like you failed him but trust me, you did all you could. Now he’s binkying free in the sky. He had a wonderful life with you and I can tell you care about him. If you ever need someone to talk to this forum is full of wonderful people! ((Binky free Jasper ))

              • HeatherM
                11 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you so much… I can’t express enough how comforting it is to have found this site and have other bunny lovers to talk to. I miss Jasper more than words can say. If anyone can help me post a picture I’d be very appreciative.

                • Animanga_addict
                  55 posts Send Private Message

                    Sorry I cant help you myself! But here is a link to a post on how to upload pics.

                  • HeatherM
                    11 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you so much. At least now I have my sweetie for my profile picture… in my arms. He would make the most awesome happy noises when I held him. If only I could hold him again 

                    • HeatherM
                      11 posts Send Private Message

                      • HeatherM
                        11 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks so much for your help with posting pictures… It worked!

                          Here’s my sweetie Jasper the day we brought him home, hanging out in my lap. He would have been 6 in June 

                        • Animanga_addict
                          55 posts Send Private Message

                            Aw he’s such a cutie! I’m glad he was able to live a peaceful and happy life with you.

                          • Bam
                            16977 posts Send Private Message

                              What a beautiful little darling!

                            • Azerane
                              4689 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so very sorry for your loss of Jasper, they leave such a huge hole in our hearts when they go. Thinking of you at this time. Binky free, Jasper.

                              • Vienna Blue in France
                                5317 posts Send Private Message

                                  What a beautiful photo. He was obviously loved. And please don’t feel guilty. Jasper wouldn’t want you to.
                                  (( Binky free Jasper ))

                                • vanessa
                                  2212 posts Send Private Message

                                    What a cutie! Bunnies are good at hiding their illness. I’m sorry for your loss, you obviously loved Jasper very very much. It is natural to feel that we failed our pets when they pass on, but don’t let that get to you. You did your best, and sometimes we can’t save them. If the little buggers would be more specific about how they are feeling, it would be easier for us! Binky free little Jasper.

                                  • Aaron
                                    184 posts Send Private Message

                                      My deepest condolences go to you and your son. My bun Sebastian just recovered from stasis, but I thought we were going to lose him. Jasper was obviously loved and was such a cutie. Binky and flop free over the rainbow bridge darling. Don’t feel guilty. Stasis can be brought on by many things like stress or diet. He couldn’t have cared, he was with the people he loved for 6 years.

                                    • DutchMama
                                      1 posts Send Private Message

                                        Hi. I just joined this site today because I lost my baby girl on Saturday and I’m not coping well either. Mine was 5, but she had an abscess and because I had just took her for her yearly check up before it showed up I was trying to wait until I got more money. Biggest mistake of my life. I hope that time will be able to soften your wound, if you are feeling anything like I am. Good luck

                                      • Sr. Melangell
                                        1708 posts Send Private Message

                                          HeatherM, when a pet or someone close to us leaves it really hurts, I’m at the moment going through a bereavement (Not a pet.) it takes time to feel better, sorry bunny was ill, he was ill and if you think about it Jasper is better now and in no more pain, never blame yourself, you did all you could, when a rabbit dies they never leave us, they are always in our hearts.

                                        • Bunnykeeper
                                          1 posts Send Private Message

                                            I know just how you feel. I too lost my3 1/2 baby girl bunny. 5 days ago she just suddenly started having seizures and a fever. We tried massaging her belly and observing her poop. We gave her benebac, sips of water with a syringe. Nothing helped. Her temp went down and we thought oh good she is getting better. She was still too weak to stand and just wanted to crawl into my arms and sleep.In the end she went in my arms. I felt soo helpless and guilty that I didn’t see something that would have prevented this. I had been with her since she was 5weeks old and we were so close. She greeted me every morning by licking me on my nose. She would taught the kitten and they would chase each other. She got along great with my other girl bunnies and she was to be fixed and bonded with her love, a boy bunny who thought the world of her. 

                                            I feel so guilty that I let her down. I also am choosing to remember that bunnies are very fragile creatures and get sick so fast. When they do it is often too late to do anything. Heather, I am sure like me, you would hve done anything for your sweetheart. Remember how love he was and all the awesome things he had with you. He was spoiled with love and his life was full even if it was shorter than it could have been.

                                            My heart is with you, I know how you feel. 

                                          • tobyluv
                                            3310 posts Send Private Message

                                              HeatherM, I’m very sorry about the loss of your sweet Jasper.

                                              I’m also sorry for your losses, DutchMama and Bunnykeeper.

                                              I know how terrible it is to lose bunnies. My thoughts are with you all.

                                            • HeatherM
                                              11 posts Send Private Message

                                                Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much all your words mean to me… Such heartfelt sympathy and understanding. I’ve been really distraught and depressed about Jasper leaving us so suddenly. I can’t help getting these waves of guilt about not getting him to the vet sooner, as maybe they could have saved him. I thought I just needed to keep a close eye on him… Saturday morning when it became apparent he wasn’t feeling well, I cleaned out his whole hutch, gave him fresh food, water and hay. I was thinking I could then monitor him and know exactly if he was (or wasn’t) peeing and pooping. In hindsight I should have taken him straight to the vet… And I should have been more aware of the signs of GI Stasis. As I mentioned, I experienced something similar with him before, but he improved later that day. So again, I just assumed his tummy was bothering him  I can’t thank you all enough for the support. His hutch was right outside our kitchen door and I can’t bare to look out there now. When making dinner I would always take him veggies and it feels so strange (and incredibly lonely) not to have that routine with him. And then when I’d have dinner, he’d sprawl out on our kitchen heated floor. I just loved the little guy so very much 

                                                Again, I appreciate so much your sympathies. My heart goes out to you for your losses as well… I feel your pain 

                                              • ditchy
                                                7 posts Send Private Message

                                                  So sorry to hear about Jasper, it’s pretty obvious he was loved and cared so much. Our Ditchy died 4 days ago, she’s been with us 1 year and 6 months, she was given to us from a family friend and our very 1st time taking care a bunny. I took all the responsibilities for her, I’m 23 years old and working on a night shift and day shift (interchanging schedule). She has never been sick and that one time 3 days prior when she died, she stopped eating and drinking and I observed there’s a little bit tilting of the head, I was so worried but she still roam around the house. On a sunday morning 02-26-2017, she’s lying on the floor really weird, I touched her stomach and it was really empty, of course like I used to do, I carry her and kiss but she really made a high-pitched tone like she was really hurt that I carry her, I directly put her down, she breathes really fast until she cuts her breath off. Until now, I still cannot forgive myself that I really registered here to at least know what I have done. IT’S NOT EASY, MY HEART IS BROKEN! 

                                                • Luna's Mom
                                                  100 posts Send Private Message

                                                    My heart really does ache for you. I could hardly finish reading your post for crying. I know exactly how you feel, we had a $*&!zu (I know I spelled that wrong!) and when he was 12 his breath got really bad. I took him to the vet and she said he needed a tooth pulled. She couldn’t get him in for 2 months, I waited because at the time she was like $200 or more cheaper than other vets. Sammy got to where he could barely eat and I kept calling her and telling her he was not ok and he was in pain. Finally I called and a different receptionist answered and said he needs seen now, let me move some patients around and you bring him in. He ended up having cancer in his mouth. I felt awful I sat there and let him suffer for over a month thinking the antibiotics would clear the infection and then she would pull his tooth and he would be ok. Deep down I knew something more was going on but convinced myself that’s all it was because financially I really couldn’t afford to take him some where else. I still feel bad to this day, but I learned my lesson. What ever the cost if they need something they will get it. I will figure the money out later! Try to keep yourself busy so you don’t think about it so much, I know that’s next to impossible. He knows while he was with you he was very loved, we can tell you love him so much. I hope you and you son are feeling ok today and you guys will be in my thoughts.

                                                  • Phil
                                                    239 posts Send Private Message

                                                      This has touched me so much,i also lost my bunny Jasper on 20th jan 2018,hed developed a tumor on his testical,vet was going to operate when jasper crashed under anasitic,iv been devistated ever since i loved him so much my life is so empty without my little darling at home,its so awful as it was very sudden cant belive hes gone.every day is awful without him,dont think ile ever get over this,your Jasper was so lovley,why does this have to happen to such wonderful bunnies.

                                                    • BingosDad
                                                      20 posts Send Private Message


                                                        What a wonderful picture of Jasper, thank you for sharing it!  I am so sorry all of you went through this trauma.  You did what you could for him, and you provided him a loving home.  I’m thankful for the time you all had together! 

                                                      • Flakie
                                                        148 posts Send Private Message

                                                          So so sorry to hear of your loss of Jasper. My wee bun Flakie died in January and had been battling GI stasis for about a year. At one point we had him at the vets every few weeks, he would be fine then go downhill again. The night he died he had been at the vets in the evening and got more medication but took seriously ill during the night having seizures, emergency vet put my wee lad to sleep. I too like you am heartbroken and I really feel for you.

                                                          What a lovely pictures of Jasper , gorgeous bunny.

                                                          Binky free Jasper x

                                                        • Phil
                                                          239 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Todays my birthday its been awful without my little bunny to hug,i miss Jasper so so much,i feel my life is so empty and pointless,without very heatbroken

                                                          • Phil
                                                            239 posts Send Private Message

                                                              What an amazing bunny so adorable

                                                            • Gordo and Janice
                                                              703 posts Send Private Message

                                                                So sorry I missed this post back on the 12th. I usually check in regularly but somehow missed this. Our little girl got sick and that is how I found this forum. She eventually died about 2 months ago. So I relate to your pain. It gets better in time. You begin to remember things and instead of crying from the pain of that loss you begin to grin and smile when thinking of the special memories and times you shared. They are wonderful creatures.

                                                                I love the picture. Handsome little guy. His first day home and he looks like he is exactly where he was always meant to be. Thank you for being such a wonderful bunny guardian. Again they say a picture is worth a thousand words and that picture speaks volumes.

                                                                Binky free {{{Jasper}}}

                                                              • Bunnybuzz
                                                                223 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Rabbits are Angles:
                                                                  Barbara Pollack

                                                                  “Rabbits are angles, who exchange their wings for ears and come down to earth to teach us how to live and how to die. Let us give thanks to our teachers and honor them by remembering our lessons”

                                                                  Sending love to everyone out there who has ever loved a rabbit and lost one

                                                                  Don’t feel guilty, Jasper knows it wasn’t your fault. It sounds like you loved him and gave him a wonderful home. He is now resting peacefully. I know what it feels like to loss a bun, they fill your heart and when they leave it’s like a piece of it is missing. Everyday and would start getting the veggies until I remembered my little baby wasn’t with me. You feel so empty. 

                                                                  Binky Free Jasper 

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                                                              Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My Beloved Jasper died last night