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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My 2 1/5 yr mini lop died yesterday

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    • Poutybunny
      3 posts Send Private Message

        Hello I am a long time lurker of this site since I got a bunny. My dear Chewy had devloped GI Stasis on Tuesday and passed Wednesday… the prognosis was very good and we all thought he was going to make it. I am confused and feel terribly guilty I can’t stop blaming myself I dont know how it happened or even the exact time sypmtoms started. Besides him being a little lazy Monday night but still eating, come Tuesday at 2 PM he had been laying weirdly so i rushed him to the emergency room. Maybe it was because I didnt give him veggies everyday. I can’t stop thinking about everything I could have done differently. He was a free roam rabbit and was my life he would sit with me and play games he always nudged me for pets and licked me. I currently take college courses online and he would sit on his bed under my desk while I did homework and study. I just wish i couldve done more and I feel so badly. I have another bunny named Daisy who is 4 1/2 months old and I feel even worse that she wil never see him again. I dont know how to handle myself at the moment and can’t help but feel responsible. He was my baby and my best friend its hard to be in my room at the moment but I know I have to keep fighting because Daisy needs me too… sorry dor the long post I just feel terrible and am devastated. I never imagined losing him including so young I though I had at least 10 more years with him, he was supposed to come live out on a farm with me. For some clarification I took him to the emergency vet and he stayed overnight now im second guessing if that was the right thing to do, Ive heard about people curing it at home and have purchased things to make an emergency bunny kit.

      • DanaNM
        9056 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so so sorry for your loss

          Please don’t blame yourself or feel guilty, you did the right thing by rushing to the vet. It can be quite dangerous to try to treat stasis at home without a vet visit first to make sure there are no blockages and determine the correct treatment. Often motility meds are needed, and pain management is crucial. I lost my Moose at just 1, you just never know how long you will have with them.

          I know some bunnies can’t tolerate greens, so don’t get them at all, so I doubt that not giving daily veggies would be to blame, as long as he was getting lots of hay. I don’t think you should blame yourself for any reason, but if you would like to discuss their diet (so you can be sure it’s appropriate for Daisy), feel free to describe it (or even start another thread if you would like).

          How is Daisy doing?

          Again I’m so sorry for your loss

          (((Binky free Chewy)))

          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • Poutybunny
          3 posts Send Private Message

            Daisy so far is as normal as can be, doesn’t seem affected at all though I think I saw her looking for him after I had to throw his litter box away other than that moment shes eating and playing like normal. I have timothy hay always available, some pellets throughout the day a little less than a 1/4 cup , and have been introducing lettuce (not iceberg) by a little square. I follow the 90% hay 10% pellet/treat/veggies. Thank you for responding Im sorry for your loss as well You are right though we really never know how much time we have with them, I shouldnt have held the life span estimates so highly in my expectations. After all they are only estimates.

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              Yeah, in that case then I don’t think diet would be the culprit. Veggies do help with hydration and some nutrients, but I suspect that with his rapid crash after being admitted to the vet and having a good prognosis, that something quite serious was wrong and underlying the symptoms.

              Give Daisy some extra snuggles, it will help you both. Thank you for your kind words about Moose, and again I’m so sorry.

              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

            • chessiesdad
              16 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so sorry that you lost Chewy. I know how bad it feels. I lost my sweet girl Chestnut only a couple of weeks ago; she was only 5 – 1/2. It does feel like you’ve been cheated.

                It’s easy to blame yourself, but try not to. You took good care of your bunny and it sounds like you were doing everything right. You can do that and it just doesn’t matter sometimes. Chessie acted just like your little one and passed just as quickly. She may have had an underlying condition that couldn’t have been detected. Necropsy showed that my bunny had an ulcer that ruptured and she was healthy otherwise. There wasn’t anything that could have been done for her. I only tell you this to show that things go wrong no matter how loving and careful we are. You gave him a really good life and I’m sure that he knew he was loved.

                Life goes on. It will hurt; just let it. Sometimes in life there’s not much that you can do but stand there and take the punches. I’m glad that you have Daisy. Don’t bottle up your love! Give it all to her. (FWIW, giving my love to other bunnies that need it is what’s helping me the most).

                I feel really bad for you and am sorry that you lost such a dear friend. Sleep in peace Chewy.

              • Phil
                239 posts Send Private Message

                  We all know exactly how you feel, never know with bunnies, they hide illness so well when you do see signs its normally to late, my Jasper seem fine until I found he had cancer, its a real shock I had him 8 years my life was empty and so dippressing till I got clover, you did all you could, very ? ?

                • estone1000
                  1 posts Send Private Message

                    I understand your plight,  I just lost my bunny Blaze today to a blockage,  he was fine up to last night then boom I had to rush him to the vet this morning.  Blaze was a free roam bunny in a bunny proofed house so I am not sure how he got a blockage. I just know I feel like you that I did not do something right.   I have had bunny’s since 1988 so my bunny wisdom is pretty good.  I feel horrible today and empty.  He would sit with me wherever I was such a cute little dude.  I am attaching his picture.   I wish you luck in your morning of your sweet bunny.


                    Blazes’ bunny momma

                  • Poutybunny
                    3 posts Send Private Message

                      Estone 1000- While it is hard to shake the feeling of not doing everything right, my Vet told me to remember that rushing to the vet as soon as you realize is the best thing to do, and that most people wouldn’t even do that considering the costs. You did all that you could and I am very sorry to hear, I really wish you the best and hope the pain eases soon as it will in time. I feel your pain so much I have POTS and whenever I felt like I was going to faint I would lay on the floor and Chewy would come up and give me kisses and lay with me till I felt good enough to stand again, he was my study buddy too. I wish you luck as well in the mourning process lets both hope it won’t last too terribly long.

                      Phil- I am sorry to hear about Jasper 8 years is a good long life. I’m sure you were the best bunny parent you could be and am sorry to hear about the cancer It is very empty losing such a close friend, I’m glad you have Clover! I’m sure she’s a very happy lil bunny

                      Chessiesdad- I am sorry to hear about Chestnut It definitely feels cheated but I keep reminding myself that those years were honestly so much better with him around and I spoiled him so much. Also “Sometimes in life there’s not much that you can do but stand there and take the punches” is my new favorite saying, how true….  I appreciate the wisdom you are right though thank you for your kind words.

                      My best wishes go out to all of you and the warmest of sympathies we will all get through this in due time.  

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                  Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE My 2 1/5 yr mini lop died yesterday