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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Mr. Bit (a dog not a bunny)

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    • Sonn
      1810 posts Send Private Message

        I know this is a bunny forum but I need assistance if possible and even though I’m not active at the moment you are the only animal people I know. Lol.

        On Jan. 27 I unexpectedly lost my dad. He went to the hospital for a stomach ache and 2 weeks later I was making a decision I never want to make again as long as I live. I’ll just leave it at that because I physically cannot talk about it without breaking down. My dad was my biggest supporter and I miss him more than anything in the universe.

        He had a 9-year-old teacup Chihuahua named Mr. Bit. Mr. Bit was literally my dad’s entire world. The man spent thousands of dollars on a closet full of clothes for him and custom-made items (like a Harley Davidson helmet and a leather jacket because my dad was a motorcycle dad and a custom plate that is Mr. Bit size and is lined with pure gold). I just can’t even describe the bond they had.

        When my dad passed no one wanted him except my step sister but her mother treats animals poorly and I was not about to let that happen. He completely refused to eat while my uncle had him while I prepared my house for him and this dog only weighs 3lbs when healthy and he barely weighed 2.2lbs when I got him.

        I initially was not going to take him because I have an older dog Pig that hates other male dogs and he could kill him with one bite. And my service dog Waverly weighs 110lbs and is extremely high energy and one misstep and it would be lights out for Mr. Bit. But I needed to try because I could not let him end up in a shelter my dad would literally come back from the dead and smack me upside the head. Plus he makes me feel close to my dad.

        But thankfully by some miracle, my dogs love him. My boy loves having someone his age to wander around the yard at his pace with and someone who enjoys soft toys but won’t steal them from him. And my Waverly absolutely loves laying on her back and play fighting with him and wrapping herself around him at night to sleep.

        But now my problem. I’ve never in my entire life had a dog this small. I am a medium-giant dog kind of gal. I literally lose this dog 50x/day and he’ll be standing right behind me while I frantically search for him.

        There are many large prey birds in my area and I have heard horror stories of dogs bigger than Mr. Bit being picked up and taken off. How do I prevent this? I know a leash obviously but he’s never been on a leash my dad carried him everywhere. And even the thinnest leash is too heavy for him (it’s a bit ridiculous) so if you have any “light” leash ideas I’m all ears. But because I have such a large property he loves being able to just take off running as fast as he can with Waverly before meeting up with Pig to do some sniffing. Also how in the name of everything do you train a Chihuahua????? He has to be the most hard-headed animal I’ve ever met. He definitely has selective hearing. I’ve tried teaching him to sit so far and it works 20% of the time. He’s not food or toy-motivated. I mean can you train a dog with clothes? He loves his clothes so like is that a thing that can be done? Like if you sit I’ll put on your favorite PJ’s? LOL! I feel crazy trying to train him.

        I’ve included a picture of him awooing at a bird that was in the tree behind me. And one of him in my dad’s favorite sweater on him.

      • HipHopBunny
        640 posts Send Private Message

          Oh, I’m so sorry!! He would be so proud of you right now! <3


          Wow!! He sure is tiny! Tiny, yet cute! 😉

          Okay…….. I know this is going to sound weird, but if you’re looking for a leash……. Have you tried a chicken harness? Bare with me here! I have some chickens, and a friend got me a present once that turned out to be a chicken harness. Since it’s small, I was wondering if it would work for him? Then maybe you could put him on a retractable leash? Just a thought! 😉

          Hopefully you find answers soon!!


          • Sonn
            1810 posts Send Private Message

              @HipHopBunny Thank you. I hope to always make him proud.
              Mr. Bit is tiny TINY! It’s insane. Tater Tot weighs right under 4lbs and looks HUGE next to Mr. Bit.
              I’ve never even heard of a chicken harness. LOL. He has a harness that fits well. I had the person that makes my service dogs vests make a custom y front one. But leashes weigh him down big time. I tried a retractable one but he is so small he can’t pull enough for it to extend. I’ve looked everywhere for a lightweight leash and they don’t seem to exist. I might make him one from paracord and see if that works.

          • DanaNM
            9056 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so sorry about your dad. 🙁

              He is so cute! I’m normally not a small dog person either, but lately little dogs have been growing on me.

              What about a line of parachute cord as a leash? It is really thin, strong, and light weight. I think if he can handle the weight of a sweater the paracord wouldn’t bother him!

              In terms of training, I’ve recently become obsessed with Kikopup’s channel on youtube (I think she has some vids on working with dogs that aren’t food motivated). Coincidentally she just ended up rescuing a tiny teacup chihuahua that looks a lot like Mr. Bit. I have been working with my father in law’s dog and her methods have worked amazingly well with him. Maybe clothes as a reward would work? LOL



              . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

              • Sonn
                1810 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you. I miss him a lot.

                  I literally find myself just look at him like how do I play with you? Lol. I’m used to getting in the floor and physically wrestling with my dogs and he’s like no no I’m too delicate for that. So far I’ve found he likes really soft squeaky toys and I toss those for him.

                  I’m still not a small dog person (corgi’s being the exception) but as long as Mr. Bit is alive he will have the best care and snuggles I can provide.

                  Is parachute cord the same as paracord? If so I just replied to hiphop that I am going to try that. I  make custom dog collars and leashes with paracord and wonder if I could modify the way I make them to make one his size. I usually make them for very large dogs so they have to be super strong. But I am going to give it a shot. I didn’t even think of trying a paracord leash for him. THANK YOU! They are super quick to make so I could probably whip him up one in a few minutes and see if that works. I’ll have to get a clip small enough for him though.

                  I am 10000% going to look up that channel when I get off work. It has been a struggle. My dad was the type that Bit was his baby and his baby didn’t need training. Thankfully he socialized him really well so I don’t have to deal with a snappy reactive chihuahua. I swear I’m tempted to take some of his favorite clothes and try to clicker train him with them as his reward.

                • DanaNM
                  9056 posts Send Private Message

                    Yep, parachute chord and parachord are the same! Just an abbreviation. I think with how tiny he is you could just tie a loop on each end and be good to go!  Hope it works out!

                    I have heard that chihuahua’s are notoriously difficult to train (idk if you know Jenna Marbles from Youtube, but she has a hilarious video trying to teach her chihuahua to sit on solid floor), so it’s good that he’s at least socialized and gets along with your other dogs. 🙂


                    . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                  • Sonn
                    1810 posts Send Private Message

                      The paracord was a brilliant idea! It worked like a charm! And I was able to make it long enough that he has some running room. But if some bird tries to snatch him they ain’t getting far with him. I also found some pretty funny spiked vests used for coyotes but will work for large birds as well that I am going to buy. Who knew something 2lbs would be this much work. LOL.

                      Training him so far has been a nightmare to say the least. I have at the very least transitioned him from puppy pads to outside potty. I’ve also found that he loves car rides. I completely forgot that my dad literally took him everywhere (whether pets were allowed or not…). I’ve tried for a week to teach him to sit it happens maybe 1/20 times. I’m so glad my big dog is a people pleasing labrador.

                    • Sonn
                      1810 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh no it looks like my reply didn’t post. I will post it again on my next break!

                    • LBJ10
                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                        I found a reply in the spam folder for some reason. Not sure how it got there. Is the reply to Dana your missing post?

                        I’m very sorry to hear about you dad Sonn. 🙁

                        I love your pictures of Mr. Bit. So cute! My dog liked to put her coat or sweater on, but only because it meant she was going somewhere. She loved riding the car, etc. I would get her sweater out and she would start getting excited.

                        • Sonn
                          1810 posts Send Private Message

                            It is the reply! I’ve never had that happen before.

                            Mr. Bit is clothing obsessed. If I take his sweaters or tracksuits off to like air him out he pouts until you put another one on!

                        • DanaNM
                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                            Glad the paracord worked and he’s at least going potty outside!

                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                          • prince dorian the bun
                            767 posts Send Private Message

                              So sorry about your loss.

                              & the fact Pip pouts when he isn’t wearing clothes is hilarious!! (I have no advice, not really sure what to do with small dogs!)

                              • Sonn
                                1810 posts Send Private Message

                                  Me either! I’ve never had a small dog before lol.

                              • Moonlightbunny66
                                694 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing okay.

                                  Mr.Bit is ridiculously adorable!!! He’s a little model! I’m glad you were able to figure out a leash. He’s lucky to have you. Give him some head pats for me! 💜 I love tiny dogs and giant dogs! I have a St Bernard and have the opposite problem. It’s hard to find things big enough to fit him. We use bandanas to catch his drool but they barely cover his chest lol!

                                  • Sonn
                                    1810 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m okay on and off but I guess that’s to be expected.

                                      Mr. Bit is not easy to get pictures of. It takes around 30-40 to get one where he isn’t a speedy blur. I’ve been trying to get one of him in his “motorcycle” jacket but so far no luck.

                                      I also have a large dog and it’s terrible trying to find things for her. I’m lucky if I find her a collar that isn’t just a plain color for under $20.

                                  • Hazel
                                    2587 posts Send Private Message

                                      So sorry for your loss, Sonn. 😥

                                      Mr. Bit is very cute! Are the clothes something he’s just used to or does he need them to stay warm?

                                      If you’re having trouble taking pictures, try taking a video and see if you can get a good still frame from it.

                                      • Sonn
                                        1810 posts Send Private Message

                                          A bit of both. He’s a teeny dog so any breeze or if it isn’t at least 80f in my house he is cold to the touch. And my dad has put clothes on him since he was a puppy because that’s just what my dad did so I guess he’s gotten used to wearing them and likes them now.

                                          I didn’t even think about taking a video. I’m going to try that.

                                      • bunnytowne
                                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                                          I remember you. Didnt you have a lionhead bunny at one time?  Sorry to hear about your dad. My condolences. Thats great you can take mr bit. Your dad would be so proud of you and thrilled you did that. Glad to hear he is working out with the leash you made. You have had good responses on dog training videos. That so helpful. You take care now. Looking Forward to hearing how the training has gone

                                          • Sonn
                                            1810 posts Send Private Message

                                              I’m so sorry for the late reply! I found my notification in a spam folder. I did have a lionhead named Pacey!

                                              Mr. Bit has settled nicely. He’s a little sassy butt. He still hates the leash but he deals with it. He’s made it a little easier dealing with my dad’s passing. Training is still a bit tricky he has extremely selective hearing lol.

                                          • Kenny
                                            2 posts Send Private Message

                                              Many of my friends with small dogs will occasionally walk them for excercise but for the most part they use peeper pad.

                                              • Sonn
                                                1810 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I don’t like pee pads. He has access to them but unless it is very cold or raining he goes out to potty. He’s actually gotten to where he loves going out and will stand at the door and howl if I go to slow getting my other 2 dogs ready to go out.

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                                            Forum THE LOUNGE Mr. Bit (a dog not a bunny)