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You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



Viewing 58 reply threads
  • Author

    • LittlePuffyTail
      18092 posts Send Private Message

        MR. BINKY BUNNY 2011

        Enter the pageant and your bunny may get the prestige of being named “Mr. Binky Bunny 2011”! All you need to enter is a handsome boy bunny and a camera. Let the competition begin!!! **But please remember this competition is all in the name of fun…if your boy doesn’t win it doesn’t mean he’s not absolutely gorgeous! The competition is mostly based on the photographs and presentation.**

        Entry Rules:

        Contest runs from Wednesday, March 16 – Saturday, March 26. Judging will take place Sunday, March 27 and crowning will be on Monday, March 28.

        You must enter 2 recent photos and fill out the following entry form:

        • Name:
        • Age:
        • My Best Talent is:
        • Why I love being a House Bunny:
        • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:

        The only rules regarding the photos is that they must be taken by yourself (or another non-proffessional). You can decorate bunny or use props if desired. (Please be extremely careful if decorating or dressing up bunny).


        Our Judges are:

        1. ChaCha Lover
        2. Michelle&Lolli
        3. Jerseygirl

        Judges will rate each contestant on a scale of 1-5 in each of the following categories:

        • Presentation (how bunny is presented, groomed, etc)
        • Photo Quality
        • Entry Form

        Judges must PM the results to LittlePuffyTail during they day of Sunday, March 27.

        There are 3 titles to be given:

        • Mr. Binky Bunny 2011
        • 1st Prince
        • 2nd Prince

        There will also be an award for “Mr. Charismatic Bunny” which will be awarded to a bunny not winning a title that is very charming and attractive with a magnetic personality.

        Good Luck to all the boys!!!!

        ***Please keep all comments until the end of the pageant to make it easier to view the contestants. “Squeees” and “EEEEeeees” can also be posted in the March Chat Thread.

      • LoveChaCha
        6634 posts Send Private Message

          Chacha says:

          Can diz be pinned pweaze???!!!!!!  And good wuck boys!!!!!!! 

        • Kate Monster
          550 posts Send Private Message

            LOL, I think this topic should be pinned. Based on that picture, I wouldn’t want to make Chacha angry. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.

          • Helenor
            291 posts Send Private Message

              Oooh, I’ll post an entry for Panko!

              • Name: Panko
              • Age: 7 months
              • My Best Talent is: stealing treats from Lago and running away with it before she can react
              • Why I love being a House Bunny: I get treats allll the time and I get to jump up on all of Lago’s furniture and leave poopies everywhere for the human girl that happens to live in our room to clean up. 
              • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I’m extremely photogenic and I’m very good at looking innocent. I love cameras and the spotlight. If I were Mr. Binky Bunny, I’d have another reason to beg for more treats and attention. (Maybe Lago will also be proud of me) I’m also a snugglebun with the right girl (Lago) and I take very good care of her.

              • Photobucket
              • Photobucket

            • 2manypets
              36 posts Send Private Message


                • Name: Chocolate Chip
                • Age: 2-3 months
                • My Best Talent is: My best talent is chewing on things im not supposed to without my “owner” seeing me.
                • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because I get a lot of attention and playtime. I also like getting on the forum! 
                • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be named Mr. Binky Bunny because I am very well behaved  and love having my picture taken and being held. A lot of people say im very cute. I think thats what Mr. Binky Bunny should be!

              • cainan
                347 posts Send Private Message


                  (Look, I is a lover!)

                    • Name:  Banner
                    • Age:  almost 4 months old
                    • My Best Talent is:  Jumping!  I’s able to jump over a three foot high wall! My hoomin says when I zoom around I can “stop on a dime” but I doesn’t know what a dime is.  I’s also can jump onto my hoomin’s back when she’s cleaning my room.  I hold on REAL tight with my claws hee hee.  Then I get to give lots of licks that make my hoomin laugh.
                    • Why I love being a House Bunny:  I get to give lots of love and licks to my hoomin and she gives me pets and kisses and alfalfa.  I have all the food I can eat and I’s I hung’y boy! I have a pretty gurl who lives next to me but I’s not allowed to talk to her.  My hoomin says soon though!  I get to go sumplace Wednesday that will make me able to talk to the gurl but I don’t know where that is.  I’s so excited to give my kisses to that pretty gurl!
                    • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I’s the high jump champion of the wurld!  I told also that I could be the sponsor for the Ton o’ Fun Bun Run but my hoomin could only pick two pictures so you can’t see that I look like that guy on the tunnel.  I’s sweet and loving and happy all the time and I’s really smart too.  I am a lil Houdini whatever that means.   My hoomin says that I should say that I used to be bald and scrawny cuz the old hoomin who had me when I was a baby never fed my mommy but now I’s all soft and cuddly and I’s getting to be a big boy.  I’s a “rags to riches story” my hoomin says.  I’s also got talent too whatever that is.  My hoomin says that I make funny songs when I run and dance around her.  She says I is a rena… um… hold on I don’t know this wurd.  I is a renaissance bunny!  And oh yeah I believe in wurld peace.

                • Sonn
                  1810 posts Send Private Message

                    Name: Pacey

                    Age: 2 Years

                    My Best Talent is: My unbelievable ability to get anything I want anytime I want. 
                    Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because I get to be safe and warm all the time. I get my own personal hoomin to cater to my every need and want. There is always someone there to comfort me when I don’t feel good. My hoomin makes sure I am happy all the time. If my hoomin doesn’t feel happy I can make her smile just by doing a binky or grooming her face. I get yummy food and treats every single day and all the hay I want! Have you seen my box collection lately? Who wouldn’t want to be a house bunny!?
                    Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: Really? You don’t know this by now? I deserve to be Mr Binky Bunny because I have plans to take over the world! If I were made Mr Binky Bunny all hoomins would be required to shower all bunnies with love and those yummy yummy delicious treats! And I love getting my picture taken so it would give me an excuse to butt (no pun intended) my way into all my hoomins pictures

                  • Daisy1029
                    77 posts Send Private Message

                      •  Name:  Benjamin Bunny
                      •  Age: 5
                      •  My Best Talent is: Manipulating my “parents”.  I know exactly what to do to get whatever I want.  They think they are teaching me tricks (like going to the 2nd level of the condo at papaya time) but really I’m training “them” that when I’m there it’s time to snack.  I also know that when I lay my head down and look sad.. someone will always come give me massages and love on me. 
                      •  Why I love being a House Bunny: I am the Crowned Prince of the household. I rule with a fuzzy paw and my servants listen.  I have free roam at most times throughout the castle and enjoy my days lounging around in the sun from the window and skylights.  In all seriousness my parents adore me and will do anything for me. I am a very lucky bun.
                      • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be Mr. Binky Bunny because I am the original SuperBun.  First of all, I AM faster than a speeding bullet.  I am a champion Bunny 500 racer and love to zoom around the house. Superman can stop speeding trains but I can stop a human in 1.8 seconds.  One look and I can get anything I want.  As both SuperBun and my alter-ego Benjamin, I am a very handsome.  Finally, like that Superman guy, I am a fighter and nothing can keep me down.  I recently fought a hairball causing me to under-go surgery and guess what…..I WON!!  Even now almost a month post-op I am back to my energetic Super Hero self. All in all Superman has nothing on me.  He wishes he was as cool as me.


                    • Kate Monster
                      550 posts Send Private Message
                        • Name: Spencer “The Bunny” Tracy
                        • Age: 2 yrs
                        • My Best Talent is:  I like to climb on top of things and look around.  My human says I’m being King Kong, I’m not sure who that is but he must be one handsome fellow.  My human says that I should say my best talent is being a doofus.  I guess that could be because after I climb up on top of things, I’m not always all that graceful coming back down. 
                        • Why I love being a House Bunny:  What’s not to love?  Seriously, this is the life.  I wake up, my human give me my yummy bunny kibble, lets me out and gives me papaya treats for doing things like standing on my back legs or coming to see her, I mean, I would do those things without a treat!   I get to spend all day cuddling with my girlfriend Kate, and she is one fine looking bunny!  Then the human gives me a big salad every night!  And I don’t have to do anything at all.  Everything I do seems to make the humans happy.  When I flop over, they saw “awww!” when I clean Kate’s eye boogers they say, “awww, what a good husbun!” When I do binkies  giggle.  Even when I eat, yawn, or pee off the end of my litter box they think it’s cute!  Humans might be a little touched in the head, if you know what I mean.  But they give good treats and pet me when I want them to and they’re soft hearted giants, so I don’t mind that they’re a little nuts.  
                        • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:  Have you seen my glorious mane?  I’m clearly a little lion and already king of my house!  I also take really good care of girlfriend, Kate, and I’m a very loyal Husbun.  I even refrain from stealing her papaya treats when she drops them.  Usually.

                      • Eepster
                        1236 posts Send Private Message
                          • Name: Porky
                          • Age: Unknown
                          • My Best Talent is: Jumping over the little humans toys
                          • Why I love being a House Bunny: It’s near the fridge where the humans keep the parsley.  It also makes the humans happy to not have to go out in the snow to love me and take care of me. 
                          • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I am a very brave and playful bunny who loves my little human boy.



                        • Cheddar33
                          359 posts Send Private Message

                             Go Cheddar!!

                            • Name: Cheddar
                            • Age: 1 yr, 7 mons
                            • My Best Talent is: Being a clown and making mommy laugh. I have a licking fetish and constantly lick the carpet, the pellet container, gates, etc. I jump into closed cage doors and binky and fall to my side. When mommy doesn’t let me into her room, I use my big head to bump the door so she can hear me and let me in. I am her “dur dur dur” bunny.
                            • Why I love being a House Bunny: I’m a fatty and I love being able to eat, flop, and then sleep. Then I repeat the cycle. I love having a white puffy tail and fat cheeks too.
                            • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I am funny without trying to be. I am a snuggler and love to lay with my bunny friends, Poopy and Meatball. 

                            As you can see, I like to lay all the time. 

                          • Cheddar33
                            359 posts Send Private Message

                              Go Meaty!!

                              • Name: Meatball
                              • Age: 10 months
                              • My Best Talent is: I am best at zooming around like a racecar. I am small and aerodynamic! I am really good at winning a faceoff with my bunny friend, Cheddar too. We butt head to head and see who will give in to grooming. Cheddar usually loses and grooms me.
                              • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being groomed by my bunny friend, Cheddar. I love being mommy’s smallest and youngest bun too.
                              • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I am still a shy little bun, but I have a lot of heart and tenacity. 


                            • MayaConsuelo
                              396 posts Send Private Message
                                • Name: Mr. Bun-Bun
                                • Age: Almost 2 years old
                                • My Best Talent is: Awesome binkies including 360-degree spins and twists!
                                • Why I love being a House Bunny: I’m not picky and love to eat every type of vegetable and green under the sun… I’m easygoing and love to give kisses, especially from the third level of my bunny mansion! My only bad habits are peeing, pooing, getting underfoot, chewing, digging, and chasing the cats! A perfect bunny!
                                • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I gave many people comfort as the official bunny of a Chicago Chinatown acupuncture clinic… after moving to my permanent home I became one of the most popular pets of all time, and have even been given an honorary doctorate by several of my mom’s friends… they call me Dr. Bun-Bun.

                                Sleepy Bun!


                              • lashkay
                                1548 posts Send Private Message

                                  Name:  Dustor  aka  lashkay’s little Featherdustor

                                  Age:  1 year exactly today (2/24/11)

                                  My Best Talent is:  Looking suspiciously like a cross between an adorable English Sheepdog – the Warner Bros. cartoon character…and the Abominable Snow Monster from the TV feature: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

                                  Why I love being a House Bunny:  Ah, what a life!  I sleep/nap/lounge/eat at my leisure from 5am -3pm in my wooden timber hideyhouse, eat my pellets at about 3pm, soak up some of the sunlight that comes into my pen about that time, and then lounge and nap some more throughout the evening, making sure I eat plenty of hay, then at lights out at 11pm, I’m in or on one of my comfy fleece beds for the night in dreamland.  My pen is huge so I get plenty of chance to zoom around within, and my ‘mommy’ lashkay gives me lots of pets and hugs although i’m pretty much a shy-boy.

                                  Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:  Nobody knows it, but under all this hair, I have a killer bunny physique–
                                  Va Va Va VOOM!!



                                • MimzMum
                                  8029 posts Send Private Message

                                    • Name: Mimzy
                                    • Age: 3 years

                                    • My Best Talent is: Rapid fire sneezing…no seriously. Above all I insist on traquility in my home…but sometimes things get a bit too…lax. It’s a juggling act between keeping things calm and having my slave completely fall down on her job, which we MUST not have. If you want attention from your slave, there is no better guarantee than to sneeze, several times in quick succession and for no apparent reason. It brings them running with all sorts of concern and desire to soothe. It can also occasionally mean a trip to the vet and nasty medicines or procedures, but for the most part it is an acceptable risk. And I am fortunate to have an attentive slave. It reminds me how dedicated (or perhaps just paranoid) she is. I have it pretty much down to an art. Oh…and speaking of art…I can use a French accent and can paint too. I paint with pee…but I make nice pictures. xD My favorite method is pointalism with bunny bb’s.
                                    • Why I love being a House Bunny: I started out in life as an outdoor bunny. Which had it’s good points, such as no walls to run into, but more bad. It is dangerous outdoors sometimes and especially for bunnies who are not used to being out there. Too many predators, lots of changing weather and certainly little comfort. I much prefer the peace and quiet of the indoor life, where I have a slave to wait on me hand and lucky foot.
                                    • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: Well I hate to claim any kind of seniority in my home, but I WAS Number One Bun for a long time. And during my time as the only bun, I noticed a distinct lack of calm in the household as a result of observing my human. I heard a human word called ‘cancer’ that seemed to be the root of her problems, so I set about to replace those problems with my wonderful self! I quietly ushered her into the world of ‘bunny zen’ and it was good to see her become a little less agitated and indeed downright happy as we spent time together. I do believe I have the ability to calm my human slave and put a smile on her face (as long as she doesn’t think *I* am ill) and a smiling, cooperative slave is something a bunny always likes to see.
                                        Then my slave brought two other friends home for me to play with. I suppose I could’ve been fine on my own, but hey, share the wealth, I always say! We don’t get together as much as we’d like to, but I think that once we do, if these other bunnies absorb enough of my zen ability, they’ll help me bring around all bunny slaves to the joys of extreme loafing! Really, you humans could learn a lot from us bunnies. Do your busy work first thing in the morning, chew some grass or other treats, then again late in the evening, and use the rest of the time to snooze. How much more peaceful the world would be if you all learned this valuable, enregy-conserving skill!

                                  • MimzMum
                                    8029 posts Send Private Message

                                      • Name: Fiver
                                      • Age: 2.5 years
                                      • My Best Talent is: I iz da bebe. I iz kyoot. Whut elz duz I need? U likez mii hat? Mimzee sed I shud ware diz hat.

                                      • Why I love being a House Bunny: Bein’ howz bunnee wuzn’t so good fur mee at furst. I yoozd to live wif meen widdle hoominz. Dey toox mee bak to da storr cuz I wuzn’t like a doggy. But den mah mum came n got mee frum da storr an she treetid mee so nice. I nevarr wantz to be aneewar wifowt mah mum evarr agin. I wuvs her (((((((((((DIIIIIIIIIZ MUCH!)))))))))))))))))
                                      • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I sed I iz kyoot…duz dere needz to bee anyfing else? Kin I bee Missr Binky Bunnee if I givz u mii friiez? I duzzn’t reelee eetz doz u no! lawlz….

                                    • Kafrn
                                      747 posts Send Private Message
                                        • Name:  My name is “Mr Bunny” aka Twitch
                                        • Age: I am 8 years young
                                        • My Best Talent is: Well obviously I am the senior bunny in our family, so I have taken it as my duty to alert everybun to any changes happening around the home. I do this with my very distinctive stomp. If a bird flies past the window, or if Rocket has been eating out of my food dish and has exceeded the allocated time, I alert my peers to the situation with my talent. One and a half stomps, and our humans come and make things right again for us. Its super effective. It also reminds everybun of my title here. I am *ahem* “THE Bunny”
                                        • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a House Bunny because I like to keep things in order, and I am great with household chores. Allow me to present you an example. I am very good at making beds. If one of our humans is making the bed and has left a wrinkle in the sheets, I alert them by jumping onto the bed to show them how it should be done. I am also good at flopping on quilts to make them warm for my humans (Im so considerate), and I make a great house bunny because I brighten up my humans day by making nom nom noises when I eat raisins. I really am the full ”House Package” 
                                        • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:   I deserve to be named “MR Binky Bunny” because my humans think Im such a considerate Bunny Man. As eldest in our family, I think this title may also remind my 2 younger boys (both teenagers) that I am infact the Top Bunny, and should be respected. Not jumped on when its greens time. I respect the ladies in our group and always secure the largest portions of vegetables that we are given so that the ladies can come and share with me. Being named Mr Binky Bunny 2011 would be a great honour. Thank you. Thank you all so much. 


                                        This is a picture of myself, standing for all that is right.



                                        This is my “After Stomp” pose that alerts my humans that something stands to be corrected.


                                      • Kafrn
                                        747 posts Send Private Message
                                          • Name:  Squee    (can also be written in capitals if so desired)

                                          • Age: 6 months

                                          • My Best Talent is:      Chinning things! Its my all time hobby! Never before have you experienced something so delightfully fragrant as SQUEE! And now YOU TOO can smell of SQUEE! Available on arm rests, bed posts, and anything with a corner. Try the smell of SQUEE! You wont be disappointed!  
                                            I am also very good at hiding! I keep my humans on their toes because now that I have come out of my shell, I like exploring and disappearing into different places around the house. My humans never get bored when Im around!


                                          • Why I love being a House Bunny:   Being a house bunny is awesome because of how loved I feel now. In my last life I was in a box that was less than 1 metre square. I was there for 5 months. Then my mum found me and now I love her. I dont let her see it too much, because I have to maintain my new image of the “Tuff Bunn”. Its the image that I invented when I reached puberty.  But mum knows me now, and she understands. Ive got a pretty cheeky personality but under it all Im just a bundle of fluff. Plus, living under a roof is AWESOME!

                                          • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be named Mr Binky Bunny 2011 because when Im being a good boy Im such a model bunny. And I think this title would help people see that. After all, my name is SQUEE! I am the model of manly cuteness for bunnies worldwide.

                                          •   Exhibiting my cuteness


                                          •    Hiding in the trailer


                                        • Kafrn
                                          747 posts Send Private Message
                                            • Name:  ROCKET! 
                                            • Age: 2
                                            • My Best Talent is:  I am best at remodelling. If anyone has anything that needs to be remodelled, just give me a call, Im your bun  Im particularly experienced in car seats, cardboard boxes and mums jumper. K thx.  I am also really good at changing colour! In Summer I am light brown, and in Winter I am black! Multi Talented! 
                                            • Why I love being a House Bunny: Being a house bunny is great because I get to stay at home with my family. I like with my Bunny Mum, Bunny Dad, and my brother and 2 sisters. Oh yeah, some humans live here too.   Im also such a good model of a bunny that a lovely lady from America has adopted me as her internet Bunny!  She has a lovely lady bunny who likes looking at my pictures, so effectively I am already internationally known, and Im only a teenager! *wink* 
                                            • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be named Mr Binky Bunny because although nobun has realised it yet, I am in fact the top Rabbit. Yeah, Its my duty to look after my twin brother and I follow him everywhere to make sure he is ok. Its a hard job, but somebuns got to do it! *wipes ears* Vote for me, yeah?! I wont dissapoint

                                             Remodelling a box for mum


                                             Hey, What?!?! Dont take my pic while Im eating!   MUUUUM!

                                          • Kafrn
                                            747 posts Send Private Message
                                              • Name:  Rembrandt
                                              • Age:  2
                                              • My Best Talent is:  Multi tasking! I am really really good at watching my mum eat a Bubble O Bill, while she plays on the computer and talks on the phone. I am also really good at watching Carl while he is working, and he is patting the dog at the same time (I dont know how he does that!)   Its so awesome being multi talented. None of the other Buns here are Multi Talented, just me. This one time, I sat and watched my adtopted Human playing Wii while she was eating tea and patting me! I am so good at this! 
                                              • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because of all the food that we get. If I sit and watch long enough, someone comes along and opens the fridge and if I dart fast enough, sometimes I can get lettuce
                                              • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:I deserve to be named Mr Binky Bunny because I am unique and special, and there is nobun like me. My bro Rocket thinks he has to follow me everywhere and hold my paw, and this title would show him that I can sit and watch things on my own. One day, Im going to make a great Poet! But for now I think Ill just sit back and observe…….

                                                Sharing a carrot with my mum



                                              This is a pic of myself and my bro Rocket. I am the one with half a blue eye  My mum says that this makes me her special blue eyed boy, and Im special  Even Rocket doesnt have half a blue eye! 

                                            • Heather&BabsyBooboo
                                              120 posts Send Private Message
                                                • NAME:   Basil                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AGE:      6 months                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MY BEST TALENT:   My mammy sez itz just being me! She gets somefink called depression and is agoraphobic so her bestest best friend got me to keep her company and if I say so myself I iz rather good at it! It helps that I LOVE snuggles and petz and don’t really mind TOO much being picked up and from what she reads on here she iz lucky cos am super placid even when I gots that puberty fingy and I dont spray and mark when I’m out my cage I’ll just chin everyfing dat stays still long enuf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WHY I LOVE BEING A HOUSE BUNNY: Cos there’s just me n my mammy (and her best friend who she sees every day) and I love my mammys friend cos she loves bunbuns. Her buns called Sparky and he’s 11 years old can you believe it!!!!! I want to play wif him but my mammys scared to cos I’m zoomy fast and he’s a bit doddery on his feetsies. Sparky used to be a outsidey bun and from what mammys told me I don’t fink I’d manage very well                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WHY I WANT TO BE MR. BINKYBUNNY:   Oooooo dis iz a hard question!!!!! Mammy sed I should say somefink like it’s an honour and a priviledge but surely thats what hoomins feel when we let them into our lives???   I fink its cos my Mammy loves this site so much and it makes her laff loads n loads (and sometimes cry when bunnies go to the bridge) and it’s helped her wif her ‘pression loads too xx

                                              • Heather&BabsyBooboo
                                                120 posts Send Private Message

                                                   Please excuse how my entry is set out I don’t know how to do word processing lol!

                                                • LBJ10
                                                  17069 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Name: Mr. Wooly

                                                    Age: 10 months

                                                    My Best Talent is: I am a bunny of many talents! My best talent is my incredible acting abilities! I can play many different parts, from sweet and loving to grumpy and uncooperative. In my entry photos, I am playing the part of Sweaters McWoolington. He is a well mannered rabbit who takes pride in always being the perfect gentleman. As you can see, he likes to always look his best with outfits that are well put together.

                                                    Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because no matter what role I am currently playing, I know my mom will always love me. I take my acting very seriously, so I appreciate it when she doesn’t demand that I break character when I am playing the part of a grumpy bun.

                                                    Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny” because I am a very cute and talented bunny. Everyone who meets me instantly falls in love with me. I impress people with my supreme acting skills and they especially love it when I play the part of the perfect little angel.


                                                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                      We’re only supposed to do two photos right? I’m stuck between two choices for my second one. *twitch*

                                                    • LBJ10
                                                      17069 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh is it only 2 photos? I included 3 because I couldn’t decide and I thought maybe it was “at least” 2 photos.

                                                      • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                        2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Name: Frankie

                                                          Age: 4 years

                                                          My Best Talent is: Getting into things I shouldn’t… especially if it’s something that seems vaguely food-like or edible in any way. Is that a talent? Because I do tricks too.

                                                          Why I love being a House Bunny: I’m the king of the castle and everybody in it loves me. The humans around here can’t resist the beg and the all-around cuteness, so I’m well fed, get lots of head rubs and attention, and have free-run of the house. I get to lounge and eat all day and night. Plus my mom shows me off on Binky Bunny. She thinks I don’t know about all the adoration I get, but I’m quite aware! Ain’t this the life?

                                                          Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: Well, if there’s a beauty portion to the pageant, I’ve obviously got the ridiculously good looks *nose bump & a wink*. As a BB veteran, I’ve already got my own “Frankie Fan Club” on here and would be happy to recruit some new members too! But beyond that, I’m a unique mutt of a bunny who represents a whole spectrum of bunnydom – I’m a half lop, half uppy-eared mixed breed and I represent both the light and dark-colored bunlets! And did I already mention the dashing good looks? 
                                                          Being a perfect gentlebun for the “Formal Wear” Category  
                                                          Doing what I excel at… popping up and investigating things while being ridiculously handsome:

                                                        • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                          2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                            LBJ – yeah, it’s unclear. Either way the judges have their work cut out for them because this is a damned handsome group of he-buns!

                                                          • cactuspancake
                                                            536 posts Send Private Message


                                                                • Name: Franz
                                                                • Age: 7 months
                                                                • My Best Talent is: “gimme 10”
                                                                • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love to help my momma with her homework, typing on the keyboard, guarding the house, and chasing everyone’s feet! I have special roles in the house and have earned several titles such as “Terrible Math Tutor” and “Horrible Little Sous-Chef.” Momma won’t cook without her Terrible Little Sous-Chef! I have a big room all to myself, all the toys and veggies I could ever want, and I can get attention any time I want! My momma is growing me a vegetable garden this Spring wth hay for me!
                                                                • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: Binky bunny has helped me through the good times and the bad.  I might not even be here if it weren’t for the great folks on the forums. I’m also rediculously cute and talented and can do a menagerie of tricks helped by clicker-training.  I can have all sorts of crazy hair styles such as the mo-hawk, parted, emo, or even the Justin Bieber do for the ladies Also, peace on earth




                                                            • cactuspancake
                                                              536 posts Send Private Message

                                                                WOWOWOW guys, FYI, the times on the forum are totally wrong. I’m Eastern time, and mine and digmenow are around 9pm eastern, still on the 26th. Just for clarification

                                                              • peepi&warri
                                                                238 posts Send Private Message


                                                                  • Name: Peepi
                                                                  • Age: 6 years
                                                                  • My Best Talent is: My best talent is eating. If it’s green, it must go in my tummy! I can tackle all sizes of food, small AND large (I do not discriminate). There’s no stopping me until every last piece is gone. I am also a successful competitive eater, having won the title of Champion in the high stakes Cilantro Fight of 2009.
                                                                  • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because I can go anywhere I want in the house. If I want to run around under Mommy’s bed at 4 in the morning, no problem! I just open the door and let myself in!
                                                                  • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be named Mr. Binky Bunny because, while I may have a tough exterior, deep down I’m really just a cuddle bunny. I love getting pets from Mommy (and sometimes Daddy) and cuddling with my brother. I freely give out tooth purrs to those in need. I’m just doing everything I can to make the world a better place, for the children.

                                                                • peepi&warri
                                                                  238 posts Send Private Message


                                                                    • Name: Warri
                                                                    • Age: 6 years
                                                                    • My Best Talent is: My best talent is giving kisses. I can’t help but give lots of kisses whenever Mommy pets me. I love giving kisses so much that I’m often seen kissing the chair, the maze, the garbage can, the willow tent, dried pee spots, the door.. pretty much everything! I also love grooming my brother and styling his hair.
                                                                    • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because I’m safe inside. I have my own quiet room to stay in with lots of dark places to hide in when I get scared, a Mommy and Daddy to protect me and give me treats, and a brother to cuddle with.
                                                                    • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I deserve to be Mr. Binky Bunny because I might possibly be the prettiest and softest boy bunny in the world. I have a nose that’s cute as a button, eyes that are dark and mysterious, and a coat that’s soft as silk. If I’m named Mr. Binky Bunny, I promise to use all my shedded fur to make warm coats for the homeless children. 

                                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message


                                                                        • Name: Moose
                                                                        • Age: Almost 2!
                                                                        • My Best Talent is: Zoomies and carpet cleaning! I am always washing the carpet, mommy thinks its funny, but she always tells me I missed a spot.. little does she know I cleaned it earlier… hehehe.
                                                                        • Why I love being a House Bunny: I love being a house bunny because the world is a big, scary place. My human parents keep me nice and safe and warm, with lots of tasty nommies and toys and luvs. I was rescued from a field, so being inside is soooo nice!!
                                                                        • Why I deserve to be named “Mr. Binky Bunny”: I am a shy, sensitive boy, so naturally the ladies love me. Daddy calls me a wussy man, but I know he just likes to tease me about being sensitive. If I were to win the title of Mr. Binky Bunny, I could show the world that you don’t have to be big and tough to be a real man bunny!


                                                                      Here I am being a little shy… even of my own reflection! …it sure is a handsome reflection, don’t you think?

                                                                      Here I am sittign on top of the world! err… my Moosie Haven. I love sitting on top of it. It’s fun to watch my people running around


                                                                    • Knabbel Did It
                                                                      82 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Name: Garner

                                                                        Age: About one year

                                                                        My Best Talent:  I love to explore my new house!  There are so many places to go and so many things to see!  I also love to give my family kisses.  They are so nice to me.  I know they love me, so cuddling them and kissing them is what I love to do!  I’m also very smart.  The nice people at the NM House Rabbit Society took me to be ‘tutored’ when I first got there!

                                                                        Why Do I Love Being A House Bunny:  I’ve spent most my life living in a little cage until just two weeks ago when my family came to adopt me.  I didn’t know what to expect during that long three hour car ride!  Now I have a forever family that loves me and a great big house to explore.  I was so happy and excited that I ran and jumped, and spun around a lot.  It felt so good – my first binky!  My family laughed and clapped; now I binky all the time. Being a house bunny is like being in bunny heaven.  I’ll be a happy house bunny forever, and I know my family will always love me. No more shelter for me!

                                                                        Why I Deserve To Be Named “Mr. Binky Bunny”:  I don’t know if I deserve it; just being on the forum with the other bunnies is really cool!  Some have been house bunnies longer and have probably Binkyed longer than me.  Even if I don’t win I know my family loves me so I’m already a winner!  Good Luck fellow Buns!

                                                                        May I help you?

                                                                        Binky Time!

                                                                      • Michelle&Lolli
                                                                        2347 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Good luck to everybun!!! It was super hard!!!! Everybun was so cute and handsome!!!

                                                                        • RabbitPam
                                                                          11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Has the winner been announced and I missed it?
                                                                            who, who, who is the Bunny Man of our dreams? Sammykins wants a pin up poster of beefcake hunks.

                                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Winner will be announced tomorrow I think Pam

                                                                            • LoveChaCha
                                                                              6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Chacha turned out to be lazy today and made her slave vote for the pictures too.. Hmph. We were going to split up the duties.

                                                                              • Kafrn
                                                                                747 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  mmmmmm…… beefcake hunks…..

                                                                                • LBJ10
                                                                                  17069 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m so excited! I can’t wait! Good luck to all the cute boy bunnies!

                                                                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      First I just want to say how pleased I am at the amount of entries. Everybunny looked wonderful! We had some ties and I didn’t want to do a draw so we have quite a few winners. Here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for (this took me the entire morning to edit the winners pics so sorry for the wait but I did my best):

                                                                                      I decided to name two “Mr. Charismatic Bunnies” since there were so many wonderful entries.










                                                                                      I added a category for our youngest entry:


                                                                                      Congrats to Every Bun! I hope you all had fun! 


                                                                                    • cainan
                                                                                      347 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Banner sends congratulations to all of the winners! And Merry said, “That Frankie… mmm he’s CUTE!” (However -I- say EVERYBUN in the competition is cute!!!!!)

                                                                                      • Helenor
                                                                                        291 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Congrats winners! Everyone is adorable!

                                                                                        • LoveChaCha
                                                                                          6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            3 Mr Binky Bunnies! : )

                                                                                          • peppypoo
                                                                                            1945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              As Miss BinkyBunny 2011, Peppy would like to congratulate all the boy bunnies on their excellent entries, especially the THREE! winners! She says she definitely wouldn’t mind getting to know those handsome boy buns a little better (…on a friendly basis of course! She’s loves her husbun Milo very much.)

                                                                                            • Cheddar33
                                                                                              359 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                Wow, hard decision for the judges. I’m glad that there are multiple winners. Cheddar is happy to be one of the 2nd princes. I absolutely love how the crowns and sashes were so nicely cropped in too.

                                                                                              • peepi&warri
                                                                                                238 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  Peepi will be thrilled to know he was named 2nd prince! He’ll definitely get extra booty scritches tonight.

                                                                                                  Congratulations to all the other winners and entries! Everybun was so handsome and deserved to win.

                                                                                                • Michelle&Lolli
                                                                                                  2347 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Congratulations to everybunny! As you can see, it was VERY hard! lol

                                                                                                  • LBJ10
                                                                                                    17069 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Oh my gosh! Yay! Wooly is going to be so excited! I’ll have to go tell him right now that he was one of three chosen to hold the Mr Binky Bunny title! Congrats to all of the winners, I’m sure it was very hard for the judges with all these cute little buns!

                                                                                                    • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                                                                      2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        Hehehe, I knew judging would be hard! I did a binky for the Frankster as well as all the other winners! Frankie says to send him some fan mail that he can eat (the older the paper, the better… he loves a fine, aged paper product).

                                                                                                        Time to post the crowning picture on Facebook and get made fun of!


                                                                                                        Oooh, and be on the lookout for a post of some of the out takes! There will be lots of fuzzy to squee over.

                                                                                                      • Kate Monster
                                                                                                        550 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Spencer says, thank you! He’s very honored. And all of the bunnies looked adorable!

                                                                                                        • lashkay
                                                                                                          1548 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Congratulations to all the winners! And to all the entrants for having such tough competition, everybun was mesmerizing in his or her own way. This was fun! See you next year!

                                                                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              Moosie shyly accepts Mr. Charismatic Bunny 2011

                                                                                                              He’s hiding in his Moosie Haven, he’s so bashful about winning

                                                                                                            • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                I want to thank all the judges for getting such a terribly difficult task done! Although I have to say most of the results were extremely close, all the entries deserved high scores and all the bunnies got very close scores. Hope we can do it again next year. Better take (and post) some practice shots in preparation!

                                                                                                              • Knabbel Did It
                                                                                                                82 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! What a great group of handsome buns we all are! Frankie and Mr. Wooly, I’m honored to have been one of the three buns winning the title of Mr. Binky Bunny 2011 with you! Everybun here is so handsome and talented, and best of all we all have super-wonderful loving humans that cherish us and take such great care of us, we’re all winners! I wish I could throw us all a big salad party with berries and banana chunks to take home in the goodie bags!

                                                                                                                • LoveChaCha
                                                                                                                  6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    The binky butt pic was hilarous. Everyone’s pictures are hilarous

                                                                                                                  • babybunsmum
                                                                                                                    3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      okay i *cant* believe i missed this. geez! haven’t time to scroll thru the contenders leisurely right now or to properly congratulate the winner but i will be back!!!

                                                                                                                    • LBJ10
                                                                                                                      17069 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        Just had to come back again and look at all the cuties! Wooly was very happy to hear the news and he promises not to let it got to his head. Hehe!

                                                                                                                      • RabbitPam
                                                                                                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          Congratulations Everybun!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                          Samantha is thrilled with all of the winners! She wants Peppy to know that since she has Milo, Sammykins will be happy to take the winners and consorts of Miss BB 2011 off her hands. My Sammy can handle all those boys! (And is tempted to do so soon….down girl.)

                                                                                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                                                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            My belated congratulations!!!

                                                                                                                            It really was hard to do the scores, especially after your head has exploded 25 TIMES! lol I seriously have not Squeed/Gasped/Awww-ed so much in my life. Every entrant was so cute!!! Such a good turn out amongst the bunny boys.

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                                                                                                                        Forum THE LOUNGE MR. BINKY BUNNY 2011- FIRST EVER COMPETITION (WINNERS CROWNED)