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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Mouth open?

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    • Michelle&Lolli
      2347 posts Send Private Message

        I’m mainly curious.  I have noticed that Lolli likes to have her lips open.  Usually her teeth are close but her lips are open.  Sometimes her mouth is too but mainly it’s just her lips.  When I took her in for a wellness check in May, the vet checked her teeth and said they were perfect.  Also, there is no drooling or anything.  So she is very healthy aside from having to keep an eye on her ears for infections.  

        I know other animals use their mouths to sense smells and chemicals in the air.  But the only animal that comes to mind right now is tigers.  lol  Does anyone else know if rabbits do the same thing or is this just a little quirk she has?   I am not worried at all.  Just find it a bit funny and am curious.  (She also moves her mouth and smacks a lot which I notice when I’m snuggling with her.)  

      • Ole09
        27 posts Send Private Message

          Does it kind of look like she’s smiling? A friend of mine had a bunny when we were kids and she would always have her mouth open (but teeth together) whenever she was content, I mostly noticed it when she was stretched out and relaxed. It was super cute!

        • MimzMum
          8029 posts Send Private Message

            She’s not breathing heavily or pointing her nose is she? Just parting the lips enough to show her toofies?
            Pip does this on command for me. I say, ‘bunny smile’ and she comes over and just shows a wee bit of teeth. Of course I have to give her a treat if I ask for her majesty’s approval in such a manner.
            As long as this isn’t accompanied by any other health concerns I’d say it’s just a quirk.
            How old is Lolli now?

          • TH004
            261 posts Send Private Message

              I’d love to see a photo of this! My first rabbit would sometimes have her mouth open just a little bit while sleeping and snoring on her back.

            • Cristina
              127 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so glad you asked this!!! I was going to post this very same question. My sister has a Jersey Wooly and I started noticing this with him over the weekend. He doesn’t do it all the time though. Mostly when he’s being petted and loved on. We think maybe he’s doing this when he’s happy and content? So far no health concerns so I guess it’s just a cute little quirk

              • RabbitPam
                11002 posts Send Private Message

                  I’ve never seen this. Can one or more of you guys catch this in a photo? I’d love to see what you’re talking about. Bunnies smiling!

                • Michelle&Lolli
                  2347 posts Send Private Message

                    Ok. I will try to get a picture of her Royal Highness. She tends to be a bit elusive with the camera out though.

                    Sometimes she’s hot when she does it. But most of the time, she’s just hanging out or I’m holding her. I will check her ears for how hot they are if she seems to be panting. (I’m such an annoying bun mom. lol) I know if she’s sniffing something, she’ll have her mouth open sometimes so I guess that’s part of sensing things.

                  • Emmie
                    461 posts Send Private Message

                      Lol that is so cute. I know my sister’s bun does the same thing when he’s looking for attention.

                    • LBJ10
                      17074 posts Send Private Message

                        Wooly will show his teeth a little bit when he’s pointing his head up to try to meet my hand for pets. I always thought it was involuntary. It would be so cute if he did a smile on command.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          Stormy and Olivia do that too, LBJ. It’s so cute.

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                      Forum BEHAVIOR Mouth open?