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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Mourning first rabbit

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    • AggieBun
      3 posts Send Private Message

        This is my first time posting after spending hours reading over these forums throughout the last two years. My mini lop, Guinness, had to be put down yesterday after falling ill very suddenly. He had gone through a bout of stasis this summer and recovered shortly after, receiving a clean bill of health from the vet at a follow up visit. On Saturday evening he began to show similar symptoms, and when they were not resolved in 5 hours, we went to the emergency room to get the same medication and critical care we had used before. However, he did not improve and we had to hospitalize him. His temperature and white blood cell counts were low, so the vet believes he had an infection that was either caused or a result of the stasis, although he may have had an underlying autoimmune problem of which we were not aware.

        After they had done everything possible, we made the choice to say goodbye to Guinness so that he could go peacefully. I had always told him that I would be with him until the very end, and I did not want to break that promise when the vet and exotic animal specialist team placed the odds of him recovering at slim to none. I am trying to take comfort knowing that he was with me and my boyfriend in a quiet room as he crossed over rather than surrounded by strangers and scared. We spent some time petting him and reminiscing about the good times together, and I know he went peacefully to the sound of me thanking him, saying Jewish prayers over him, and telling him I loved him.

        As this was my first rabbit, I am having a very difficult time processing the events of the last few days. Guinness was a very healthy, lively, and sweet rabbit, so I had assumed we would have many years together. My sweet boy died just three days before his second birthday. I am trying to focus on the good times, and I was very lucky that my parents were able to come take the cage we had lovingly made from recycled furniture (he was free range except for bedtime) so that I did not have to constantly see it empty in my apartment, but I can use it again when the time is right. I am a professional student, so I had hoped Guinness would be there to see my first “real” job, wedding, etc. I used to think I would not want another rabbit because Guinness was so exceptional and we had such a close bond, but his premature loss has left me feeling empty, and I know I still have lots of love to give to another bunny one day. Although I do not wish to drive myself crazy with the results of his autopsy, I am trying to take comfort knowing that his case may be used to help other rabbits because we frequented a teaching hospital. I also know he had only one day of suffering out of nearly two years of joy. Any advice on dealing with the loss of a house rabbit would be greatly appreciated! I have been through the process with family dogs, but Guinness was the first pet that was only “mine”.

      • Moothebun
        194 posts Send Private Message

          Im so sorry this post brought me to tears… i know its a hard transition just try to keep yourself as busy as you can

        • BB & Tiny
          637 posts Send Private Message

            He will be at your wedding, your first job, because he lives on in your soul. He will always be with you in spirit, that is the beauty of love. I know it hurts now, hurts deeply I’m sure. Do take solace in the joy the two of you shared and that you did the best you could for him in regards to giving him a dignified peaceful passing.

            So sorry for you loss.

            ((((((Binky free Guinness ))))))

          • Q8bunny
            6345 posts Send Private Message

              I cried when I read your post. Guiness will never NOT be with you. The ones we love live on as long as we remember them. And in the end, all he knew was peace and love.
              (((binky free, little one)))

            • Vienna Blue in France
              5317 posts Send Private Message

                So sorry for your loss – Moxie will have her poem ready for you – which says it all…
                “When tomorrow starts without me…”


              • AggieBun
                3 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you for all the sweet thoughts! Mornings are definitely the hardest right now- that was always our quiet time together before the day got going. It’s also tough opening the fridge and not having Guinness run over to beg for a treat each time.

                  I know things are going to be very up and down for a while, but one of my best friends mentioned adopting when I am ready, and I have found myself becoming more drawn to the idea. Guinness was really attached to me, and although he never seemed to want to share mom with other animals while he was alive, I think he would want another rabbit to have a great life like his. Right now I think in maybe two or three months I could be ready to start looking at rabbits again. I feel like rescuing might be able to help fill the emptiness and help with the grieving process without feeling like I am “replacing” him.

                  Until then, I am trying to get going again. It’s difficult, but organizing his photos has really helped me remember the good times!

                • drwil
                  191 posts Send Private Message

                    So sorry about your little bunny…when they go from what he had it can be only hours from being fine to very sick.

                    When these things happen it is natural to feel like never having another animal again.

                    My wife asked my why I keep getting animals if it hurts so much when they die. The answer is there is always an animal out there who needs his forever home. You keep a small bit of Guinness alive when you adopt another bunny.

                    You also keep a little of yourself alive too. They are quite literally family.

                  • Kani
                    1 posts Send Private Message

                      Hello Aggiebun-

                       I hope this isn’t too personal, but I lost my mini-Rex Polly last night.  She was only 2 or 3 years old, and her symptoms sound very similar to your beloved Guinness.  I am still waiting to hear back from the vets after the autopsy.   She had GI issues a few weeks ago, and was on probiotics.  The local rabbit vet thought she was backed up.   She seemed better.  Yesterday morning I woke up and noticed Polly looked ill.  I left work early to take her to the vet, but she was all floppy when we got there, and that vet said to take her to the 24 hour animal hospital, because she would need to be kept overnight, but she passed in route.  Do you mind sharing what you learned from Guinness autopsy? I am just wondering if our buns might have died of the same things.  I hope you find a new bun at the right time.  I will be getting a new rabbit sooner, because her mate Thumper was left behind.  Never thought I’d cry so much over a rabbit.


                      Thank you. 

                    • Bam
                      16977 posts Send Private Message

                        Kani, I’m very sorry for your loss of Polly. I too have lost a young rabbit very suddenly and unexpectedly. It’s a terrible feeling, and then you have the grief to deal with on top of all the questions.

                        If you want to contact Aggiebun, you could try doing it via a PM. She hasn’t been active here since May, but she might get a PM. To send a PM, you click on her name, then on “contact” when you’ve been forwarded to her bio.

                        Binky free, little Polly.

                      • cinnybun2015
                        570 posts Send Private Message

                          I am so sorry, for both Polly and Guinness. My advice would be to take time for yourself, if that’s what you need to do. If you feel the need to be quiet, then allow yourself some time alone. If you feel better when talking with people, talk to some friends. I kept all of my feelings bottled up after Cinnamon died, and it was a relief to be able to share them with someone. Everyone has a different way of grieving however. I’m glad that organizing his photos helped.

                          (((Binky free, Guinness & Polly)))))

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                      Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Mourning first rabbit