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Forum BEHAVIOR More bunnies = more love?

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    • BunnyMamaS
      7 posts Send Private Message

        Greetings All Bunny Lovers,

        My mini-lop Snickers just passed away (see thread “I Think my bunnyhad a stroke!”), which left my two Holland Lop boys without a girlfriend. I would like to adopt two bonded female Hollands to join the boys. When I mentioned this to a friend of mine, she said that the more bunnies there are, the less love they give their humans. Is this true? I want bunny love! I have the means, room, and love available for more. What do you think?

        Thanks for the input!

        ~Fara aka Bunny Slave


      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          Hi BunnySlave, I am so sorry to hear that Snickers passed over the bridge. It is wonderful of you to open your home so soon. I don’t think multiple rabbits automatically means less love for you. Each rabbit is different…some are cuddle buns some are standoffish. I think the bigger issue would be bonding a group. That might be a handful and take some time.

          There are a quite a few binky bunny people that have added one or more bun to the family and it seems to me there is enough love and interaction to go around.

        • bunnytowne
          7537 posts Send Private Message

            oh that is great I hope you will be able to bond them easily. if not are you able to keep them seperated?  I have seen groups of 7 that get along great so you never know how it will go. they may not like the boys or vice versa a houseful sounds wonderful

          • Hedi
            969 posts Send Private Message

              I don’t really understand why there would be less love w/ more bunnies? I have 4 buns- two bonded the other two not at all. I haven’t tried to bond them all together and doubtfully ever will. The buns seem to like eachother in general- grooming eachother thru cages and laying next to each others cages when out.

              The issue is if they aren’t all bonded then you have to figure out play times for everyone. I notice mine get a little jealous if some get more time out than others. I swear they keep track w/ bunny watches. lol But overall they seem very happy and they all love of me when they are out for play time so I don’t think I have lost any bunny love having them all.

              I would strongly suggest though going someplace that offers bunny bonding so you aren’t bringing grils home that your boys wont like.

            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                I just want to offer my condolences to you and the boys. Snickers seemed very sweet, and I know her life was enhanced by having the love of you and her boyfriends.

                I am not the bonding expert here, but I doubt that having more bunnies would diminish the love you get. I would just be sure to give each bun your personal attention so that you bond with them individually.

                Bunny dates makes sense. I suppose if you get two already bonded girls, then at least you’ll have two and two, with schedules for pairs. The boys must be grieving right now – they may actually be cheered up with new companions. Just bear in mind that they went through the ordeal of Snickers’ illness right along with you, so not too much added stress in their lives. See how they respond to a date – they sound very sociable.

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  again, i’m so sorry for your loss of Snickers. she was a gorgeous lil girl!

                  do the females have to be holland lops? i’ve found that the bunnies available that are bonded are a little bit harder to come by, at least in my area. you might want to check around and see who is available. they might not be holland lops, but they could bring a lot of love to your boys.

                  with your trio, did you start them all from singles? and do the bonding yourself? if you did, then that’s great you have experience with a larger bonding. if not, i’d suggest you take advantage of anything your rescue can offer in the way of off-site bonding to make it go as smoothly as possible. or else you’ll be in for quite an adventure… have you given any thought to adopting a single girl who’s outlook is very bleak and lonely? a bonded pair already has each other… but a single bun would (most likely) greatly benefit form coming into your home.

                • MooBunnay
                  3087 posts Send Private Message

                    I am sorry to hear about Snicker’s passing – I know she’s in heaven binkying around.

                    I have 7 bunnies myself, and I would have to say I totally disagree that less bunnies = less love. All of my bunnies adore attention from my husband and I. If we get anywhere near them they start following us around, or if they are in their cages they stat climbing the sides to get nose pets, and if I start petting any of them I immediately get a bunny pancake, and they won’t move again until no more pets are coming!

                    It is my own firm belief that more bunnies = more love!

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                Forum BEHAVIOR More bunnies = more love?