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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Mops died of woolblock

Viewing 58 reply threads
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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        Two nights ago, I came to bring my four bonded rabbits inside for the night like I always do. I noticed Mops was not eating when I fed them their dinner but I thought he was just waiting for me to leave because I had just carried him in and he hated being picked up. I thought he was just showing disapproval or somehing. I checked later, around midnight, and  he was moving around, doing routines, but not taking food. In the morning he had this look to him as if he had a gas episode. So I took the steps to deal with that, ovol and massages on his abdomen, and I separated him from the others to see if he would improve. Those measures usually work within about six hours with Mops. But they did not work. Mops was not passing anything, not even liquid. He started to refuse water from a syringe, too, he would just let it trickle out of his mouth. I knew it was bad. I went to the vet but he was on a farm call so I waited. By the time I saw the vet, Mops had collapsed and the spot in his abdomen that I in the morning I thought to be gas, was even bigger and rockkhard. It was high up on the left side of his stomach. An xray didn’t show anything, only gas around that spot. It was a wool blockage. It didn’t show up in the xray but we could feel the mass by palpating him. It was too late. Mops was in terrible pain. Euthanasia was offered to me but after some sub Q and pain meds I took him home. I placed him with my other three, where he just lay down flat, and Lint and Deirdra proceded to groom him for a long time. Lint groomed him even longer than Deirdra. Lint has never given anything more than a quick lick to any rabbit but he groomed Mops goodbye. Neigey just sat off in the distance, kind of clueless. I felt I was about as clueless as Neigey… I knew Mops was dying then. He was dead a half hour later.

        I am even more upset than sad because I had always been afraid of wool block with Mops and I wish I had been more persistent with trimming his hair on a regular basis, and I should have brushed him twice a day even though he hated all manner of being touched. I should have force-fed him the papaya tablets which he refused to eat. My Mops groomed three other rabbits plus his own angora self. so he died in this painful way.

        Mops yesteray before the vet trip, my male dog and him always got along, since Mops was a kit and my dog was a puppy. I wanted Mops to hop around on the deck so he could get his gut moving but he never did. I wish I had kept Mops trimmed like in this photo.

        Woolblock can affect any rabbit, angora ones especially, but I do think I could have prevented this if I had noticed earlier. It is hard to distinguish their litter with four rabbits sharing a space.

        Mops was two years and twoo months old.

        I can hardly look at my three rabbits left behind by Mops. The quatet aws built around Mops, without him, they will have to rebond as a trio now.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Hugs to you. It sounds like he went very peacefully. It’s heartbreaking when our beloved rabbits leave us. I will light a candle for Mops so he can cross the bridge and be whole again.

        • Carrot Lane Bunny
          186 posts Send Private Message

            He is now pain free and frolicking at the bridge. He is watching over you with love. I will also light a candle.

          • kralspace
            2663 posts Send Private Message

              Oh Petzy, this just makes me cry, I’m so sorry about Mops. You are such a wonderful bunny mom, please don’t beat yourself up. Mops is binkying free at the bridge and will wait for you,

              We will light candles too, hugs and much luv, Kathy

            • bunnymum16
              429 posts Send Private Message

                im so sorry for your loss.ive always like Mops.he’s adorable.i’ll pray for him to cross the rainbow bridge.

              • Deleted User
                22064 posts Send Private Message

                  I am just so sorry that he was hurting so bad. Of course, I’d like him alive but most of all I didn’t want him hurting.

                  I will change up their pen and their room too. I need to change it so it doesn’t remind me of the quartet.

                  The new trio is going to be stuck together by Deirdra. She is taking to both mini rexes equally. I am glad. she is such a good bun.


                • mrmac
                  2156 posts Send Private Message

                    Mops was such a special boy. I am very sorry. Don’t blame yourself, you were such a good bunny mom to him. I am all teary. I know you will miss him dearly, but he knew you loved him very much. The photo of him and the dog is precious. Love and many hugs to you. Binky free Mops.

                  • Andi
                    1048 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh Petzy, I am so, so sorry what a terrible and enexpected loss of such a dear bunny.
                      My heart and thoughts are with you now, during this hard time.

                      Please, don’t beat yourself up with the “What If’s”, they are just poison to our hearts. You did so much to keep him healthy and happy, we just cannot prevent everything. Rabbits grooming each other and themselves make it hard to ever stop fur injestion. You brushed him, even trimmed his hair, so much to help and you did a good job, your an amazing Bunny Momma and Mops was one heck of a lucky bunny to have someone love and care for him unconditionaly.

                      Again, my deepest sympathy and many **HUGS** your way.

                    • lashkay
                      1548 posts Send Private Message

                        My condolences for your loss of your beloved Mops. I know what it is to beat oneself up with guilt and remorse. Please don’t. You didn’t know until it was too late. I too had a bunny that was in pain the last hours but it was a drop in the ocean compared to all the happiness and good health she felt otherwise. And the pain Mops felt was just a drop in an ocean of love and well-being. Pat yourself on the back for being a good caring bunnymom to all your rabbits.

                      • LittlePuffyTail
                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh, Petzy! I”m so sorry to hear about Mops! I have tears streaming down my face…I know that you loved him very dearly and my heart is breaking for you. Mops was such a sweet little guy and I’m sure he died with lots of love for you in his heart. It’s sweet that he died surrounded by his loving buddies.

                          ***Hugs to you and the trio***

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            Oh no. I am so, so sorry. You did everything you could, this is in no way your fault. We do everything right and we have so many expectations that our rabbits will always live the maximum lifespan, but sometimes, it’s just their time. Please don’t blame yourself. He was the luckiest bunny in the whole entire world to have you, a wonderful home, and the companionship and love from not one, not two, but three rabbits. No bunny could possibly have asked for more! He will forever be in your heart. My thoughts are with you and with beautiful Mops.

                            (((((((((Binky Free Mops!!!)))))))))))

                            Hugs for you. Bunny kisses for Lint, Deirdra, and Neigey.

                          • LoveChaCha
                            6634 posts Send Private Message

                              I am very sorry Petzy I had tears in my eyes reading the entire post

                              *Hugs to Petzy and the trio*

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                This was Mops a couple of hours before he died.


                                But this is how he was in life


                              • mrmac
                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                  Poor Mops, he was not himself. The second photo is how you, and I, will always remember him, full of spunk and his normal goofy self. Such a handsome boy!

                                • Monkeybun
                                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am so so so sorry to see this thread He was such a gorgeous little man, well loved by all of us, all his little furry friends, and by you. He will be missed by all of us, that is for sure.

                                    Binky free Mops, where your long fur will trouble you no more.


                                  • Karla
                                    1624 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oh, Petzy, I’m so very truly sorry for your loss. And it must have been horrible to see him slowly die. I am so sorry and my thoughts are with you! He was a beautiful boy and he lived a great life with such a nice big outdoor arrangement. Few house rabbits get to enjoy the sun and the fresh air like he did – and in the company of 3 bunnies. Please don’t feel bad, because you gave him the greatest life ever.

                                      This is a big wake-up call to me as you know that Mops and Karl are identical – in looks and behaviour – so I really need to comb him which I hardly ever do. I had no idea that something like this could happen.

                                      How are the others taking it?

                                      RIP and binky free, Mops!
                                      Lots of bunnies from BB are there to greet you. I know you are happy on the other side.

                                    • Monkeybun
                                      10479 posts Send Private Message

                                        I am glad that Deirdra is taking care of Lint and Neigey, and that they all have each other.

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          Yes, brushing is extra important on wooly breeds, but any rabbit can get a blockage. In angora circles, the paraffin oil is often recommended for wool block but it is controversial. I didn’t do it. I still think the tips at the bottom from this site are good.


                                          I should brush Deirdra, my regular fur rabbit, more too, I did but she is at the end of a molt and still I get this much fur just from a few strokes.

                                          Woolblock isn’t just fur, but also food particles that hold the haor together. This is why enzymes are important for rabbits, to break up the mucus holding hairballs together.

                                          Thank you for asking about my remaining three.

                                          They are OK. Deirdra is acting shy which is highly unusual.

                                          I am doing some recementing of Lint and Neigey because deirdra and Lint are very close already and I want Neigey to stop being such a jerk to Lint.

                                          this is a test that is prooving successful. in paired confinement, Neigey is not bullying Lint around over food or other stuff he wants.

                                          those two are tight. Trios are tricky!

                                        • Deleted User
                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                            A friend emailed me this article in this context. I will have to show it to my vet too.


                                            but my vet diagnosed as hairball.In the veterinary manual it says this about it


                                          • Sarita
                                            18851 posts Send Private Message

                                              Blockages can occur in any rabbits – it’s basically a slowdown of the gut. Fur type has nothing to do with it. One of my friends had a rex who had a blockage – she was not able to be saved and I don’t think her vet had tons of experience with rabbits but by the time she had emailed me, she had given this vet the okay to do surgery – she felt she was doing the right thing by the surgery.

                                              Pepe had a blockage not long ago too and it took 2 weeks to get him to eat – in fact, this has happened twice with him. The second time when we did the sonogram, the vet said he could see undigested pellets in his stomach. We did very intensive sub-q fluid therapy and hand feeding and my vet added peptic ac that was suggested to him by a board certified exotics vet he consults with. It finally got him through but I was not feeling hopeful at all.

                                              The weird thing is that at least with Pepe, he did not ever act in pain, ever. He acted normal and ran all over the place, but never ate or pooped. So I guess he just felt full.

                                            • bunnyluvr
                                              409 posts Send Private Message

                                                So sad to read this post. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Mops. He was a beautiful rabbit that was well loved and taken care of. Binky Free Sweet Mops!!

                                              • MirBear
                                                1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                  **Binky-free mops**
                                                  you always were such a handsom bun!

                                                • skibunny8503
                                                  1338 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Oh no!  I’m so so sorry for your loss   Don’t blame yourself, you gave Mops a great life. (((hugs)))     (((binky free Mops)))

                                                  • Barbie
                                                    1581 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Oh no! I am so sorry for your loss Petzy. Mops was such a special bunny and I hope you take comfort in knowing that you gave him a good life and he was happy and loved.

                                                    • rosalie68
                                                      193 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Im so sorry petzy ( lots of hugs to u and the trio

                                                      • RabbitPam
                                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Oh, Petzy, I just saw this now, and I am so sorry about Mops. He was a darling bunny and you took wonderful care of him. Sarita is right – it’s not a length of hair issue. I suspect that any bunny can have a point in their digestive tract that can add to a blockage and just get in trouble more easily, and there is no way for any of us to know about it. You gave him pain killers and treated him in ways that are designed to relieve him, so he didn’t suffer as much as you are thinking. And you brought him home to his family and all of you stayed with him to the end. That’s a comfort for him, you, and the 3 who will not be confused and search for him. They said their goodbyes and Mops is over the bridge.
                                                          {{{{{{{Hugs to you, Neigey, Deirdra and Lint.}}}}}

                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I am so very sad right now to read your sweetheart Mops has gone to the bridge. Gosh, I feel like he is our Mops in a way as you share so much about your beautiful rabbits. I’m very glad for Sarita’s last post as it can happen to any type of rabbit. You take such care of yours and Mops had a wonderful life with you and his bunny & canine friends. (((((Petzy)))))

                                                          • Deleted User
                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Maybe it will seem macabre, and I hope it is acceptable to show; before his burial I showed the body of Mops to his three bonded rabbits a last time.

                                                              Deirdra chased Neigey away from the body.



                                                            • mrmac
                                                              2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I think it is good to show this. You can tell that they know. These are very sad but very sweet videos. Made me teary again. I know it was a hard day for you.

                                                              • Monkeybun
                                                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Those videos made me tear up again for Mops. They are so sad, watching the 3 give their own little bunny good-byes to Mops. And you giving him a little good-bye touch too. I can see that he meant alot to all of you, and once again I must say I am very sorry for your loss, and give hugs to you and your remaining fur babies.

                                                                  I will light a candle now, to show him the path to the Bridge.


                                                                • LoveChaCha
                                                                  6634 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Petzy, I felt a lot of emotion from the videos. I am teary eyed. It makes me want to hold Chacha in my arms (you know she would hate that as well as I do) and never let her go

                                                                  • jerseygirl
                                                                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      That was bittersweet to see. Hard to believe that is Mops there, so still. He will know how much he is loved.  Deirdra and Lint it seems have already said goodbye. From the 1st video it looks like Neigey gets it now too. It made me tear up again too but I’m glad I watched it. 

                                                                    • MirBear
                                                                      1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        they all look so.. sad especially neigey.. , i can only imagin what your going through, he lived a great life with you, you were an amazing bunny mum. i will light a candle tonight, it will be a first for me, but you and mops deserve it. i am so so sorry.

                                                                        (~(~(~( HUGS to you and the buns )~)~)~)

                                                                      • Lintini
                                                                        3329 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I am so sorry you lost Mops. I remember when I first joined BB we had a thread started about which celebrities our rabbits look like, and you posted Mops’ photo and I replied with a photo of Harrison Ford in his Indiana Jones outfit and you didn’t know who he was, and I was shocked! I always thought and always will think Mops is a very stunning looking rabbit and a handsome little man. I know he is in a great place right now binking around. I will miss him a lot, your rabbits are very special here. I will be thinking of you and your other buns, my guys here all give you bunny kisses and hugs from me.

                                                                        • Karla
                                                                          1624 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I just watched you videos. I think they all look at peace with it, and that they know Mops is gone. Hopefully this will help them through their mourning proces. I hope the trio will be strong without Mops. If anyone can bond them, it is you.

                                                                            I have read the links, and from what I understand, enzymes from papaya or pinapple cannot help. I am more than puzzled now, because of what they claim to be the cause in the articles, but I think we should move that discussion to another thread and not in in this one.

                                                                            About him hurting…it is my belief that bunnies actually are not in pain as such like the way you and I or our cats and dogs can be. Because rabbits are prey animals, they have another way of coping with pain, and they don’t feel it the same way. This is what I have always been told, and I choose to believe this. Anything else wouldn’t make sense in nature. So, please don’t worry about him being in pain.

                                                                            Also, when people and animals are dying, the system shuts down, and pain is actually not felt. He has been feeling tired, that’s it.

                                                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              And if I go, while you are still here…
                                                                              Know that I still live on,
                                                                              Vibrating to a different measure,
                                                                              Behind a thin veil that you cannot see through.
                                                                              You will not see me, so you must have faith.
                                                                              I will wait there for the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other.
                                                                              Until then, live your life to the fullest.
                                                                              And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart,
                                                                              …I will be there.

                                                                            • RabbitPam
                                                                              11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Petzy, those clips are so sad. But it makes me see how much it seems to help bonded bunnies know what has happened. It almost looks like each one checks Mops for breath, going up to his nose. They seem to understand after thoroughly touching him and prodding the bag for any movement. It’s the same for each. I know this is better for them than Mops just disappearing since they would search for him. They look like they are young and don’t actually understand what has happened though. Like there isn’t an elder bunny there to explain that all of us die, so it’s their first experience and they are confused about it.

                                                                                He looks peaceful. And Karla is quite right. I had forgotten that my vet told me that when Spockie was dying. He was out of pain from his systems shutting down long before he finally went.

                                                                                If it’s not too much trouble I would like to see videos of your three in a couple of days just to know how they are getting along. Don’t worry about the bonding situation. I think they are close enough that they will work it out among them. They are grieving, and I expect they will try to help and comfort each other, and you.

                                                                              • Sarita
                                                                                18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I don’t think the videos are at all macabre – I think they are fascinating and sad too. I’d love updates on the trio as well.

                                                                                  I’ve only had one experience with a bonded pair where one died (well I put her to sleep – Twizzler). It was at the vet’s office so I think that Toffee was more distracted than a comfort to Twizzler in her last few minutes. I have to think it just wasn’t peaceful for Twizzler or Toffee with dogs barking and pigs squealing. So Toffee’s response was not at all like your three’s. It was more confusion and discomfort from the vet’s office. I do often wonder what I could have done differently since it was a planned euthanasia rather than an unexpected death. I know Toffee is just fine now but I have to wonder what I could have done better for Twizzler.

                                                                                • MissKris&Koji
                                                                                  279 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m sorry for your loss – I know it is extra hard to lose one of a group, as the group still needs you but you need time to grieve.

                                                                                    I also showed the body to my group when I had to put one down, I was hoping it would help them understand better than one leaving for the vets and just never coming home. I don’t think that is inappropriate, and I think you made a good decision in taking him home to his warren. I am sure it was a relief to him to be with his loved ones when he left.

                                                                                    I hope you find something that will bring you comfort and emotional healing, and I hope the trio will do well together.

                                                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Ahhhh Petzy I’m SO Sorry!!! I just saw the title and did a double take-I can’t believe it. *HUGS* and {{Healing Vibes}} to you and the crew. Binky Free Mops!

                                                                                    • RabbitPam
                                                                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        Sarita, I just want to say that we were here with you when you were going through it with Twizzler, and you did everything humanly possible, including deciding that the vet was the place she needed to be. Please don’t second guess it. You chose the best option at the time. And Toffee being there may not have been comforting, but it still was important for both Toffee and Twizzler. We all make our best choices in the moment, and that’s all we can do. Decisions like these are made under stress and in the grief of losing our beloved ones, so we just go with what we know and can decide at that moment. Petzy too. It’s especially hard to look back after the facts are all in and our heads and hearts are clear and not be hard on our recent selves. You two deserve as much compassion and comfort as your bunnies received in their final hours. Be gentle, Petzy and Sarita. You are fabulous bunny moms.

                                                                                      • Moonlight_Wolf
                                                                                        1155 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Oh! I am so sorry about mops. I actually just saw this tread now, because I usually don’t like to visit this section because it is too sad.
                                                                                          Healing vibes are being sent your way! And Binky free vibes are being sent to mops.

                                                                                        • Beka27
                                                                                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            I didn’t watch the videos. Just seeing the stills was enough to get me teared up. I’m so happy you have the other 3 to help you thru this difficult time.

                                                                                            (((Continued peaceful vibes to you.)))

                                                                                          • mocha200
                                                                                            4486 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              oh Petzy. i am so upset my self to hear about this. i wish i had found this thread sooner. i am praying for you and your buns.

                                                                                            • FluffyBunny
                                                                                              1263 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                I’m so sorry to hear about Mops. He was a very handsome rabbit. His death certainly wasn’t your fault; blockages can happen to almost any rabbit, with very little warning and little that can be done. Mops was very lucky to have a great owner and his three bunny friends, and I’m glad that he was able to spend his last few hours with you. From the pictures I’ve seen of him, he seemed to be a very happy bunny.

                                                                                                Those videos are interesting, but quite sad. The other bunnies seemed to understand exactly what was going on after they checked him for breath and tried to wake him up.

                                                                                                Rest in peace, Mops!

                                                                                              • Deleted User
                                                                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  The worst thing is I keep finding his hairs on my clothes.
                                                                                                  I just wish I had spoiled him more.

                                                                                                • Elrohwen
                                                                                                  7318 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Petzy, I can’t believe I didn’t see this until today. I am so so so sorry to hear about poor Mops. He was always my favorite of the quartet and my heart is breaking for you 🙁 Binky free, little Mops.

                                                                                                  • Deleted User
                                                                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      I asked Dana Krempels what she thought of Mops dying so fast from a GI episode.

                                                                                                      She wrote that a gastric bloat can come on very suddenly, and for no apparent reason.  It *might* be due to a bit of fur blocking the pyloric sphincter, but perfectly healthy, short-haired rabbits have this happen, too.  No one knows what triggers it, but the bottom line is that the pyloric sphincter or the small intestine becomes pinched off, and then there is no way for anything to exit the stomach.  If the bloat has gone on too long, necrosis of the intestines can result (from lack of blood supply, as the tissues get squashed and pinched off), and cardiac arrest sometimes follows the relief of the gas. She said that with a gastric bloat, if it’s not caught and treated within the first couple of hours, death is usually certain, and that It’s one of the most horrible things you can see in a rabbit.


                                                                                                    • mrmac
                                                                                                      2156 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        All the more reason not to blame yourself. It was a tragic accident that could not have been prevented in any rabbit, Mops just got unlucky.

                                                                                                      • Lara
                                                                                                        311 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          I was just in the lounge and started reading your post about the quartet minus one. I freaked out and headed to this forum right away… I’m so sad to find out that Mops has passed on. He was such a cutie-pie. I know I don’t post much on BB, but I do read a lot of posts and I always enjoyed hearing about the antics of your darling quartet, Petzy. Calypso and Echo send snuggles to your remaining three. Binky free, little Mops!

                                                                                                        • babybunsmum
                                                                                                          3896 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            oh no petzy!!! i’m so so sorry to read about sweet mops crossing the bridge. i lost my first bun this way and i know how horrible it is to know it’s too late. ***big big hugs of comfort to you***

                                                                                                            i think the videos presenting mops to the remaining trio are def not macabre. what a considerate, caring and loving thing to do for your buns! you are blessed to have had that opportunity. i noticed how they sniffed and held at mops’ nose and wonder if that’s how they realize their mate has passed? when pinky cuddles with me she likes to put her nose by my nose as if to feel me breathe i think.

                                                                                                          • MimzMum
                                                                                                            8029 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              Dear Petzy, I am giving you a huge hug right now and weeping my heart out for you and dear Mops! He was and is a very special bun who always made me laugh with his antics and his Lion King look. He rests in the arms of his Creator now, and waits for the opportunity to be in your arms as well, someday.

                                                                                                              Your post about the possibility of bloat sounds quite reasonable. I watched two huge dogs go through GDV, one of them almost leaving us on the drive in to the vet. Even when you know it is coming from previous experience, you keep telling yourself it can’t be happening again.
                                                                                                              It is one of those things that I can imagine you can’t possibly distinguish from regular gastric blockage in small animals. But the sudden enlargement of the mass hints that this was the diagnosis. And yes…once those toxins build up and the blood gets cut off, it’s fatal from there. How I wish the bunnies could talk so we could know these things! With how good they are at hiding their illnesses, we often don’t know what’s up until it is just too late. We do all that we can with the information we have at the time.

                                                                                                              Your videos will be most helpful I think, for those of us who have multiple bunnies…for someday we will all have to say goodbye, and I will be glad of the opportunity to see how a proper bunny farewell is to be done. Thank you.

                                                                                                              Once again, I grieve with you over the loss of Mops. We have all lost a dear friend here as well, and I for one will think of him often and fondly.
                                                                                                              God bless you and the other three bunnies. May He help heal you and return joy to your hearts in His loving way.

                                                                                                              (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Binky free Mops!))))))))))))))))))))))))

                                                                                                            • katiep
                                                                                                              222 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                I’m sorry Petzy, haven’t been on in a few days! So sorry for your loss as well as the loss to the trio….binky free Mops!

                                                                                                              • BinkyBunny
                                                                                                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Petzy – I know I sent you an email but I just wanted to also come here with the group and offer my condolences. Also thank you for sharing the video. I think it is helpful to see how the ones left behind may react. It was very similar to how my bunnies have reacted before to loss.

                                                                                                                  Binky Free Mops, and peace vibes and hugs to you Petzy!

                                                                                                                • Ali925
                                                                                                                  544 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    Petzy, I am so sorry to hear about your poor Mops. I hesitate posting here because I don’t feel I make myself known enough, but I want to express my sorrow for you. I hope you and your other buns are healing…although I know it can’t be easy. Hugs to you…binky free Mops!

                                                                                                                  • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                                                                                                                    2517 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      Oh my goodness, I’m so sad to hear about Mops’ passing. I’m always scared to check this section of the website when I haven’t logged in in a while. I’m glad you decided not to euthanize so that his “siblings” could say goodbye. I hope everything is going well now.

                                                                                                                      Binky free, Mops! <3 <3 <3

                                                                                                                    • HatterBunny
                                                                                                                      269 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        Haven’t been on in awhile, and hate checking this part of the forum…I am SO sorry to read of Mop’s passing!! Hatter and I wish you nothing but our heart felt condolences…

                                                                                                                      • Miyuki
                                                                                                                        240 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          I’ve been MIA for months yet again so I’m kind of late on this. I’m sorry to hear of Mops passing. I remember reading about Mops when you were working on bonding Lint. He was an awesome bun and even though he is gone he won’t be forgotten! Sending you my late condolences.

                                                                                                                          Binky free Mops!

                                                                                                                        • cactuspancake
                                                                                                                          536 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            I’m very sorry I had no idea you lost your bunny. You’ve inspired me to try harder with grooming my angora as he doesn’t like being handled too much. Hugs to you and your bunny.

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                                                                                                                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Mops died of woolblock