Okay. Got the pictures today!
IMPORTANT NOTE: When I looked again this morning, I found out there WAS this stuff in the bag we were feeding her for the past couple of weeks -as well as in the new bag. =s I’m thinking that maybe it was just concentrated down at the bottom though, because I can’t imagine that I didn’t notice it before! Still, I’m worried about mycotoxin poisoning…I do just kind of plunge my hand down into the bag and blindly dump big wads of it into her hay rack without really thinking about it.
Here are the two bags in question. The one on the left is the one that she’s been eating from for about the past two maybe three weeks, and the one on the right is the one that I just opened. (It usually takes her about a week and a half to two weeks to finish off a bag, but since we were initially mixing it with Alfalfa for transition, it’s probably been a bit longer.)

The hay smells and looks fine to me. Even though it’s the end of hay season, it’s still pretty green. There’s just…this stuff dispersed through it randomly. And here’s the suspect:

(This one looked kind of iffy on the back- )

(Here’s the front

And it’s like…not attatched to anything. It’s just there. Like a baby bird flew over it and dropped some down into it.

(^ The one in this picture is kind of to the middle-right. There’s a light peice of hay almost pointing to it.)

Any ideas? I’m REALLY worried that she might have ingested some. I read up a bit on it last night, and so far, this is the most helpful site I’ve come to:
So far she’s not exhibiting any…signs or anything. She’s pretty much being normal. Binkying. Eating. Pooping. Flopping. In fact, when I came back from taing these pictures, this is what I found in her cage:

There was an orange tinge to her pee this morning -I know that’s a normal occurance, and I can almost attribute it to my feeding her a half a papaya tablet day before yesterday and yesterday. =P
But since one of the signs listed on that website is internal hemmoraging…I’m just a little worried, you know?
Ehhh…nervous! ><
Just in case, I’ve stopped feeding her Sunseed Hay altogether for now. Even though I bought some new yesterday and thuroughly went through it to look for…uh…’white’, it does scare me a little that BOTH of her previous hay bags had the stuff -bought perhaps two weeks apart from each other. So right now I’m giving her ONLY the Timothy hay part of Oxbow’s Botanical Hay. (=x She JUST switched to Timothy about a wek ago and I’m not sure she’s ready for all the other herbs in there.) Does anyone think that this abrupt switch in brand of hay could be bad?
D= So many questions!