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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Mimzy’s eye suppurating

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    • MimzMum
      8029 posts Send Private Message

        I was given some NeoPolyDex for Mimzy’s eye (right side) the last time I was in the vet’s a few months ago. Up till now, I hadn’t really needed to use it. It’s only for when I find crusties in the corners.

        Tonight I was watching him in his night pen, and he seemed to have a twitch on that side. Then his eye would close, then open again and twitch. I thought it odd, it didn’t seem to fit in with his breathing pattern or I would’ve thought he was just sleepy. Then I was afraid he might be having some kind of light seizure or something, so I figured I’d better examine him. So I hauled him out and had him on the bed for awhile, about a two hour cuddle session. And I noticed the eyes were both a little crusty again, so I did my best to pull away the dirt. (btw, we had a lovely time just sitting together and all his actions seemed totally normal for him)

        I put him away and went to clean up the other two bunnies and when I added some dandelion to his hay, all of a sudden his eye looks like there’s a runny trail from his right side down his nose. So I whip him out again and put some of the NeoPolyDex on, but of course most of it winds up in the fur around his eye, which he’s naturally trying to wash off now. But I am only supposed to put 1/4 inch in his eye, I think we probably got about twice that either on the eyeball, in the lid or on the surrounding fur.

        Is there anything else I should be watching for? Will this stuff hurt him if he swallows it? What could be causing his eye to run like that? Did I unblock a duct? Perhaps my nasty dry rough hands scraped his eyeball while I was petting him? Could there be something in there? The lid around the duct looks a little more pink than usual. It’ll easily be a few days until I can get him to the doc.

        What should I do in the meantime? I am totally freaking out, it just seems like it’s one thing after the other with him lately.

        Oh, and yes, his nails are still long, so it’s possible he could’ve scratched his own eye, but I can’t tell if there’s any damage to the eyeball in the crappy house light we have.

        *sob* Please help….

      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          Ah bummer. Well, of course it could be a several different things; a scratched eye, a tooth problem (can’t remember if he has teeth issues or not – SORRY), something that got into his eye, or infection (if there are more crusties than the normal amount) There would be no way for us to really know.

          Just keep putting the drops in and I recommend calling the vet for medical advice. Does he seem in pain or uncomfortable at all? Does he mess with it? If so, a vet may offer pain meds along with treatment.

          Oh regarding consuming the eye drip excess – I’ve never been warned about the eye drops being harmful if swallowed.

          Hopefully it’s just a something that was in his eye, and it’ll be fine in the morning. But if not, ring your vet to see what steps you should take. Keep us updated.

        • MimzMum
          8029 posts Send Private Message

            Thank you Jen! *sigh of relief* No he’s not in any pain that I can tell (and no thumping going on either) and the discharge was clear, forgot to say that. He does have some troublesome teeth, but nothing that’s really been bugging him for awhile now. Mostly just a spur here or there that wants snipping.
            He is eating/eliminating reasonably also. I have been trying to up his hay intake, hence the dandelion flakes.

            Here’s a strange; I can only pet the bunnies for so long and then they all need to scratch, usually around the eye area. I think the low humidity here must really generate some static as I am stroking their ears and they go into these scratching fits periodically during a good nose rub session. I don’t see any little bolts coming off us though, like you do when blanket is full of the stuff.

            One way or other, they all should see the vet. They need those toenails done and there’s a few things I want to go over with her anyway. I hope she hasn’t left for vacation yet! 0_o

            Hubby has things to be moved on Monday, so it might not be till Tuesday or later…do you think that’s too long? (I don’t think the ER vet will handle it right.)

            Will update as we go along. Thanks again!

          • BinkyBunny
            8776 posts Send Private Message

              It doesn’t sound like an emergency.  Just something to keep an eye on.   Rucy gets runny eyes often due to a block tear duct and sometimes she gets food stuck in her “missing” teeth sections which  bug her, but  usually it goes away within a two days,  If it doesn’t, then I know that either it’s an infection or her spurs are bothering her again.  

              The whole scratching after petting:  My bunnies do that too.  Mostly Jack.  His fur is more course and I think his fur doesn’t settle back into place as well.   The same thing can happen to me – For example, when my hubby rubs my head,  if feels good, but my hair sort of gets out of place, and  even if it’s smoothed back, it feels itchy afterwards because my hair is still a little funky.  I do a whole major head scratch afterwards.  So I bet this is sort of what goes on with our bunnies too.



            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                I love that BB is always awake in the wee hours. I just read this and agree that it’s not an emergency. In fact, since you had meds at the ready it seems that it was expected and you were given the treatment, so just proceed with it. By all means call your vet when she’s there, and see what this week’s schedule is, but I would bet that she says to give him the goop, watch him for 2-3 days and see if it clears up.

                My reason is that, while there are several causes for runny eyes, clear discharge was what Spockie had due to a blocked duct. You haven’t blocked it yourself with too much goo, you are treating an already blocked one. The med I got was a different name, but basically I had to plop some in the corner and his body heat dissolved it so it became liquid and ran into his whole eye and duct. Messy, not an exact procedure.

                If it’s getting dry up there, try brushing out some of the hair. If all of your skin is flaky, maybe there’s a bit of moistureizer, like mineral oil, that could be added to his coat to get to his skin. I thought I read this once, but careful in case I am mixing up my info. I know that mineral oil is safe for bunnies and was perscribed once to me for something or other. The eye stuff, the m. oil, fall under the heading of “won’t hurt.” ALL meds for animals should be assumed to be tasted since that’s what animals do.

                You’re spotting more problems with him because he’s been a bit under the weather lately so you’re watching him more closely.
                It sounds like you and hubby need to try to trim his tonenails together. If he will cuddle for 2 hours, there’s a good chance he’ll sit for it. One person cuddles (firmly), the other gently pulls out a paw and snips. If you’re worried, just snip the tips to let the quick receed. He may be scratching himself a bit. I held Sammy yesterday while the vet did it on the exam table. It went very quickly. Try a counter top or coffee table – something raised that’s odd for him to be on so he’ll hold still and resist running.

              • MimzMum
                8029 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks Pam. Today his eye seems fine, but I don’t like the look of the top lid, and all the fur around it is pulled away by lingering medication despite my attempts to clean it off, so I am still going to see if the vet is available this week. Each bun seems to have some problem or other lately that needs attention, so I may as well get everything done at once. (Mimzy’s eye, urine and depression, Fiver’s heels still look poor and Pip is due for a checkup.)
                  The nail trimming ideas sound good. If we can’t get them in we’ll give it a shot, it’s just that my eyesight is so bad these days I am terrified I’m going to cut too far. (Hubby’s is no better, sadly.) But at this point, all their nails are so long I don’t think I’m going to hit the quick all that easily. Fiver will be the biggest problem, as he still doesn’t let anyone hold him for more than about five seconds. Hence why his heels still look pretty raw.

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    Sorry Mimz I have no experience with eye trouble other then Chucks cataract so I’m no help but I’m hoping all goes well and please keep me posted! {{VIBES}}

                  • KatnipCrzy
                    2981 posts Send Private Message

                      I would continue to use the eye meds until you see the vet UNLESS you suspect that Mimzy scratched his eye.  If you suspect an injury- hold off on the meds.  It doesn’t sound like an injury- sometimes they can be seen without the special dye added to the eye at the vet.

                      The meds you have are antibiotic/anti-inflammatory meds- so it does sound appropriate to use with what you are describing.  I suspect his eye is tearing due to a blocked duct which is not allowing the eye to drain normally.  And the meds will help with any inflammation from irritation or – for example- my cat has these meds for her eyes that I use when they look runny, the vet suspects that her tear duct is narrower or slightly abnormal and that causes the blockage and “watery” eye.  So I use the meds whenever I notice it is a problem.  Bunnies can be different as they have dental issues that can be associated with the eyes, which is not nearly as common for cats.  But it sounds like you are on the right track for Mimzy.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        poor Mimzy! keep us posted on what the vet says please…

                      • MimzMum
                        8029 posts Send Private Message

                          Aw Katnip, thanks so much! I feel better about using that ointment then. It had me a little worried.

                          I sure wish I could move you to Alaska. I think we’re warmer up here than you guys are…how about it, eh?

                          Well we have all returned (all three bunnies, me and the hubby) safe and sound with the exception that the tech clipped one of Pip’s toenails a bit short and she bled for a bit. Nothing serious.

                          Pip is in good health, weight stable and no real changes. She got an “A”. ^_^

                          Mimzy is also fine. The doc thinks that maybe he just teared up because something got in his eye or all my brushing may have irritated it a bit. No sign of injury and it’s not inflamed in her opinion, so he is also good. No weight gain or loss on him either. She says bunnies sometimes do get depressed and will eat less during the winter. She thinks he remembers that we used to go outside in the summer, and now is bummed that we are just indoors all the time. Honestly, I tend to agree there. He really did love being outdoors and his happiest days are when I can have the window open in the room. We’re still looking for the full spectrum light to let him ‘sunbathe’ with in winter. But otherwise, he is good. No tooth or ear troubles either. Mimzy gets an “A”. ^_^

                          Fiver was the one I didn’t expect to hear had GAINED 1.4 lbs.! 0_0 WHAT?? I never treat him (well hardly ever) and he eats hay like a machine and moves like an Indy race car. He GAINED? 0_0 I guess he really WAS underweight when I got him and the doc thinks he’s filled out nicely. She says his heels are calloused and that if it looked like his fur was peeling back from his foot, it’s probably because my daughter had pulled on it a little too hard (not likely-so I kinda shined her on that). She told me I was NOT to put any calendula cream on it (especially if it’s a diaper formula) because these creams often have zinc in them and that is bad if bunny licks it off. Is this true? Personally, I feel she gives me the same line about everything that can go in an animal’s mouth and she has stock of Science Diet all over her place and I think it may be that she gets a commission for selling it…so anytime she can get you to not use something other than what she supplies it’s good for her. Her usual gig is that ‘ingredients change and the manufacturer doesn’t have to list the changes”…so that would cover just about everything. Yup.

                          So if anyone has the scoop on zinc and it’s effect on rabbits, I’d love to hear it. I really trust what you folks have to say about our bunnies and their care. I’d get myself a better vet but, she’s the only rabbit vet in town…so…. *shrugs* And so far she’s kept all my pets around for quite a few years.

                          ANYWAY…looks like we all did good. I should’ve gotten some of the fee though, since I was the one who had to hold my rabbits so they wouldn’t do headers off the exam table while this nurse trimmed their nails and took their temps and pulse, etc. Funny thing, I know she’s been there for a long time, you’d think she’d be a bit better with her bedside manner. :-/

                          Every time I see her she reminds me of Meredith Grey too…the resemblance is uncanny…except for the eyebrow piercings…lolz. ^_^ (this is the nurse, not the doc)

                        • RabbitPam
                          11002 posts Send Private Message

                            That all sounds excellent. The trip was worth the peace of mind to you.

                            BTW, I like your new siggy.

                            She sounds good enough. Not someone to rave over, but adequate to keep them in good health and downplaying things that turn out to be nothing much to worry about. As for zinc, I have no idea for bunnies, but I had a reaction to it once when I took a multi-vitamin with it, then slathered myself with zinc filled sunscreen. Too much. Allergic. So I’d say be careful of the stuff, especially ingested. I was told that the effect is much more potent when ingested than applied topically. And we’re giants compared to the beasties.

                            I would think that the natural light distributors would have one on every corner in Alaska and clean up. If you want help with a google search, just let me know.

                            P.S. Not all weight is fat. Fiver probably exercised and gained muscle.

                          • MimzMum
                            8029 posts Send Private Message

                              Well Pam, we do have a tanning salon on every other corner, practically. But I don’t think they have a set of eye shades small enough to fit my bunnehs.

                              Hm…muscle. Now I should’ve though of that. Goodness knows he almost got over my shoulder three times in the vet office…wiry little whelp. *sigh* Built up muscles indeed! Why can’t *I* have that problem? (just went for checkup at oncologist yesterday and am still overweight and I *KNOW* it’s not muscle!) ;_;

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                          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Mimzy’s eye suppurating