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› Forum › HABITATS AND TOYS › MazeHaven
I don’t think I have seen Binky say anything about this. I saw her mention it on Jacks myspace page. This mazehaven looks amazing! I ordered one today for the buns. They luv their cottontail cottages so much and they have 2 between the 4 of them so I am sure they will love this maze thing just as much.
Such a smart idea. I wish I had thought of it! lol
Hey, Hedi, i saw your order. We’ll be getting it out tomorrow. Thanks for mentioning the Maze Haven. I did say a little doodad about it in a post updating those who wanted to know about willow wreaths.
I, myself, usually try to keep stuff about the store to a minimum unless I am replying to someone else because I don’t want people to feel like the forum is a sales tool for me. I want the forums to be a genuine community with no other agenda than to just offer education and have some fun, so though I may use the forum to get ideas of what people may want out of a store, I will usually never announce a product or speak about a product unless asked. So I appreciate you putting a post up about it because the Maze Haven is our baby, our own creation – it has taken us almost two years to get it perfected, tested and ready. We’ve worked hard, and I really do think it’s something special, and all the bunnies that were part of the market testing group loved it. So thank you for your kind words about it and ENJOY!
I just went ahead and ordered two, along with a couple mini bales of Timothy Hay *eek !* Hubby doesn’t know, teeheehee I just put a nice size order in on Sunday that he knows about, but when I saw the MazeHaven and those cute little bunny faces peeking out, I just had to get a couple !
I read the description of them and where it says about storing them/breaking them down, it talked about one and two-story units. For the two-story, I would assume you need two of them, correct ? That’s why I got two, anyway………since I have so many buns that need to show a little more enthusiasm when they’re in the Xpen, I thought these would be just perfect for them ! I can’t wait for my order to arrive !!!!
What a great surprise it’s gonna be for the buns……..and yes…….hubby too LMAO !
OMG! I must have one! BinkyBunny, do you ship to Canada? How mcuh would it cost for this to ship to Ontario?!!!!
tami You can actually build a the first two story unit with just one! But now you can make the mega mazes shown in the description
AWW!! such a good piccy of the maze haven on the main page
who’s bunnies are those guys, tho???
no Jack, nor Rucy…
I am totally going to have to buy this for Cotton. I am such a sucker for cool rabbit stuff! I had to buy her a “bunny’s magic dream cottage” from Busy Bunny because the rabbit shown hopping out of it looks just like her. She showed her appreciation by remodeling to cottage to have more of a wide open type feel- one side wall has been demolished. Can’t wait to order the maze for her!!
Nicci – that IS Jack coming out of the front. But the other one in the back is just photoshopped in because all of the ones I have of Rucy popping out of the top are so blurry, or I’ll get an ear, or just the nose, or a fuzzy shot of her jumping on top of the maze. I finally gave up.
Thanks for all the positive feedback, Jen and I have been working on the MAZE HAVEN for quite some time. It is a little scary putting out a new product and hoping for the best, you never really know how it will be accepted. We are very happy with the response so far!
Here is a picture of the maze for those of you who haven’t seen it yet. This is a very rare post for me, as you can see, Jen has got me beat by 3,200 posts, HAHA.
test basic user's signature!
I am soo excited for the maze haven! It is such a great idea! I’m ordering two right away
I am so turned on by the maze haven! Even the boyfriend thought it was great…just rolled his eyes when I mentioned I will be ordering one (for starters)
BinkyBunny, I don’t think anyone here thinks that this site is just to promote product, but the reason for the restraint is appreciated. But the burning question is:
WHAT IS IT ABOUT BUNNIES THAT MAKE US SPEND LIKE DRUNKEN SAILORS?…One bun has more stuff than any of my dogs and cats put together!
I just ordered one of these! Where am I going to put it! I have the cottontail cottage too. My son & husband cannot believe I buy this stuff. When I first got Edson I was freaked out about how my office “looked” with the cage, xpen, all the toys, baskets. Now I have just given up. I have just added yet another big thing!
Edited: Bunzai, you are so right! I get such a kick out of buying rabbit stuff! The cat has literally nothing!
^^^i’m shocked you still have that “stupid office stuff” in EDSON’S ROOM!!!
i want to get one of these as soon as my babies are bonded!
Thanks Beka. I really needed that.
hay, BB
thank you, for clarifying!! I had looked REALLY hard, to see, if I could tell, if it IS Jack coming out of there…, or…not…??? His ears don’t look like his, that’s why I thought,…no…, that’s not Jack…
Too bad, you couldn’t get a nice picture of Rucy!! I guess, she knew…, hehe…girls…!!
HAHA Beka27 – my bunnies are still angry that I am living in their house
BinkyBunny was kind enough to donate a MazeHaven to the foster bunnies at The Rabbit Haven. I made a video tonight of Lute and Denali playing with it. It took them a little while to figure it out (Lute spent the first 15 minutes of their encounter with the MazeHaven thumping at it), but they enjoyed it once they discovered no monsters inside. They also liked it when I turned the unit on its side, and they used it as a ladder to climb along the inner structure. I let my bunnies play with it a bit too, but since it was after the boys used it, they were more interested in pooping on it than playing with it. Overall, I think it is a great idea, Thanks again, BB!
Lute and Denali’s video, playing with the MazeHaven
Cute Video Osprey! It’s funny that you said they first thumped at it. I just changed the maze around tonight for Rucy and Jack, and while I was rebuilding it, they just wanted to be in it, but then once I attached everything and set it down, Jack was like….wha? What’s this NEW big thing. He didn’t thump but he let Rucy explore first – (typical of him )
well, there WERE monsters in the maze… obviously the thumping scared them all off tho! that’s so cute! the video is great. i love how they periscope out the top. could they jump out thru the top holes or no? i really loved the shot of the two of them in separate windows, and the one after with Denali’s butt sticking out!
darn, of course my darn computeeh will not let me watch the video!! I’m so mad at it right now…for some reason the flash player got uninstalled, and now, it won’t install again!!!!!
typical M-O-N-D-A-Y…!!!!!!!
Beka,yes they can jump out of the side holes if they want. Rucy actually jumps up into the side holes on our double decker
Oh I have so much trouble watching vids too … I have windows vista … a complete PAIN! I generally have to let the vid run through once … keeps stuttering and stopping and starting … but by the time I have hung out washing and done a few more things it has finished doing all its ranting and then I can replay the vid in full and watch and enjoy without the interruptions.
I so enjoyed the vid … what a ball they were having and they look very happy together …Two cuties!
I got the maze and Smoochies was not interested at all, this is typical of new things though, (she didnt use her “loft” that I put into her cage for like 2-3 weeks!) anyway. Since she is a rather sedentary bunny, (but loves to eat) I put her breakfast pellets scattered through out the maze, now she LOVES the maze- funny how that worked. Also I put leaves of mint though it too. She is slowly checking it out when there is not food in there too now.
That’s a great way to get your sedentary bunny movin’! I also usually spread the pellets all over the place instead of in their bowl, to help use their “foraging” instincts. Takes them longer to devour and gets them to exercise. All around a healthy way to go.
She may be going back to explore the maze looking for left-overs, who knows, but either way, a great way for her to exercise her mind and body. Yeah!
All of my bunnies love the mazehaven, except Henri, who still loves it but prefers to run laps AROUND it than go through it! Martin and Nilla Bean have theirs up all the time since they live in my bedroom, and they never come out any more! Nilla has a particular square that is hers where she always sleeps, and Martin is constantly doing construction and opening up new tunnels. Its pretty much every morning at 6:30 am that the construction begins (though, it ends by 8:30 pm and then he sleeps the rest of the day because he got worn out )
All the other bunnies get the mazehaven at their “run around” time, and usually have to spend at least 30 minutes chinning every single corner to claim it, and then they go inside. Then we see little bunny heads pop out the top every once and awhile Raymond, who is famous for leaping on top of things without bothering to investigate what they are first, was immediately on top of the mazehave as soon as he saw it, poking his nose in THROUGH the top but he hasn’t quite gotten brave enough to jump down in yet.
Overall, the maze gets 14 bunny thumbs up from my 7 bunnies
my two are sleeping in it right now. they have found a particular corner that is suitable for napping and they snuggle together in there. if i peek in thru the top at the right angle, i can see the bunny love.
MooBunnay – let me know if you need any replacement partitions.
We will be selling replacement partition kits too, but we’re assessing which partitions will be needed the most. Which part of the maze is getting remodeled the most?
mine are doing a job on the inside parts. i guess maybe the short sides?
Mine seem to be “remodeling” the long partitions the most
I wish we could get one in Aussie land.
I think that all parts of the maze are getting equally remodeled at the current time – he really likes to expand the current openings so I think he’s just going to eat the whole thing from the inside out! I’m probably going to find some cardboard poops here and there…. THe funniest part was that he actually found one of those circles that I forgot to punch out and by the next day he had punched it out himself!
i’m thinking about taking mine apart this week and making the two-story… change things up a bit!
O.K. is it just my two or has anyone else’s rabbits decided that the holes are too small for their butts to fit through so they’ve chewed and chewed so the “door” is now a gigantic gaping hole? Now I’m concerned about it being structurally sound, especially with 2 levels.
i heard this tremendous thumpin and bumpin earlier, i go in the bunny room and Max is inside and lifting the thing about 3 inches off the ground and dropping it back down. one panel is almost unrecognizable… ;o)
Bunnies sure do know how to redecorate their digs don’t they?! Beka – sounds like Max is a SuperBunny at work! Actually Jack does that too sometimes. So goofy.
Scarlet – The “architect” geek man (aka: my husband) wanted to me to also tell you that the way the maze is developed is that even if a bunny chews a corner or chews though the door, the panels are aligned within the maze in such away that they are normally about 10 inches apart so that keeps it strong, however, if one outside section seems to be in full destruction mode, then just switch out middle panels to give the the sides full strength again. That’s one good thing about the maze as opposed to other cardboard structures, is the panels can be moved around as you see fit.
We will also have “replacement” panels up for sale by next week, but as forum leaders, you two of course can just email me with what you need.
I’m glad to see it seems to be keeping them busy at least!
ow someone post the link to the myspace page ive never seen it
I have to say that my bunnies and Cats go crazy over this thing. My big persian cat has a game with the bunnies i need to get on camera. He squishes his big fuzzy body through the little holes and waits for a bun to walk by so he can bop ’em. Its so cute! The bunnies keep goin back by him like its their little game or somethin. My persain cat is a BIG boy its soo funny to seem him go through the little holes. He is very talented
hopefully i’ll get some pics of it soon on here.
Kimberlyanddarren – it’s in the BB store, or you can go to
Poe – would love to see pictures. Hopefully your bunnies do freak out when they get bopped on the head. You should call your cat FOO FOO (Ya know that song…Little Bunny Foo Foo “bops” them…)
ACK!! This is BinkyBunny. Just forgot to switch out from my admin mode after working on the site.
woohoo! i’ve just seen this for sale for UK customers on the hay experts: – unfortunately i just put an order through so i’m waiting to see if they will add it to my current order! i really want one! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
An idea from someone who purchased a maze haven on rabbits online. She took the little cardboard ovals that you pop out and made toys from them:
cool idea
Thanks BB! I will be sure to keep an eye on the maze, my two just adore it and I haven’t seen them so darn happy in a while since I went through all the willow bundles. Speaking of which, I’ll have to order more.
Sooo…. I seem to have gotten out of control and ended up with 3 packages of the Maze… I managed to get all three put together in a “step” configuration (see photo in The Lounge under Bunny Photos) but I got all confused trying to attach the multiple mazes to each other and I was wondering if there were specific directions for attaching multiple mazes- I’m normally good at putting things together! I just got really confused and I’m not quite sure how it was supposed to go if you had multiple mazes next to each other…
So can you tell me exactly you are meaning? So do you mean you would be putting the single stories only together? Only building horizontally? Are you building the one big maze from each or doing a done of the smaller ones? I guess I should go check the lounge….
OHHH, I just went to the lounge – got it! Okay, so you are asking how to secure them to each other right? The tabs that secure the tops/bottoms, you should use every other one to secure up or down. So for example first tab could secure to bottom level, and second tab to secure the upper level. It’s best to secure the section that has an opening.
Also, the higher you build, you have to becareful of creating “manholes” – Though we state this in the instructions, it can be a bit of a puzzle to make sure you don’t develop those accidentally. That’s when a vertical hole is aligned with an horizonal hole on any upper levels.
Ok, this is my current maze set-up (I’m still building up the NIC wall on the left side- don’t worry there won’t be any way for them to fall!!!) And I successfully avoided all man-holes! I don’t have any trouble building one like this that goes up extra and is still only a base of 2 maze sections. It’s when I try to build out on one level with multiple mazes that I get confused. So the picture in the lounge I have- I’ll post it here too- it’s 3 mazes sections wide at the bottom (1 full maze and 1/2 another maze) and they aren’t really connected, just 2 of the sections are connected since I could figure out how to connect the third… does that make any sense?????
This was the last version, which is 3 wide on the bottom- but the 3rd maze section is actually just shoved up against the first 2 so it’s not really connected….
Wow that is some palace for that boy! Does he use the maze a lot? Edson naps in his every single day. It’s so cute. I know I was a little confused at first but I only put together one. Three would be a brain struggle. Good luck! Bob is a lucky little boy.
Ember is actually the one in the picture! (I always confuse people with my screen name! Bob was my first bunny who passed away a yr ago) Ember likes to chill in the maze and lounge during the day but at night she comes out so that her head is readily accessible for petting… I also have a lionhead and he just loves to explore in it- he’ll pop his head out every single hole before settling on the perfect place to sleep! He’s in there most every day- I actually always lose him him during the day and just assume he’s tucked himself away in there somewhere I can’t see
that is the COOLEST thing i have EVER SEEN! i love it!!!!!!!!! does she climb all the way to the top?
Oh yeah! They both LOVE the very top (the best place to hide from nail trimmings!)! I’m actually a little jealous… my own apartment is no where near as cool as theirs- I want a giant people-sized maze and 5 story condo!
WOW!!! Even my architect husband is thoroughly impressed with your whole set-up!
So basically, if I am understanding you right, you just do the same thing as the others and attach every other tab to the upper level, and lower level. You do this on every single level. Now if when you get to the point where you are putting the halfs to the full (like on your third level, you can just do the tab attachment (one up and one down) on just the sides and the back. You can try to attach from the middle/front, but it’s not necessary.
Does this make sense?
WOW!!! That’s is AWESOME!!! *closes laptop so Rupert and Kahlua don’t see and get jealous* LOL That’s seriously awesome!
Thanks I just updated their condo some this weekend with my dad’s help… it now has a tunnel stretching across the very top floor and more floor space on the second to highest floor… I’d add onto the maze some more… but, well, I guess I should leave myself a little room in my apt
I’ll have to post updated pics of it tomorrow!
You might have to grab a pillow and some blankets and find a place to sleep in one of the maze rooms.
adapted from Osprey’s post…
I just made one each for my two bunnies and for my 2 new foster bunnies… I’m thinking about making a bunch more to donate to the rescue next month… do you think they would like them???
Oh. my. God. That is absolutely stunning and I’m with K & K, I better close my laptop so my two don’t see it either. I am so jealous!
i think that’s a great idea to donate some. it’s a simple enough thing, but it might bring some enjoyment to a shelter bun’s day…
when i got my maze, my son helped me to it together, and afterwards he was gathering the circles to throw ’em away. i had to snag them back. even tho he’s only 5, he gives me this look like, “uhm? they’re garbage mom…” nuh-uh! they’re bunny toys! this was before i even realized other folks on here were saving them too… great minds, right?
I hear you guys here, My Maze Haven arrived a few days ago, and my boy loves it. I put some of his morning pellets in the Maze haven (Foraging), He loves it in there, sweeping for every last crumb. He loves to sit on top and watch what I’m doing. (Mine is a two story).
It’s great! I’d seriously consider getting another to hook up to his current one.
welcome to the forum Xila! you wouldn’t happen to have any pics to share of your boy?
Thanks! But of course. =D Not sure where I’d put them all, though.
Oh, and back on the Maze Haven topic:
I really want to set it up into the “L” shape, but I can’t figure out how to attach the tabs. I can’t manage to get my hands between the walls to fold in the wings on the tabs while pushing the ‘Havens together to put it in the slot at the same time, and if I do get them in, they don’t go in all the way and than just come undone at the slightest tug. Am I doing it wrong, or did I miss something here?
I want at least 4 Maze Haven sets. Maybe more. When I find the money, Prince BunBun is going to be the most spoiled rabbit EVER. ^^
well when you put into the L shape, you create two separate small ones and place them in the L shape instead of attaching if that makes sense.
when you put them together, you might slip a couple zipties thru so they will stay in that position…
Ah, I get it. Thanks. =D
I might try that Zip Tie trick if I find that I need it. Thanks! ^^
Ok, this is my current maze set-up (I’m still building up the NIC wall on the left side- don’t worry there won’t be any way for them to fall!!!) And I successfully avoided all man-holes! I don’t have any trouble building one like this that goes up extra and is still only a base of 2 maze sections. It’s when I try to build out on one level with multiple mazes that I get confused. So the picture in the lounge I have- I’ll post it here too- it’s 3 mazes sections wide at the bottom (1 full maze and 1/2 another maze) and they aren’t really connected, just 2 of the sections are connected since I could figure out how to connect the third… does that make any sense?????
This was the last version, which is 3 wide on the bottom- but the 3rd maze section is actually just shoved up against the first 2 so it’s not really connected….
Holy macarol!!
What a huge bunny palace! Not to mention a content bunny flaunting his crib ^-^
Do I spot amethyst in the backround? 😮 bunny got gems too!
it’s amazing…
I just recently ordered the Maze Haven online. It came yesterday and my husband and I were so excited to get it! It was nice and easy to construct. We have three cats and our youngest cat had to go in and check it out before we even finished putting it together.
It was time to introduce Lily, our bunny, to the maze! She sniffed all around it, checking it out first. We built the two story maze- she explored the whole bottom section first. We weren’t sure if she knew how to get to the top, so my husband put her in through a whole on the second level. Before we knew it, she was zipping in and out of the bottom, and the top too! We left her to play in it alone, but we were in the same room watching some tv. We kept hearing lots of noise from inside the maze- she must be munching on it already! The whole thing was moving too! She seems to absolutely love it………….what a brilliant idea!!
Thanks for helping to make my bunny a happy girl!
If anyone is thinking of getting one, I’d say go for it! It’s like a mini amusement park for bunnies……
welcome here LilysMama!
your girl is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! i love Dutches! she’s such a pretty color!
Thank you Beka27! She is my very first bunny! And she won’t be the last!
My husband and I have so much fun watching her do the funny bunny things she does! My cats love her too…..
Here is a cute pic that I was able to snap of her last night, in between her leaps into the maze!
Your bunnies have really pretty coloration…..what kind are they? I am still learning all there is to know about bunnies
aw thanks! they are my babies! my buns are Max (mini lop, possible mix?) and Meadow (mini rex). they’ve been “married” since mid-summer.
they are QUITE the pair… lol!
Yay! I just bought a maze haven after drooling over pictures for months, I decided to get it as a present for the buns for after their bonding!
MazeHaven is now Thumper’s favorite place to sit, lay, groom, watch people, and pretty much do everything. She has designated a special corner of it her throne where the commoners are allowed to approach and pet her if she so pleases. And when new people come, she hides in a corner where she has a peeping hole so she can watch until she’s decided it’s safe to come out. Her favorite thing to do is to zoom through it. Can’t wait to see how she’ll react once I convert it to two stories!
Fern and thistle LOVE the maze haven, Fern had figured out how to jump up and down pretty quickly, but thistle still needs to figure it out!
I think I love it more than the bunnies! It is so cool and creative! And it looks a lot neater than the boxes I made, so it looks better in my bedroom.
› Forum › HABITATS AND TOYS › MazeHaven