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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Matted bum fur-just cut it?

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    • RubyRain
      47 posts Send Private Message

        I have a lionhead bunny that does not like to be brushed but really needs it! She thumps and runs away. She will let us pet her just fine but it’s like she knows when the brush is coming and runs off.

        Anyway, I’m assuming the lack of brushing has led to this strange extra “tail” hanging from Sugar’s bum. It’s a “dreadlock” type of hair in a “U” shape hanging just around her tail. It’s not really poopy or anything, just a bunch of matted fur. I tried to cut it off but she would not sit still for anything and then the baby woke up so I haven’t got back to her yet.

        I thought I should ask here first if it was fine to just cut it off?

        Any tips for brushing to prevent this?



      • Eepster
        1236 posts Send Private Message

          It could be a bigger problem then just matted fur. It could be a sign of runny bowel movements. You need to look at it closely to see if there is poop embedded in the mats. If it isn’t just fur, it should be seen by a vet ASAP.

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            When my lop gets matted fur I use pet trimmers. You can buy a pair of trimmers in the dog section at Walmart for $10.00 (made by Wahl). Nothing works better and there is no danger of cutting bunny. Don’t clip bald you can just trim it off chunk by chunk until it’s all gone. You’ll need a good comb for long hair to prevent mats. I bought mine at the pet store. It has medium width teeth and the teeth rotate as you comb to minimize tugging on the fur.

          • Kate Monster
            550 posts Send Private Message

              I’m not sure what all you’ve tried to get her to allow brushing, but I usually feed mine while I brush them. Kate is a little more difficult, I have to give her a pellet and a stroke, and she runs away with it after one or two brush strokes. So I lure her back, rinse and repeat. lol, it can take a long time, luckily she’s not all that fluffy. It’s possible that I have trained her to play a game by accident, but that’s ok so long as she gets brushed. Spencer will let me brush him continously until the kibble runs out. Clicker training is a possibility. You could try a different brush. Possibly Sugar has learned that brush=scary and it’s a habit to run away and a different brush might help, or maybe she doesn’t like the feel of that one? Some of the methods that people use for nail clipping might work too, e.g. taking her into an unfamiliar room or putting her on a slippery surface to discourage escape. Just a few off the top of my head thoughts 😀
              Other more experienced people can probably give you tips on how to get rid of the mats. I understand that you should be really careful about using scissors on bunnies because of sensitive skin, but again I’m sure someone else is more knowledgeable. The only problem I’ve ever had with matting was Kate and poopy butt left that never got cleaned off while she was in the shelter, I had the vet clean and trim that off as I wasn’t really comfortable doing butt baths/trimming myself.

            • RubyRain
              47 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks for the tips.

                No, there is no runny poop. Poop is normal and there is no poop in the hair-it’s cream colored so I’d see if there was. I’ll get it trimmed off ASAP.
                I’ll have to look for another brush to try too.

              • LBJ10
                17091 posts Send Private Message

                  I am able to brush Wooly just fine, but for some reason he’ll get a mat every once in awhile on the back of his neck. It’s really weird, but I just cut it off. He doesn’t know the difference. As long as it is just a mat, then there’s no harm in cutting it off.

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    My lionhead just gets hair cuts now! Her hair is terrible to comb and she hates me for it Trims go easier.

                    Rabbits have stretchy skin like cats so the littlest tiniest nick can be a huge wound! Use your fingers like hair dressers do-you know they hold the hair in between your head (rabbit body) and snip on the OTHER side of the hand-do like that and you minimize risk of nicking. Very sharp sissors, go very slowly, only on a calm diva bunny

                    Otherwise train your bun to like brushing-do it every day for a short time, and give treats afterwards. I’ve read on here of plenty of angora’s who LOVE their grooming I’m just sooo not that patient for style

                  • KatnipCrzy
                    2981 posts Send Private Message

                      If you ever do decide to use scissors- I would do so when your vet is open and you are able to take the bunny into the vet in case of accident.  I recommed clippers (even the small $10 version) over scissors.  A vet bill for an “oopsie” will likely cost you way more than a pair of clippers- and often costs dogs owners more than a professional grooming would have.

                      A mat rake is also an option- there are blades that face away from the skin but are worked thru the mat- this can cause some tugging though.

                    • KatnipCrzy
                      2981 posts Send Private Message

                        forgot to add- it is important to remove mats. I have all too often see pets come iin to be seen that are not feeling well- and their hind end can be caked with dried fecal matter that is not allowing them to poo normally. So it is better to be proactive and remove a problem mat before it becomes a medical issue.

                      • Jenna, Chubs & Comet
                        617 posts Send Private Message

                          When I first got my Comet from his previous owner, he had a very badly matted and dirty behind. There was even some poop in his fur back there but he was also dirty everywhere else. He smelled terrible. We had to actually give him a butt bath because it was so bad. We trimmed some of the worst stuff off and then combed out the rest. He has been totally fine since. We think he was being kept in very, very dirty conditions and just kind of gave up on cleaning himself. I say to save the hair cuts for the bad stuff and keep trying to get him to warm up to brushing

                        • RubyRain
                          47 posts Send Private Message

                            Got the matted area all cut off. Her hair on her back side was clean but getting long. I think I’ll try to keep it trimmed a little more and my son has been working on getting her used to being brushed each day-but she’s not having any of it!
                            We’ll still work on it though and hoping that with spring coming and some outside time, she may sit still long enough to brush while she nibbles grass.

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              With nail trims you keep some clean tissues and plain corn starch ready (a small dish of it is fine) to stop any bleeding. I believe it would work just as well on a skin nick. After bleeding is stopped, dab a small amount of neosporin on the wound. Watch it for any redness or swelling later, and if there’s any problem at all see your vet.

                            • Jess
                              1 posts Send Private Message

                                I am having a similar situation. My bunny gets pee all over his tail and bum. I’ve tried trimming his fur a but but now I’m starting to notice some matting on his tail. I trimmed it a little and got rid of most of the matting but there’s still a clump of fur I’m afraid to trim, it’s close to his skin. I don’t know what to do. I bought a bigger litter box today and I’m hoping that prevents future occurrences. But I don’t know what to do about the matted fur on his tail. Also, what can I use to freshen him up because the matting has caused his bum to be stinky

                              • LBJ10
                                17091 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hi Jess! Welcome to BB! We ask that members don’t drag up old threads (this one is from 2011) because it causes confusion.

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                              Forum DIET & CARE Matted bum fur-just cut it?