
OUR FORUM IS UP BUT WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF UPDATING AND FIXING THINGS.  SOME THINGS WILL LOOK WEIRD AND/OR NOT BE CORRECT. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED.  We are not fully ready to answer questions in a timely manner as we are not officially open, but we will do our best. 

You may have received a 2-factor authentication (2FA) email from us on 4/21/2020. That was from us, but was premature as the login was not working at that time. 

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

What are we about?  Please read about our Forum Culture and check out the Rules

BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS MASSIVE Rescues (back to back!) 40 bunnies!

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    • LittleMiraclesRR
      39 posts Send Private Message
        I recieved a telephone call from a couple in Arcadia, Florida who had bought a pair of bunnies from Tractor Supply in Port Charlotte (who believe me, has gotten a peice of my mind on so many occasions, it’s not even funny) – and now the inevitable situation has occured:
        These folks bought a male/female pair, and apparently didn’t know anything, because several months later they now have in the ballpark of 40 rabbits. Some very young babies, approximately 15 “adult” females, and approximately 12 “adult” males, and they stated they are willing to give a “sizable” donation for rescue to get them out of there. Apparently some of the rabbits have gotten loose and there’s a bobcap coming onto the property to eat them.
        My rescue has just assisted a shelter with a massive guinea pig seizure – I have NO ROOM for these rabbits. I do have several pending adoptions and could potential make room for up to, say, FIVE, but otherwise, I have NO room at all.
        I am contacting other area rescues and shelters, and I am willing to drive as far as the Carolinas myself to aid with transport on any day I have off.
        I know that not all rescues tend to work together, but this situation is going to get rapidly MORE out of hand if these rabbits do not get taken. I can have each rabbit spayed/neutered for about $40 – if rescues can’t get any decent price on spays/neuters, I’ll get them fixed before transport. But I literally have no place to hold the bunnies for more than a day or two to transport… so I need to know if you have anyone with available cages, foster space, play pens, and shelters, rescues or otherwise equipt people to house a bunny (or ten) or anyone willing to transport.
        Supposedly the rabbits are now sexed and seperated (except the young babies), but I have no idea what the state is. Our vet WILL fix pregnant rabbits if need be, but I’m sure everyone will agree this is a situation that will blow to epic proportions in no time if nothing is done.
        If you know ANY rescue or shelter group in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas or beyond, or anyone driving NORTH up the East Coast, who can transport bunnies – I will do my best to get out there today (I was in the hospital the last few days, I’m both pregnant and sick, but I’ll do my best) – to photograph the situation and sex and seperate further, check the health condition. From what the callers have told me, the rabbits are all younger than 8 months old. I will get more info on breed/size, etc and try to get photos ASAP.
        I hope that, even if you are not an associate of our rescue, that you will recognize that this situation is a RABBIT problem, and these rabbits need help. Our rescue is merely the one that recieved that call, and is willing to do as much physical labor and transport as necessary.
        Anyone traveling into the area to assist with transport is welcome to stay at my home overnight if need be. I will do whatever possible to make sure these rabbits are pulled as soon as possible and taken to shelters or rescues where they will be safe. PLEASE CONTACT US AT LITTLEMIRACLESRR AT AOL DOT COM ASAP if you can take EVEN ONE of these bunnies for foster (for us, or for another rescue). We have some cages, which are not great, but we are more than happy to give them away to anyone who needs them to aid with this rescue.
        Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue  941 240 6412  or littlemiraclesrr AT aol DOT com

        [Donation link removed]

      • jerseygirl
        22348 posts Send Private Message

          Goodness! Well I have to say you are going above and beyond in getting things in motion. I really hope you get a lot of people on board. All the best!
          ps, I’ll cross post on rabbits online if you haven’t already.

        • LittleMiraclesRR
          39 posts Send Private Message

            Melissa and Kristie assessed the situation at noon on 8/4/10. There are several rabbits who have already escaped the makeshift pens and cages they are using, and several have been found dead on the property, others are presumed lost or dead. 🙁

            There are 36 currently in “custody” in dog pens, chicken coops and tiny (TINY) wire cages. Two wire cages housing babies are covered in flies and have a thick layer of wet rabbit poop and urine under them, and each house approximately 12 babies around 8 weeks old. They were supposedly sorted by sex, but there’s no telling if the people accurately sexed them. We need to get them seperated ASAP before they start reproducing or killing each other. The cages is maybe 1′ x 2′ and has about a dozen bunnies in it!!

            There’s five larger male bunnies in a dog pen, digging deep holes in the ground. Before we could stop him, the old man poured water down the hole to flush the rabbits out, and all the wet, pathetic looking males came out of the hole – but at least we know we can get them! They are all muddy and filthy with long nails but appear a healthy weight. Those five bunnies are about 6 – 7 lbs, but all the other rabbits look much smaller.

            There’s about ten bunnies who need to be rounded up that are loose in large chicken coops and runs, but the senior couple and their son (who is mentally stupid, but seems kind) said they will round them up as the sun’s going down because the rabbits come out to feed. They are reasonably certain they have only females housed together in the large runs. We were unable to spot any of these bunnies because in the high noon heat, the rabbits were hiding under buildings within the runs. 🙁

            Here’s some photos of these poor bunnies… please call at 941 240 6412 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 941 240 6412 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or text me at 941 726 0092 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 941 726 0092 end_of_the_skype_highlighting and email if you can help in ANY way.

            There’s a chip in HERE:

            and we will share all donations with any rescuers who can help. Anyone who can transport more than 5 bunnies or guinea pigs, we will give you gas $$ for your trip!!

          • LittleMiraclesRR
            39 posts Send Private Message

              If you’re on facebook, take a look at the album full of photos…



              Otherwise, I’ll post a few here. THESE RABBITS ARE NOT SAFE YET.  Every moment they are not rescued, they are sitting in 90+ degree heat and at risk for escaping and being killed as several ALREADY HAVE. There are bobcats and hawks waiting for a quick snack! 🙁 🙁 🙁

              They are literally NOT SAFE until we pull them… so please help.


              Please help us help these bunnies. If you can’t actually house them or transport them, please chip in towards gas, and the spays/neuters so we can transport them to safety!

            • kralspace
              2663 posts Send Private Message

                I sent a small donation, wish I could do more. What a nightmare! Is that an agouti-dutch combo in that one photo? (*bunny nap!*)

                Best of luck and keep us posted!

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  I appreciate the rescue work you are doing, but soliciting donations through this website is not allowed. I posted this excerpt from the Forum Rules on another thread in which you were asking for donations, but in case you missed it, here it is again:

                  NOTE TO RESCUES/SHELTERS: .


                  To prevent this section from becoming a solicitation for money, please do not ask for money/donations/fees directly in your posts. You may discuss adoptables, events, and emergency situations where help would be urgently needed. The word “help” can be used, but you cannot directly ask for donations or money anywhere in the forum or chat. (This rule applies to all forum groups, not just rescue)

                  You can provide a link to another site for more information which may have a donation link on your own site’s page, but you cannot directly link from here to paypal or other pay system.

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    I’ve removed the donation link but left the rest of your post as is. Like the rules state, you can put in a link to your own personal rescue website where you can of course have a donation button, but the donations cannot be linked directly into the forum.

                  • LittleMiraclesRR
                    39 posts Send Private Message

                      We’re very sorry, can you remove the links without removing the posts?? We really need to get the word out about transporting and housing these rabbits ASAP.

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        I didn’t alter the post in any other way. There’s been a message sent for the Administrator of this site to come check this out to make sure the post doesn’t break any other rules. It’s not just you, these are the rules for everyone and they need to be followed or else we’d have a thousand posts asking for donations.

                        Again, I really appreciate the great work you’re doing and I hope there is a happy ending for each and everybunny!

                      • LittleMiraclesRR
                        39 posts Send Private Message

                          If you know of anyone in the area of Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, or the Carolinas, I will be making arrangements for transport ASAP. We currently only have 8 of the 36 bunnies spoken for… that’s still 28 we need to find save havens for!

                        • LittleMiraclesRR
                          39 posts Send Private Message

                            We now have FIFTEEN of the THIRTY SIX spoken for.

                            We still need to find fosters for 21 bunnies in the Florida area. If you know ANYONE who can help, please have them email us :

                          • LittleMiraclesRR
                            39 posts Send Private Message

                              Holy GRATEFUL bunny rescuers…

                              We called our vet on Thursday and said “Hey, how soon do you think you could pack in some neuters because we’re doing this huge rescue and we really need to get them to foster homes, other rescue groups….”

                              So Karen, who is my new bestest friend EVER calls me back and says “Dr Don will come in on Saturday and do 22 neuters for you. How does that sound?”

                              (Insert sound of bunny rescuer passing out from pure joy)

                              So EVERY SINGLE ONE of the bunnies from the massive Arcadia rescue is getting neutered after spending two days in the nice air conditioning… then most of them are being shipped out to foster over the next few days, and approximately 12-16 are leaving for other rescue groups who will take the neutered males, many of the babies in pairs, into their own programs to find them homes.

                              Teamed up with us, we’ve had assistance from an exotic rescue in Miami, a bunny rescue in South Florida, an all-kinds of critters rescue in Tampa… and the calls and emails are still coming in.

                              We raised $1220 in two days… $1100 will cover the cost of neutering ALL of the boys… the rest will hang over for gas for transport… and we’ve still got $495 – $825 to fix all the girls (We use two diff vets… also, all the girls still on site and have not been rescued yet!! We have to wait until some of the boys have been moved out, and it’s scaring us to death!)

                              Just an update!

                              is now…



                              is now..

                              these bunnies… and 21 more… are all safe and being neutered Saturday! You guys ROCK!

                              Keep up the good work and the last 11 girls will be safe and sound this week too…

                            • AnneM
                              103 posts Send Private Message

                                I am so impressed!!!  Congrats on all the great work, sounds like an incredible team effort.  I hope all 11 girls make it safely, too.  Keep up the great work!

                              • jerseygirl
                                22348 posts Send Private Message

                                  (((Vibes for the girls)))

                                  This is great news! Also very impressed at how quickly you have all intervened. Thank you for your gigantic effort!

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                              Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS MASSIVE Rescues (back to back!) 40 bunnies!