I really do not have the time to sit with her so she can be out and to watch her like a hawk. As soon as I turn my back she seems to pee always.
My plan was that since she was trained she could come out for a long time while I was spending time with my other animals at night and then I could spend some time with her in the end. Now she hardly gets any time out of the cage. If I had known she wasnt trained I never would have got her due the fact that I have so many other animals who need to come out and because I dont have the time to train her. And I mean I really don’t.
Q-tip is very sweet and is not afraid of our 3 rambunctious labs. I want her in a home that doesnt have so many animals that need one on one time and with someone who has the time to retrain her.
She is a PEW bunny, 4 years old and spayed. My mom will not tolerate her peeing on the rug and there is no other place in our house to accomodate her except the basement and I dont want her down there alone. You have to introduce veggies slow as she will get poopy butt. She is now living in Amesbury Ma.