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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE March Madness

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    • Luna
      2219 posts Send Private Message

        Buns showing signs of March Madness? Share their crazy antics here . And for bun owners showing a little bit of their own madness, make sure to visit jerseygirl’s Mad March Hare thread too!

        For the past week, every morning around 4:00 a.m., Luna jumps on my bed and digs furiously at my pillow. She’s also been trying to chew my hair every chance she gets!

      • Muchelle
        1141 posts Send Private Message

          K is in a mating frenzy =_= sigh

        • pinknfwuffy
          660 posts Send Private Message

            Yessss. The sun is coming up earlier these days and Olaf is rearing to go around 5:30 AM every morning (sometimes I bit earlier, ugh). He rattles his cage door to be released. I wish I had an automatic garage door opener for his cage that I could press a button from bed.

          • jerseygirl
            22345 posts Send Private Message

              Haha! I had to laugh reading your post, Luna. Timbu has been like this at 4:30 am the last few nights. Not sure what his deal is but he goes through bouts like this. I could attribute it to smell of the rabbit house-guests I have currently but they’ve been here a week now, and he’s only just becoming a brat. He’s heading toward the end of a moult so Im wondering if his appetite is returning more? He’s getting through bit more hay. I think he’s trying to say “GET UP! FEEED ME!” I can occupy him a bit, sleepily petting him. Sometimes that’s enough to settle him, sometimes it’s not..

            • GeorgieTheBunny
              212 posts Send Private Message

                Hazel started rattling the door to her condo at 6 something AM on Saturday. That’s a touch early for a workday even so we were refusing to budge.

                She went at the carabiner so effectively that she escaped!

                We wondered why everything was silent suddenly so we sat up in bed to see Hazel hopping toward us. She was reaching the end of the carpet in the hallway and hopping through the open baby gate.

                “Hi! Good Morning! It’s time to get up and feed me my biscuits and lettuce now”

              • Luna
                2219 posts Send Private Message

                  Muchelle – Lol, better give him plenty of stuffed animals! 

                  Pink – That would be awesome! And with a toy car next to the cage too for decorative effect .

                  JG –  Bunny talk in all caps = crack of the whip!

                  Georgie – Haha! I start looking around too when I hear suspicious silence .

                • jerseygirl
                  22345 posts Send Private Message

                    Lol GTB. Hazel’s a bit of a smarty-pants! I can’t help but laugh at rabbits when they make their way past “bunny-proofing”.

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Asriel has been taking the grate off his litter box and throwing it around… at all hours of the night. Tirelessly banging it around the cage until I give him attention.

                    • GarfyTheLop
                      171 posts Send Private Message

                        Every single evening around 9.30, Garf has decided he needs to do 4 laps of the living room.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                          That’s cute.
                          I wonder if he’s training for something… Maybe setting a new personal best each time.

                        • Harley&Thumper
                          444 posts Send Private Message

                            March madness is caused by the sun rising earlier right? Will I still notice it if I have their light come on and off at the same time everyday?

                          • Luna
                            2219 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Harley&Thumper on 3/08/2018 8:54 AM

                              March madness is caused by the sun rising earlier right? Will I still notice it if I have their light come on and off at the same time everyday?

                              The lights in Luna’s room come on and off at the same time, but she’s still acting crazy . In fact today, in addition to her usual pillow digging/hair chewing morning activities, she actually crawled under my bed covers and started burrowing! It was so cute…until she chewed two small holes in the sheets .

                            • Harley&Thumper
                              444 posts Send Private Message

                                So am I lucky or unlucky that they haven’t started acting up? I’m honestly unsure.

                              • Muchelle
                                1141 posts Send Private Message

                                  My nutria is SAVAGE. Poor cow has been in the ER for a while. When is March ending, again? XD

                                • Luna
                                  2219 posts Send Private Message

                                    H&T – I think you are lucky!

                                    Muchelle – Oh wow, that is quite a big chunk! “Dr. Muchelle, you’re needed in surgery asap. Prep the stuffing transfusion.” 

                                  • Muchelle
                                    1141 posts Send Private Message

                                      He literally was trying to hump it while I was trying to save that cow’s life.

                                    • GeorgieTheBunny
                                      212 posts Send Private Message

                                        Lol! Dr. Muchelle

                                        Poor stuffy

                                      • Muchelle
                                        1141 posts Send Private Message

                                          QUICK!! 10CC OF FLUFF! WE’RE LOSING IT!!!

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                                            Lol ! ^

                                            Is this thread “The Young & the Restless” or “The Bun & the Stuffless”??

                                          • GarfyTheLop
                                            171 posts Send Private Message

                                              Hahahahaha @Muchelle

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                 I just came across this being shared around on some rabbit fb pages.

                                              • Vienna Blue in France
                                                5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Jersey! Haha. I love how the women says calmly…. he’s such a prick !!!

                                                  There must have been something in the air yesterday morning because Cali would NOT let me sleep at 5:30 yesterday morning, rubbing her face against mine, back and forth, back and forth. Loving but soooo annoying.

                                                  Reminds me of Simon’s cat, “waking up” – makes me LOL each time i watch it.

                                                • Bam
                                                  16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                    4 am this morning, Bam decided it was a good time to dig to China. He decided the best place to dig in was inside his cardboard box in the bedroom. A cardboard box makes for good resonance. I tried pleading with him.

                                                  • jerseygirl
                                                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Vienna, I suspect that rabbit does that too them often, for her to say “he” without even looking at which bun it was. (There’s another in the room -top RH corner).

                                                      Timbu totally runs over my face like that sometimes. 

                                                      Saw this video too.

                                                      @bam, my rabbits cannot have cardboard overnight. I don’t mind the sound of hay-chewing, running, thumping, but I draw the line at ripping cardboard and gnawing wood.

                                                    • Bam
                                                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                        @Jersey, Exempel is just the cutest bun =) And the video is so accurate. My Yohio used to jump on my face. He could also lie down on my forehead or chew my hair. I recall the sensation of his whiskers against my ear, extremely early in the mornings. (Miss him so much.)

                                                        Some nights Bam has pulled a long, branched apple twig into his cardboard house to eat it. Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang against the cardboard walls. That’s where I draw the line.

                                                      • Luna
                                                        2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                          JG – LOL, thanks for sharing those!

                                                          Bam – Yes! The non-stop tap tap tap is so irritating. 

                                                          Last night I was sitting on the floor watching TV, and out of nowhere a black blur leaps at me and parkours off my shoulder!

                                                        • Bam
                                                          16957 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I swear Bam is reading this thread, this morning at around 2 am he did the strip-the-bark-of-an-endlessly-long-apple-twig-inside-the-bedroom-cardboard-house again. I had to get up and remove the house. He didn’t even seem to notice.

                                                          • Luna
                                                            2219 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Bam – Ack! Which one was worse, when he woke you up at 2am or 4am? I feel like if it was 2am it would be easier to fall back asleep .

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                                                          Forum THE LOUNGE March Madness