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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE March Chat

Viewing 35 reply threads
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    • Tony's Mum
      431 posts Send Private Message

        White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

        Or is it White Hare in March?

      • Azerane
        4689 posts Send Private Message

          Snowshoe hare, snowshoe hare, snowshoe hare? I don’t see why not

          Happy March everyone! Terrible start to the month, but it can only get better right?

          Greetings from Apollo (still trying to lose weight and only lost another 20g), Luna (practically perfect in every way), Jasiri, Jasper, and Dory.

        • Dface
          1084 posts Send Private Message

            Happy March guys!
            New bunny Moink is in for his neuter today, and checking his teeth while they are there, they said he’d hopefully be ready to go home by 2.30 pm all going well, so boyfriend is going to be in charge of collecting him and looking after him for the first few hours…

          • joea64
            1423 posts Send Private Message

              White rabbit! White rabbit! WHITE RABBIT!

              Happy March, everyone. As the old saying goes, it’s coming in like a lion; snow was predicted for today but instead it’s mostly cold, wet and rainy.

              I’m indulging one of my non-bunny passions this weekend as a little birthday treat for myself (I’m turning 55 Monday); I’m going down to Charlottesville (VA) for a board-gaming convention, and intend to see if I can find some of the titles I used to have in my wargame library when I was younger. I had to give up my collection some years back but I’ve been rebuilding it these last few months (while making sure to keep them away from curious bunny teeth!)

            • Asriel and Bombur
              1104 posts Send Private Message

                White Rabbit White Rabbit White Rabbit!!!

                Happy almost spring!!

                Good luck DFace with the neuter! Vibes and fingers and paws crossed for a successful operation and a healthy nugget!

                Joe: What fun! I love board games, but no one else does xD what are some of your favorites?!

                My powerlifting meet is 2 months away, and I’m feeling all the feels and getting so excited! The training has been exhilarating and exhausting all at once. I’ve found some awesome BA lady powerlifters that I’ve been in contact with on instagram, and just having a blast.

                The boys are still trying to figure themselves out when they have sessions. Poor Az is so excited to be with Bombur. He’s constantly binkying and flopping… then Bombur has to ruin it by bum sniffing and nipping… all because for 5 seconds Az doesn’t feel like grooming. *sigh* I wonder if these nuggets will ever sort their stuff out.

              • Azerane
                4689 posts Send Private Message

                  It’s 1:15am so I’m not going to provide much in the way of conversation but I have a funny little animal story.

                  We have a bird bath that sits level with the bedroom windows about 1.5-2m away. I thought I could hear a splashing sound so I peak out and sure enough one of the local brush-tailed possums is having a drink. As I watch this poor unsuspecting possum, a second possum trots up behind it and jumps on it’s back, lol. If you’ve ever heard possums you’ll know the screams of protest that followed along with a hasty chase up the nearest tree. Too cute.

                • joea64
                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                    Posted By Asriel and Bombur on 3/01/2019 7:23 AM

                    White Rabbit White Rabbit White Rabbit!!!

                    Happy almost spring!!

                    Good luck DFace with the neuter! Vibes and fingers and paws crossed for a successful operation and a healthy nugget!

                    Joe: What fun! I love board games, but no one else does xD what are some of your favorites?!

                    My powerlifting meet is 2 months away, and I’m feeling all the feels and getting so excited! The training has been exhilarating and exhausting all at once. I’ve found some awesome BA lady powerlifters that I’ve been in contact with on instagram, and just having a blast.

                    The boys are still trying to figure themselves out when they have sessions. Poor Az is so excited to be with Bombur. He’s constantly binkying and flopping… then Bombur has to ruin it by bum sniffing and nipping… all because for 5 seconds Az doesn’t feel like grooming. *sigh* I wonder if these nuggets will ever sort their stuff out.

                    I’m a historical board wargamer mostly. That’s a very niche hobby though it’s enjoyed quite a revival in recent years (likely powered along by the popularity of so-called “Eurogames”). This Wikipedia article should serve as a decent introduction:


                    I have close to 100 wargames in my library right now (pretty impressive when one considers I had almost none half a year ago!); they’re too many to list, but my favorite historical periods for gaming are the Napoleonic era, the American Civil War, World War II, modern/near-future scenarios, and alternate-history scenarios. I took these pictures a couple of months ago, so I’ve gotten more games in since then, but this should give you a fairly good idea:

                  • Mirpanda
                    43 posts Send Private Message

                      Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!!!!

                      Hey everybun!!! February was filled with lots of excitement! We started the construction of Lola’s (and eventually Bugs’) permanent home, (We haven’t finished it yet but we are anxiously awaiting its completion!!) and we brought home a new family member, his name is Bugs. In March we look forward to getting Lola spayed (and hopefully Bugs, if the Humane society gets his apt scheduled!!), and working more on my relationship with Bugs. We brought him home almost a month ago and he still hasn’t warmed up to me . I also just wanted to take a minute and thank you all for all the help and advice yall have provided me over the last week! I hope everybun has a great month! And remember, IT’S FRIDAY!!!

                    • Dface
                      1084 posts Send Private Message

                        I love boardgames too.. And card games. We do have to be mindful of curious bunnies trying to create modifications though…
                        My favourite at the moment is arkham horror (its set in a lovecraftian setting) which is just a total nerd out for someone who loves his works.
                        But its hard to find people (and the time) to play it, as it is a bit complicated to get going.

                        Joe-that is a serious collection! I was never into war games but my twin would probably love them…he has always had a real flare for that side of history

                        Az – oh man thats too cute. Seriously cool and fascinating little creatures.
                        I love seeing that type of comical interaction of animals in the wild.

                        Moink is home safe. My boyfriend is the single worst person at passing on information, so they filled down some spurs while he was being done, and ate at the vets but hasnt eaten since getting home.

                        Im beginning to think the males of all species are particularly susceptible to feeling sorry for themselves. All my female animals have been dreams to deal with after neuters and surgeries. All my males have been total babies about everything!!

                      • Bam
                        16977 posts Send Private Message

                          White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

                          Bugs! Buttercup! Luna! Vilde’s white nose! Podge and also most of Snickers! Chewie!
                          Haha, Dface the bunny equivalent of mancold! Many good eating vibes for Moink ❤❤❤

                        • Dface
                          1084 posts Send Private Message

                            He’s refusing everything but precious precious dandelions. But he is eating. No poops or wees which is a big worry for us…but he is eating so im holding on to the hope that what goes on must come out.
                            He won’t leave the wound alone, so I’ve sent my boyfriend down to the vet to get a cone/t-shirt something to stop him because even though I’ll stay up late with him, i will fall asleep at some point.
                            Thankfully I’ve spent enough time with him that my company is appreciated, unlike my boyfriend who is content to spurn

                          • Kiki
                            205 posts Send Private Message

                              It could be a little while before he goes to the bathroom because of the sedation. It took my doe, Indie about 3 days to eat normally, and at least one day before I saw consistent pee/poops. good luck!

                            • Dface
                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                I dunno what I was thinking, the wound is far too swollen for a little onsie suit and hes far too stressed with a collar.. It’ll be a long night… But we got poops and hes eating veggies and some treats. So just got a keep an eye on wound agitation… Long night ahead…

                              • Muj Mom N Bun
                                352 posts Send Private Message

                                  White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit!!!

                                  Happy March and almost Spring for all in the northern hemisphere, that is!
                                  BunBun seems to be doing better since her trip to the vet… I am still watching her tummy very closely, though. Happily, today she ate more hay than yesterday too. I was so happy to hear the Dr say that her teeth looked great, her weight was good for her frame, her ears (once cleaned) were good… she said that it seemed like I was doing a pretty good job, she said everything right, although with the length of her nails, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t EVERYTHING.

                                  I’m really anxious for spring. I’m done with winter. My home is so drafty this year I feel like each night I’m complaining more and more about how cold I am. I don’t want summer heat but I am ready for spring warm up. I want to begin to plant my garden and my flowers and pack up my winter coats.

                                • Reesebun
                                  1035 posts Send Private Message

                                    White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

                                    Hi everyone, sorry I haven’t been very active on this website, I don’t know why I’ve been so busy! Our school had 15 snow days this year and there’s been a bunch of power outages at my house. Reese, Vinny, and Leo are doing great and I hope nothing bad happened to anyone while I was gone!

                                    Also I wanted to say, I really like board games too! Though I don’t really have a collection lol
                                    Recently I got this board game called Bunny Kingdom that looked really cool but I actually just got it because it was about bunnies
                                    I haven’t played it yet but I’m expecting it to be great

                                    Also I hope Moink starts eating more soon

                                  • Q8bunny
                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                      I can’t believe it’s March already! ?

                                      Chewie will be 4 and a Canadian for nearly a year (just… how?!!). I’ve been in Canada 9 months and still don’t know where I’d like to live or what I’d like to do. It’s still bloody polar – in fact, it’s snowing like it’s Chrimbo as I look out the window at this very moment. Ugh…

                                      I ordered a bunch of stationary from Japan and I want it noooow! Waiting is the pits.

                                      On Monday we have a mani/pedi appointment so we’ll get to try out our new soft carrier (that Chewie can’t refuse to come out of when the vet reaches for him lol).

                                      That’s about all the news. Meh. I missed the white rabbits, but they know who they are.

                                    • Asriel and Bombur
                                      1104 posts Send Private Message

                                        Q8: You should move down to Boston It’s just a *tad* warmer than you Canadians xD But we are in the midst of a blizzard right now.

                                      • Dface
                                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                                          Spring was ALMOST here, and then it snowed again. Went from 17 degrees Celsius to 3 in a weekend.
                                          Feeling justified for keeping all the plants inside now (and temporarily turning my kitchen into a growing room)
                                          Some neighbours who were doing work left pallets outside their house to be recycled and thinking i could make a raised flower bed (for rabbit digging and carrot planting) I decided to take some home with me. I did not realise how heavy they were!!

                                          Happy first year in Canada Chewie! It always freaks me out how fast things move.. I keep looking at the buns like “stop aging!”

                                        • Q8bunny
                                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                                            Dface, I second that motion. All in favour of having our bunnies stop aging say AYE.

                                            A&B Boston is gorgeous! I could totally see myself living there.

                                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                                              Glad you didn’t take out the plants already Dface. We’re having the same crazy weather, one day it was 16C in the day and -3C at night 0_o
                                              Right now we have storms with freezing cold rain, almost as if we finished spring&summer in 3 days and went straight into autumn. Great weather for couch blankies though. Breintje purrs in agreement…

                                              @Q8: Wow, a whole year already? Time really flies! I must admit I’m quite jealous at your snowy weather. Would be a big improvement.

                                              More comfy news: Breintje has finally learned to behave himself in my bedroom. No piddling on the bed anymore, and he also doesn’t drop as many poops as he used to.
                                              I tried to let him free-roam during my afternoon naps, and that worked out really well last week. He dropped the occasional pellet on the bed, but no huge messes. For some reason he guards me while I nap. Every time I open my eyes he sits close by looking at me. As soon as I get up he starts to binky. He’s so happy with the new arrangement ^_^

                                              Yesterday we tried free-roaming though the night. He jumped onto the bed and snuggled against my arm. After petting him I carefully laid my right arm around him, and he didn’t mind. I fell asleep with a bunny in my arms!! He quietly moved away while I slept, and when my alarm rang he ran into the bedroom for snuggles ^_^

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                So sweet. He’s a little sentinel bunny.
                                                He’s sounding a lot like Timbu has this past year & half. He’s 8 now and seeks more contact with me. I fall asleep with my hand on him sometimes. Either along his side or over the neck shoulder area.
                                                So cute Breintje come back in when the alarm goes off.

                                                @ReeceBun, great to hear from you and an update about the furkids.
                                                15 snow days! I can safely safe I never got one.

                                              • Q8bunny
                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Ellie, it made my heart glad reading your post. ? Breintje the pint-sized cuddlebug. New habits are so awesome, sometimes.

                                                • MoxieMeadows
                                                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Hi! How is everyone?

                                                    All’s well over here! Finnegan is still as crazy and grumpy as ever (i may need to make a thread for people to share their stories about owning lionheads haha), and I think Loki has finally reached his adult size! (i don’t feel like he is that big [at least compared to how large Moxie was], but he is definitely bigger than Finnegan)

                                                    Finnegan’s 1 year adopt-iversary/gotcha day is on the 24th of this month, which brings him to around 6ish years old, and Loki’s 1 year gotcha day is in May, so I believe he has definitely hit that year old mark now! It’s crazy how fast time is flying by!

                                                  • Dface
                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Oh Ellie that’s so cute!
                                                      Yumi is my snuggle bun, she’ll happily sleep beside me for a few hours and it’s so soothing when things are bad.. She’s my loving teddy bear!

                                                      We got a baby gate and started prebonding today(sort of)— due to a pasturella risk we have a no contact or close proximity barrier, like a little no – man’s land area, so they can see each other but can’t breathe on one another at all.
                                                      Yumi is doing better than Id hoped, Peep is being a bit more dramatic than I expected, and Moink is Moink, frantically trying to show off all the amazing toys he owns (especially the puppy pee mats..)
                                                      And then i had some very floppy bunnies as they all tried to out relax each other.

                                                    • Kiki
                                                      205 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Anyone want a little bunny arse$!&$ for the night? Indie has been a little hellion tonight. She hasn’t been this naughty in months. Unfortunately she has only had a couple hours out today because I had to work two jobs. But so far, she’s taken a chunk of the baseboard, tried to yoink my eyebrow pencil, succeeded in yoinking and running around and around the table with a sanitizer thing you clip on your purse, and tried to eat a notebook – this in a span of 20 minutes. YIKES! I hope everyone is enojoying their night

                                                      • Q8bunny
                                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I know I shouldn’t LOL, Kiki, but I couldn’t help it. I was already weakened by Dface’s tales of bunny flop-offs. Spring fever perhaps?

                                                          I’ve been busy with writing related stuff this week. I went in to talk to a third grade class who read my book as one of their class novels. I also have been prepping a short story for submission to some literary magazines (dear New Yorker, please like it) while trying not to get too distracted by the Hobonichi box that arrived from Japan a few days ago (my new planner and a slew of perfect accessories).

                                                          Anyone else here absolutely addicted to stationary goods? LOL

                                                          Today we’re experiencing a sudden thaw accompanied by gale force winds, so my mom and I are skivving off work and going to see a live performance of Sleeping Beauty by the Bolshoi Ballet (*swoon*).

                                                          Chewie’s in one of his moods and won’t leave his penguin’s side, so I doubt he’ll even notice I’m gone.

                                                        • Kiki
                                                          205 posts Send Private Message

                                                            @Q8bunny oh please laugh, I was laughing even though she was being bunny destructo.  I also have a stationary goods issue, and I am also a writer of sorts.  

                                                            We all have spring fever, it’s wisconsin after all.  But I mean the visual of her running around and around the table with that sanitizer holder in her mouth , yeah , it was hella funny.

                                                          • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                            2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Hehehe, Dface what an amount of sass! There’s a website about rabbit behaviour which says that flopping matches are common during the first stages of bonding. It’s bunnies telling eachother: “Look at me, I’m so unimpressed by you!”.

                                                              Quoting from

                                                              “Note: If rabbits don’t get along they may play a little game one could call “I’m happier than you are.” Usually when a rabbit flops near another it shows how comfortable it is with the other, but with rabbits that are not good friends it can actually be used as a mild insult. When used in this way it means something similar to the “I don’t care about you” insult described later, but more like “I’m happy and you’re a miserable excuse for a rabbit, so there.””

                                                              @Kiki: It’s hard to be angry with their mischief when they’re so stinking cute while they do it ^_^

                                                              @Q8: Wow, that’s a big opportunity to see them live! Hope that you’ll have a wonderful evening

                                                            • Dface
                                                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Oh wow Q8 that sounds deadly. Im such a child that even as an adult taking days off of work is still mega exciting :p
                                                                I love stationary, but it’s toys wasted on me..

                                                                Ellie- yeah i love the ‘im happier than you “phase of bonding. Yumi also gone through a blind rage phase previously … So Im hoping the overly happy phase keeps up.

                                                                I woke up today with a splitting headache, and Im already regretting not just calling in sick to work! Although next door are doing building work so Id have no peace even if I was at home

                                                              • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                                2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Didn’t want to hijack LPT’s topic about Tommy, but sadly a good friend of mine has the worst of luck with an adopted bun. You never know what a shelter rabbit has been through, and sadly the rabbit she adopted had a severe stress disorder. We all feel defeated, as we were rooting for him all the way. Every time he seemed to be improving, but he fell back into his old behaviour problems again. I got the news today: he has to be PTS tomorrow because he’s too traumatised, he continues to harm himself and he can’t be treated  

                                                                  (Story can be seen as graphic)

                                                                  Last year in January little Willie was found on the street at just a few weeks old. He was brought to a shelter, and stole her heart with his gigantic ears. He grew into them and became quite a large and feisty lad. He was always running about and quite nervous at times, but eventually he calmed down after she went through a lot of trouble to give him the comfiest home a rabbit could have. She wanted to find a girlfriend for him, so he was neutered. However, he started to act strangely after the surgery. He had a small wound on one of his feet and kept licking it. To protect the wound the vet advised her to give him some baby socks to stop the stress-licking. His wound was treated with a bandage and medication, and being a nurse herself, she treated him twice a day. Everything seemed to improve, until she found out that he had chewed his toe off!

                                                                  As adviced by the vet, they kept treating him and trying to prevent him from self-harming. They took advice from experts, and they agreed to send him to a bunny dating service to find him some company in the hope that that would be a positive distraction. He quickly found a girl, and at first it seemed that this helped him with his stress. But despite their bond, he stayed obsessed with his foot. No medical issue could be pointed out, and nothing worked to keep him off of it. They even tried antipsychotic medication The only way to prevent him from harming himself was fitting him with a collar. But with that thing he couldn’t lay comfortably and it was clear that he wasn’t a happy rabbit. In the end they concluded that they had tried everything, but that permanent collaring was so drastic that he couldn’t live a normal rabbit life anymore. Because of his mental issues and self-harming they decided that it would be the most humane thing to put him to sleep tomorrow 

                                                                  Poor Willie, we all wanted to give you the best life a bunny could get, but we couldn’t help you with your traumas. May you binky free, free from stress and pain!

                                                                • jerseygirl
                                                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Oh, that is so sad, Ellie. Such a difficult case. It sounds like they’ve tried their best for him.

                                                                    When Rumball was put to sleep, it was such a oddly peaceful & gentle experience. Not something I would have felt I’d get a sense of comfort from, but I did. I hope your friend can experience that, at least. {{{Willie}}}

                                                                    I hope you are well, I’d been wondering how you are.

                                                                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                                                                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Thank you jersey, I just got the news from her that he was PTS half an hour ago. He went very calmly with his tummy full of treats. She’s bringing him home to make a memorial for him in her parents’ garden.
                                                                      Last week she visited the bonding centre with her BF, and they had a lot of fun together playing with Willie. They recorded these precious moments, and it was great to see Willie so playful. He did a little game of tug-o-war with her BF: he wanted to give him a treat but instead Willie tried to make off with the entire box.

                                                                      Thank you for asking after me, both Bas and I are going through quite a lot of changes. First of all: I delivered my first big order last week ^_^ But things are a bit more tense on Bas’ side. After a lot of work Bas has handed in his master’s thesis last week, and within the week he should get the news whether he’s allowed to graduate or not. His mentors had different expectations about the approach and execution of the research, and it’s become a headache topic for all parties involved. We all know how much effort he put into the actual research, he spent so much time on data analysis and statistics, and got some good results. It’s basically go/no-go right now, and we’ll all be happy if he can finally finish that project. At this point we don’t care anymore if he’s let off with a low grade, as long as we can finally close that chapter.

                                                                      I haven’t visited the forum often lately and haven’t really had the time to talk with forum buddies over Discord. My screen-time is limited, and most of my screen-time has gone into chatting with (potential) customers. We do a lot of interactive projects: I give customers the freedom to make most of the design decisions so it’s really their special project, and they can follow my progress through a series of photographs which they can access in their private folder on my Dropbox. All that personal attention is a lot of fun for everyone, but I have to watch my boundaries: how many projects can I take on and how much screen-time is healthy for me?
                                                                      My business coach is quite happy with the way things are going, and I’m eagerly awaiting Bas’ next steps. If we move in together I hope to get a place where I can work from home. My tiny apartment is simply too crowded and too messy with all the materials stacked in there.

                                                                    • Bam
                                                                      16977 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Ellie, I’m so sorry about Willie =(

                                                                        Its wonderful to hear about your business venture. It sounds great, but obviously quite exhausting. I’m glad you try not to wear yourself out. It must be difficult to find the right balance. Fingers crossed Bas will be allowed to graduate!

                                                                      • Muj Mom N Bun
                                                                        352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Gosh! Binky Free Willie! I was in tears reading that… I don’t know, I seem to be too sensitive with these kind of things… He’s at peace now and anxiety free!

                                                                          @ Kiki: anything silicone or rubber based is like forbidden Bunny candy or chewing gum for BunBun… she literally can smell it out from a distance and find it in a second! I’ve lost count of the numerous chewy goods she has had us chasing her while saying , “BunBun, No! Drop it! Give it!” As she runs all over the place with her, “ I found it, it’s mine!” Goodie in her mouth…. she even chewed one of those hand sanitizer holders off my son’s binder thru the bunny gate! Um um Good! Says the naughty bunny ? ?

                                                                          @Q8: I love writing and stationary but I have found it super difficult to go back to my writing since my Ex threw away all of my years worth of writing and my journals… along with my paintings, paints and palettes… (deep labored sigh) I want so much to get back into those things. But I feel so blocked. I love stationary but for now since I’m struggling with writing, it’s best I also leave the struggle with affording those fanciful for another time! But… send some pics! Would love to window shop a little!

                                                                          @Ellie: I love reading how much your relationship with little Breintje has blossomed! I often consider what it would take for me to BunBun proof my bedroom and allow her into my room almost every night because BunBun is such a super snuggle cuddle Bun at night before we go to bed. I am also considering slowly allowing her to stay out of her den at night… baby steps though as she continues to show us that she feels she was raised by beavers!

                                                                        • jerseygirl
                                                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Binky Free, Willie. Please pass on my condolences to his humans.

                                                                            That is great to hear that the work has picked up, Ellie! I hope it continues to grow and be a source of happiness and income, of course. Oh, nervous time for Bas!! But having handed in his thesis is a huge achievement. : )

                                                                            @Muj Mom n Bun, I hope you can reclaim your passion for writing. xx

                                                                          • Q8bunny
                                                                            6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Muj: I can’t post pictures on here anymore because I only use an iPad and Puffin is so slow it drives me crazy. But until a new home/job/computer, this is the site I get most of my stuff from:

                                                                              I work primarily with two planners: the Weeks from the site above, and another Japanese planner called a Jibun Techo A5 slim (got it here: )

                                                                              My art supplies I get from the local shop or Amazon if it’s better priced. I’m obsessed with Tombow, Sakura, and Pilot products (although one of my fountain pens is vintage Chinese/Soviet pedegree).

                                                                              Planner accessories are usually Etsy. Stickers mostly. Because it balances the adulting I’m forced to do at times.

                                                                              I sometimes post pictures on my Insta (especially in the stories) @thecmloren

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                                                                          Forum THE LOUNGE March Chat