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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Male with dewlap?

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    • Miniprius
      5 posts Send Private Message

        So Romeo my 9 month, verified multiple times, male bunno that has a mini dewlap? I can’t find much information online about why he might have one other than him being female which is not the case. I was told that some breeds of rabbit males get them but no one knows if it’s common for Californian males to get them. My FFA teacher doesn’t even know if it’s normal or if he could get disqualified for it.

        It’s not because he is overweight because I have him eating 8 ounces of crempt oats in the morning and his 9 ounces of pellets in the afternoon and he gets plenty of out of cage time to exercise. I do have a suspicion that ever since I have given him hay to chew on that might have triggered the dewlap? He didn’t have it the first week I got him.

        My friend thinks its from him being picked up by the scruff by his previous owner and that it’s saggy neck fur, but I doubt it…


      • LBJ10
        17079 posts Send Private Message

          Makes can have dewlaps, although it’s usually because they are a little on the chubby side. How much does he weigh now?

        • Mikey
          3186 posts Send Private Message

            My Blue has a dewlap, but its much bigger/wider than your buns. For example, he can use his as a little chin pillow while resting. Blue is about 3.7lbs which is mid/low range for mini rexs (his breed). The vet said theres nothing to worry about for my bun, so ive never really thought about it being considered too abnormal

          • jerseygirl
            22353 posts Send Private Message

              He’s cute!!!
              I think dude-laps or man-laps are the cutest! (On rabbits, not men )

              As already said, yes it’s possible for some male rabbits can get them. Castrated males buns more prone to it though.

              What type of hay are you feeding? It’s an important part of the diet, so if you think it’s due to that, could you reduce the oats and pellets so he can continue to have hay?

              Btw, how are his teeth looking now? Growing back okay?

            • LBJ10
              17079 posts Send Private Message

                Sorry, I was on my phone earlier. What I was trying to say is, yes, it’s very possible for boys to have dewlaps. You typically associate it with being a little on the chubby side, but that isn’t always the case. Breed and being neutered can contribute as well. I do agree with Jersey. Since he is 9 months now, he should be pretty much done with the upward growth (he should only be filling out now). So cutting back on the oats would probably be a good idea since they can be fattening. Have you been transitioning him to an adult diet yet?

              • Chelsea
                189 posts Send Private Message

                  Mine does. He was just at the vet on Tuesday, and pronounced a bit chubby but not too bad. This picture makes him look way chubby if you ask me. But adorable.

                • Mikey
                  3186 posts Send Private Message

                    Such a cute baby <3

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                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Male with dewlap?