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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Male dog questions, not bun related

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    • Crashley
      372 posts Send Private Message

        Hello everyone

        So, ive been thinking about getting another pomeranian(my sweetest angel girl of 17 yrs passed away in august).

        Ive been trying to find an already adult pom or something close because I feel people only want the puppies and these other dogs get looked over. I have my eye on this male pom he is 4 months old now and still noone has bought him yet. I looked into adopting a pomeranian but the pom shelter in my state, wants to know my entire life history and wants information that quite frankly is none of there business and adopting a child would be alot easier, so I passed on that one. 

        So i was thinking I might like to take him seeming hes alittle older and hopefully alittle more mature and more control of his tiny bladder. However I have always heard bad things about male dogs and house training them, Heard they mark territory and they spray. Does anyone have male dogs(younger) any experience with this kind of situation would be greatly appreciated. 

        thanks in advance

      • Deleted User
        22064 posts Send Private Message

          They’ll only mark and spray until they are neutered. Honestly, it’s like with buns. Every dog is different, so training them will all be different. I had a friend house train a puppy in a month or two. My husband’s family never really was able to house train their dog. I think if you have enough time and patience then it’s never impossible. I think you will have a little difficult of a time, as he is still a puppy and not yet an adult, so the first 6 months will probably be a rough patch and a learning curve, but he’ll probably mellow out by the time he’s a year.

        • Crashley
          372 posts Send Private Message

            Asriel and Bombur thankyou for your input, I do plan on getting him nuetered asap just like I did with my bunnies(who are both female);
            ive heard that female dogs can also mark territory. but my sweet beans, i was so young when my family got her that I didnt ever know if she did or not and she was never spayed.
            I really want this male dog, he looks like a very sweet boy. I know the training process is rough, he will be potty trained to go outside and crate trained as well. I plan on using potty bells for him.

          • Hazel
            2587 posts Send Private Message

              Congrats on possibly getting a new puppy!  Four moths really isn’t old, lots of breeders don’t let their pups go before three to four months anyway. So I wouldn’t expect more “adult” behavior from him than from any other puppy. We have a 10 month old GSP. I consider him housetrained, he knows he’s supposed to go outside and he waits at the door/cries when he’s gotta go. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any accidents in the house though (in fact he peed on the floor just this morning). But that only happens if we don’t take him out enough, so that’s on us. This morning I got distracted by a call from work and he couldn’t hold it. Even though he’s well into his teenage months, he has never “marked” anywhere. He does lift his leg most of the time, but he doesn’t look for special spots to pee on, nor does he hold in pee to go in several spots. He doesn’t show any hormonal marking behaviors at all. We’re going to hold off on getting him fixed until he’s at least 18 months old, so we’ll see if anything changes in that regard. Really, the only major problem I’m having with his potty habits is the fact that he pees on one of his front feet Every. Single. Time. It’s gross and annoying, I hope he’ll get better at it. 

              Where are the puppy pictures??? 

            • Crashley
              372 posts Send Private Message

                Hazel, thankyou so much! Such good info, gives me hopes. I really like this pup, here is his picture

              • Hazel
                2587 posts Send Private Message

                  He’s ADORABLE!!! How has he not been snatched up yet?? He looks like a miniature Border Collie. And he matches your buns’ colors! 

                  Have you thought of any names yet?

                • Crashley
                  372 posts Send Private Message

                    Thankyou Hazel!!! , I sure do like him alot already. I should be getting him around february 7th. I feel no one has snatched him up yet cause he is older compared to the other pups..cause hes still a puppy(4 months). He matches my bunnies perfectly! Which was obviously not planned lol Im ordering his little do dads today so that when I go and pick him up I don’t need to go crazy buying all kinds of things. Ordering his little cage and some little nylabones for him on amazon and a harness. Hmmm .. The names are definitely not set in stone..and feel free to give me some options
                    -Jack(idk why i like that but i do lol)

                  • Crashley
                    372 posts Send Private Message

                      Hazel, what were some of your potty training methods you used?

                    • Hazel
                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                        Off the top of my head, I got:




                        We didn’t really use any special methods for potty training other than managing his food/water intake, and taking him out religiously. He would get fed at the same times every day, so then he would also have to potty around the same time which makes it easier to avoid accidents. After he ate and/or drank, I would take him out every 10-15 minutes for an hour, that’s what it took to keep him from piddling on the floor. They’ll usually poo soon after eating, or playing, as well. After a while he will learn that he’s supposed to potty outside, and will start to let you know. That part took a while with Otis, and even now his hints are pretty subtle, but he’s trying. Now at ten months old, he can wait about 30 minutes after a meal before he has to go. You will learn your pup’s schedule over time, through trial and error.  While he’s growing it will keep changing of course. Make sure he gets dinner and his last chance to drink at least a couple of hours before bed time. Otis gets his “dinner” as early as 3 pm, that way his potty breaks don’t conflict with my work schedule the next day. I think it’s very important to never ever scold the dog for having an accident, he will just become fearful of the whole potty situation and that can make training even harder. I just calmly clean it up and tell myself “Should have taken him out sooner… “.

                      • Crashley
                        372 posts Send Private Message

                          Hazel, If you dont mind me asking what your work schedule is like?
                          did you crate train otis?
                          how long did he have to be home alone while your at work?

                        • Hazel
                          2587 posts Send Private Message

                            Yes he is crate trained.  He actually has two crates, a plastic crate in our bedroom that he sleeps in, and a larger wire crate that he goes in when we’re not home. I work part time, so I get home in the early afternoon, but it can fluctuate quite a bit. I get up at 5 in the morning to feed him and take him out a bunch of times. By the time I leave for work he’s pretty empty, and can make it 5-6 hours until I get back.

                            Forgot to mention, we feed him in the kitchen and I keep him in there for a while after each meal, so if anything does happen, it’s easy to clean up.

                          • Crashley
                            372 posts Send Private Message

                              I cant thank you enough for your input!
                              I was so worried about getting a male dog but really wanted that pup.
                              If i get him, which i do plan on it, Ill keep you posted on how it goes

                            • Bam
                              16977 posts Send Private Message

                                Crashley, that pup is just gorgeous!

                                I’ve never had a male dog myself, so I’m not good for any advice.

                              • Azerane
                                4689 posts Send Private Message

                                  Oh my goodness, he’s such a cutie!!

                                  Hubby’s family have a neutered male Pom. He’s about 15 or so now I think. I’ve known him since 2006, when he was 3 or 4. He never marked in the house, always went outside to poop and pee (except for one spectacular poop accident, lol). I don’t know what he was like as a puppy but I don’t think they had any trouble toilet training him.

                                • Crashley
                                  372 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thankyou Bam, he sure is darling
                                    Azerane, thats awesome news. I even plan on getting Mr neutered.
                                    I tried hard to find a pomeranian to adopt but just like i feel with bunnies, when i bought Pepito and Winnie they both were in below average conditions in which i purchased them from. It felt like i was giving them a better quality of life. I feel the same with this boy assuming hes coming from a breeder who just breeds out pomeranians and hes probably caged most if not all of the day along with other puppies. I cant wait to free him and take him on walks and show him the real dog life.

                                  • Crashley
                                    372 posts Send Private Message

                                      What about the name tripp? trippy Puppy!
                                      I was really trying to get an outdoor type name like Camp or Kamp but I think I likeTripp

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Male dog questions, not bun related