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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Lost first bunny

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    • aadwoods
      11 posts Send Private Message

        Hi all. We became bunny owners for the first time a few weeks ago. My husband is deployed to Afghanistan and our daughter was having a hard time dealing with it. So we thought that she might benefit from having a pet of her own. So we found a breeder nearby who had a litter and I surprised her and took her to get one. She picked out a lovely long haired white and black bunny. We named her Nola, since my daughter was born in New Orleans. We had Nola for a week. I got up on a Saturday morning, checked on her food and water, emptied the litter tray (we had originally purchased an all wire cage with the pan underneath). And left to pick up my daughter and take her to her football game.

        We got home around 4. Nola’s cage was kept in my daughter’s playroom, on the floor, with the door locked since I just didn’t trust any of the other animals with her yet. She was lying on her side. When I went to pick her up she just flopped over. Every once in a while she would convulse, try to kick her legs. She was still breathing but shallow. I called the breeder but was unable to reach him. So I started calling vets, finally found one and put my daughter in the car with Nola wrapped in a blanket in her arms.

        We made it 3 stop lights away from the vet when my daughter said “Mom, she’s not breathing anymore.” And then she let out a wail that broke my heart.

        I talked with the breeder later and he said it sounded like she broke her back or neck, which apparently is common for young bunnies? He did give my daughter another bunny, free of charge, because he felt so bad. The new bunny is nice, but not nearly as friendly and loving as Nola was. Nola couldn’t stand not to be the center of attention. If my daughter was playing with something else, Nola would run up and lick her feet to get her attention. It was so cute. I know we only had her for a week, but it was so hard on my kid! This was her first experience with death and to literally have her die in her arms was devastating!

        We burried her in the back yard and I ordered a plaque that has a rainbow on it and a bridge and says “We will meet at the Rainbow Bridge”. I read the rainbow bridge and my daughter placed the plaque on the grave. It’s been really hard on her, and there are days where she just bursts into tears saying, “I miss my bunny!”

        I hope that she will come to love Luna, the new bunny, as much as she loved Nola.

      • litheandgraphic
        608 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry to hear about the sudden loss of such a great bunny. {{ Binky Free Nola }}

          I do want to mention a couple quick things, so that Luna can enjoy a long and happy life with you and your daughter.

          First, I’ve never heard of it being common for young rabbits to break their necks unless there’s something for them to fall from. Maybe I’m wrong, so someone will correct me if I am, but I’ve never heard of this being an issue if the rabbit is old enough to leave home. I don’t mean to put out bad vibes right now, but I would be slightly wary of this breeder.

          Similarly, it may be a good idea to get Luna checked out by your nearest rabbit-savvy/exotics vet (regular cat and dog vets often don’t know anything about rabbits or other exotics), just to be sure she doesn’t have any preexisting conditions. Nola may have passed from a heart attack by being too scared by something. Dogs often have this effect, but since she’s being kept indoors this may be a more unlikely explanation. Another thing that might have happened is GI stasis. For Luna, make sure she’s going to the bathroom and eating a lot and regularly. Watch for any signs of pain or discomfort including lethargy or hunched positions and make sure her diet consists of Timothy hay, Timothy hay pellets, and fresh, rabbits safe veggies.

          Also, consider getting Luna spayed once she reaches the age of 5-6 months. His will greatly reduce her chance of developing reproductive cancers.

          Unfortunately, sometimes rabbits have something going on with them that we just can’t predict or see. I’m truly sorry for your loss. I’m sure Luna will make her way into your hearts just as Nola did. <3

        • MoxieMeadows
          5375 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry for your loss. Even though she was with you for such a short time, they can still make a huge impact on our lives. *Hugs to you and your daughter*

            ((((Binky Free Nola))))

          • MoxieMeadows
            5375 posts Send Private Message

              I also must add that I agree with FLR ^^^, I’ve NEVER heard that it’s common for a young rabbit to break it’s neck unless it had a reason. It’s still horrible what happened though. I’ll be thinking of you guys.

            • Bam
              16977 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so sorry for your loss. It was very unfortunate for your daughter to have to experience this, hopefully she’ll be able to let herself get attached to Luna. It’s a good thing for a child to love a pet.

                Most bunnies need time to become really affectionate, I hope Luna will learn to trust and love you soon. Rabbits all have their own personalities. Most of them, if not all, will be won over with treats and patience.

                May your little Nola forever binky free in rabbit Heaven.

              • aadwoods
                11 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks. We keep the dog out, as I just don’t trust him quite yet. Once Luna gets a bit bigger I will start trying to socialize them. Only the one cat has been allowed in, mainly because she’s so in love with the bunnies that she howls at the door to go in. It’s really quite adorable! My other cat, George, is terrified of the bunny. He kept avoiding even the area around the door, so I scooped him up and carried him into the room. Luna wasn’t even out, but was still in her cage and George went limp! He just flopped over on his back and howled. I’ve never seen a cat play dead before. Poor thing is terrified of the big bad bunny!


                  I will have to get some photos of Luna’s cage. We went and got a much bigger cage after Nola died. It has the solid plastic bottom (because I was worried maybe she got her foot stuck and went to jump and that caused her to break her neck). We have a timothy hay feeder, food bowl, two  water bottles, litter box. We also have some bedding and a towel and a tunnel for her to play in. Luna also really loves these balls we found. The ball part is made up of wicker or some type of wood and she loves to chew through them. There are two nuts in them that she then enjoys chewing on after she gets to them. We give her carrots every night, and take her out of the cage and let her run/play with cat and us, for a solid hour- two hours every day.

                  I fully plan to spay her once she is old enough. We waited too long to neuter our lab (we were living in new orleans at the time and had two people take their dogs to two different vets and the animals just died the next day). So I was terrified to get him fixed there. And once we moved he developed a tumor on his testicles. Thank goodness it was benign and 3 years later he’s still happy and healthy, but it cost us a fortune! All of our cats are fixed too. Only pets that aren’t are the snakes, but I have yet to meet anyone who says you need to fix a snake!


                  Thank you all for your kind words. It’s been a hard thing for her to go through, but Luna is warming up every day. She actually binky/binkied (sorry still learning the terminology) yesterday, which made me really happy to see. She’s out more, not in her bedding or hiding in her tunnel. She stands up to the cage opening when we come in to greet us. And is starting to “flop”. It worried me at first because of how we found Nola laying, but everything I’ve read say that bunnies flop when they are happy and feeling safe and content correct? it’s usually after we’ve been playing with her or she’s been playing with the cat. So I’m glad she feels happy after interaction.

                • LongEaredLions
                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                    I am sorry about Nola. ((((Hugs))))
                    Glad to hear Luna is settling in.

                  • LongEaredLions
                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                      I am sorry about Nola. ((((Hugs))))
                      Glad to hear Luna is settling in.

                    • rabbyrabby
                      25 posts Send Private Message

                        R.I.P. Nola.

                        You only had her for a week, but it was the best week she ever had.  Sounds like she was really comfortable around you guys, and that’s a testament to the care and love you two gave her.  

                        Pets offer many things to us humans.  Companionship, love, affection; they teach us responsibility and the most important lesson of all–that life is fragile.

                        Nola’s passing is very unfortunate, and your time with her was very short.  But the love you and your daughter showed Nola is eternal, and the lessons she taught you guys will also last for a very, very long time.  

                        Good luck with your next bun!

                      • newbunkramer14
                        6 posts Send Private Message

                          Sorry to hear about your loss. But congratulations on your addition as well. I’m afraid of losing Kramer. It’s my first rabbit and I am so afraid of breaking her back when she freaks out when I pick her up and kicks. One time my bf pickd her up the wrong way and she kicked out and he dropped her. Needless to say I lost it and watched her close and pressed on her back so I could feel her spine. Haha. I’m a nurse so.maybe it’s just how we react. She seems fine though. Happy bunny trails. I hope I can keep her healthy and happy so she has a long happy life. Good luck to you on your new bunny!

                        • tinyhorse
                          6 posts Send Private Message

                            So sorry to hear about Nola I know exactly how you feel as I just lost my new bunny Crumpet very suddenly. I hope your daughter moves past the pain and can soon open her heart to Luna.

                            ~May Nola binky on in spirit~

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                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Lost first bunny