I know I don’t post here often anymore, but I couldn’t think of anyone else who would understand the pain it is to lose a rabbit.
Loki was such a goofball; so sweet and charismatic. He was so loved. He would have been 4 this spring. He was a surprise “gift” from my sister and her friend, and he grew to be such a large part of my life. He truly was my baby boy. I’ll never be able to look at kale without thinking about how it was his favorite food.
TW; it does talk about his passing in this next paragraph:
he was acting fine; I’ve been home sick the last couple days and he has been fine. I went to feed him and Finnegan and the hamsters dinner. I had just switched them to oxbow pellets, which are smaller in size than the pellets they were eating before. Loki very excitedly starts eating and then all of the sudden starts making a choking noise. I looked in his mouth and patted his back and didn’t see anything, and didn’t know what to do. He was drooling and dry heaving and making choking noises and I was patting on his back to try and dislodge the pellets if he was choking. He was still getting some oxygen, so I hoped he would hang on to the vets. My partner drove us as quickly as he could, but The closest emergency vets that sees rabbits is almost two hours away from my house, and he didn’t make it there.
when I got to the vets I was hysterical and couldn’t even talk on the phone (we are still doing curbside service because of COVID). Caleb explained the situation and asked someone to at least come out with a stethoscope to confirm he had passed. I am so thankful for those vets, they were so much more caring than they had to be. They were so busy and short staffed and could have told us he had already passed so to just go home. But they ran out and took him and brought him inside. A few moments later they came out to inform that he was gone, and I was hysterical. They asked me what I wanted to do and I said I wanted him cremated. They then found me a room to sit in there with him and say goodbye, even though they were busy. I was completely hysterical and they were trying to be so comforting and gave me all the time I needed. They then sent me home and told me to take a break and not worry about payment for the night and would call me.
Loki is going to be so missed; my heart is broken…I keep thinking over and over again, about what I should have done differently…fed him his salad first so he wasn’t so excited? Not switched to oxbow? Waited to give them dinner? Been able to do something differently to dislodge it? I’m so devastated .