Hi everyone, I have some bad news – my bunny Mochi is at the vet right now for suspected liver lobe torsion. He’s getting an ultrasound right now to confirm it, but if he really does have it then he’ll need to have surgery.
Of course I know nothing about liver lobe torsion besides what I googled, so if anyone has any experience with this I’d really appreciate hearing from you!
By the way, I am so grateful to this website for teaching me that when it comes to bunnies, it’s worth an early trip to the vet even for something that seems small. My bunnies are young and have never been sick before, so I wasn’t really sure if I was overreacting but I figured better safe than sorry. Mochi seemed maybe a little off yesterday, not moving around as much as usual, but I didn’t know something was wrong until he didn’t eat his dinner pellets. Even then, he was still eating treats from my hand so I figured it was just gas and bought some simethicone drops. They didn’t seem to make any difference, and by midnight he stopped eating completely and his poops were tiny. I called the vet as soon as they opened this morning and they agreed that he needed to come in right away. I’m so glad I didn’t wait to see if it resolved on its own!
Also, I just want to mention that I had the most amazing and unexpected experience with a couple of people working for Sherwood Pet Health, the company that makes my bunnies’ pellets. I got a call from them today thanking me for a recent order, and the person I spoke to said she’d love to hear about my bunnies or answer any health questions for me. This was literally like 15 minutes after the vet called and told me she was concerned Mochi had liver lobe torsion, so I jumped at the opportunity and was like, “I know this is random but WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LIVER LOBE TORSION???” She told me what she knew and then said she had a vet tech friend who might know more, and unbelievably I got a call from that vet tech a few minutes later and she was able to answer all my questions!
It was just such a nice experience because I was sitting at home freaking out without any resources. Obviously my vet could answer questions for me, but she’s very busy and only had a few minutes to talk to me on the phone before she had to run off and run other tests and see patients. It was so nice to talk to someone who was able to tell me that yes, if this rabbit were hers, she definitely would do the surgery. She also said that because he was young and relatively chill for a bunny, he’s more likely to recover well from surgery.
Update: I just heard back from the vet and although the ultrasound was inconclusive, he’s about 90% sure it’s liver lobe torsion and recommends doing surgery right away. I agreed. Fingers crossed that Mochi will be feeling much better soon!