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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Live in separate rooms until bonded?

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    • Karla
      1624 posts Send Private Message

        This hate relationship between Karl and Freddie is really getting to me. Honestly, I am thinking of saying goodbye to Freddie, although I will miss his bouncy body and those warm bunny kisses so much. Not sure I could get myself to do it though, as rehoming is no option here, but I really don’t know what to do.

        As for now, the day is divided in two between them – each gets more or less 12 hours in the cage, so the other can be out. On week days when my boyfriend is at work, both are out, but in each room.

        The thing is that  Freddie is really aggressive towards Karl. When Karl is caged, Freddie will just sit there and stare at him – and it doesn’t look friendly at all. When Freddie is caged, every time Karl passes by, Freddie will try to attack him through the bars  and try to get a bite of him every time he gets too close.

        Usually, I think it is recommended to have them live next to each other while doing bonding sessions, but I am wondering if it is better to have them only meet during bonding sessions and not at other times? During the weekends and in the evenings, when my boyfriend is at home, I cannot have them free in each room, so one would be in a cage completely covered  ()

        What do you reckon? Should I continue having them live in the same room, or should I try to separate them (in sep. rooms/with cage covered)


      • lwayne
        428 posts Send Private Message

          Is that because you only have one cage? When you and your bf are home, you could switch them every 2 hours, and every other night whos in the cage. During the week you could still do the separate rooms. I would try to increase the bonding time. The more time they spend together, the quicker they’ll sort out their ‘issues’ and work out the ‘agreement’ for getting along.

          I do recommend, switching things up as much as possible (take them out of their comfort zones).. so switching cages or who’s in the cage, switching whos in which room, switching litter boxes, and/or moving where the cage is located or how it is set up.

          If they are fighting through the bars you need to either keep a close eye on them with a squirt bottle, or add a second barrier of protection with at least a 3 in gap so they can’t bit each other’s noses. The barrier can be just another set of grids so the bun inside can still see out. Switch them as often as possible. I used to give them each only 20 minute at a time for outside cage play time (like in the morning while I was getting ready for work).

        • Karla
          1624 posts Send Private Message

            We have two cages, but I really don’t like keeping them caged, that is why one of them is always out.

            But I could do as you suggest and change who is in the cage every two hours in the weekends.

            But you suggest that they are both actually caged and only let out for bonding sessions? My bonding sessions always end up with fights, so I have sort of stopped doing them. It’s kind of going nowhere these days.

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Karla, definitely do not let these two see, or smell each other closely while you and they take a hiatus from bonding. They have had way too many fights than to be housed as neighbors. Don’t feel bad because it’s only temporary.

              Put it out of your mind. They can still bond but not right now. Let some months pass.

            • jerseygirl
              22353 posts Send Private Message

                A covered cage is not necessarily a bad thing. My 2 voluntarily spend the majority of their time in a cardboard box. Dark, quiet, hidden away. Just make sure the air can flow well through the cover.

              • Karla
                1624 posts Send Private Message

                  You’re right, Jersey. Karl actually does that as well.

                  I have moved his cage up on the desk and covered it, so that he and Freddie don’t see each other. But they can still smell each other though, I guess. I have talked to my boyfriend about moving Karl out on our bathroom. Not the funniest place to live for a bunny and it will get rather humid when we shower. That cannot be healthy?

                  My only other option is to buy an outdoor hutch for Karl! Guys, don’t ever get a dog at the same time as getting a new bunny if your apartment is small. You will live to regret it

                • Karla
                  1624 posts Send Private Message

                    I have a plan! Tell me if it is any good.

                    Maybe in September I could see if I could stay at my parents’ place for a week with the bunnies and do some neutral bonding sessions. I don’t know if it is possible, but I won’t go ahead with the idea until I have heard you inputs.

                  • lwayne
                    428 posts Send Private Message

                      that may work! I’m sorry I don’t know the back story, but if they had a bad fight, taking a break until September may be a good idea. How far of a drive is your parent’s place? If you have someone to go with you (your bf?), you could try putting them together during the car ride over there to kick off the bonding session.

                    • Karla
                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                        My parents live 3 hours from here – by train. It will be very complicated to go there and bring the bunnies with the train, but I will definitely make an effort.

                        My plan is though if more of you suggest this might be the solution, then I will ask my dad if I can pay him to come to the island I live on and pick me up in their car with the bunnies. And then of course, I could try to do a stress bonding session! What a great idea. Not sure my parents think it is a great idea to pick me up, but it is worth a shot to ask them.

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          It is a good idea to relocate the rabbits for bonding sessions. I hope your parents agree to do it.

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                      Forum BONDING Live in separate rooms until bonded?