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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A litter training?

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    • luvabunny22y
      2 posts Send Private Message

        hello everyone; i’ve had my beautiufl  rabbit girl named fizzgig for about 8 months, she’s learned how to go in her litter box, and actually wont go anywhere except her litter box. about two months later we got her a buddy named sir dydimus, hes a great rabbit except he will not accept the litter box, we have moved the litter box everywhere he has gone but he refuses to go and now finally he has stuck to one corner, but instead of going in the litter box, hell go right next to the litter box, tryying to get to the corner that he likes. I haave tried everything, can someone help?? please

      • MarkBun
        2842 posts Send Private Message

          Have you tried getting him his own litter box? Maybe he isn’t up to poopin’ in the same box as fizzgig’s.

          If you have given him his own litterbox, I am assuming you have tried the various tricks of putting his poop and stuff into the litter box, placed some hay in it to give him something to nibble on, and everything else that is mentioned on this board under "Bunny Info – Litterbox Training"?

        • Floppy
          490 posts Send Private Message

            yeah I would try getting him his own litterbox and then if you can (my favorite trick that did it for me)
            was getting some newspaper and soaking some of the pee and then putting it in the litterbox underneath
            the litter…this helped my bunny…and so did neutering. Goodluck with that! It took my bunny a few
            months before he was successful!

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              Hi and welcome Kay! If adding another litterbox or placing a urine soaked paper in the box doesn’t help, another method is lining the cage with litterboxes and then taking out one by one as he stops using them. Are the sides really high?  Sometimes rabbits will have an aversion to hopping in and finding a litter box with a low side to hop in and out of will help. What kind of litter are you using? Are they fixed?

            • Deleted User
              22064 posts Send Private Message

                i have had Beepers now for 1 month he has been preety good about litter training but last nite i was working on the computer and he pooped right behind my chair…I told him litterbox and he went right to it..he is 1 1/2 years old and he was an adoptee of sorts…so 5 mins later he did the same thing…I said the same thing…he went to his litter box…15 mins later beepers did the same thing but in a different place in the living room….could it be because I was not paying attention to him? He has not had an accident today at all…

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  I know this sounds odd, but he could be feeling ignored. Try and give him some extra loves to see if he keeps it up. Did you say if he was fixed or not?

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    thanks for the response and yes Beepers is neutered and I will try to spend more time with him..I am a stay at home bun mom so he gets alot of time with me…but I will see what works..thanks…

                  • BinkyBunny
                    8776 posts Send Private Message

                      Janymae – Is it just one or two poops, not a pile? If so, it sounds territorial. He could be trying to make a passive claim. You could do double duty with both my and Scarletts suggestion, but getting down on the floor where he pooped (of course clean it up first) and pet him, but also because you are lying there, you’ll leave a scent (not that you’re smelly , but just our normal human scent is left behind that they can easily pick up) So you can claim while you offer affection. let us know how it goes.

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        BinkyBunny ref pooping in living room I am using Carefresh bedding and during the day he uses the litterbox fine but at night when I am on the computer he starts his pooping in living room thing…he even pees right in front of me…so i get right down on the floor with him and pet him for about an hour….then go back to work..then he starts his pooping all over again…do i lock him in his cage for a few days? I just hate to do that I am such wimp when it comes to that..he gives me bunny looks and I cave in….he is I don’t think he is marking…I was told he was neutered…and littered trained by previous owner…i was told other things that weren’t true…so maybe theses are not true too…help…

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          Beepers is being a brat…I put him in his cage because he started pooping in the living room again…he was there most of a day…he was out for 15 mins and pooed in the living room in 2 different spots…I caged him now…This morning his cage is full of poo and pee…he is not ussing the litterbox…it is clean except for some poos and a paper towel with his urine on it..he os really mad because he is in a cage…before I got him…his cage was a 50 gal rubbermaid tub 1/4 full of poo..he was in that for 8-12 hrs a day with 2 other rabbits…
                          He was being so good…he would use the litterbox during the day..but not at night…now not at all…he is chewwing on the cage and just not happy in there…please help

                        • charlie82
                          295 posts Send Private Message



                              If your bunny is behaving this way in his cage and it is truely distressing him, then it may be wise to section off a bigger part of the room just to give him a little more space and make him feel like he isn’t actually being caged. I have a bunny that I got from similar circumstances and if she was in a cage she would freak out, destroy everything, become aggressive etc…. I built a pen for her and she is fine.

                            She has ten – twelve hours a day free reign, but is always locked in her pen overnight. I find that having this association with her pen makes her well-balanced and she will often just go and hang out in there during free reign time…I keep her litter trays and feed in there. If I allow her out all of the time she just becomes aggressive. Some rabbits are harder to toilet train, and by giving them free reign all of the time, (although in a situation like this you feel guilty because of his past) it just never teaches them that they should go back to their own space to toilet. The best thing you can do for him at the moment is give him his own space, though bigger than a cage and once he learns to use his tray which he will do eventually then you can begin to let him out more. While he is toileting everywhere I wouldn’t give him free reign, it will become a learned behaviour.







                            [script removed]

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              charlie82…thanks for responding..Beepers is so unhappy in the cage…the cage is a NIC cage 3ft wide by 6ft long by 2ft high and no top…only his litterbox food and water…and some things for him to chew on and toys for him are in there so I think he has enough room…but he does not even come to get treats from me…he use to come to his name…he is pooping everwhere but his box…and he just sits in the corner of his cage…this is my first bun…he is 1 1/2 yrs old and this normal for buns..or do I just have a stubborn one….

                            • Deleted User
                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                Hi again…how long do you keep the buns in the cage? Beepers seems to have gone backwords in training…he is 1 1/2 yrs I am told…I am begining to wonder..hmm…when I first got him he did pretty well with litterbox training…but the box was too small…I got him from someone who could no longer care for him and he was not in good conditions (kept in 50 gal container with other bun) but was told he was trained..he kept missing the box…so I got him a bigger one…he used it ok but…I bilt him a very big cage and put it in the cage anf food water ect in the cage and left door open…he would use it during the day…but at night he would use the living room..all over the living room…so for the first time in his life he is locked in a regular cage…he is going all over the is a 1 level cage…it is killing me levaving him in I let him out..only in the bedroom…for about 3 hrs…and he went 1 time on the floor outside his cage…so I locked him up now he is in there again..he is so used to being petted alot during the day..but he hides in the corner of the cage where I cant reach him to pet him…what do I do..I fear I will lose all the progess I have made with him..I have only had him 1 month..

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A litter training?