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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Lion head rabbits

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    • Shan
      7 posts Send Private Message

        Began some research today about Lion head rabbits, from what I’ve read they are small and much better tempered than other rabbit breeds. I was hoping to reach out to people that already have lion buns to tell me abit more about additional needs they may have to other buns because of the mane situation hahah! Are the facts I’ve already stated incorrect are they a large breed

      • BrunosMama
        1518 posts Send Private Message

          Lionheads are generally smaller breeds. Our Harley (and we think Bruno) is a lionhead. He is super loving towards his mate, but kinda of feisty with us. Although never to a point we couldn’t treat him ie meds or syringe feeding or nail trims. He just let is know he wasn’t happy lol. His mane is pretty lame for a lion head. But I imagine regular brushing would be in order. Also you can stick cute hair bows in girls hehe

          In my experience, the larger the bunny, the more chill and friendly they are. We had a Flemmie who weighed 13 lbs and she was a doll. We also have a little guy who weighs around 3 lbs and he’s kind of a jerk (sometimes)

          These are just my experiences, and I’m sure it varies with each bunny.

        • Dface
          1084 posts Send Private Message

            My girl is a lion head, and man is she not like that.
            She is very affectionate, but also extremely temperamental. She’s bitten vets, family members and the dogs. She boxes lunges and grunts, and is crazy territorial.
            My bridge bun was a lion head X and he was nippy as well and very willful and wild- only cuddly on his own terms.
            personally I’d say look at a rabbits personality over the breed traits, cause as far as I can tell, they are all very much individuals!

          • Shan
            7 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you ❤️

            • Shan
              7 posts Send Private Message

                The jerk comment made me giggle haha thank you for your comment ❤️

              • HaruBun
                14 posts Send Private Message

                  I recently brought home a lionhead lop and so far he has been so mischievous. I’d say I’ve noticed he gets more temperamental when he doesn’t get what he wants. He’s also more vocal than my mini lop who is really chill compared to my little lion fluff. Despite all that, he’s still adorable and I’m sure he’ll chill out the more I bond with him and he gets fixed when he’s older.

                • LongEaredLions
                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                    All of my rabbits have been Lionheads–while they do have varying temperaments, I have found them to be very high-energy bunnies. They will run out to greet me every time I enter their room, and they love zooming and binkying. They all took a while to warm up to lots of cuddling, but they finally have gotten to the point where they will come up to me for cuddles.
                    Having more than one lion is great because they will keep each other’s manes nice and clean!

                  • Epitome
                    24 posts Send Private Message

                      Better-tempered buns? Haha! My lionhead, Charlotte, was a snooty booty. She wanted what she wanted, and if she didn’t get it, angry stomping followed. If she heard us awake upstairs and we weren’t coming down to let her out of her cage right away in the morning, Thwump! Thwump! Though she was slow to warm up, Charlotte proved to be my fast companion for eight years. If you’re willing to put in the time to take it slow, lionheads can make amazing companions.

                    • MoxieMeadows
                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                        I have only had my Lionhead for two months. Finnegan is an approximately 4 year old man, and he is a grumpy one at that! He is the complete opposite of my last bun. She was a French Angora. She was a little demanding, but she was sweet and calm.

                        Finnegan doesn’t like pets/cuddles, and he thumps frequently(Which has been quite alarming, since Moxie never thumped in her whole life)! But I love him to pieces, and he gives me lots of entertainment with his antics.

                        I do believe a lot of it is an individual bun’s personality, but I also believe that lionheads tend to be on the feisty side

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          I saw this adorable cartoon this week. I’m thinking it belongs in this thread. 

                          Drawing is by Kim Webb 

                        • justwildbeat
                          257 posts Send Private Message

                            Get ready to deal with fur, fur, and more fur! I have a very hairy lionhead (double maned) and did not know what I was getting into lol. So be prepared for lots of grooming, trimming, and vacuuming. They’re typically a small breed and only look big because of the extra fluff. Personalities differ and mine (Yeti) has a very gentle but stubborn personality.

                            lols @ jerseygirl

                          • LionNPumpkin
                            20 posts Send Private Message

                              I’ve had my Lion Head for about 8 years, and he is pretty fiesty. He’ll nip, growl, and generally isn’t cuddly.

                              However, the longer I’ve had him, the sweeter he’s gotten to me. He doesn’t nip as much as he used to, but can still be fierce!
                              Lion (I was like, nine when I named him lol) has a smaller mane than I think most lion heads, but he does need constant grooming! Like people said above, they shed a lot.

                              Like someone else said, each rabbit is its own individual, and make sure to look at other rabbit breeds!
                              But my Lion Head is a great pet and I love him so much.

                            • Dface
                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                That picture is my new favourite thing…100% accurate

                              • OnyxMoon
                                260 posts Send Private Message

                                  Ahh i love Lionheads, i almost adopted one before Onyx but they decided to keep them. That drawing is too cute/funny!!

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                              Forum THE LOUNGE Lion head rabbits