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Forum DIET & CARE Linoleum smell question!

  • This topic has 14sd replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by JK.
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    • JK
      2223 posts Send Private Message

        Do you think there is any harm in the smell from a linoleum remnant I just put under Edson’s cage and xpen?  I have it covered with a sheet but it is rather potent at the moment! Maybe because it is new and was wrapped in plastic is why it smells. Do you think this is harmful?  He never chews anything so my only concern is the fumes.  Thanks!!!!!

      • MooBunnay
        3087 posts Send Private Message

          Hi! Does Edson seem to have any problem with the smell? Is he sneezing or anything? If not, I think it will be OK for just a bit until the smell wears off. If you notice him acting funny at all though, you might want to temporary keep him in a small area with his litterbox for the evening just until the smell subsides a bit. I’m always very wary of smells as well. Could you put a second sheet over it? Would that help?

        • JK
          2223 posts Send Private Message

            Wow the smell is already way better so I think all is well!   Edson never sneezed or anything.  Thanks.

          • babybunsmum
            3896 posts Send Private Message

              yeah that smell can be pretty strong can’t it?  glad it has lessened

            • Beka27
              16016 posts Send Private Message

                is the smell better now?  i think it only takes a short time of "being aired out" to get rid of the smell.

              • DustBunneh'sMama
                77 posts Send Private Message

                  I also purchased a remnant of lineoleum for under my bunny’s cage and it smelled for a couple days, but the room is drafty enough I didn’t think it would be a problem. My bunny hasn’t shown any issues with it, and it doesn’t smell anymore, so hopefully Edson will be fine.

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    I haven’t heard of any long-term issues. But you are right it can be strong. What I usually do is unroll it and air it out first in the backyard or in the garage (unless you keep strong chemicals in there) It does get less over time, and you should find by now it isn’t so strong. (even if you put it in right away)

                  • JK
                    2223 posts Send Private Message

                      Yes the smell is way down but I had to get rid of the linoleum already!  It was a roll I got at Home Depot and it had paper backing!  How stupid that is!  You’d think it would be waterproof if people use it as flooring!  So when Mr. Edson had an accident the pee soaked right through to the hardwood floor! So now I am temporarily using a tarp under a sheet until I can find some real linoleum!  Boy these critters are a lot of work!

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh what a bummer! Okay, so I am just a bit confused. Are you saying that the flooring you bought got wet because the urine actually soaked through? or did the edge of it get wet, and then got caught underneath too…and since it had paper, it soaked into that. I’ve never heard of sheet vinyl or linoleum soaking through before – only if urine gets around the edges. IF that the later is the case, you just want to raise up the vinyl or linoleum so it’s curving up a bit OR make sure that the edges of the vinyl or linoleum are far enouh out past the edge of the pen that urine won’t run over the edge.

                      • JK
                        2223 posts Send Private Message

                          You know you are probably right.  The pee probably got under the edge and soaked up the back.  Don’t know for sure but I think that is what happened! But I still don’t like the paper backing!

                        • BinkyBunny
                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                            Totally understand. I get my flooring for the bunnies from flooring stores – but I just get the remnants. I did get some heavier duty stuff for about $80 bucks (8 x 10) but I’ve also had smaller cheaper stuff that worked just fine. When we moved, their whole space got larger, so I had to go out and get some new stuff. There’s a huge store in San Francisco on Bayshore called Floorcraft. TONS of remnants there.

                          • Lisa_43
                            1499 posts Send Private Message

                              My rabbit doesn’t care about the smell but she keeps chewing it.

                            • BinkyBunny
                              8776 posts Send Private Message

                                Is there a way you can get the edges out of reach?

                              • JK
                                2223 posts Send Private Message

                                  I can’t get the edges out any further because of the xpen location but I could try curling up the edges as you say. Thanks.

                                • JK
                                  2223 posts Send Private Message

                                    Lisa 43 – I was concerned about the smell because I was worried it was toxic!  Make sure yours is not toxic if your bun is chewing it!!!!

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                                Forum DIET & CARE Linoleum smell question!