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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Link and Navi

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    • HJ
      8 posts Send Private Message

         Though I do not have pictures as of yet (of them together that is, I do have pictures of them separately), Link and Navi are getting along just great. It has become an instant bond for the two of them or so it looks like.

        Link is a 5 month old male Flemish giant and Navi is a 7 month old female Lionhead. Link currently weighs in at 10 lbs with Navi weighing 3 lbs 10 ounces.

        At this point they have had full reign of the room supervised and there have been no fights. Navi has calmed down to the point that Link is now able to groom her and she also cuddles up next to him. I have also left them in the room alone for short periods of time and they have gotten along great (though it is funny when I open the door and they try to get apart like a couple of teenagers caught by their parents).

        Once I get the chance I will be posting the pictures of them together.

      • RabbitPam
        11002 posts Send Private Message

          That sounds like it’s going well. If I were that small a bunny, and I got a new friend who’s that big, I would think it was a comfy new pillow that grooms me back!

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            lol^. Aw, I want a comfy new pillow too!

            This is sweet to hear Lis. Would be even sweeter to see…  Yay for happy bunny companions!

            So this is Link who was aka Zelda who was aka Benjamin right?

          • Lis
            439 posts Send Private Message

              (Psst – that was HJ who posted, not me)
              Yep. Link is Benjamin/Zelda. He was in fact a boy and HJ wanted to change it to Link.

              And HJ has pictures of them together, of their first bonding session… he was just too lazy to go get my camera that I left in his car.
              So far, I find it ironic that she’s the Navi. He does more annoying of her than she does of him.

            • Free2Dream
              128 posts Send Private Message

                I love the names Link and Navi. Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games everrrrr!

                Good luck with the bonding. I have always wanted a Flemish Giant, but my gf said no because they get so big. I’m jealous! Please keep us updated on their progress together.

              • MarkBun
                2842 posts Send Private Message

                  The ‘getting away from one another like caught teenagers’ is rather common when they see you as the alpha in the group. They are trying to show that they are not replacing you in the heiarchy of things. Dono still will run from Maryann when I catch him grooming her.

                • HJ
                  8 posts Send Private Message

                    It is impossible to get a picture of the two of them together so I probably will have to have Lis upload the pictures from her camera. Also they are still doing just fine, Link is not really forcing himself on Navi at all. When he tries to chase her it is more of a lazy hop then anything else. Navi is adjusting nicely to her new home, she is eating normally. Thankfully I do not need to worry about her gaining too much weight with Link around, even though I have to put out unlimited food for the big guy (he just went through a 10lb bag of food in about 2 weeks). Thankfully with Link being so laid back (I swear I think my roommates cat is less lazy) he has not challenged the fact that Navi is in his territory so there have been no fights.

                    On a completely unrelated note, does anybody have a good way for keeping bunnies warm during the winter. My room is not exactly well insulated (winter time it gets as cold if not colder in here then outside). I was thinking that I could just put the two of them together to keep them warm, but should I also give them a blanket that I really do not care about? Is there anything else that I should give them to try and keep them warm? (Actually more worried about Navi on this one, Link has found out that I keep my bathroom carpets in the tub at night and he likes to jump in there and lay on them for warmth.)

                  • HJ
                    8 posts Send Private Message

                      Posted By Free2Dream on 10/13/2010 04:25 PM
                      I love the names Link and Navi. Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games everrrrr!

                      Good luck with the bonding. I have always wanted a Flemish Giant, but my gf said no because they get so big. I’m jealous! Please keep us updated on their progress together.

                      You could always try to convince your gf that it would be like getting a small(ish) dog. Just that you would not have to walk it, it would not bark, and it would be litter box trained. Oh and its ears can double as satellite dishes to improve the reception on your tv .

                    • jerseygirl
                      22353 posts Send Private Message

                        On a completely unrelated note, does anybody have a good way for keeping bunnies warm during the winter. My room is not exactly well insulated (winter time it gets as cold if not colder in here then outside). I was thinking that I could just put the two of them together to keep them warm, but should I also give them a blanket that I really do not care about? Is there anything else that I should give them to try and keep them warm? (Actually more worried about Navi on this one, Link has found out that I keep my bathroom carpets in the tub at night and he likes to jump in there and lay on them for warmth.)

                        Silly rabbit!
                        How cold do you think your room gets down too? Rabbits do pretty well in the cool, not so much in the heat. You could provide a blanket but I’d doubt they’d bury themselves in it. Hutch bunnies have straw to burrow into for warmth but not exactly practical for indoor rabbits.
                        You could have a carpet or thick blanket pad down then put a carbord box on top with some entry holes cut out. They might stay in their together.

                        A cheap (and maybe tacky lol) way to insulate is to put bubble wrap on your windows. You spray them with water then pop a piece on (cut to size) with the bubble side touching the glass.

                      • HJ
                        8 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By jerseygirl on 10/15/2010 09:11 AM

                          Silly rabbit!
                          How cold do you think your room gets down too? Rabbits do pretty well in the cool, not so much in the heat. You could provide a blanket but I’d doubt they’d bury themselves in it. Hutch bunnies have straw to burrow into for warmth but not exactly practical for indoor rabbits.
                          You could have a carpet or thick blanket pad down then put a carbord box on top with some entry holes cut out. They might stay in their together.

                          A cheap (and maybe tacky lol) way to insulate is to put bubble wrap on your windows. You spray them with water then pop a piece on (cut to size) with the bubble side touching the glass.

                          I was in the living room when the former tenant of my room opened his door. I thought he had opened the outside door. Also tacky in the place that I am living means nothing. As for the carpeting at cardboard box idea. I could just keep the carpeting on the floor (not to worried about them destroying it at this point) the cardboard box would last for all of about a day before the two of them chew it to shreds though so I think the carpet should work. On the plus side my bathroom stays at a more moderate temperature in comparison to my room so I think they should be fine in there if I place the carpet down.

                          Thank you for the advice.

                        • HJ
                          8 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Lis on 10/13/2010 11:50 AM
                            (Psst – that was HJ who posted, not me)
                            Yep. Link is Benjamin/Zelda. He was in fact a boy and HJ wanted to change it to Link.

                            And HJ has pictures of them together, of their first bonding session… he was just too lazy to go get my camera that I left in his car.
                            So far, I find it ironic that she’s the Navi. He does more annoying of her than she does of him.

                            I am not to lazy , i just do not have the cord I need to upload them and my laptop is at the point of no return so I can not use the SD card.

                          • Lis
                            439 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By jerseygirl on 10/15/2010 09:11 AM

                              A cheap (and maybe tacky lol) way to insulate is to put bubble wrap on your windows. You spray them with water then pop a piece on (cut to size) with the bubble side touching the glass.


                              I suspect if he does this, I will be way too tempted to pop it all. I’m kind of obsessed with bubble wrap.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                Lol^. Well just don’t go body slamming the windows all right?!

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                            Forum BONDING Link and Navi